blob: b7b691b953cc44ce6adad8ce69f1073ebdf2b6c8 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Test animation name being empty.
FAIL Test a non-conflicting animation name. assert_equals: computedStyle2.animationName expected "myShorthandAnim" but got "none"
FAIL Test an animation name that is the same as a possible animation fill-mode. assert_equals: computedStyle2.animationName expected "forwards" but got "none"
FAIL Test an animation name that is the same as a possible animation direction. assert_equals: computedStyle2.animationName expected "normal" but got "none"
FAIL Test an animation name that is the same as a possible running state. assert_equals: computedStyle2.animationName expected "running" but got "none"