| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) |
| * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * Copyright (C) 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "RenderStyle.h" |
| |
| #include "ContentData.h" |
| #include "CSSCustomPropertyValue.h" |
| #include "CSSParser.h" |
| #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" |
| #include "CursorList.h" |
| #include "FloatRoundedRect.h" |
| #include "FontCascade.h" |
| #include "FontSelector.h" |
| #include "InlineTextBoxStyle.h" |
| #include "Pagination.h" |
| #include "QuotesData.h" |
| #include "RenderObject.h" |
| #include "RenderTheme.h" |
| #include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" |
| #include "ScaleTransformOperation.h" |
| #include "ShadowData.h" |
| #include "StyleImage.h" |
| #include "StyleInheritedData.h" |
| #include "StyleResolver.h" |
| #include "StyleScrollSnapPoints.h" |
| #include "StyleSelfAlignmentData.h" |
| #include "StyleTreeResolver.h" |
| #include "WillChangeData.h" |
| #include <wtf/MathExtras.h> |
| #include <wtf/PointerComparison.h> |
| #include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h> |
| #include <algorithm> |
| |
| #include <wtf/text/StringHash.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace WebCore { |
| |
| struct SameSizeAsBorderValue { |
| float m_width; |
| Color m_color; |
| int m_restBits; |
| }; |
| |
| COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(BorderValue) == sizeof(SameSizeAsBorderValue), BorderValue_should_not_grow); |
| |
| struct SameSizeAsRenderStyle { |
| void* dataRefs[7]; |
| void* ownPtrs[1]; |
| void* dataRefSvgStyle; |
| struct InheritedFlags { |
| unsigned m_bitfields[2]; |
| } inherited_flags; |
| |
| struct NonInheritedFlags { |
| uint64_t m_flags; |
| } noninherited_flags; |
| bool deletionCheck; |
| #endif |
| }; |
| |
| COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(RenderStyle) == sizeof(SameSizeAsRenderStyle), RenderStyle_should_stay_small); |
| |
| RenderStyle& RenderStyle::defaultStyle() |
| { |
| static RenderStyle& style = *new RenderStyle(CreateDefaultStyle); |
| return style; |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle RenderStyle::create() |
| { |
| return clone(defaultStyle()); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> RenderStyle::createPtr() |
| { |
| return clonePtr(defaultStyle()); |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle RenderStyle::clone(const RenderStyle& style) |
| { |
| return RenderStyle(style, Clone); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> RenderStyle::clonePtr(const RenderStyle& style) |
| { |
| return std::make_unique<RenderStyle>(style, Clone); |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(const RenderStyle& parentStyle, EDisplay display) |
| { |
| auto newStyle = create(); |
| newStyle.inheritFrom(parentStyle); |
| newStyle.inheritUnicodeBidiFrom(&parentStyle); |
| newStyle.setDisplay(display); |
| return newStyle; |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle RenderStyle::createStyleInheritingFromPseudoStyle(const RenderStyle& pseudoStyle) |
| { |
| ASSERT(pseudoStyle.styleType() == BEFORE || pseudoStyle.styleType() == AFTER); |
| |
| auto style = create(); |
| style.inheritFrom(pseudoStyle); |
| return style; |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle::RenderStyle(CreateDefaultStyleTag) |
| : m_box(StyleBoxData::create()) |
| , visual(StyleVisualData::create()) |
| , m_background(StyleBackgroundData::create()) |
| , surround(StyleSurroundData::create()) |
| , rareNonInheritedData(StyleRareNonInheritedData::create()) |
| , rareInheritedData(StyleRareInheritedData::create()) |
| , inherited(StyleInheritedData::create()) |
| , m_svgStyle(SVGRenderStyle::create()) |
| { |
| inherited_flags._empty_cells = initialEmptyCells(); |
| inherited_flags._caption_side = initialCaptionSide(); |
| inherited_flags._list_style_type = initialListStyleType(); |
| inherited_flags._list_style_position = initialListStylePosition(); |
| inherited_flags._visibility = initialVisibility(); |
| inherited_flags._text_align = initialTextAlign(); |
| inherited_flags._text_transform = initialTextTransform(); |
| inherited_flags._text_decorations = initialTextDecoration(); |
| inherited_flags._cursor_style = initialCursor(); |
| inherited_flags.m_cursorVisibility = initialCursorVisibility(); |
| #endif |
| inherited_flags._direction = initialDirection(); |
| inherited_flags._white_space = initialWhiteSpace(); |
| inherited_flags._border_collapse = initialBorderCollapse(); |
| inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering = initialRTLOrdering(); |
| inherited_flags._box_direction = initialBoxDirection(); |
| inherited_flags.m_printColorAdjust = initialPrintColorAdjust(); |
| inherited_flags._pointerEvents = initialPointerEvents(); |
| inherited_flags._insideLink = NotInsideLink; |
| inherited_flags._insideDefaultButton = false; |
| inherited_flags.m_writingMode = initialWritingMode(); |
| |
| static_assert((sizeof(InheritedFlags) <= 8), "InheritedFlags does not grow"); |
| static_assert((sizeof(NonInheritedFlags) <= 8), "NonInheritedFlags does not grow"); |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle::RenderStyle(const RenderStyle& other, CloneTag) |
| : m_box(other.m_box) |
| , visual(other.visual) |
| , m_background(other.m_background) |
| , surround(other.surround) |
| , rareNonInheritedData(other.rareNonInheritedData) |
| , rareInheritedData(other.rareInheritedData) |
| , inherited(other.inherited) |
| , m_svgStyle(other.m_svgStyle) |
| , inherited_flags(other.inherited_flags) |
| , noninherited_flags(other.noninherited_flags) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle::~RenderStyle() |
| { |
| m_deletionHasBegun = true; |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::isCSSGridLayoutEnabled() |
| { |
| return RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().isCSSGridLayoutEnabled(); |
| #else |
| return false; |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| static StyleSelfAlignmentData resolvedSelfAlignment(const StyleSelfAlignmentData& value, ItemPosition normalValueBehavior) |
| { |
| ASSERT(value.position() != ItemPositionAuto); |
| if (value.position() == ItemPositionNormal) |
| return { normalValueBehavior, OverflowAlignmentDefault }; |
| return value; |
| } |
| |
| StyleSelfAlignmentData RenderStyle::resolvedAlignItems(ItemPosition normalValueBehaviour) const |
| { |
| return resolvedSelfAlignment(alignItems(), normalValueBehaviour); |
| } |
| |
| StyleSelfAlignmentData RenderStyle::resolvedAlignSelf(const RenderStyle& parentStyle, ItemPosition normalValueBehaviour) const |
| { |
| // The auto keyword computes to the parent's align-items computed value. |
| // We will return the behaviour of 'normal' value if needed, which is specific of each layout model. |
| if (alignSelfPosition() == ItemPositionAuto) |
| return parentStyle.resolvedAlignItems(normalValueBehaviour); |
| return resolvedSelfAlignment(alignSelf(), normalValueBehaviour); |
| } |
| |
| StyleSelfAlignmentData RenderStyle::resolvedJustifyItems(ItemPosition normalValueBehaviour) const |
| { |
| // FIXME: justify-items 'auto' value is allowed only to provide the 'legacy' keyword's behavior, which it's still not implemented for layout. |
| // "If the inherited value of justify-items includes the legacy keyword, auto computes to the inherited value." |
| // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-align/#justify-items-property |
| if (justifyItemsPosition() == ItemPositionAuto) |
| return { normalValueBehaviour, OverflowAlignmentDefault }; |
| |
| return resolvedSelfAlignment(justifyItems(), normalValueBehaviour); |
| } |
| |
| StyleSelfAlignmentData RenderStyle::resolvedJustifySelf(const RenderStyle& parentStyle, ItemPosition normalValueBehaviour) const |
| { |
| // The auto keyword computes to the parent's justify-items computed value. |
| // We will return the behaviour of 'normal' value if needed, which is specific of each layout model. |
| if (justifySelfPosition() == ItemPositionAuto) |
| return parentStyle.resolvedJustifyItems(normalValueBehaviour); |
| return resolvedSelfAlignment(justifySelf(), normalValueBehaviour); |
| } |
| |
| static inline ContentPosition resolvedContentAlignmentPosition(const StyleContentAlignmentData& value, const StyleContentAlignmentData& normalValueBehavior) |
| { |
| return (value.position() == ContentPositionNormal && value.distribution() == ContentDistributionDefault) ? normalValueBehavior.position() : value.position(); |
| } |
| |
| static inline ContentDistributionType resolvedContentAlignmentDistribution(const StyleContentAlignmentData& value, const StyleContentAlignmentData& normalValueBehavior) |
| { |
| return (value.position() == ContentPositionNormal && value.distribution() == ContentDistributionDefault) ? normalValueBehavior.distribution() : value.distribution(); |
| } |
| |
| ContentPosition RenderStyle::resolvedJustifyContentPosition(const StyleContentAlignmentData& normalValueBehavior) const |
| { |
| return resolvedContentAlignmentPosition(justifyContent(), normalValueBehavior); |
| } |
| |
| ContentDistributionType RenderStyle::resolvedJustifyContentDistribution(const StyleContentAlignmentData& normalValueBehavior) const |
| { |
| return resolvedContentAlignmentDistribution(justifyContent(), normalValueBehavior); |
| } |
| |
| ContentPosition RenderStyle::resolvedAlignContentPosition(const StyleContentAlignmentData& normalValueBehavior) const |
| { |
| return resolvedContentAlignmentPosition(alignContent(), normalValueBehavior); |
| } |
| |
| ContentDistributionType RenderStyle::resolvedAlignContentDistribution(const StyleContentAlignmentData& normalValueBehavior) const |
| { |
| return resolvedContentAlignmentDistribution(alignContent(), normalValueBehavior); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::inheritFrom(const RenderStyle& inheritParent) |
| { |
| rareInheritedData = inheritParent.rareInheritedData; |
| inherited = inheritParent.inherited; |
| inherited_flags = inheritParent.inherited_flags; |
| |
| if (m_svgStyle != inheritParent.m_svgStyle) |
| m_svgStyle.access()->inheritFrom(inheritParent.m_svgStyle.get()); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::copyNonInheritedFrom(const RenderStyle* other) |
| { |
| m_box = other->m_box; |
| visual = other->visual; |
| m_background = other->m_background; |
| surround = other->surround; |
| rareNonInheritedData = other->rareNonInheritedData; |
| noninherited_flags.copyNonInheritedFrom(other->noninherited_flags); |
| |
| if (m_svgStyle != other->m_svgStyle) |
| m_svgStyle.access()->copyNonInheritedFrom(other->m_svgStyle.get()); |
| |
| ASSERT(zoom() == initialZoom()); |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::operator==(const RenderStyle& o) const |
| { |
| // compare everything except the pseudoStyle pointer |
| return inherited_flags == o.inherited_flags |
