| |
| PASS idl_test setup |
| PASS idl_test validation |
| PASS Partial interface Document: original interface defined |
| PASS Partial interface Document: member names are unique |
| PASS Partial interface Document[2]: member names are unique |
| PASS Partial interface Document[3]: member names are unique |
| PASS Partial interface Document[4]: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGElement includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGElement includes DocumentAndElementEventHandlers: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGElement includes SVGElementInstance: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGElement includes HTMLOrSVGElement: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGElement includes ElementCSSInlineStyle: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement includes SVGTests: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGSVGElement includes SVGFitToViewBox: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGSVGElement includes WindowEventHandlers: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement includes SVGFitToViewBox: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGUseElement includes SVGURIReference: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGStyleElement includes LinkStyle: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement includes SVGAnimatedPoints: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement includes SVGAnimatedPoints: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement includes SVGURIReference: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGImageElement includes SVGURIReference: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement includes SVGFitToViewBox: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGGradientElement includes SVGURIReference: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGPatternElement includes SVGFitToViewBox: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGPatternElement includes SVGURIReference: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGScriptElement includes SVGURIReference: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGAElement includes SVGURIReference: member names are unique |
| FAIL SVGAElement includes HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils: member names are unique assert_true: member href is unique expected true got false |
| PASS SVGViewElement includes SVGFitToViewBox: member names are unique |
| PASS Element includes Animatable: member names are unique |
| PASS Element includes ParentNode: member names are unique |
| PASS Element includes NonDocumentTypeChildNode: member names are unique |
| PASS Element includes ChildNode: member names are unique |
| PASS Element includes Slotable: member names are unique |
| PASS Document includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique |
| PASS Document includes DocumentAndElementEventHandlers: member names are unique |
| PASS Document includes NonElementParentNode: member names are unique |
| PASS Document includes ParentNode: member names are unique |
| PASS Document includes XPathEvaluatorBase: member names are unique |
| PASS DocumentFragment includes NonElementParentNode: member names are unique |
| PASS DocumentFragment includes ParentNode: member names are unique |
| PASS SVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGElement interface: attribute className |
| PASS SVGElement interface: attribute ownerSVGElement |
| PASS SVGElement interface: attribute viewportElement |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: attribute correspondingElement assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "correspondingElement" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: attribute correspondingUseElement assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "correspondingUseElement" expected true got false |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: attribute transform |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: operation getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: operation getCTM() |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: operation getScreenCTM() |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: attribute requiredExtensions |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: attribute systemLanguage |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: attribute pathLength |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: operation isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: operation isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: operation getTotalLength() |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: operation getPointAtLength(float) |
| PASS SVGNumber interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGNumber interface object length |
| PASS SVGNumber interface object name |
| PASS SVGNumber interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGNumber interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGNumber interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGNumber interface: attribute value |
| PASS SVGNumber must be primary interface of objects.svg.createSVGNumber() |
| PASS Stringification of objects.svg.createSVGNumber() |
| PASS SVGNumber interface: objects.svg.createSVGNumber() must inherit property "value" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface object length |
| PASS SVGLength interface object name |
| PASS SVGLength interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGLength interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC on interface object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: constant SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLength interface: attribute unitType |
| PASS SVGLength interface: attribute value |
| PASS SVGLength interface: attribute valueInSpecifiedUnits |
| PASS SVGLength interface: attribute valueAsString |
| PASS SVGLength interface: operation newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short, float) |
| PASS SVGLength interface: operation convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short) |
| PASS SVGLength must be primary interface of objects.svg.createSVGLength() |
| PASS Stringification of objects.svg.createSVGLength() |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "unitType" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "value" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "valueInSpecifiedUnits" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "valueAsString" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short, float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: calling newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short, float) on objects.svg.createSVGLength() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGLength interface: objects.svg.createSVGLength() must inherit property "convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLength interface: calling convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short) on objects.svg.createSVGLength() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface object length |
| PASS SVGAngle interface object name |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED on interface object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG on interface object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD on interface object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD on interface object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: constant SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: attribute unitType |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: attribute value |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: attribute valueInSpecifiedUnits |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: attribute valueAsString |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: operation newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short, float) |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: operation convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short) |
| PASS SVGAngle must be primary interface of objects.svg.createSVGAngle() |
| PASS Stringification of objects.svg.createSVGAngle() |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "unitType" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "value" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "valueInSpecifiedUnits" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "valueAsString" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short, float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: calling newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short, float) on objects.svg.createSVGAngle() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: objects.svg.createSVGAngle() must inherit property "convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAngle interface: calling convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short) on objects.svg.createSVGAngle() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface object length |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface object name |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: attribute length |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: attribute numberOfItems |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: operation clear() |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: operation initialize(SVGNumber) |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: operation getItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: operation insertItemBefore(SVGNumber, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: operation replaceItem(SVGNumber, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: operation removeItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: operation appendItem(SVGNumber) |
| PASS SVGNumberList must be primary interface of objects.text.rotate.baseVal |
