blob: 8c9156749e1f970769893f08f37641f453e60307 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS border-top-left-radius border-radius(px) / values
PASS border-top-left-radius border-radius(px) / events
PASS border-top-left-radius border-radius(px-px) / values
PASS border-top-left-radius border-radius(px-px) / events
PASS border-top-right-radius border-radius(px) / values
PASS border-top-right-radius border-radius(px) / events
PASS border-top-right-radius border-radius(px-px) / values
PASS border-top-right-radius border-radius(px-px) / events
PASS border-bottom-left-radius border-radius(px) / values
PASS border-bottom-left-radius border-radius(px) / events
PASS border-bottom-left-radius border-radius(px-px) / values
PASS border-bottom-left-radius border-radius(px-px) / events
PASS border-bottom-right-radius border-radius(px) / values
PASS border-bottom-right-radius border-radius(px) / events
PASS border-bottom-right-radius border-radius(px-px) / values
PASS border-bottom-right-radius border-radius(px-px) / events
PASS background-image image(url) / values
PASS background-image image(url) / events
PASS background-image image(data) / values
PASS background-image image(data) / events
FAIL background-image image(gradient) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "-webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgb(186, 218, 85), rgb(240, 117, 117))"
PASS background-image image(gradient) / events
FAIL background-size background-size(keyword) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "contain"
FAIL background-size background-size(keyword) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "background-size:2s" but got ""
PASS box-shadow box-shadow(shadow) / values
FAIL box-shadow box-shadow(shadow) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "box-shadow:2s" but got "-webkit-box-shadow:2s box-shadow:2s"
FAIL font-size-adjust number(integer) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL font-size-adjust number(integer) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "font-size-adjust:2s" but got ""
FAIL font-size-adjust number(decimal) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL font-size-adjust number(decimal) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "font-size-adjust:2s" but got ""
PASS font-stretch font-stretch(keyword) / values
PASS font-stretch font-stretch(keyword) / events
FAIL marker-offset length(pt) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(pt) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL marker-offset length(pc) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(pc) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL marker-offset length(px) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(px) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL marker-offset length(em) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(em) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL marker-offset length(ex) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(ex) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL marker-offset length(mm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(mm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL marker-offset length(cm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(cm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL marker-offset length(in) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL marker-offset length(in) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "marker-offset:2s" but got ""
FAIL text-decoration-color color(rgba) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.4)"
FAIL text-decoration-color color(rgba) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "text-decoration-color:2s" but got ""
PASS column-count integer(integer) / values
PASS column-count integer(integer) / events
PASS column-gap length(pt) / values
PASS column-gap length(pt) / events
PASS column-gap length(pc) / values
PASS column-gap length(pc) / events
PASS column-gap length(px) / values
PASS column-gap length(px) / events
PASS column-gap length(em) / values
PASS column-gap length(em) / events
PASS column-gap length(ex) / values
PASS column-gap length(ex) / events
PASS column-gap length(mm) / values
PASS column-gap length(mm) / events
PASS column-gap length(cm) / values
PASS column-gap length(cm) / events
PASS column-gap length(in) / values
PASS column-gap length(in) / events
PASS column-rule-color color(rgba) / values
PASS column-rule-color color(rgba) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(pt) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(pt) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(pc) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(pc) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(px) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(px) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(em) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(em) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(ex) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(ex) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(mm) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(mm) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(cm) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(cm) / events
PASS column-rule-width length(in) / values
PASS column-rule-width length(in) / events
PASS column-width length(pt) / values
PASS column-width length(pt) / events
PASS column-width length(pc) / values
PASS column-width length(pc) / events
PASS column-width length(px) / values
PASS column-width length(px) / events
PASS column-width length(em) / values
PASS column-width length(em) / events
PASS column-width length(ex) / values
PASS column-width length(ex) / events
PASS column-width length(mm) / values
PASS column-width length(mm) / events
PASS column-width length(cm) / values
PASS column-width length(cm) / events
PASS column-width length(in) / values
PASS column-width length(in) / events
PASS transform transform(rotate) / values
PASS transform transform(rotate) / events
PASS transform-origin horizontal(keyword) / values
FAIL transform-origin horizontal(keyword) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "transform-origin:2s" but got "transform-origin-x:2s"
PASS zoom number(integer) / values
FAIL zoom number(integer) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "zoom:2s" but got "font-size:2s zoom:2s"
PASS zoom number(decimal) / values
FAIL zoom number(decimal) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "zoom:2s" but got "font-size:2s zoom:2s"
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(pt) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(pt) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(pc) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(pc) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(px) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(px) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(em) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(em) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(ex) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(ex) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(mm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(mm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(cm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(cm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(in) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft length(in) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft percentage(%) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topleft percentage(%) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(pt) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(pt) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(pc) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(pc) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(px) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(px) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(em) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(em) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(ex) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(ex) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(mm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(mm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(cm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(cm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(in) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright length(in) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright percentage(%) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-topright percentage(%) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-topright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(pt) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(pt) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(pc) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(pc) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(px) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(px) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(em) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(em) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(ex) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(ex) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(mm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(mm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(cm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(cm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(in) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright length(in) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright percentage(%) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomright percentage(%) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomright:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(pt) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(pt) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(pc) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(pc) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(px) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(px) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(em) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(em) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(ex) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(ex) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(mm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(mm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(cm) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(cm) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(in) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft length(in) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft percentage(%) / values assert_not_equals: initial and target values may not match got disallowed value ""
FAIL outline-radius-bottomleft percentage(%) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "outline-radius-bottomleft:2s" but got ""
FAIL display display(static to absolute) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "block"
FAIL display display(static to absolute) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "display:2s" but got ""
FAIL display display(block to inline-block) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "inline-block"
FAIL display display(block to inline-block) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "display:2s" but got ""
FAIL position position(static to absolute) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "absolute"
FAIL position position(static to absolute) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "position:2s" but got ""
FAIL position position(relative to absolute) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "absolute"
FAIL position position(relative to absolute) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "position:2s" but got ""
FAIL position position(absolute to fixed) / values assert_not_equals: must not be target value after start got disallowed value "fixed"
FAIL position position(absolute to fixed) / events assert_equals: Expected TransitionEnd events triggered on .transition expected "position:2s" but got ""
Text sample