| && noninherited_flags == o.noninherited_flags |
| && m_box == o.m_box |
| && visual == o.visual |
| && m_background == o.m_background |
| && surround == o.surround |
| && rareNonInheritedData == o.rareNonInheritedData |
| && rareInheritedData == o.rareInheritedData |
| && inherited == o.inherited |
| && m_svgStyle == o.m_svgStyle |
| ; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::hasUniquePseudoStyle() const |
| { |
| if (!m_cachedPseudoStyles || styleType() != NOPSEUDO) |
| return false; |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cachedPseudoStyles->size(); ++i) { |
| RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = m_cachedPseudoStyles->at(i).get(); |
| if (pseudoStyle->unique()) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle* RenderStyle::getCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId pid) const |
| { |
| if (!m_cachedPseudoStyles || !m_cachedPseudoStyles->size()) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| if (styleType() != NOPSEUDO) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cachedPseudoStyles->size(); ++i) { |
| RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = m_cachedPseudoStyles->at(i).get(); |
| if (pseudoStyle->styleType() == pid) |
| return pseudoStyle; |
| } |
| |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle* RenderStyle::addCachedPseudoStyle(std::unique_ptr<RenderStyle> pseudo) |
| { |
| if (!pseudo) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| ASSERT(pseudo->styleType() > NOPSEUDO); |
| |
| RenderStyle* result = pseudo.get(); |
| |
| if (!m_cachedPseudoStyles) |
| m_cachedPseudoStyles = std::make_unique<PseudoStyleCache>(); |
| |
| m_cachedPseudoStyles->append(WTFMove(pseudo)); |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::removeCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId pid) |
| { |
| if (!m_cachedPseudoStyles) |
| return; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < m_cachedPseudoStyles->size(); ++i) { |
| RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = m_cachedPseudoStyles->at(i).get(); |
| if (pseudoStyle->styleType() == pid) { |
| m_cachedPseudoStyles->remove(i); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::inheritedNotEqual(const RenderStyle* other) const |
| { |
| return inherited_flags != other->inherited_flags |
| || inherited != other->inherited |
| || m_svgStyle->inheritedNotEqual(other->m_svgStyle.get()) |
| || rareInheritedData != other->rareInheritedData; |
| } |
| |
| |
| static inline unsigned computeFontHash(const FontCascade& font) |
| { |
| IntegerHasher hasher; |
| hasher.add(ASCIICaseInsensitiveHash::hash(font.fontDescription().firstFamily())); |
| hasher.add(font.fontDescription().specifiedSize()); |
| return hasher.hash(); |
| } |
| |
| unsigned RenderStyle::hashForTextAutosizing() const |
| { |
| // FIXME: Not a very smart hash. Could be improved upon. See <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121131>. |
| unsigned hash = rareNonInheritedData->m_appearance; |
| hash ^= rareNonInheritedData->marginBeforeCollapse; |
| hash ^= rareNonInheritedData->marginAfterCollapse; |
| hash ^= rareNonInheritedData->lineClamp.value(); |
| hash ^= rareInheritedData->overflowWrap; |
| hash ^= rareInheritedData->nbspMode; |
| hash ^= rareInheritedData->lineBreak; |
| hash ^= WTF::FloatHash<float>::hash(inherited->specifiedLineHeight.value()); |
| hash ^= computeFontHash(inherited->fontCascade); |
| hash ^= WTF::FloatHash<float>::hash(inherited->horizontal_border_spacing); |
| hash ^= WTF::FloatHash<float>::hash(inherited->vertical_border_spacing); |
| hash ^= inherited_flags._box_direction; |
| hash ^= inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering; |
| hash ^= noninherited_flags.position(); |
| hash ^= noninherited_flags.floating(); |
| hash ^= rareNonInheritedData->textOverflow; |
| hash ^= rareInheritedData->textSecurity; |
| return hash; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::equalForTextAutosizing(const RenderStyle& other) const |
| { |
| return rareNonInheritedData->m_appearance == other.rareNonInheritedData->m_appearance |
| && rareNonInheritedData->marginBeforeCollapse == other.rareNonInheritedData->marginBeforeCollapse |
| && rareNonInheritedData->marginAfterCollapse == other.rareNonInheritedData->marginAfterCollapse |
| && rareNonInheritedData->lineClamp == other.rareNonInheritedData->lineClamp |
| && rareInheritedData->textSizeAdjust == other.rareInheritedData->textSizeAdjust |
| && rareInheritedData->overflowWrap == other.rareInheritedData->overflowWrap |
| && rareInheritedData->nbspMode == other.rareInheritedData->nbspMode |
| && rareInheritedData->lineBreak == other.rareInheritedData->lineBreak |
| && rareInheritedData->textSecurity == other.rareInheritedData->textSecurity |
| && inherited->specifiedLineHeight == other.inherited->specifiedLineHeight |
| && inherited->fontCascade.equalForTextAutoSizing(other.inherited->fontCascade) |
| && inherited->horizontal_border_spacing == other.inherited->horizontal_border_spacing |
| && inherited->vertical_border_spacing == other.inherited->vertical_border_spacing |
| && inherited_flags._box_direction == other.inherited_flags._box_direction |
| && inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering == other.inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering |
| && noninherited_flags.position() == other.noninherited_flags.position() |
| && noninherited_flags.floating() == other.noninherited_flags.floating() |
| && rareNonInheritedData->textOverflow == other.rareNonInheritedData->textOverflow; |
| } |
| |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::inheritedDataShared(const RenderStyle* other) const |
| { |
| // This is a fast check that only looks if the data structures are shared. |
| return inherited_flags == other->inherited_flags |
| && inherited.get() == other->inherited.get() |
| && m_svgStyle.get() == other->m_svgStyle.get() |
| && rareInheritedData.get() == other->rareInheritedData.get(); |
| } |
| |
| static bool positionChangeIsMovementOnly(const LengthBox& a, const LengthBox& b, const Length& width) |
| { |
| // If any unit types are different, then we can't guarantee |
| // that this was just a movement. |
| if (a.left().type() != b.left().type() |
| || a.right().type() != b.right().type() |
| || a.top().type() != b.top().type() |
| || a.bottom().type() != b.bottom().type()) |
| return false; |
| |
| // Only one unit can be non-auto in the horizontal direction and |
| // in the vertical direction. Otherwise the adjustment of values |
| // is changing the size of the box. |
| if (!a.left().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !a.right().isIntrinsicOrAuto()) |
| return false; |
| if (!a.top().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !a.bottom().isIntrinsicOrAuto()) |
| return false; |
| // If our width is auto and left or right is specified then this |
| // is not just a movement - we need to resize to our container. |
| if ((!a.left().isIntrinsicOrAuto() || !a.right().isIntrinsicOrAuto()) && width.isIntrinsicOrAuto()) |
| return false; |
| |
| // One of the units is fixed or percent in both directions and stayed |
| // that way in the new style. Therefore all we are doing is moving. |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| inline bool RenderStyle::changeAffectsVisualOverflow(const RenderStyle& other) const |
| { |
| if (rareNonInheritedData.get() != other.rareNonInheritedData.get() |
| && !arePointingToEqualData(rareNonInheritedData->m_boxShadow, other.rareNonInheritedData->m_boxShadow)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareInheritedData.get() != other.rareInheritedData.get() |
| && !arePointingToEqualData(rareInheritedData->textShadow, other.rareInheritedData->textShadow)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (inherited_flags._text_decorations != other.inherited_flags._text_decorations |
| || visual->textDecoration != other.visual->textDecoration |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationStyle != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationStyle) { |
| // Underlines are always drawn outside of their textbox bounds when text-underline-position: under; |
| // is specified. We can take an early out here. |
| if (textUnderlinePosition() == TextUnderlinePositionUnder |
| || other.textUnderlinePosition() == TextUnderlinePositionUnder) |
| return true; |
| return visualOverflowForDecorations(*this, nullptr) != visualOverflowForDecorations(other, nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| if (hasOutlineInVisualOverflow() != other.hasOutlineInVisualOverflow()) |
| return true; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::changeRequiresLayout(const RenderStyle& other, unsigned& changedContextSensitiveProperties) const |
| { |
| if (m_box->width() != other.m_box->width() |
| || m_box->minWidth() != other.m_box->minWidth() |
| || m_box->maxWidth() != other.m_box->maxWidth() |
| || m_box->height() != other.m_box->height() |
| || m_box->minHeight() != other.m_box->minHeight() |
| || m_box->maxHeight() != other.m_box->maxHeight()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (m_box->verticalAlign() != other.m_box->verticalAlign() || noninherited_flags.verticalAlign() != other.noninherited_flags.verticalAlign()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (m_box->boxSizing() != other.m_box->boxSizing()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (surround->margin != other.surround->margin) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (surround->padding != other.surround->padding) |
| return true; |
| |
| // FIXME: We should add an optimized form of layout that just recomputes visual overflow. |
| if (changeAffectsVisualOverflow(other)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData.get() != other.rareNonInheritedData.get()) { |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_appearance != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_appearance |
| || rareNonInheritedData->marginBeforeCollapse != other.rareNonInheritedData->marginBeforeCollapse |
| || rareNonInheritedData->marginAfterCollapse != other.rareNonInheritedData->marginAfterCollapse |
| || rareNonInheritedData->lineClamp != other.rareNonInheritedData->lineClamp |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_initialLetter != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_initialLetter |