| PASS Stringification of objects.text.rotate.baseVal |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "length" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "numberOfItems" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "clear()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "initialize(SVGNumber)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: calling initialize(SVGNumber) on objects.text.rotate.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "getItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: calling getItem(unsigned long) on objects.text.rotate.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "insertItemBefore(SVGNumber, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: calling insertItemBefore(SVGNumber, unsigned long) on objects.text.rotate.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "replaceItem(SVGNumber, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: calling replaceItem(SVGNumber, unsigned long) on objects.text.rotate.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "removeItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: calling removeItem(unsigned long) on objects.text.rotate.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate.baseVal must inherit property "appendItem(SVGNumber)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGNumberList interface: calling appendItem(SVGNumber) on objects.text.rotate.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface object length |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface object name |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: attribute length |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: attribute numberOfItems |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: operation clear() |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: operation initialize(SVGLength) |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: operation getItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: operation insertItemBefore(SVGLength, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: operation replaceItem(SVGLength, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: operation removeItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGLengthList interface: operation appendItem(SVGLength) |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGStringList interface object length |
| PASS SVGStringList interface object name |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: attribute length |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: attribute numberOfItems |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: operation clear() |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: operation initialize(DOMString) |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: operation getItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: operation insertItemBefore(DOMString, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: operation replaceItem(DOMString, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: operation removeItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: operation appendItem(DOMString) |
| PASS SVGStringList must be primary interface of objects.a.requiredExtensions |
| PASS Stringification of objects.a.requiredExtensions |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "length" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "numberOfItems" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "clear()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "initialize(DOMString)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: calling initialize(DOMString) on objects.a.requiredExtensions with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "getItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: calling getItem(unsigned long) on objects.a.requiredExtensions with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "insertItemBefore(DOMString, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: calling insertItemBefore(DOMString, unsigned long) on objects.a.requiredExtensions with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "replaceItem(DOMString, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: calling replaceItem(DOMString, unsigned long) on objects.a.requiredExtensions with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "removeItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: calling removeItem(unsigned long) on objects.a.requiredExtensions with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: objects.a.requiredExtensions must inherit property "appendItem(DOMString)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStringList interface: calling appendItem(DOMString) on objects.a.requiredExtensions with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean must be primary interface of objects.feConvolveMatrix.preserveAlpha |
| PASS Stringification of objects.feConvolveMatrix.preserveAlpha |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: objects.feConvolveMatrix.preserveAlpha must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedBoolean interface: objects.feConvolveMatrix.preserveAlpha must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration must be primary interface of objects.text.lengthAdjust |
| PASS Stringification of objects.text.lengthAdjust |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: objects.text.lengthAdjust must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedEnumeration interface: objects.text.lengthAdjust must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger must be primary interface of objects.feConvolveMatrix.orderX |
| PASS Stringification of objects.feConvolveMatrix.orderX |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: objects.feConvolveMatrix.orderX must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedInteger interface: objects.feConvolveMatrix.orderX must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber must be primary interface of objects.stop.offset |
| PASS Stringification of objects.stop.offset |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: objects.stop.offset must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumber interface: objects.stop.offset must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength must be primary interface of objects.svg.x |
| PASS Stringification of objects.svg.x |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: objects.svg.x must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLength interface: objects.svg.x must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle must be primary interface of objects.marker.orientAngle |
| PASS Stringification of objects.marker.orientAngle |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: objects.marker.orientAngle must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedAngle interface: objects.marker.orientAngle must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString must be primary interface of objects.a.target |
| PASS Stringification of objects.a.target |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: objects.a.target must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedString interface: objects.a.target must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedRect must be primary interface of objects.svg.viewBox |
| PASS Stringification of objects.svg.viewBox |
| FAIL SVGAnimatedRect interface: objects.svg.viewBox must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type Unrecognized type DOMRect |
| FAIL SVGAnimatedRect interface: objects.svg.viewBox must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type Unrecognized type DOMRectReadOnly |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList must be primary interface of objects.text.rotate |
| PASS Stringification of objects.text.rotate |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedNumberList interface: objects.text.rotate must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList must be primary interface of objects.text.x |
| PASS Stringification of objects.text.x |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: objects.text.x must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedLengthList interface: objects.text.x must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface object length |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface object name |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE on interface object |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX on interface object |
| PASS SVGUnitTypes interface: constant SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute x |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute y |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute width |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute height |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute currentScale |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute currentTranslate |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement) |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement) |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation deselectAll() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGNumber() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGLength() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGAngle() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGPoint() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGMatrix() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGRect() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGTransform() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation createSVGTransformFromMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit) |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation getElementById(DOMString) |
| FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation suspendRedraw(unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 1 but got 0 |
| FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: operation unsuspendRedraw(unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 1 but got 0 |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation unsuspendRedrawAll() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: operation forceRedraw() |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute viewBox |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: attribute preserveAspectRatio |
| PASS SVGSVGElement must be primary interface of objects.svg |
| PASS Stringification of objects.svg |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "width" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "height" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "currentScale" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "currentTranslate" with the proper type Unrecognized type DOMPointReadOnly |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: calling getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: calling getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly, SVGElement) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkIntersection(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkEnclosure(SVGElement, DOMRectReadOnly) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "deselectAll()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGNumber()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGAngle()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGPoint()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGMatrix()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGRect()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGTransform()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "createSVGTransformFromMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: calling createSVGTransformFromMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getElementById(DOMString)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "suspendRedraw(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling suspendRedraw(unsigned long) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "unsuspendRedraw(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGSVGElement interface: calling unsuspendRedraw(unsigned long) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "unsuspendRedrawAll()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "forceRedraw()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "viewBox" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "preserveAspectRatio" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.svg must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGGElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGGElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGGElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGGElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGGElement must be primary interface of objects.g |
