blob: 78f52ec60e84e32741c7c4308fa2dc67b870e511 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "LayoutRect.h"
#include "RenderLayerModelObject.h"
namespace WebCore {
// Modes for some of the line-related functions.
enum LinePositionMode { PositionOnContainingLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes };
enum LineDirectionMode { HorizontalLine, VerticalLine };
typedef unsigned BorderEdgeFlags;
enum BackgroundBleedAvoidance {
enum BaseBackgroundColorUsage {
enum ContentChangeType {
class BorderEdge;
class ImageBuffer;
class InlineFlowBox;
class KeyframeList;
class RenderNamedFlowFragment;
class RenderTextFragment;
class StickyPositionViewportConstraints;
class BackgroundImageGeometry {
BackgroundImageGeometry(const LayoutRect& destinationRect, const LayoutSize& tile, const LayoutSize& phase, const LayoutSize& space, bool fixedAttachment)
: m_destRect(destinationRect)
, m_destOrigin(m_destRect.location())
, m_tileSize(tile)
, m_phase(phase)
, m_space(space)
, m_hasNonLocalGeometry(fixedAttachment)
LayoutRect destRect() const { return m_destRect; }
LayoutSize phase() const { return m_phase; }
LayoutSize tileSize() const { return m_tileSize; }
LayoutSize spaceSize() const { return m_space; }
bool hasNonLocalGeometry() const { return m_hasNonLocalGeometry; }
LayoutSize relativePhase() const
LayoutSize phase = m_phase;
phase += m_destRect.location() - m_destOrigin;
return phase;
void clip(const LayoutRect& clipRect) { m_destRect.intersect(clipRect); }
LayoutRect m_destRect;
LayoutPoint m_destOrigin;
LayoutSize m_tileSize;
LayoutSize m_phase;
LayoutSize m_space;
bool m_hasNonLocalGeometry; // Has background-attachment: fixed. Implies that we can't always cheaply compute destRect.
// This class is the base for all objects that adhere to the CSS box model as described
// at
class RenderBoxModelObject : public RenderLayerModelObject {
virtual ~RenderBoxModelObject();
LayoutSize relativePositionOffset() const;
LayoutSize relativePositionLogicalOffset() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? relativePositionOffset() : relativePositionOffset().transposedSize(); }
FloatRect constrainingRectForStickyPosition() const;
void computeStickyPositionConstraints(StickyPositionViewportConstraints&, const FloatRect& constrainingRect) const;
LayoutSize stickyPositionOffset() const;
LayoutSize stickyPositionLogicalOffset() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? stickyPositionOffset() : stickyPositionOffset().transposedSize(); }
LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPosition() const;
// IE extensions. Used to calculate offsetWidth/Height. Overridden by inlines (RenderFlow)
// to return the remaining width on a given line (and the height of a single line).
virtual LayoutUnit offsetLeft() const;
virtual LayoutUnit offsetTop() const;
virtual LayoutUnit offsetWidth() const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit offsetHeight() const = 0;
void updateFromStyle() override;
bool requiresLayer() const override { return isDocumentElementRenderer() || isPositioned() || createsGroup() || hasClipPath() || hasTransformRelatedProperty() || hasHiddenBackface() || hasReflection(); }
// This will work on inlines to return the bounding box of all of the lines' border boxes.
virtual LayoutRect borderBoundingBox() const = 0;
// These return the CSS computed padding values.
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingTop() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingTop()); }
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingBottom() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingBottom()); }
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingLeft() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingLeft()); }
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingRight() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingRight()); }
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingBefore() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingBefore()); }
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingAfter() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingAfter()); }
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingStart() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingStart()); }
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingEnd() const { return computedCSSPadding(style().paddingEnd()); }
// These functions are used during layout. Table cells and the MathML
// code override them to include some extra intrinsic padding.