| || rareNonInheritedData->textOverflow != other.rareNonInheritedData->textOverflow) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_regionFragment != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_regionFragment) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_shapeMargin != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_shapeMargin) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_deprecatedFlexibleBox != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_deprecatedFlexibleBox) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_flexibleBox != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_flexibleBox) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_order != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_order |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_alignContent != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_alignContent |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_alignItems != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_alignItems |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_alignSelf != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_alignSelf |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyContent != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyContent |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyItems != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_justifyItems |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_justifySelf != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_justifySelf) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (!arePointingToEqualData(rareNonInheritedData->m_boxReflect, other.rareNonInheritedData->m_boxReflect)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_multiCol) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_transform != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_transform) { |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->hasTransform() != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->hasTransform()) |
| return true; |
| if (*rareNonInheritedData->m_transform != *other.rareNonInheritedData->m_transform) { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties |= ContextSensitivePropertyTransform; |
| // Don't return; keep looking for another change |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_grid != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_grid |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_gridItem != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_gridItem) |
| return true; |
| #endif |
| |
| // If regions change, trigger a relayout to re-calc regions. |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_dashboardRegions != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_dashboardRegions) |
| return true; |
| #endif |
| |
| if (!arePointingToEqualData(rareNonInheritedData->m_willChange, other.rareNonInheritedData->m_willChange)) { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties |= ContextSensitivePropertyWillChange; |
| // Don't return; keep looking for another change |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (rareInheritedData.get() != other.rareInheritedData.get()) { |
| if (rareInheritedData->indent != other.rareInheritedData->indent |
| || rareInheritedData->m_textAlignLast != other.rareInheritedData->m_textAlignLast |
| || rareInheritedData->m_textJustify != other.rareInheritedData->m_textJustify |
| || rareInheritedData->m_textIndentLine != other.rareInheritedData->m_textIndentLine |
| #endif |
| || rareInheritedData->m_effectiveZoom != other.rareInheritedData->m_effectiveZoom |
| || rareInheritedData->m_textZoom != other.rareInheritedData->m_textZoom |
| || rareInheritedData->textSizeAdjust != other.rareInheritedData->textSizeAdjust |
| #endif |
| || rareInheritedData->wordBreak != other.rareInheritedData->wordBreak |
| || rareInheritedData->overflowWrap != other.rareInheritedData->overflowWrap |
| || rareInheritedData->nbspMode != other.rareInheritedData->nbspMode |
| || rareInheritedData->lineBreak != other.rareInheritedData->lineBreak |
| || rareInheritedData->textSecurity != other.rareInheritedData->textSecurity |
| || rareInheritedData->hyphens != other.rareInheritedData->hyphens |
| || rareInheritedData->hyphenationLimitBefore != other.rareInheritedData->hyphenationLimitBefore |
| || rareInheritedData->hyphenationLimitAfter != other.rareInheritedData->hyphenationLimitAfter |
| || rareInheritedData->hyphenationString != other.rareInheritedData->hyphenationString |
| || rareInheritedData->m_rubyPosition != other.rareInheritedData->m_rubyPosition |
| || rareInheritedData->textEmphasisMark != other.rareInheritedData->textEmphasisMark |
| || rareInheritedData->textEmphasisPosition != other.rareInheritedData->textEmphasisPosition |
| || rareInheritedData->textEmphasisCustomMark != other.rareInheritedData->textEmphasisCustomMark |
| || rareInheritedData->m_textOrientation != other.rareInheritedData->m_textOrientation |
| || rareInheritedData->m_tabSize != other.rareInheritedData->m_tabSize |
| || rareInheritedData->m_lineBoxContain != other.rareInheritedData->m_lineBoxContain |
| || rareInheritedData->m_lineGrid != other.rareInheritedData->m_lineGrid |
| || rareInheritedData->m_imageOrientation != other.rareInheritedData->m_imageOrientation |
| #endif |
| || rareInheritedData->m_imageResolutionSource != other.rareInheritedData->m_imageResolutionSource |
| || rareInheritedData->m_imageResolutionSnap != other.rareInheritedData->m_imageResolutionSnap |
| || rareInheritedData->m_imageResolution != other.rareInheritedData->m_imageResolution |
| #endif |
| || rareInheritedData->m_lineSnap != other.rareInheritedData->m_lineSnap |
| || rareInheritedData->m_lineAlign != other.rareInheritedData->m_lineAlign |
| || rareInheritedData->m_hangingPunctuation != other.rareInheritedData->m_hangingPunctuation |
| || rareInheritedData->useTouchOverflowScrolling != other.rareInheritedData->useTouchOverflowScrolling |
| #endif |
| || rareInheritedData->listStyleImage != other.rareInheritedData->listStyleImage) // FIXME: needs arePointingToEqualData()? |
| return true; |
| |
| if (textStrokeWidth() != other.textStrokeWidth()) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| if (inherited->line_height != other.inherited->line_height |
| || inherited->specifiedLineHeight != other.inherited->specifiedLineHeight |
| #endif |
| || inherited->fontCascade != other.inherited->fontCascade |
| || inherited->horizontal_border_spacing != other.inherited->horizontal_border_spacing |
| || inherited->vertical_border_spacing != other.inherited->vertical_border_spacing |
| || inherited_flags._box_direction != other.inherited_flags._box_direction |
| || inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering != other.inherited_flags.m_rtlOrdering |
| || noninherited_flags.position() != other.noninherited_flags.position() |
| || noninherited_flags.floating() != other.noninherited_flags.floating() |
| || noninherited_flags.originalDisplay() != other.noninherited_flags.originalDisplay()) |
| return true; |
| |
| |
| if ((noninherited_flags.effectiveDisplay()) >= TABLE) { |
| if (inherited_flags._border_collapse != other.inherited_flags._border_collapse |
| || inherited_flags._empty_cells != other.inherited_flags._empty_cells |
| || inherited_flags._caption_side != other.inherited_flags._caption_side |
| || noninherited_flags.tableLayout() != other.noninherited_flags.tableLayout()) |
| return true; |
| |
| // In the collapsing border model, 'hidden' suppresses other borders, while 'none' |
| // does not, so these style differences can be width differences. |
| if (inherited_flags._border_collapse |
| && ((borderTopStyle() == BHIDDEN && other.borderTopStyle() == BNONE) |
| || (borderTopStyle() == BNONE && other.borderTopStyle() == BHIDDEN) |
| || (borderBottomStyle() == BHIDDEN && other.borderBottomStyle() == BNONE) |
| || (borderBottomStyle() == BNONE && other.borderBottomStyle() == BHIDDEN) |
| || (borderLeftStyle() == BHIDDEN && other.borderLeftStyle() == BNONE) |
| || (borderLeftStyle() == BNONE && other.borderLeftStyle() == BHIDDEN) |
| || (borderRightStyle() == BHIDDEN && other.borderRightStyle() == BNONE) |
| || (borderRightStyle() == BNONE && other.borderRightStyle() == BHIDDEN))) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| if (noninherited_flags.effectiveDisplay() == LIST_ITEM) { |
| if (inherited_flags._list_style_type != other.inherited_flags._list_style_type |
| || inherited_flags._list_style_position != other.inherited_flags._list_style_position) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| if (inherited_flags._text_align != other.inherited_flags._text_align |
| || inherited_flags._text_transform != other.inherited_flags._text_transform |
| || inherited_flags._direction != other.inherited_flags._direction |
| || inherited_flags._white_space != other.inherited_flags._white_space |
| || noninherited_flags.clear() != other.noninherited_flags.clear() |
| || noninherited_flags.unicodeBidi() != other.noninherited_flags.unicodeBidi()) |
| return true; |
| |
| // Check block flow direction. |
| if (inherited_flags.m_writingMode != other.inherited_flags.m_writingMode) |
| return true; |
| |
| // Check text combine mode. |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_textCombine != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_textCombine) |
| return true; |
| |
| // Check breaks. |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_breakBefore != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_breakBefore |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_breakAfter != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_breakAfter |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_breakInside != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_breakInside) |
| return true; |
| |
| // Overflow returns a layout hint. |
| if (noninherited_flags.overflowX() != other.noninherited_flags.overflowX() |
| || noninherited_flags.overflowY() != other.noninherited_flags.overflowY()) |
| return true; |
| |
| // If our border widths change, then we need to layout. Other changes to borders |
| // only necessitate a repaint. |
| if (borderLeftWidth() != other.borderLeftWidth() |
| || borderTopWidth() != other.borderTopWidth() |
| || borderBottomWidth() != other.borderBottomWidth() |
| || borderRightWidth() != other.borderRightWidth()) |
| return true; |
| |
| // If the counter directives change, trigger a relayout to re-calculate counter values and rebuild the counter node tree. |
| if (!arePointingToEqualData(rareNonInheritedData->m_counterDirectives, other.rareNonInheritedData->m_counterDirectives)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if ((visibility() == COLLAPSE) != (other.visibility() == COLLAPSE)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->hasOpacity() != other.rareNonInheritedData->hasOpacity()) { |
| // FIXME: We would like to use SimplifiedLayout here, but we can't quite do that yet. |
| // We need to make sure SimplifiedLayout can operate correctly on RenderInlines (we will need |
| // to add a selfNeedsSimplifiedLayout bit in order to not get confused and taint every line). |
| // In addition we need to solve the floating object issue when layers come and go. Right now |
| // a full layout is necessary to keep floating object lists sane. |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->hasFilters() != other.rareNonInheritedData->hasFilters()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->hasBackdropFilters() != other.rareNonInheritedData->hasBackdropFilters()) |