| PASS Stringification of objects.g |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.g with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.g must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGDefsElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGDefsElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGDefsElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGDefsElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGDefsElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGDefsElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGDefsElement must be primary interface of objects.defs |
| PASS Stringification of objects.defs |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.defs with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.defs must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGDescElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGDescElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGDescElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGDescElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGDescElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGDescElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGDescElement must be primary interface of objects.desc |
| PASS Stringification of objects.desc |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.desc must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.desc must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.desc must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.desc must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.desc must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGMetadataElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGMetadataElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGMetadataElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGMetadataElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMetadataElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGMetadataElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGMetadataElement must be primary interface of objects.metadata |
| PASS Stringification of objects.metadata |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.metadata must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.metadata must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.metadata must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.metadata must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.metadata must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGTitleElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTitleElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGTitleElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGTitleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTitleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTitleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTitleElement must be primary interface of objects.title |
| PASS Stringification of objects.title |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.title must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.title must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.title must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.title must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.title must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: attribute viewBox |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: attribute preserveAspectRatio |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement must be primary interface of objects.symbol |
| PASS Stringification of objects.symbol |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "viewBox" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGSymbolElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "preserveAspectRatio" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.symbol with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.symbol must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: attribute x |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: attribute y |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: attribute width |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: attribute height |
| FAIL SVGUseElement interface: attribute instanceRoot assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "instanceRoot" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGUseElement interface: attribute animatedInstanceRoot assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "animatedInstanceRoot" expected true got false |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: attribute href |
| PASS SVGUseElement must be primary interface of objects.use |
| PASS Stringification of objects.use |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "width" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "height" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGUseElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "instanceRoot" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "instanceRoot" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGUseElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "animatedInstanceRoot" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "animatedInstanceRoot" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGUseElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.use with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.use must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" expected property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" missing |
| FAIL SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface object length assert_own_property: self does not have own property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" expected property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" missing |
| FAIL SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface object name assert_own_property: self does not have own property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" expected property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" missing |
| FAIL SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" expected property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" missing |
| FAIL SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" expected property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" missing |
| FAIL SVGUseElementShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" expected property "SVGUseElementShadowRoot" missing |
| FAIL ShadowAnimation interface: existence and properties of interface object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "ShadowAnimation" expected property "ShadowAnimation" missing |
| FAIL ShadowAnimation interface object length assert_own_property: self does not have own property "ShadowAnimation" expected property "ShadowAnimation" missing |
| FAIL ShadowAnimation interface object name assert_own_property: self does not have own property "ShadowAnimation" expected property "ShadowAnimation" missing |
| FAIL ShadowAnimation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_own_property: self does not have own property "ShadowAnimation" expected property "ShadowAnimation" missing |
| FAIL ShadowAnimation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "ShadowAnimation" expected property "ShadowAnimation" missing |
| FAIL ShadowAnimation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property assert_own_property: self does not have own property "ShadowAnimation" expected property "ShadowAnimation" missing |
| FAIL ShadowAnimation interface: attribute sourceAnimation assert_own_property: self does not have own property "ShadowAnimation" expected property "ShadowAnimation" missing |
| PASS SVGSwitchElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGSwitchElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGSwitchElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGSwitchElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGSwitchElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGSwitchElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGSwitchElement must be primary interface of objects.switch |
| PASS Stringification of objects.switch |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.switch with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.switch must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: attribute type |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: attribute media |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: attribute title |
| PASS SVGStyleElement must be primary interface of objects.style |
| PASS Stringification of objects.style |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "type" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "media" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGStyleElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "title" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.style must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface object length |
| PASS SVGTransform interface object name |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX on interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE on interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE on interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE on interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX on interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY on interface object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: constant SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: attribute type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: attribute matrix |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: attribute angle |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: operation setMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit) |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: operation setTranslate(float, float) |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: operation setScale(float, float) |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: operation setRotate(float, float, float) |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: operation setSkewX(float) |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: operation setSkewY(float) |
| PASS SVGTransform must be primary interface of objects.svg.createSVGTransform() |
