| When prompted, accept to share your video stream. |
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| Description |
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| This test checks that the MediaStream object returned by the success callback in getUserMedia can be properly assigned to a video element via the srcObject attribute. |
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| Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null |
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| PASS Tests that a MediaStream can be assigned to a video element with srcObject |
| PASS Tests that a MediaStream assigned to a video element is not seekable |
| PASS Tests that a MediaStream assigned to a video element is in readyState HAVE_NOTHING initially |
| TIMEOUT Tests that a MediaStream assigned to a video element has expected duration Test timed out |
| NOTRUN Tests that a video element with a MediaStream assigned is not preloaded |
| NOTRUN Tests that a video element with a MediaStream assigned ignores playbackRate attributes (defaultPlaybackRate is identical) |
| NOTRUN Tests that a video element with a MediaStream assigned ignores playbackRate attributes (defaultPlaybackRate is different) |
| NOTRUN Tests that a media element with an assigned MediaStream reports the played attribute as expected |
| NOTRUN Tests that a media element with an assigned MediaStream reports the currentTime attribute as expected |
| NOTRUN Tests that a media element with an assigned MediaStream starts its timeline at 0 regardless of when the MediaStream was created |
| NOTRUN Tests that a media element with an assigned MediaStream does not advance currentTime while paused |
| NOTRUN Tests that the loop attribute has no effect on a media element with an assigned MediaStream |
| NOTRUN Tests that a media element with an assigned MediaStream ends when the MediaStream becomes inactive through tracks ending |
| NOTRUN Tests that an audio element with an assigned MediaStream ends when the MediaStream becomes inaudible through audio tracks ending |
| NOTRUN Tests that a media element with an assigned MediaStream ends when the MediaStream becomes inactive through track removal |
| NOTRUN Tests that an audio element with an assigned MediaStream ends when the MediaStream becomes inaudible through track removal |
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