| return true; |
| #endif |
| |
| if (!arePointingToEqualData(rareInheritedData->quotes, other.rareInheritedData->quotes)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (position() != StaticPosition) { |
| if (surround->offset != other.surround->offset) { |
| // FIXME: We would like to use SimplifiedLayout for relative positioning, but we can't quite do that yet. |
| // We need to make sure SimplifiedLayout can operate correctly on RenderInlines (we will need |
| // to add a selfNeedsSimplifiedLayout bit in order to not get confused and taint every line). |
| if (position() != AbsolutePosition) |
| return true; |
| |
| // Optimize for the case where a positioned layer is moving but not changing size. |
| if (!positionChangeIsMovementOnly(surround->offset, other.surround->offset, m_box->width())) |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool hasFirstLineStyle = hasPseudoStyle(FIRST_LINE); |
| if (hasFirstLineStyle != other.hasPseudoStyle(FIRST_LINE)) |
| return true; |
| if (hasFirstLineStyle) { |
| auto* firstLineStyle = getCachedPseudoStyle(FIRST_LINE); |
| if (!firstLineStyle) |
| return true; |
| auto* otherFirstLineStyle = other.getCachedPseudoStyle(FIRST_LINE); |
| if (!otherFirstLineStyle) |
| return true; |
| // FIXME: Not all first line style changes actually need layout. |
| if (*firstLineStyle != *otherFirstLineStyle) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::changeRequiresPositionedLayoutOnly(const RenderStyle& other, unsigned&) const |
| { |
| if (position() == StaticPosition) |
| return false; |
| |
| if (surround->offset != other.surround->offset) { |
| // Optimize for the case where a positioned layer is moving but not changing size. |
| if (position() == AbsolutePosition && positionChangeIsMovementOnly(surround->offset, other.surround->offset, m_box->width())) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::changeRequiresLayerRepaint(const RenderStyle& other, unsigned& changedContextSensitiveProperties) const |
| { |
| // StyleResolver has ensured that zIndex is non-auto only if it's applicable. |
| if (m_box->zIndex() != other.m_box->zIndex() || m_box->hasAutoZIndex() != other.m_box->hasAutoZIndex()) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (position() != StaticPosition) { |
| if (visual->clip != other.visual->clip || visual->hasClip != other.visual->hasClip) { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties |= ContextSensitivePropertyClipRect; |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_effectiveBlendMode != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_effectiveBlendMode) |
| return true; |
| #endif |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_opacity != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_opacity) { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties |= ContextSensitivePropertyOpacity; |
| // Don't return; keep looking for another change. |
| } |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_filter != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_filter) { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties |= ContextSensitivePropertyFilter; |
| // Don't return; keep looking for another change. |
| } |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_backdropFilter != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_backdropFilter) { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties |= ContextSensitivePropertyFilter; |
| // Don't return; keep looking for another change. |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_mask != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_mask |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_maskBoxImage != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_maskBoxImage) |
| return true; |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::changeRequiresRepaint(const RenderStyle& other, unsigned& changedContextSensitiveProperties) const |
| { |
| if (inherited_flags._visibility != other.inherited_flags._visibility |
| || inherited_flags.m_printColorAdjust != other.inherited_flags.m_printColorAdjust |
| || inherited_flags._insideLink != other.inherited_flags._insideLink |
| || inherited_flags._insideDefaultButton != other.inherited_flags._insideDefaultButton |
| || surround->border != other.surround->border |
| || !m_background->isEquivalentForPainting(*other.m_background) |
| || rareInheritedData->userModify != other.rareInheritedData->userModify |
| || rareInheritedData->userSelect != other.rareInheritedData->userSelect |
| || rareNonInheritedData->userDrag != other.rareNonInheritedData->userDrag |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_borderFit != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_borderFit |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_objectFit != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_objectFit |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_objectPosition != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_objectPosition |
| || rareInheritedData->m_imageRendering != other.rareInheritedData->m_imageRendering) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_shapeOutside != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_shapeOutside) |
| return true; |
| |
| // FIXME: this should probably be moved to changeRequiresLayerRepaint(). |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_clipPath != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_clipPath) { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties |= ContextSensitivePropertyClipPath; |
| // Don't return; keep looking for another change. |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::changeRequiresRepaintIfTextOrBorderOrOutline(const RenderStyle& other, unsigned&) const |
| { |
| if (inherited->color != other.inherited->color |
| || inherited_flags._text_decorations != other.inherited_flags._text_decorations |
| || visual->textDecoration != other.visual->textDecoration |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationStyle != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationStyle |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationColor != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_textDecorationColor |
| || rareInheritedData->m_textDecorationSkip != other.rareInheritedData->m_textDecorationSkip |
| || rareInheritedData->textFillColor != other.rareInheritedData->textFillColor |
| || rareInheritedData->textStrokeColor != other.rareInheritedData->textStrokeColor |
| || rareInheritedData->textEmphasisColor != other.rareInheritedData->textEmphasisColor |
| || rareInheritedData->textEmphasisFill != other.rareInheritedData->textEmphasisFill) |
| return true; |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::changeRequiresRecompositeLayer(const RenderStyle& other, unsigned&) const |
| { |
| if (rareNonInheritedData.get() != other.rareNonInheritedData.get()) { |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_transformStyle3D != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_transformStyle3D |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_backfaceVisibility != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_backfaceVisibility |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_perspective != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_perspective |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginX != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginX |
| || rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginY != other.rareNonInheritedData->m_perspectiveOriginY) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| StyleDifference RenderStyle::diff(const RenderStyle& other, unsigned& changedContextSensitiveProperties) const |
| { |
| changedContextSensitiveProperties = ContextSensitivePropertyNone; |
| |
| StyleDifference svgChange = StyleDifferenceEqual; |
| if (m_svgStyle != other.m_svgStyle) { |
| svgChange = m_svgStyle->diff(other.m_svgStyle.get()); |
| if (svgChange == StyleDifferenceLayout) |
| return svgChange; |
| } |
| |
| if (changeRequiresLayout(other, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return StyleDifferenceLayout; |
| |
| // SVGRenderStyle::diff() might have returned StyleDifferenceRepaint, eg. if fill changes. |
| // If eg. the font-size changed at the same time, we're not allowed to return StyleDifferenceRepaint, |
| // but have to return StyleDifferenceLayout, that's why this if branch comes after all branches |
| // that are relevant for SVG and might return StyleDifferenceLayout. |
| if (svgChange != StyleDifferenceEqual) |
| return svgChange; |
| |
| if (changeRequiresPositionedLayoutOnly(other, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return StyleDifferenceLayoutPositionedMovementOnly; |
| |
| if (changeRequiresLayerRepaint(other, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return StyleDifferenceRepaintLayer; |
| |
| if (changeRequiresRepaint(other, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return StyleDifferenceRepaint; |
| |
| if (changeRequiresRecompositeLayer(other, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return StyleDifferenceRecompositeLayer; |
| |
| if (changeRequiresRepaintIfTextOrBorderOrOutline(other, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return StyleDifferenceRepaintIfTextOrBorderOrOutline; |
| |
| // Cursors are not checked, since they will be set appropriately in response to mouse events, |
| // so they don't need to cause any repaint or layout. |
| |
| // Animations don't need to be checked either. We always set the new style on the RenderObject, so we will get a chance to fire off |
| // the resulting transition properly. |
| return StyleDifferenceEqual; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::diffRequiresLayerRepaint(const RenderStyle& style, bool isComposited) const |
| { |
| unsigned changedContextSensitiveProperties = 0; |
| |
| if (changeRequiresRepaint(style, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return true; |
| |
| if (isComposited && changeRequiresLayerRepaint(style, changedContextSensitiveProperties)) |
| return changedContextSensitiveProperties & ContextSensitivePropertyClipRect; |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setClip(Length top, Length right, Length bottom, Length left) |
| { |
| StyleVisualData* data = visual.access(); |
| data->clip.top() = top; |
| data->clip.right() = right; |
| data->clip.bottom() = bottom; |
| data->clip.left() = left; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::addCursor(RefPtr<StyleImage>&& image, const IntPoint& hotSpot) |
| { |
| if (!rareInheritedData.access()->cursorData) |
| rareInheritedData.access()->cursorData = CursorList::create(); |
| rareInheritedData.access()->cursorData->append(CursorData(WTFMove(image), hotSpot)); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setCursorList(RefPtr<CursorList>&& list) |