virtual LayoutUnit paddingTop() const { return computedCSSPaddingTop(); }
virtual LayoutUnit paddingBottom() const { return computedCSSPaddingBottom(); }
virtual LayoutUnit paddingLeft() const { return computedCSSPaddingLeft(); }
virtual LayoutUnit paddingRight() const { return computedCSSPaddingRight(); }
virtual LayoutUnit paddingBefore() const { return computedCSSPaddingBefore(); }
virtual LayoutUnit paddingAfter() const { return computedCSSPaddingAfter(); }
virtual LayoutUnit paddingStart() const { return computedCSSPaddingStart(); }
virtual LayoutUnit paddingEnd() const { return computedCSSPaddingEnd(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderTop() const { return style().borderTopWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderBottom() const { return style().borderBottomWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderLeft() const { return style().borderLeftWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderRight() const { return style().borderRightWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit horizontalBorderExtent() const { return borderLeft() + borderRight(); }
virtual LayoutUnit verticalBorderExtent() const { return borderTop() + borderBottom(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderBefore() const { return style().borderBeforeWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderAfter() const { return style().borderAfterWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderStart() const { return style().borderStartWidth(); }
virtual LayoutUnit borderEnd() const { return style().borderEndWidth(); }
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingStart() const { return borderStart() + paddingStart(); }
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingBefore() const { return borderBefore() + paddingBefore(); }
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingAfter() const { return borderAfter() + paddingAfter(); }
LayoutUnit verticalBorderAndPaddingExtent() const { return borderTop() + borderBottom() + paddingTop() + paddingBottom(); }
LayoutUnit horizontalBorderAndPaddingExtent() const { return borderLeft() + borderRight() + paddingLeft() + paddingRight(); }
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight() const { return borderAndPaddingBefore() + borderAndPaddingAfter(); }
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth() const { return borderStart() + borderEnd() + paddingStart() + paddingEnd(); }
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalLeft() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? borderLeft() + paddingLeft() : borderTop() + paddingTop(); }
LayoutUnit borderLogicalLeft() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? borderLeft() : borderTop(); }
LayoutUnit borderLogicalRight() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? borderRight() : borderBottom(); }
LayoutUnit borderLogicalWidth() const { return borderStart() + borderEnd(); }
LayoutUnit borderLogicalHeight() const { return borderBefore() + borderAfter(); }
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalLeft() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? paddingLeft() : paddingTop(); }
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalRight() const { return style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? paddingRight() : paddingBottom(); }
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalWidth() const { return paddingStart() + paddingEnd(); }
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalHeight() const { return paddingBefore() + paddingAfter(); }
virtual LayoutUnit marginTop() const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit marginBottom() const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit marginLeft() const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit marginRight() const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit marginBefore(const RenderStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit marginAfter(const RenderStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit marginStart(const RenderStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const = 0;
virtual LayoutUnit marginEnd(const RenderStyle* otherStyle = nullptr) const = 0;
LayoutUnit verticalMarginExtent() const { return marginTop() + marginBottom(); }
LayoutUnit horizontalMarginExtent() const { return marginLeft() + marginRight(); }
LayoutUnit marginLogicalHeight() const { return marginBefore() + marginAfter(); }
LayoutUnit marginLogicalWidth() const { return marginStart() + marginEnd(); }
bool hasInlineDirectionBordersPaddingOrMargin() const { return hasInlineDirectionBordersOrPadding() || marginStart()|| marginEnd(); }
bool hasInlineDirectionBordersOrPadding() const { return borderStart() || borderEnd() || paddingStart()|| paddingEnd(); }
virtual LayoutUnit containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent() const;
virtual void childBecameNonInline(RenderElement&) { }
void paintBorder(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutRect&, const RenderStyle&, BackgroundBleedAvoidance = BackgroundBleedNone, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge = true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge = true);
bool paintNinePieceImage(GraphicsContext&, const LayoutRect&, const RenderStyle&, const NinePieceImage&, CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver);
void paintBoxShadow(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutRect&, const RenderStyle&, ShadowStyle, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge = true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge = true);
void paintFillLayerExtended(const PaintInfo&, const Color&, const FillLayer*, const LayoutRect&, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox* = nullptr, const LayoutSize& = LayoutSize(), CompositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver, RenderElement* backgroundObject = nullptr, BaseBackgroundColorUsage = BaseBackgroundColorUse);
virtual bool boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(const LayoutPoint& absolutePaintPostion, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox* = nullptr) const;
// Overridden by subclasses to determine line height and baseline position.
virtual LayoutUnit lineHeight(bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const = 0;
virtual int baselinePosition(FontBaseline, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode, LinePositionMode = PositionOnContainingLine) const = 0;
void mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(MapCoordinatesFlags, TransformState&) const override;
void setSelectionState(SelectionState) override;
bool canHaveBoxInfoInRegion() const { return !isFloating() && !isReplaced() && !isInline() && !isTableCell() && isRenderBlock() && !isRenderSVGBlock(); }
void getGeometryForBackgroundImage(const RenderLayerModelObject* paintContainer, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset, FloatRect& destRect, FloatSize& phase, FloatSize& tileSize) const;
void contentChanged(ContentChangeType);
bool hasAcceleratedCompositing() const;
bool startTransition(double, CSSPropertyID, const RenderStyle* fromStyle, const RenderStyle* toStyle);
void transitionPaused(double timeOffset, CSSPropertyID);
void transitionFinished(CSSPropertyID);
bool startAnimation(double timeOffset, const Animation*, const KeyframeList& keyframes);
void animationPaused(double timeOffset, const String& name);
void animationFinished(const String& name);
void suspendAnimations(double time = 0);
RenderBoxModelObject* continuation() const;
RenderBoxModelObject(Element&, RenderStyle&&, BaseTypeFlags);
RenderBoxModelObject(Document&, RenderStyle&&, BaseTypeFlags);
void willBeDestroyed() override;
LayoutPoint adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const LayoutPoint&) const;
bool hasVisibleBoxDecorationStyle() const;
BackgroundImageGeometry calculateBackgroundImageGeometry(const RenderLayerModelObject* paintContainer, const FillLayer&, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset,
const LayoutRect& paintRect, RenderElement* = nullptr) const;
bool borderObscuresBackgroundEdge(const FloatSize& contextScale) const;
bool borderObscuresBackground() const;
RoundedRect backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(const GraphicsContext&, const LayoutRect&, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox*, const LayoutSize&, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const;
LayoutRect borderInnerRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance(const GraphicsContext&, const LayoutRect&, BackgroundBleedAvoidance) const;
InterpolationQuality chooseInterpolationQuality(GraphicsContext&, Image&, const void*, const LayoutSize&);
void setContinuation(RenderBoxModelObject*);
LayoutRect localCaretRectForEmptyElement(LayoutUnit width, LayoutUnit textIndentOffset);
static bool shouldAntialiasLines(GraphicsContext&);
static void clipRoundedInnerRect(GraphicsContext&, const FloatRect&, const FloatRoundedRect& clipRect);
bool hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight() const;
// For RenderBlocks and RenderInlines with m_style->styleType() == FIRST_LETTER, this tracks their remaining text fragments
RenderTextFragment* firstLetterRemainingText() const;
void setFirstLetterRemainingText(RenderTextFragment*);
// These functions are only used internally to manipulate the render tree structure via remove/insert/appendChildNode.