| PASS Stringification of objects.svg.createSVGTransform() |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "type" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "matrix" with the proper type Unrecognized type DOMMatrix |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "angle" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "setMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: calling setMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit) on objects.svg.createSVGTransform() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "setTranslate(float, float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: calling setTranslate(float, float) on objects.svg.createSVGTransform() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "setScale(float, float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: calling setScale(float, float) on objects.svg.createSVGTransform() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "setRotate(float, float, float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: calling setRotate(float, float, float) on objects.svg.createSVGTransform() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "setSkewX(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: calling setSkewX(float) on objects.svg.createSVGTransform() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: objects.svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "setSkewY(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransform interface: calling setSkewY(float) on objects.svg.createSVGTransform() with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface object length |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface object name |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: attribute length |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: attribute numberOfItems |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation clear() |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation initialize(SVGTransform) |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation getItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation insertItemBefore(SVGTransform, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation replaceItem(SVGTransform, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation removeItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation appendItem(SVGTransform) |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation createSVGTransformFromMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit) |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: operation consolidate() |
| PASS SVGTransformList must be primary interface of objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal |
| PASS Stringification of objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "length" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "numberOfItems" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "clear()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "initialize(SVGTransform)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: calling initialize(SVGTransform) on objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "getItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: calling getItem(unsigned long) on objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "insertItemBefore(SVGTransform, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: calling insertItemBefore(SVGTransform, unsigned long) on objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "replaceItem(SVGTransform, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: calling replaceItem(SVGTransform, unsigned long) on objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "removeItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: calling removeItem(unsigned long) on objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "appendItem(SVGTransform)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: calling appendItem(SVGTransform) on objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "createSVGTransformFromMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: calling createSVGTransformFromMatrix(DOMMatrix2DInit) on objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform.baseVal must inherit property "consolidate()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList must be primary interface of objects.pattern.patternTransform |
| PASS Stringification of objects.pattern.patternTransform |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedTransformList interface: objects.pattern.patternTransform must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface object length |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface object name |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_NONE on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_NONE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMIN on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMIN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMIN on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMIN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMIN on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMIN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMID on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMID on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMID on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMID on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMID on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMID on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMAX on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMAX on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMAX on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMAX on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMAX on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMAX on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_MEETORSLICE_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_MEETORSLICE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_MEETORSLICE_MEET on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_MEETORSLICE_MEET on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_MEETORSLICE_SLICE on interface object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: constant SVG_MEETORSLICE_SLICE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: attribute align |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: attribute meetOrSlice |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio must be primary interface of objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal |
| PASS Stringification of objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_NONE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMIN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMIN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMIN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMID" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMID" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMID" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMAX" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMAX" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMAX" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_MEETORSLICE_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_MEETORSLICE_MEET" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "SVG_MEETORSLICE_SLICE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "align" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal must inherit property "meetOrSlice" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface object length |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface object name |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: attribute baseVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: attribute animVal |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio must be primary interface of objects.image.preserveAspectRatio |
| PASS Stringification of objects.image.preserveAspectRatio |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio must inherit property "baseVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio interface: objects.image.preserveAspectRatio must inherit property "animVal" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGPathElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGPathElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGPathElement must be primary interface of objects.path |
| PASS Stringification of objects.path |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "pathLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "isPointInFill(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) on objects.path with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) on objects.path with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "getTotalLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "getPointAtLength(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling getPointAtLength(float) on objects.path with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.path with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.path must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: attribute x |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: attribute y |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: attribute width |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: attribute height |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: attribute rx |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: attribute ry |
| PASS SVGRectElement must be primary interface of objects.rect |
| PASS Stringification of objects.rect |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "width" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "height" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "rx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRectElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "ry" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "pathLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "isPointInFill(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) on objects.rect with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) on objects.rect with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "getTotalLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "getPointAtLength(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling getPointAtLength(float) on objects.rect with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.rect with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.rect must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: attribute cx |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: attribute cy |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: attribute r |
| PASS SVGCircleElement must be primary interface of objects.circle |