| { |
| rareInheritedData.access()->cursorData = WTFMove(list); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setQuotes(RefPtr<QuotesData>&& q) |
| { |
| if (rareInheritedData->quotes == q || (rareInheritedData->quotes && q && *rareInheritedData->quotes == *q)) |
| return; |
| |
| rareInheritedData.access()->quotes = WTFMove(q); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setWillChange(RefPtr<WillChangeData>&& willChangeData) |
| { |
| if (arePointingToEqualData(rareNonInheritedData->m_willChange.get(), willChangeData.get())) |
| return; |
| |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_willChange = WTFMove(willChangeData); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::clearCursorList() |
| { |
| if (rareInheritedData->cursorData) |
| rareInheritedData.access()->cursorData = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::clearContent() |
| { |
| if (rareNonInheritedData->m_content) |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::appendContent(std::unique_ptr<ContentData> contentData) |
| { |
| auto& content = rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content; |
| ContentData* lastContent = content.get(); |
| while (lastContent && lastContent->next()) |
| lastContent = lastContent->next(); |
| |
| if (lastContent) |
| lastContent->setNext(WTFMove(contentData)); |
| else |
| content = WTFMove(contentData); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setContent(RefPtr<StyleImage>&& image, bool add) |
| { |
| if (!image) |
| return; |
| |
| if (add) { |
| appendContent(std::make_unique<ImageContentData>(image.releaseNonNull())); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content = std::make_unique<ImageContentData>(image.releaseNonNull()); |
| if (!rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_altText.isNull()) |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content->setAltText(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_altText); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setContent(const String& string, bool add) |
| { |
| auto& content = rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content; |
| if (add) { |
| ContentData* lastContent = content.get(); |
| while (lastContent && lastContent->next()) |
| lastContent = lastContent->next(); |
| |
| if (lastContent) { |
| // We attempt to merge with the last ContentData if possible. |
| if (is<TextContentData>(*lastContent)) { |
| TextContentData& textContent = downcast<TextContentData>(*lastContent); |
| textContent.setText(textContent.text() + string); |
| } else |
| lastContent->setNext(std::make_unique<TextContentData>(string)); |
| |
| if (!rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_altText.isNull()) |
| lastContent->setAltText(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_altText); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| content = std::make_unique<TextContentData>(string); |
| if (!rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_altText.isNull()) |
| content->setAltText(rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_altText); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setContent(std::unique_ptr<CounterContent> counter, bool add) |
| { |
| if (!counter) |
| return; |
| |
| if (add) { |
| appendContent(std::make_unique<CounterContentData>(WTFMove(counter))); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content = std::make_unique<CounterContentData>(WTFMove(counter)); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setContent(QuoteType quote, bool add) |
| { |
| if (add) { |
| appendContent(std::make_unique<QuoteContentData>(quote)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content = std::make_unique<QuoteContentData>(quote); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setContentAltText(const String& string) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_altText = string; |
| |
| if (rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content) |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_content->setAltText(string); |
| } |
| |
| const String& RenderStyle::contentAltText() const |
| { |
| return rareNonInheritedData->m_altText; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setHasAttrContent() |
| { |
| setUnique(); |
| SET_VAR(rareNonInheritedData, m_hasAttrContent, true); |
| } |
| |
| // FIXME: use affectedByTransformOrigin(). |
| static inline bool requireTransformOrigin(const Vector<RefPtr<TransformOperation>>& transformOperations, RenderStyle::ApplyTransformOrigin applyOrigin) |
| { |
| // transform-origin brackets the transform with translate operations. |
| // Optimize for the case where the only transform is a translation, since the transform-origin is irrelevant |
| // in that case. |
| if (applyOrigin != RenderStyle::IncludeTransformOrigin) |
| return false; |
| |
| for (auto& operation : transformOperations) { |
| TransformOperation::OperationType type = operation->type(); |
| if (type != TransformOperation::TRANSLATE_X |
| && type != TransformOperation::TRANSLATE_Y |
| && type != TransformOperation::TRANSLATE |
| && type != TransformOperation::TRANSLATE_Z |
| && type != TransformOperation::TRANSLATE_3D) |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::applyTransform(TransformationMatrix& transform, const FloatRect& boundingBox, ApplyTransformOrigin applyOrigin) const |
| { |
| auto& operations = rareNonInheritedData->m_transform->m_operations.operations(); |
| bool applyTransformOrigin = requireTransformOrigin(operations, applyOrigin); |
| |
| float offsetX = transformOriginX().isPercent() ? boundingBox.x() : 0; |
| float offsetY = transformOriginY().isPercent() ? boundingBox.y() : 0; |
| |
| if (applyTransformOrigin) { |
| transform.translate3d(floatValueForLength(transformOriginX(), boundingBox.width()) + offsetX, |
| floatValueForLength(transformOriginY(), boundingBox.height()) + offsetY, |
| transformOriginZ()); |
| } |
| |
| for (auto& operation : operations) |
| operation->apply(transform, boundingBox.size()); |
| |
| if (applyTransformOrigin) { |
| transform.translate3d(-floatValueForLength(transformOriginX(), boundingBox.width()) - offsetX, |
| -floatValueForLength(transformOriginY(), boundingBox.height()) - offsetY, |
| -transformOriginZ()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setPageScaleTransform(float scale) |
| { |
| if (scale == 1) |
| return; |
| TransformOperations transform; |
| transform.operations().append(ScaleTransformOperation::create(scale, scale, ScaleTransformOperation::SCALE)); |
| setTransform(transform); |
| setTransformOriginX(Length(0, Fixed)); |
| setTransformOriginY(Length(0, Fixed)); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setTextShadow(std::unique_ptr<ShadowData> shadowData, bool add) |
| { |
| ASSERT(!shadowData || (!shadowData->spread() && shadowData->style() == Normal)); |
| |
| StyleRareInheritedData* rareData = rareInheritedData.access(); |
| if (!add) { |
| rareData->textShadow = WTFMove(shadowData); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| shadowData->setNext(WTFMove(rareData->textShadow)); |
| rareData->textShadow = WTFMove(shadowData); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setBoxShadow(std::unique_ptr<ShadowData> shadowData, bool add) |
| { |
| StyleRareNonInheritedData* rareData = rareNonInheritedData.access(); |
| if (!add) { |
| rareData->m_boxShadow = WTFMove(shadowData); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| shadowData->setNext(WTFMove(rareData->m_boxShadow)); |
| rareData->m_boxShadow = WTFMove(shadowData); |
| } |
| |
| static RoundedRect::Radii calcRadiiFor(const BorderData& border, const LayoutSize& size) |
| { |
| return RoundedRect::Radii( |
| LayoutSize(valueForLength(border.topLeft().width(), size.width()), |
| valueForLength(border.topLeft().height(), size.height())), |
| LayoutSize(valueForLength(border.topRight().width(), size.width()), |
| valueForLength(border.topRight().height(), size.height())), |
| LayoutSize(valueForLength(border.bottomLeft().width(), size.width()), |
| valueForLength(border.bottomLeft().height(), size.height())), |
| LayoutSize(valueForLength(border.bottomRight().width(), size.width()), |
| valueForLength(border.bottomRight().height(), size.height()))); |
| } |
| |
| StyleImage* RenderStyle::listStyleImage() const { return rareInheritedData->listStyleImage.get(); } |
| void RenderStyle::setListStyleImage(RefPtr<StyleImage>&& v) |
| { |
| if (rareInheritedData->listStyleImage != v) |
| rareInheritedData.access()->listStyleImage = WTFMove(v); |
| } |
| |
| const Color& RenderStyle::color() const |
| { |
| return inherited->color; |
| } |
| |
| const Color& RenderStyle::visitedLinkColor() const |
| { |
| return inherited->visitedLinkColor; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setColor(const Color& v) |
| { |
| SET_VAR(inherited, color, v); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setVisitedLinkColor(const Color& v) |
| { |
| SET_VAR(inherited, visitedLinkColor, v); |
| } |
| |
| float RenderStyle::horizontalBorderSpacing() const { return inherited->horizontal_border_spacing; } |
| float RenderStyle::verticalBorderSpacing() const { return inherited->vertical_border_spacing; } |
| void RenderStyle::setHorizontalBorderSpacing(float v) { SET_VAR(inherited, horizontal_border_spacing, v); } |
| void RenderStyle::setVerticalBorderSpacing(float v) { SET_VAR(inherited, vertical_border_spacing, v); } |
| |
| RoundedRect RenderStyle::getRoundedBorderFor(const LayoutRect& borderRect, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const |
| { |
| RoundedRect roundedRect(borderRect); |
| if (hasBorderRadius()) { |
| RoundedRect::Radii radii = calcRadiiFor(surround->border, borderRect.size()); |
| radii.scale(calcBorderRadiiConstraintScaleFor(borderRect, radii)); |
| roundedRect.includeLogicalEdges(radii, isHorizontalWritingMode(), includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge); |
| } |
| return roundedRect; |
| } |
| |
| RoundedRect RenderStyle::getRoundedInnerBorderFor(const LayoutRect& borderRect, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const |
| { |
| bool horizontal = isHorizontalWritingMode(); |
| |
| LayoutUnit leftWidth = (!horizontal || includeLogicalLeftEdge) ? borderLeftWidth() : 0; |
| LayoutUnit rightWidth = (!horizontal || includeLogicalRightEdge) ? borderRightWidth() : 0; |
| LayoutUnit topWidth = (horizontal || includeLogicalLeftEdge) ? borderTopWidth() : 0; |
| LayoutUnit bottomWidth = (horizontal || includeLogicalRightEdge) ? borderBottomWidth() : 0; |
| |
| return getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect, topWidth, bottomWidth, leftWidth, rightWidth, includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge); |
| } |
| |
| RoundedRect RenderStyle::getRoundedInnerBorderFor(const LayoutRect& borderRect, LayoutUnit topWidth, LayoutUnit bottomWidth, |