// Since they are typically called only to move objects around within anonymous blocks, the default for fullRemoveInsert is false rather than true.
void moveChildTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, RenderObject* child, RenderObject* beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert = false);
void moveChildTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, RenderObject* child, bool fullRemoveInsert = false)
moveChildTo(toBoxModelObject, child, nullptr, fullRemoveInsert);
void moveAllChildrenTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, bool fullRemoveInsert = false)
moveAllChildrenTo(toBoxModelObject, nullptr, fullRemoveInsert);
void moveAllChildrenTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, RenderObject* beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert = false)
moveChildrenTo(toBoxModelObject, firstChild(), nullptr, beforeChild, fullRemoveInsert);
// Move all of the kids from |startChild| up to but excluding |endChild|. 0 can be passed as the |endChild| to denote
// that all the kids from |startChild| onwards should be moved.
void moveChildrenTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, RenderObject* startChild, RenderObject* endChild, bool fullRemoveInsert = false)
moveChildrenTo(toBoxModelObject, startChild, endChild, nullptr, fullRemoveInsert);
void moveChildrenTo(RenderBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, RenderObject* startChild, RenderObject* endChild, RenderObject* beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert = false);
enum ScaleByEffectiveZoomOrNot { ScaleByEffectiveZoom, DoNotScaleByEffectiveZoom };
LayoutSize calculateImageIntrinsicDimensions(StyleImage*, const LayoutSize& scaledPositioningAreaSize, ScaleByEffectiveZoomOrNot) const;
LayoutUnit computedCSSPadding(const Length&) const;
virtual LayoutRect frameRectForStickyPositioning() const = 0;
LayoutSize calculateFillTileSize(const FillLayer&, const LayoutSize& scaledPositioningAreaSize) const;
RoundedRect getBackgroundRoundedRect(const LayoutRect&, InlineFlowBox*, LayoutUnit inlineBoxWidth, LayoutUnit inlineBoxHeight,
bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const;
bool fixedBackgroundPaintsInLocalCoordinates() const;
void clipBorderSidePolygon(GraphicsContext&, const RoundedRect& outerBorder, const RoundedRect& innerBorder,
BoxSide, bool firstEdgeMatches, bool secondEdgeMatches);
void paintOneBorderSide(GraphicsContext&, const RenderStyle&, const RoundedRect& outerBorder, const RoundedRect& innerBorder,
const LayoutRect& sideRect, BoxSide, BoxSide adjacentSide1, BoxSide adjacentSide2, const BorderEdge[],
const Path*, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge, bool antialias, const Color* overrideColor = nullptr);
void paintTranslucentBorderSides(GraphicsContext&, const RenderStyle&, const RoundedRect& outerBorder, const RoundedRect& innerBorder, const IntPoint& innerBorderAdjustment,
const BorderEdge[], BorderEdgeFlags, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge, bool antialias = false);
void paintBorderSides(GraphicsContext&, const RenderStyle&, const RoundedRect& outerBorder, const RoundedRect& innerBorder,
const IntPoint& innerBorderAdjustment, const BorderEdge[], BorderEdgeFlags, BackgroundBleedAvoidance,
bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge, bool antialias = false, const Color* overrideColor = nullptr);
void drawBoxSideFromPath(GraphicsContext&, const LayoutRect&, const Path&, const BorderEdge[],
float thickness, float drawThickness, BoxSide, const RenderStyle&,
Color, EBorderStyle, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge);
void paintMaskForTextFillBox(ImageBuffer*, const IntRect&, InlineFlowBox*, const LayoutRect&);
} // namespace WebCore
SPECIALIZE_TYPE_TRAITS_RENDER_OBJECT(RenderBoxModelObject, isBoxModelObject())