| PASS Stringification of objects.circle |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "cx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "cy" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGCircleElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "r" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "pathLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "isPointInFill(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) on objects.circle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) on objects.circle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "getTotalLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "getPointAtLength(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling getPointAtLength(float) on objects.circle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.circle with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.circle must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: attribute cx |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: attribute cy |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: attribute rx |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: attribute ry |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement must be primary interface of objects.ellipse |
| PASS Stringification of objects.ellipse |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "cx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "cy" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "rx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGEllipseElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "ry" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "pathLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "isPointInFill(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) on objects.ellipse with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) on objects.ellipse with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "getTotalLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "getPointAtLength(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling getPointAtLength(float) on objects.ellipse with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.ellipse with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.ellipse must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: attribute x1 |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: attribute y1 |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: attribute x2 |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: attribute y2 |
| PASS SVGLineElement must be primary interface of objects.line |
| PASS Stringification of objects.line |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "x1" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "y1" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "x2" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLineElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "y2" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "pathLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "isPointInFill(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) on objects.line with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) on objects.line with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "getTotalLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "getPointAtLength(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling getPointAtLength(float) on objects.line with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.line with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.line must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGPointList interface object length |
| PASS SVGPointList interface object name |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: attribute length |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: attribute numberOfItems |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: operation clear() |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: operation initialize(DOMPoint) |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: operation getItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: operation insertItemBefore(DOMPoint, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: operation replaceItem(DOMPoint, unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: operation removeItem(unsigned long) |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: operation appendItem(DOMPoint) |
| PASS SVGPointList must be primary interface of objects.polygon.points |
| PASS Stringification of objects.polygon.points |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "length" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "numberOfItems" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "clear()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "initialize(DOMPoint)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: calling initialize(DOMPoint) on objects.polygon.points with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "getItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: calling getItem(unsigned long) on objects.polygon.points with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "insertItemBefore(DOMPoint, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: calling insertItemBefore(DOMPoint, unsigned long) on objects.polygon.points with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "replaceItem(DOMPoint, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: calling replaceItem(DOMPoint, unsigned long) on objects.polygon.points with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "removeItem(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: calling removeItem(unsigned long) on objects.polygon.points with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: objects.polygon.points must inherit property "appendItem(DOMPoint)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPointList interface: calling appendItem(DOMPoint) on objects.polygon.points with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: attribute points |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: attribute animatedPoints |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement must be primary interface of objects.polyline |
| PASS Stringification of objects.polyline |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "points" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPolylineElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "animatedPoints" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "pathLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "isPointInFill(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) on objects.polyline with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) on objects.polyline with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "getTotalLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "getPointAtLength(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling getPointAtLength(float) on objects.polyline with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.polyline with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.polyline must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: attribute points |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: attribute animatedPoints |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement must be primary interface of objects.polygon |
| PASS Stringification of objects.polygon |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "points" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPolygonElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "animatedPoints" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "pathLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "isPointInFill(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPointInit) on objects.polygon with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPointInit) on objects.polygon with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "getTotalLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "getPointAtLength(float)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGeometryElement interface: calling getPointAtLength(float) on objects.polygon with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.polygon with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.polygon must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: constant LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: constant LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: constant LENGTHADJUST_SPACING on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: constant LENGTHADJUST_SPACING on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: constant LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: constant LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: attribute textLength |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: attribute lengthAdjust |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getNumberOfChars() |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getComputedTextLength() |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getSubStringLength(unsigned long, unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 2 but got 0 |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 1 but got 0 |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 1 but got 0 |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getExtentOfChar(unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 1 but got 0 |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getRotationOfChar(unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 1 but got 0 |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: operation getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPointInit) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 0 but got 1 |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: operation selectSubString(unsigned long, unsigned long) assert_equals: property has wrong .length expected 2 but got 0 |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: attribute x |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: attribute y |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: attribute dx |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: attribute dy |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: attribute rotate |
| PASS SVGTextElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTextElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGTextElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGTextElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTextElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTextElement must be primary interface of objects.text |