| LayoutUnit leftWidth, LayoutUnit rightWidth, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const |
| { |
| LayoutRect innerRect(borderRect.x() + leftWidth, |
| borderRect.y() + topWidth, |
| borderRect.width() - leftWidth - rightWidth, |
| borderRect.height() - topWidth - bottomWidth); |
| |
| RoundedRect roundedRect(innerRect); |
| |
| if (hasBorderRadius()) { |
| RoundedRect::Radii radii = getRoundedBorderFor(borderRect).radii(); |
| radii.shrink(topWidth, bottomWidth, leftWidth, rightWidth); |
| roundedRect.includeLogicalEdges(radii, isHorizontalWritingMode(), includeLogicalLeftEdge, includeLogicalRightEdge); |
| } |
| return roundedRect; |
| } |
| |
| static bool allLayersAreFixed(const FillLayer* layer) |
| { |
| bool allFixed = true; |
| |
| for (const FillLayer* currLayer = layer; currLayer; currLayer = currLayer->next()) |
| allFixed &= (currLayer->image() && currLayer->attachment() == FixedBackgroundAttachment); |
| |
| return layer && allFixed; |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::hasEntirelyFixedBackground() const |
| { |
| return allLayersAreFixed(backgroundLayers()); |
| } |
| |
| const CounterDirectiveMap* RenderStyle::counterDirectives() const |
| { |
| return rareNonInheritedData->m_counterDirectives.get(); |
| } |
| |
| CounterDirectiveMap& RenderStyle::accessCounterDirectives() |
| { |
| auto& map = rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_counterDirectives; |
| if (!map) |
| map = std::make_unique<CounterDirectiveMap>(); |
| return *map; |
| } |
| |
| const CounterDirectives RenderStyle::getCounterDirectives(const AtomicString& identifier) const |
| { |
| if (const CounterDirectiveMap* directives = counterDirectives()) |
| return directives->get(identifier); |
| return CounterDirectives(); |
| } |
| |
| const AtomicString& RenderStyle::hyphenString() const |
| { |
| ASSERT(hyphens() != HyphensNone); |
| |
| const AtomicString& hyphenationString = rareInheritedData.get()->hyphenationString; |
| if (!hyphenationString.isNull()) |
| return hyphenationString; |
| |
| // FIXME: This should depend on locale. |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> hyphenMinusString(&hyphenMinus, 1); |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> hyphenString(&hyphen, 1); |
| return fontCascade().primaryFont().glyphForCharacter(hyphen) ? hyphenString : hyphenMinusString; |
| } |
| |
| const AtomicString& RenderStyle::textEmphasisMarkString() const |
| { |
| switch (textEmphasisMark()) { |
| case TextEmphasisMarkNone: |
| return nullAtom; |
| case TextEmphasisMarkCustom: |
| return textEmphasisCustomMark(); |
| case TextEmphasisMarkDot: { |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> filledDotString(&bullet, 1); |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> openDotString(&whiteBullet, 1); |
| return textEmphasisFill() == TextEmphasisFillFilled ? filledDotString : openDotString; |
| } |
| case TextEmphasisMarkCircle: { |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> filledCircleString(&blackCircle, 1); |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> openCircleString(&whiteCircle, 1); |
| return textEmphasisFill() == TextEmphasisFillFilled ? filledCircleString : openCircleString; |
| } |
| case TextEmphasisMarkDoubleCircle: { |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> filledDoubleCircleString(&fisheye, 1); |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> openDoubleCircleString(&bullseye, 1); |
| return textEmphasisFill() == TextEmphasisFillFilled ? filledDoubleCircleString : openDoubleCircleString; |
| } |
| case TextEmphasisMarkTriangle: { |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> filledTriangleString(&blackUpPointingTriangle, 1); |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> openTriangleString(&whiteUpPointingTriangle, 1); |
| return textEmphasisFill() == TextEmphasisFillFilled ? filledTriangleString : openTriangleString; |
| } |
| case TextEmphasisMarkSesame: { |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> filledSesameString(&sesameDot, 1); |
| static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> openSesameString(&whiteSesameDot, 1); |
| return textEmphasisFill() == TextEmphasisFillFilled ? filledSesameString : openSesameString; |
| } |
| case TextEmphasisMarkAuto: |
| return nullAtom; |
| } |
| |
| return nullAtom; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>& RenderStyle::initialDashboardRegions() |
| { |
| static NeverDestroyed<Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>> emptyList; |
| return emptyList; |
| } |
| |
| const Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>& RenderStyle::noneDashboardRegions() |
| { |
| static NeverDestroyed<Vector<StyleDashboardRegion>> noneList; |
| static bool noneListInitialized = false; |
| |
| if (!noneListInitialized) { |
| StyleDashboardRegion region; |
| region.label = emptyString(); |
| region.offset.top() = Length(); |
| region.offset.right() = Length(); |
| region.offset.bottom() = Length(); |
| region.offset.left() = Length(); |
| region.type = StyleDashboardRegion::None; |
| noneList.get().append(region); |
| noneListInitialized = true; |
| } |
| return noneList; |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void RenderStyle::adjustAnimations() |
| { |
| AnimationList* animationList = rareNonInheritedData->m_animations.get(); |
| if (!animationList) |
| return; |
| |
| // Get rid of empty animations and anything beyond them |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < animationList->size(); ++i) { |
| if (animationList->animation(i).isEmpty()) { |
| animationList->resize(i); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (animationList->isEmpty()) { |
| clearAnimations(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Repeat patterns into layers that don't have some properties set. |
| animationList->fillUnsetProperties(); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::adjustTransitions() |
| { |
| AnimationList* transitionList = rareNonInheritedData->m_transitions.get(); |
| if (!transitionList) |
| return; |
| |
| // Get rid of empty transitions and anything beyond them |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < transitionList->size(); ++i) { |
| if (transitionList->animation(i).isEmpty()) { |
| transitionList->resize(i); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (transitionList->isEmpty()) { |
| clearTransitions(); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Repeat patterns into layers that don't have some properties set. |
| transitionList->fillUnsetProperties(); |
| |
| // Make sure there are no duplicate properties. This is an O(n^2) algorithm |
| // but the lists tend to be very short, so it is probably ok |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < transitionList->size(); ++i) { |
| for (size_t j = i+1; j < transitionList->size(); ++j) { |
| if (transitionList->animation(i).property() == transitionList->animation(j).property()) { |
| // toss i |
| transitionList->remove(i); |
| j = i; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| AnimationList& RenderStyle::ensureAnimations() |
| { |
| if (!rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_animations) |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_animations = std::make_unique<AnimationList>(); |
| return *rareNonInheritedData->m_animations; |
| } |
| |
| AnimationList& RenderStyle::ensureTransitions() |
| { |
| if (!rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transitions) |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_transitions = std::make_unique<AnimationList>(); |
| return *rareNonInheritedData->m_transitions; |
| } |
| |
| const Animation* RenderStyle::transitionForProperty(CSSPropertyID property) const |
| { |
| if (transitions()) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < transitions()->size(); ++i) { |
| const Animation& p = transitions()->animation(i); |
| if (p.animationMode() == Animation::AnimateAll || p.property() == property) { |
| return &p; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| const FontCascade& RenderStyle::fontCascade() const { return inherited->fontCascade; } |
| const FontMetrics& RenderStyle::fontMetrics() const { return inherited->fontCascade.fontMetrics(); } |
| const FontCascadeDescription& RenderStyle::fontDescription() const { return inherited->fontCascade.fontDescription(); } |
| float RenderStyle::specifiedFontSize() const { return fontDescription().specifiedSize(); } |
| float RenderStyle::computedFontSize() const { return fontDescription().computedSize(); } |
| int RenderStyle::fontSize() const { return inherited->fontCascade.pixelSize(); } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::wordSpacing() const { return rareInheritedData->wordSpacing; } |
| float RenderStyle::letterSpacing() const { return inherited->fontCascade.letterSpacing(); } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::setFontDescription(const FontCascadeDescription& v) |
| { |
| if (inherited->fontCascade.fontDescription() != v) { |
| inherited.access()->fontCascade = FontCascade(v, inherited->fontCascade.letterSpacing(), inherited->fontCascade.wordSpacing()); |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::specifiedLineHeight() const { return inherited->specifiedLineHeight; } |
| void RenderStyle::setSpecifiedLineHeight(Length v) { SET_VAR(inherited, specifiedLineHeight, v); } |
| #else |
| const Length& RenderStyle::specifiedLineHeight() const { return inherited->line_height; } |
| #endif |
| |
| Length RenderStyle::lineHeight() const |
| { |
| return inherited->line_height; |
| } |
| void RenderStyle::setLineHeight(Length specifiedLineHeight) { SET_VAR(inherited, line_height, specifiedLineHeight); } |
| |
| int RenderStyle::computedLineHeight() const |
| { |
| const Length& lh = lineHeight(); |
| |
| // Negative value means the line height is not set. Use the font's built-in spacing. |
| if (lh.isNegative()) |
| return fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); |
| |
| if (lh.isPercentOrCalculated()) |
| return minimumValueForLength(lh, fontSize()); |
| |
| return clampTo<int>(lh.value()); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setWordSpacing(Length value) |
| { |
| float fontWordSpacing; |
| switch (value.type()) { |
| case Auto: |
| fontWordSpacing = 0; |
| break; |
| case Percent: |
| fontWordSpacing = value.percent() * fontCascade().spaceWidth() / 100; |
| break; |
| case Fixed: |
| fontWordSpacing = value.value(); |
| break; |
| case Calculated: |
| fontWordSpacing = value.nonNanCalculatedValue(maxValueForCssLength); |
| break; |
| default: |
| fontWordSpacing = 0; |
| break; |
| } |
| inherited.access()->fontCascade.setWordSpacing(fontWordSpacing); |
| rareInheritedData.access()->wordSpacing = WTFMove(value); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setLetterSpacing(float v) { inherited.access()->fontCascade.setLetterSpacing(v); } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setFontSize(float size) |
