blob: 8da8eb679def317ca7a2497de67240e4ce7efd82 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
if (self.importScripts) {
test(() => {
new CountQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 4 });
}, 'Can construct a CountQueuingStrategy with a valid high water mark');
test(() => {
for (const highWaterMark of [-Infinity, NaN, 'foo', {}, () => {}]) {
const strategy = new CountQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark });
assert_equals(strategy.highWaterMark, highWaterMark, `${highWaterMark} gets set correctly`);
}, 'Can construct a CountQueuingStrategy with any value as its high water mark');
test(() => {
const highWaterMark = 1;
const highWaterMarkObjectGetter = {
get highWaterMark() { return highWaterMark; }
const error = new Error('wow!');
const highWaterMarkObjectGetterThrowing = {
get highWaterMark() { throw error; }
assert_throws({ name: 'TypeError' }, () => new CountQueuingStrategy(), 'construction fails with undefined');
assert_throws({ name: 'TypeError' }, () => new CountQueuingStrategy(null), 'construction fails with null');
assert_throws({ name: 'Error' }, () => new CountQueuingStrategy(highWaterMarkObjectGetterThrowing),
'construction fails with an object with a throwing highWaterMark getter');
// Should not fail:
new CountQueuingStrategy('potato');
new CountQueuingStrategy({});
new CountQueuingStrategy(highWaterMarkObjectGetter);
}, 'CountQueuingStrategy constructor behaves as expected with strange arguments');
test(() => {
const thisValue = null;
const chunk = {
get byteLength() {
throw new TypeError('shouldn\'t be called');
assert_equals(, chunk), 1);
}, 'CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size should work generically on its this and its arguments');
test(() => {
const size = 1024;
const chunk = { byteLength: size };
const chunkGetter = {
get byteLength() { return size; }
const error = new Error('wow!');
const chunkGetterThrowing = {
get byteLength() { throw error; }
assert_equals(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size(), 1, 'size returns 1 with undefined');
assert_equals(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size(null), 1, 'size returns 1 with null');
assert_equals(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size('potato'), 1, 'size returns 1 with non-object type');
assert_equals(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size({}), 1, 'size returns 1 with empty object');
assert_equals(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size(chunk), 1, 'size returns 1 with a chunk');
assert_equals(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size(chunkGetter), 1, 'size returns 1 with chunk getter');
assert_equals(CountQueuingStrategy.prototype.size(chunkGetterThrowing), 1,
'size returns 1 with chunk getter that throws');
}, 'CountQueuingStrategy size behaves as expected with strange arguments');
test(() => {
const strategy = new CountQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 4 });
assert_object_equals(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(strategy, 'highWaterMark'),
{ value: 4, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true },
'highWaterMark property should be a data property with the value passed the constructor');
assert_equals(typeof strategy.size, 'function');
}, 'CountQueuingStrategy instances have the correct properties');
test(() => {
const strategy = new CountQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 4 });
assert_equals(strategy.highWaterMark, 4);
strategy.highWaterMark = 10;
assert_equals(strategy.highWaterMark, 10);
strategy.highWaterMark = 'banana';
assert_equals(strategy.highWaterMark, 'banana');
}, 'CountQueuingStrategy\'s highWaterMark property can be set to anything');
test(() => {
assert_equals(, 'CountQueuingStrategy',
' must be "CountQueuingStrategy"');
}, ' is correct');