| PASS Stringification of objects.text |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "dx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "dy" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "rotate" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACING" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "textLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "lengthAdjust" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getNumberOfChars()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getComputedTextLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getSubStringLength(unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getSubStringLength(unsigned long, unsigned long) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" threw object "IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range." ("IndexSizeError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getExtentOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getExtentOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getRotationOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getRotationOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPointInit) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "selectSubString(unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling selectSubString(unsigned long, unsigned long) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" threw object "IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range." ("IndexSizeError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.text with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.text must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGTSpanElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTSpanElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGTSpanElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGTSpanElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTSpanElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTSpanElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTSpanElement must be primary interface of objects.tspan |
| PASS Stringification of objects.tspan |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "dx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "dy" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPositioningElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "rotate" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACING" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "textLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "lengthAdjust" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getNumberOfChars()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getComputedTextLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getSubStringLength(unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getSubStringLength(unsigned long, unsigned long) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" threw object "IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range." ("IndexSizeError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getExtentOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getExtentOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getRotationOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getRotationOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPointInit) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "selectSubString(unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling selectSubString(unsigned long, unsigned long) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" threw object "IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range." ("IndexSizeError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.tspan with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.tspan must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_ALIGN on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_ALIGN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_STRETCH on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_STRETCH on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_AUTO on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_AUTO on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_EXACT on interface object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: constant TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_EXACT on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: attribute startOffset |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: attribute method |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: attribute spacing |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: attribute href |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement must be primary interface of objects.textPath |
| PASS Stringification of objects.textPath |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_ALIGN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_STRETCH" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_AUTO" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_EXACT" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "method" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "spacing" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextPathElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACING" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "textLength" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "lengthAdjust" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getNumberOfChars()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getComputedTextLength()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getSubStringLength(unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getSubStringLength(unsigned long, unsigned long) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" threw object "IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range." ("IndexSizeError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getExtentOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getExtentOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getRotationOfChar(unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getRotationOfChar(unsigned long) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPointInit) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGTextContentElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "selectSubString(unsigned long, unsigned long)" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGTextContentElement interface: calling selectSubString(unsigned long, unsigned long) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_throws: Called with 0 arguments function "function () { |
| fn.apply(obj, args); |
| }" threw object "IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range." ("IndexSizeError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError") |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.textPath with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.textPath must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: attribute x |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: attribute y |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: attribute width |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: attribute height |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: attribute preserveAspectRatio |
| FAIL SVGImageElement interface: attribute crossOrigin assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "crossOrigin" expected true got false |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: attribute href |
| PASS SVGImageElement must be primary interface of objects.image |
| PASS Stringification of objects.image |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "width" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "height" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "preserveAspectRatio" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGImageElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "crossOrigin" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "crossOrigin" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGImageElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.image with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.image must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: attribute x |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: attribute y |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: attribute width |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: attribute height |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement must be primary interface of objects.foreignObject |
| PASS Stringification of objects.foreignObject |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "width" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGForeignObjectElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "height" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.foreignObject with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.foreignObject must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKERUNITS_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKERUNITS_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKERUNITS_USERSPACEONUSE on interface object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKERUNITS_USERSPACEONUSE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKERUNITS_STROKEWIDTH on interface object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKERUNITS_STROKEWIDTH on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_AUTO on interface object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_AUTO on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_ANGLE on interface object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: constant SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_ANGLE on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute refX |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute refY |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute markerUnits |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute markerWidth |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute markerHeight |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute orientType |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute orientAngle |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute orient |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: operation setOrientToAuto() |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: operation setOrientToAngle(SVGAngle) |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute viewBox |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute preserveAspectRatio |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement must be primary interface of objects.marker |