| { |
| // size must be specifiedSize if Text Autosizing is enabled, but computedSize if text |
| // zoom is enabled (if neither is enabled it's irrelevant as they're probably the same). |
| |
| ASSERT(std::isfinite(size)); |
| if (!std::isfinite(size) || size < 0) |
| size = 0; |
| else |
| size = std::min(maximumAllowedFontSize, size); |
| |
| FontSelector* currentFontSelector = fontCascade().fontSelector(); |
| auto description = fontDescription(); |
| description.setSpecifiedSize(size); |
| description.setComputedSize(size); |
| |
| setFontDescription(description); |
| fontCascade().update(currentFontSelector); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setFontVariationSettings(FontVariationSettings settings) |
| { |
| FontSelector* currentFontSelector = fontCascade().fontSelector(); |
| auto description = fontDescription(); |
| description.setVariationSettings(WTFMove(settings)); |
| |
| setFontDescription(description); |
| fontCascade().update(currentFontSelector); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| void RenderStyle::getShadowExtent(const ShadowData* shadow, LayoutUnit &top, LayoutUnit &right, LayoutUnit &bottom, LayoutUnit &left) const |
| { |
| top = 0; |
| right = 0; |
| bottom = 0; |
| left = 0; |
| |
| for ( ; shadow; shadow = shadow->next()) { |
| if (shadow->style() == Inset) |
| continue; |
| |
| int extentAndSpread = shadow->paintingExtent() + shadow->spread(); |
| top = std::min<LayoutUnit>(top, shadow->y() - extentAndSpread); |
| right = std::max<LayoutUnit>(right, shadow->x() + extentAndSpread); |
| bottom = std::max<LayoutUnit>(bottom, shadow->y() + extentAndSpread); |
| left = std::min<LayoutUnit>(left, shadow->x() - extentAndSpread); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| LayoutBoxExtent RenderStyle::getShadowInsetExtent(const ShadowData* shadow) const |
| { |
| LayoutUnit top = 0; |
| LayoutUnit right = 0; |
| LayoutUnit bottom = 0; |
| LayoutUnit left = 0; |
| |
| for ( ; shadow; shadow = shadow->next()) { |
| if (shadow->style() == Normal) |
| continue; |
| |
| int extentAndSpread = shadow->paintingExtent() + shadow->spread(); |
| top = std::max<LayoutUnit>(top, shadow->y() + extentAndSpread); |
| right = std::min<LayoutUnit>(right, shadow->x() - extentAndSpread); |
| bottom = std::min<LayoutUnit>(bottom, shadow->y() - extentAndSpread); |
| left = std::max<LayoutUnit>(left, shadow->x() + extentAndSpread); |
| } |
| |
| return LayoutBoxExtent(top, right, bottom, left); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::getShadowHorizontalExtent(const ShadowData* shadow, LayoutUnit &left, LayoutUnit &right) const |
| { |
| left = 0; |
| right = 0; |
| |
| for ( ; shadow; shadow = shadow->next()) { |
| if (shadow->style() == Inset) |
| continue; |
| |
| int extentAndSpread = shadow->paintingExtent() + shadow->spread(); |
| left = std::min<LayoutUnit>(left, shadow->x() - extentAndSpread); |
| right = std::max<LayoutUnit>(right, shadow->x() + extentAndSpread); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::getShadowVerticalExtent(const ShadowData* shadow, LayoutUnit &top, LayoutUnit &bottom) const |
| { |
| top = 0; |
| bottom = 0; |
| |
| for ( ; shadow; shadow = shadow->next()) { |
| if (shadow->style() == Inset) |
| continue; |
| |
| int extentAndSpread = shadow->paintingExtent() + shadow->spread(); |
| top = std::min<LayoutUnit>(top, shadow->y() - extentAndSpread); |
| bottom = std::max<LayoutUnit>(bottom, shadow->y() + extentAndSpread); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Color RenderStyle::colorIncludingFallback(int colorProperty, bool visitedLink) const |
| { |
| Color result; |
| EBorderStyle borderStyle = BNONE; |
| switch (colorProperty) { |
| case CSSPropertyBackgroundColor: |
| return visitedLink ? visitedLinkBackgroundColor() : backgroundColor(); // Background color doesn't fall back. |
| case CSSPropertyBorderLeftColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkBorderLeftColor() : borderLeftColor(); |
| borderStyle = borderLeftStyle(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyBorderRightColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkBorderRightColor() : borderRightColor(); |
| borderStyle = borderRightStyle(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyBorderTopColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkBorderTopColor() : borderTopColor(); |
| borderStyle = borderTopStyle(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyBorderBottomColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkBorderBottomColor() : borderBottomColor(); |
| borderStyle = borderBottomStyle(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkColor() : color(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyOutlineColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkOutlineColor() : outlineColor(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyColumnRuleColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkColumnRuleColor() : columnRuleColor(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationColor: |
| // Text decoration color fallback is handled in RenderObject::decorationColor. |
| return visitedLink ? visitedLinkTextDecorationColor() : textDecorationColor(); |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextEmphasisColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkTextEmphasisColor() : textEmphasisColor(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkTextFillColor() : textFillColor(); |
| break; |
| case CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor: |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkTextStrokeColor() : textStrokeColor(); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| if (!result.isValid()) { |
| if (!visitedLink && (borderStyle == INSET || borderStyle == OUTSET || borderStyle == RIDGE || borderStyle == GROOVE)) |
| result = Color(238, 238, 238); |
| else |
| result = visitedLink ? visitedLinkColor() : color(); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| Color RenderStyle::visitedDependentColor(int colorProperty) const |
| { |
| Color unvisitedColor = colorIncludingFallback(colorProperty, false); |
| if (insideLink() != InsideVisitedLink) |
| return unvisitedColor; |
| |
| Color visitedColor = colorIncludingFallback(colorProperty, true); |
| |
| // Text decoration color validity is preserved (checked in RenderObject::decorationColor). |
| if (colorProperty == CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationColor) |
| return visitedColor; |
| |
| // FIXME: Technically someone could explicitly specify the color transparent, but for now we'll just |
| // assume that if the background color is transparent that it wasn't set. Note that it's weird that |
| // we're returning unvisited info for a visited link, but given our restriction that the alpha values |
| // have to match, it makes more sense to return the unvisited background color if specified than it |
| // does to return black. This behavior matches what Firefox 4 does as well. |
| if (colorProperty == CSSPropertyBackgroundColor && visitedColor == Color::transparent) |
| return unvisitedColor; |
| |
| // Take the alpha from the unvisited color, but get the RGB values from the visited color. |
| return visitedColor.colorWithAlpha(unvisitedColor.alphaAsFloat()); |
| } |
| |
| const BorderValue& RenderStyle::borderBefore() const |
| { |
| switch (writingMode()) { |
| case TopToBottomWritingMode: |
| return borderTop(); |
| case BottomToTopWritingMode: |
| return borderBottom(); |
| case LeftToRightWritingMode: |
| return borderLeft(); |
| case RightToLeftWritingMode: |
| return borderRight(); |
| } |
| return borderTop(); |
| } |
| |
| const BorderValue& RenderStyle::borderAfter() const |
| { |
| switch (writingMode()) { |
| case TopToBottomWritingMode: |
| return borderBottom(); |
| case BottomToTopWritingMode: |
| return borderTop(); |
| case LeftToRightWritingMode: |
| return borderRight(); |
| case RightToLeftWritingMode: |
| return borderLeft(); |
| } |
| return borderBottom(); |
| } |
| |
| const BorderValue& RenderStyle::borderStart() const |
| { |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderLeft() : borderRight(); |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderTop() : borderBottom(); |
| } |
| |
| const BorderValue& RenderStyle::borderEnd() const |
| { |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderRight() : borderLeft(); |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderBottom() : borderTop(); |
| } |
| |
| float RenderStyle::borderBeforeWidth() const |
| { |
| switch (writingMode()) { |
| case TopToBottomWritingMode: |
| return borderTopWidth(); |
| case BottomToTopWritingMode: |
| return borderBottomWidth(); |
| case LeftToRightWritingMode: |
| return borderLeftWidth(); |
| case RightToLeftWritingMode: |
| return borderRightWidth(); |
| } |
| return borderTopWidth(); |
| } |
| |
| float RenderStyle::borderAfterWidth() const |
| { |
| switch (writingMode()) { |
| case TopToBottomWritingMode: |
| return borderBottomWidth(); |
| case BottomToTopWritingMode: |
| return borderTopWidth(); |
| case LeftToRightWritingMode: |
| return borderRightWidth(); |
| case RightToLeftWritingMode: |
| return borderLeftWidth(); |
| } |
| return borderBottomWidth(); |
| } |
| |
| float RenderStyle::borderStartWidth() const |
| { |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderLeftWidth() : borderRightWidth(); |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderTopWidth() : borderBottomWidth(); |
| } |
| |
| float RenderStyle::borderEndWidth() const |
| { |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderRightWidth() : borderLeftWidth(); |
| return isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderBottomWidth() : borderTopWidth(); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setMarginStart(Length margin) |
| { |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) { |
| if (isLeftToRightDirection()) |
| setMarginLeft(margin); |
| else |
| setMarginRight(margin); |
| } else { |
| if (isLeftToRightDirection()) |
| setMarginTop(margin); |
| else |
| setMarginBottom(margin); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setMarginEnd(Length margin) |
| { |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) { |
| if (isLeftToRightDirection()) |
| setMarginRight(margin); |
| else |
| setMarginLeft(margin); |
| } else { |
| if (isLeftToRightDirection()) |
| setMarginBottom(margin); |
| else |
| setMarginTop(margin); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TextEmphasisMark RenderStyle::textEmphasisMark() const |
| { |
| TextEmphasisMark mark = static_cast<TextEmphasisMark>(rareInheritedData->textEmphasisMark); |
| if (mark != TextEmphasisMarkAuto) |
| return mark; |
| |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| return TextEmphasisMarkDot; |
| |
| return TextEmphasisMarkSesame; |
| } |
| |
| Color RenderStyle::initialTapHighlightColor() |
| { |
| return RenderTheme::tapHighlightColor(); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| LayoutBoxExtent RenderStyle::imageOutsets(const NinePieceImage& image) const |
| { |
| return LayoutBoxExtent(NinePieceImage::computeOutset(image.outset().top(), borderTopWidth()), |
| NinePieceImage::computeOutset(image.outset().right(), borderRightWidth()), |
| NinePieceImage::computeOutset(image.outset().bottom(), borderBottomWidth()), |
| NinePieceImage::computeOutset(image.outset().left(), borderLeftWidth())); |
| } |
| |
| std::pair<FontOrientation, NonCJKGlyphOrientation> RenderStyle::fontAndGlyphOrientation() |
| { |
| // FIXME: TextOrientationSideways should map to sideways-left in vertical-lr, which is not supported yet. |
| |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| return { Horizontal, NonCJKGlyphOrientation::Mixed }; |
| |
| switch (textOrientation()) { |
| case TextOrientation::Mixed: |
| return { Vertical, NonCJKGlyphOrientation::Mixed }; |
| case TextOrientation::Upright: |
| return { Vertical, NonCJKGlyphOrientation::Upright }; |
| case TextOrientation::Sideways: |
| return { Horizontal, NonCJKGlyphOrientation::Mixed }; |
| default: |
| return { Horizontal, NonCJKGlyphOrientation::Mixed }; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setBorderImageSource(RefPtr<StyleImage>&& image) |
| { |
| if (surround->border.m_image.image() == image.get()) |
| return; |
| surround.access()->border.m_image.setImage(WTFMove(image)); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setBorderImageSlices(LengthBox slices) |
| { |
| if (surround->border.m_image.imageSlices() == slices) |
| return; |
| surround.access()->border.m_image.setImageSlices(slices); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setBorderImageWidth(LengthBox slices) |
| { |
| if (surround->border.m_image.borderSlices() == slices) |
| return; |
| surround.access()->border.m_image.setBorderSlices(slices); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setBorderImageOutset(LengthBox outset) |
| { |
| if (surround->border.m_image.outset() == outset) |
| return; |
| surround.access()->border.m_image.setOutset(outset); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setColumnStylesFromPaginationMode(const Pagination::Mode& paginationMode) |
| { |
| if (paginationMode == Pagination::Unpaginated) |
| return; |
| |
| setColumnFill(ColumnFillAuto); |
| |
| switch (paginationMode) { |
| case Pagination::LeftToRightPaginated: |
| setColumnAxis(HorizontalColumnAxis); |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| setColumnProgression(isLeftToRightDirection() ? NormalColumnProgression : ReverseColumnProgression); |
| else |
| setColumnProgression(isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? ReverseColumnProgression : NormalColumnProgression); |
| break; |
| case Pagination::RightToLeftPaginated: |
| setColumnAxis(HorizontalColumnAxis); |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| setColumnProgression(isLeftToRightDirection() ? ReverseColumnProgression : NormalColumnProgression); |
| else |
| setColumnProgression(isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? NormalColumnProgression : ReverseColumnProgression); |
| break; |
| case Pagination::TopToBottomPaginated: |
| setColumnAxis(VerticalColumnAxis); |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| setColumnProgression(isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? ReverseColumnProgression : NormalColumnProgression); |
| else |
| setColumnProgression(isLeftToRightDirection() ? NormalColumnProgression : ReverseColumnProgression); |
| break; |
| case Pagination::BottomToTopPaginated: |
| setColumnAxis(VerticalColumnAxis); |
| if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) |
| setColumnProgression(isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? NormalColumnProgression : ReverseColumnProgression); |
| else |
| setColumnProgression(isLeftToRightDirection() ? ReverseColumnProgression : NormalColumnProgression); |
| break; |
| case Pagination::Unpaginated: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| ScrollSnapType RenderStyle::initialScrollSnapType() |
| { |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| ScrollSnapAlign RenderStyle::initialScrollSnapAlign() |
| { |
| return { }; |
| } |
| |
| const StyleScrollSnapArea& RenderStyle::scrollSnapArea() const |
| { |
| return *rareNonInheritedData->m_scrollSnapArea; |
| } |
| |
| const StyleScrollSnapPort& RenderStyle::scrollSnapPort() const |
| { |
| return *rareNonInheritedData->m_scrollSnapPort; |
| } |
| |
| const ScrollSnapType& RenderStyle::scrollSnapType() const |
| { |
| return rareNonInheritedData->m_scrollSnapPort->type; |
| } |
| |
| const LengthBox& RenderStyle::scrollPadding() const |
| { |
| return rareNonInheritedData->m_scrollSnapPort->scrollPadding; |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollPaddingTop() const |
| { |
| return scrollPadding().top(); |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollPaddingBottom() const |
| { |
| return scrollPadding().bottom(); |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollPaddingLeft() const |
| { |
| return scrollPadding().left(); |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollPaddingRight() const |
| { |
| return scrollPadding().right(); |
| } |
| |
| const ScrollSnapAlign& RenderStyle::scrollSnapAlign() const |
| { |
| return rareNonInheritedData->m_scrollSnapArea->alignment; |
| } |
| |
| const LengthBox& RenderStyle::scrollSnapMargin() const |
| { |
| return rareNonInheritedData->m_scrollSnapArea->scrollSnapMargin; |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollSnapMarginTop() const |
| { |
| return scrollSnapMargin().top(); |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollSnapMarginBottom() const |
| { |
| return scrollSnapMargin().bottom(); |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollSnapMarginLeft() const |
| { |
| return scrollSnapMargin().left(); |
| } |
| |
| const Length& RenderStyle::scrollSnapMarginRight() const |
| { |
| return scrollSnapMargin().right(); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollSnapType(const ScrollSnapType& type) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapPort.access()->type = type; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollPaddingTop(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapPort.access()->scrollPadding.setTop(length); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollPaddingBottom(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapPort.access()->scrollPadding.setBottom(length); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollPaddingLeft(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapPort.access()->scrollPadding.setLeft(length); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollPaddingRight(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapPort.access()->scrollPadding.setRight(length); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollSnapAlign(const ScrollSnapAlign& alignment) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapArea.access()->alignment = alignment; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollSnapMarginTop(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapArea.access()->scrollSnapMargin.setTop(length); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollSnapMarginBottom(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapArea.access()->scrollSnapMargin.setBottom(length); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollSnapMarginLeft(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapArea.access()->scrollSnapMargin.setLeft(length); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::setScrollSnapMarginRight(const Length& length) |
| { |
| rareNonInheritedData.access()->m_scrollSnapArea.access()->scrollSnapMargin.setRight(length); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::hasReferenceFilterOnly() const |
| { |
| if (!hasFilter()) |
| return false; |
| |
| const FilterOperations& filterOperations = rareNonInheritedData->m_filter->m_operations; |
| if (filterOperations.size() != 1) |
| return false; |
| |
| const FilterOperation& filterOperation = *filterOperations.at(0); |
| if (filterOperation.type() != FilterOperation::REFERENCE) |
| return false; |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderStyle::checkVariablesInCustomProperties() |
| { |
| if (!rareInheritedData->m_customProperties->containsVariables()) |
| return; |
| |
| // Our first pass checks the variables for validity and replaces any properties that became |
| // invalid with empty values. |
| auto& customProperties = rareInheritedData.access()->m_customProperties.access()->values(); |
| HashSet<AtomicString> invalidProperties; |
| for (auto entry : customProperties) { |
| if (!entry.value->containsVariables()) |
| continue; |
| HashSet<AtomicString> seenProperties; |
| entry.value->checkVariablesForCycles(entry.key, customProperties, seenProperties, invalidProperties); |
| } |
| |
| // Now insert invalid values. |
| if (!invalidProperties.isEmpty()) { |
| auto invalidValue = CSSCustomPropertyValue::createInvalid(); |
| for (auto& property : invalidProperties) |
| customProperties.set(property, invalidValue.copyRef()); |
| } |
| |
| // Now that all of the properties have been tested for validity and replaced with |
| // invalid values if they failed, we can perform variable substitution on the valid values. |
| Vector<Ref<CSSCustomPropertyValue>> resolvedValues; |
| for (auto entry : customProperties) { |
| if (!entry.value->containsVariables()) |
| continue; |
| entry.value->resolveVariableReferences(customProperties, resolvedValues); |
| } |
| |
| // With all results computed, we can now mutate our table to eliminate the variables and |
| // hold the final values. This way when we inherit, we don't end up resubstituting variables, etc. |
| for (auto& resolvedValue : resolvedValues) |
| customProperties.set(resolvedValue->name(), resolvedValue.copyRef()); |
| |
| rareInheritedData.access()->m_customProperties.access()->setContainsVariables(false); |
| } |
| |
| float RenderStyle::outlineWidth() const |
| { |
| if (m_background->outline().style() == BNONE) |
| return 0; |
| if (outlineStyleIsAuto()) |
| return std::max(m_background->outline().width(), RenderTheme::platformFocusRingWidth()); |
| return m_background->outline().width(); |
| } |
| |
| float RenderStyle::outlineOffset() const |
| { |
| if (m_background->outline().style() == BNONE) |
| return 0; |
| if (outlineStyleIsAuto()) |
| return (m_background->outline().offset() + RenderTheme::platformFocusRingOffset(outlineWidth())); |
| return m_background->outline().offset(); |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderStyle::shouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLeft() const |
| { |
| return !isLeftToRightDirection() && isHorizontalWritingMode(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace WebCore |