| PASS Stringification of objects.marker |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "SVG_MARKERUNITS_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "SVG_MARKERUNITS_USERSPACEONUSE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "SVG_MARKERUNITS_STROKEWIDTH" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_AUTO" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_ANGLE" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "refX" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "refY" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "markerUnits" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "markerWidth" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "markerHeight" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "orientType" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "orientAngle" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "orient" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "setOrientToAuto()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "setOrientToAngle(SVGAngle)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: calling setOrientToAngle(SVGAngle) on objects.marker with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "viewBox" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGMarkerElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "preserveAspectRatio" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.marker must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_UNKNOWN on interface object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD on interface object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT on interface object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT on interface object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: constant SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT on interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: attribute gradientUnits |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: attribute gradientTransform |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: attribute spreadMethod |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: attribute href |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: attribute x1 |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: attribute y1 |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: attribute x2 |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: attribute y2 |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement must be primary interface of objects.linearGradient |
| PASS Stringification of objects.linearGradient |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "x1" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "y1" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "x2" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGLinearGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "y2" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "gradientUnits" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "gradientTransform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "spreadMethod" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.linearGradient must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: attribute cx |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: attribute cy |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: attribute r |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: attribute fx |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: attribute fy |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: attribute fr |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement must be primary interface of objects.radialGradient |
| PASS Stringification of objects.radialGradient |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "cx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "cy" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "r" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "fx" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "fy" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGRadialGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "fr" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_UNKNOWN" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "gradientUnits" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "gradientTransform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "spreadMethod" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGradientElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.radialGradient must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface: attribute offset |
| PASS SVGStopElement must be primary interface of objects.stop |
| PASS Stringification of objects.stop |
| PASS SVGStopElement interface: objects.stop must inherit property "offset" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.stop must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.stop must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.stop must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.stop must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.stop must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute patternUnits |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute patternContentUnits |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute patternTransform |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute x |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute y |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute width |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute height |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute viewBox |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute preserveAspectRatio |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: attribute href |
| PASS SVGPatternElement must be primary interface of objects.pattern |
| PASS Stringification of objects.pattern |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "patternUnits" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "patternContentUnits" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "patternTransform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "x" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "y" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "width" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "height" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "viewBox" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "preserveAspectRatio" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGPatternElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.pattern must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: attribute type |
| FAIL SVGScriptElement interface: attribute crossOrigin assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "crossOrigin" expected true got false |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: attribute href |
| PASS SVGScriptElement must be primary interface of objects.script |
| PASS Stringification of objects.script |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "type" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGScriptElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "crossOrigin" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "crossOrigin" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGScriptElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.script must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGAElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGAElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: attribute target |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute download assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "download" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute ping assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "ping" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute rel assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "rel" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute relList assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "relList" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute hreflang assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "hreflang" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute type assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "type" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute text assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "text" expected true got false |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: attribute referrerPolicy assert_true: The prototype object must have a property "referrerPolicy" expected true got false |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: attribute href |
| PASS SVGAElement must be primary interface of objects.a |
| PASS Stringification of objects.a |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "target" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "download" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "download" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "ping" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "ping" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "rel" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "rel" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "relList" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "relList" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "hreflang" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "hreflang" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "type" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "type" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "text" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "text" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "referrerPolicy" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "referrerPolicy" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGAElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "href" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "transform" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions)" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on objects.a with too few arguments must throw TypeError |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "getCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "getScreenCTM()" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGGraphicsElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.a must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: existence and properties of interface object |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface object length |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface object name |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: attribute viewBox |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: attribute preserveAspectRatio |
| PASS SVGViewElement must be primary interface of objects.view |
| PASS Stringification of objects.view |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: objects.view must inherit property "viewBox" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGViewElement interface: objects.view must inherit property "preserveAspectRatio" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.view must inherit property "className" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.view must inherit property "ownerSVGElement" with the proper type |
| PASS SVGElement interface: objects.view must inherit property "viewportElement" with the proper type |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.view must inherit property "correspondingElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingElement" not found in prototype chain |
| FAIL SVGElement interface: objects.view must inherit property "correspondingUseElement" with the proper type assert_inherits: property "correspondingUseElement" not found in prototype chain |
| PASS Document interface: attribute rootElement |
| |