blob: 7525da2b2ff400b0649091ef603641c1374059dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Texture.h: Defines the gl::Texture class [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 3.7 page 63.
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "common/Optional.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "libANGLE/Caps.h"
#include "libANGLE/Constants.h"
#include "libANGLE/Debug.h"
#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
#include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h"
#include "libANGLE/Image.h"
#include "libANGLE/Stream.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
#include "libANGLE/formatutils.h"
namespace egl
class Surface;
class Stream;
namespace rx
class GLImplFactory;
class TextureImpl;
class TextureGL;
namespace gl
class ContextState;
class Framebuffer;
class Sampler;
class Texture;
bool IsMipmapFiltered(const SamplerState &samplerState);
struct ImageDesc final
ImageDesc(const Extents &size, const Format &format, const InitState initState);
ImageDesc(const Extents &size,
const Format &format,
const GLsizei samples,
const bool fixedSampleLocations,
const InitState initState);
ImageDesc(const ImageDesc &other) = default;
ImageDesc &operator=(const ImageDesc &other) = default;
Extents size;
Format format;
GLsizei samples;
bool fixedSampleLocations;
// Needed for robust resource initialization.
InitState initState;
struct SwizzleState final
SwizzleState(GLenum red, GLenum green, GLenum blue, GLenum alpha);
SwizzleState(const SwizzleState &other) = default;
SwizzleState &operator=(const SwizzleState &other) = default;
bool swizzleRequired() const;
bool operator==(const SwizzleState &other) const;
bool operator!=(const SwizzleState &other) const;
GLenum swizzleRed;
GLenum swizzleGreen;
GLenum swizzleBlue;
GLenum swizzleAlpha;
// State from Table 6.9 (state per texture object) in the OpenGL ES 3.0.2 spec.
struct TextureState final : private angle::NonCopyable
TextureState(GLenum target);
bool swizzleRequired() const;
GLuint getEffectiveBaseLevel() const;
GLuint getEffectiveMaxLevel() const;
// Returns the value called "q" in the GLES 3.0.4 spec section 3.8.10.
GLuint getMipmapMaxLevel() const;
// Returns true if base level changed.
bool setBaseLevel(GLuint baseLevel);
bool setMaxLevel(GLuint maxLevel);
bool isCubeComplete() const;
const ImageDesc &getImageDesc(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
const ImageDesc &getImageDesc(const ImageIndex &imageIndex) const;
GLenum getTarget() const { return mTarget; }
const SwizzleState &getSwizzleState() const { return mSwizzleState; }
const SamplerState &getSamplerState() const { return mSamplerState; }
GLenum getUsage() const { return mUsage; }
// Texture needs access to the ImageDesc functions.
friend class Texture;
// TODO(jmadill): Remove TextureGL from friends.
friend class rx::TextureGL;
friend bool operator==(const TextureState &a, const TextureState &b);
bool computeSamplerCompleteness(const SamplerState &samplerState,
const ContextState &data) const;
bool computeMipmapCompleteness() const;
bool computeLevelCompleteness(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
GLenum getBaseImageTarget() const;
void setImageDesc(GLenum target, size_t level, const ImageDesc &desc);
void setImageDescChain(GLuint baselevel,
GLuint maxLevel,
Extents baseSize,
const Format &format,
InitState initState);
void setImageDescChainMultisample(Extents baseSize,
const Format &format,
GLsizei samples,
bool fixedSampleLocations,
InitState initState);
void clearImageDesc(GLenum target, size_t level);
void clearImageDescs();
const GLenum mTarget;
SwizzleState mSwizzleState;
SamplerState mSamplerState;
GLuint mBaseLevel;
GLuint mMaxLevel;
GLenum mDepthStencilTextureMode;
bool mImmutableFormat;
GLuint mImmutableLevels;
// From GL_ANGLE_texture_usage
GLenum mUsage;
std::vector<ImageDesc> mImageDescs;
InitState mInitState;
bool operator==(const TextureState &a, const TextureState &b);
bool operator!=(const TextureState &a, const TextureState &b);
class Texture final : public egl::ImageSibling,
public LabeledObject
Texture(rx::GLImplFactory *factory, GLuint id, GLenum target);
~Texture() override;
Error onDestroy(const Context *context) override;
void setLabel(const std::string &label) override;
const std::string &getLabel() const override;
GLenum getTarget() const;
void setSwizzleRed(GLenum swizzleRed);
GLenum getSwizzleRed() const;
void setSwizzleGreen(GLenum swizzleGreen);
GLenum getSwizzleGreen() const;
void setSwizzleBlue(GLenum swizzleBlue);
GLenum getSwizzleBlue() const;
void setSwizzleAlpha(GLenum swizzleAlpha);
GLenum getSwizzleAlpha() const;
void setMinFilter(GLenum minFilter);
GLenum getMinFilter() const;
void setMagFilter(GLenum magFilter);
GLenum getMagFilter() const;
void setWrapS(GLenum wrapS);
GLenum getWrapS() const;
void setWrapT(GLenum wrapT);
GLenum getWrapT() const;
void setWrapR(GLenum wrapR);
GLenum getWrapR() const;
void setMaxAnisotropy(float maxAnisotropy);
float getMaxAnisotropy() const;
void setMinLod(GLfloat minLod);
GLfloat getMinLod() const;
void setMaxLod(GLfloat maxLod);
GLfloat getMaxLod() const;
void setCompareMode(GLenum compareMode);
GLenum getCompareMode() const;
void setCompareFunc(GLenum compareFunc);
GLenum getCompareFunc() const;
void setSRGBDecode(GLenum sRGBDecode);
GLenum getSRGBDecode() const;
const SamplerState &getSamplerState() const;
gl::Error setBaseLevel(const Context *context, GLuint baseLevel);
GLuint getBaseLevel() const;
void setMaxLevel(GLuint maxLevel);
GLuint getMaxLevel() const;
void setDepthStencilTextureMode(GLenum mode);
GLenum getDepthStencilTextureMode() const;
bool getImmutableFormat() const;
GLuint getImmutableLevels() const;
void setUsage(GLenum usage);
GLenum getUsage() const;
const TextureState &getTextureState() const;
size_t getWidth(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
size_t getHeight(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
size_t getDepth(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
GLsizei getSamples(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
bool getFixedSampleLocations(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
const Format &getFormat(GLenum target, size_t level) const;
// Returns the value called "q" in the GLES 3.0.4 spec section 3.8.10.
GLuint getMipmapMaxLevel() const;
bool isMipmapComplete() const;
Error setImage(const Context *context,
const PixelUnpackState &unpackState,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
GLenum internalFormat,
const Extents &size,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const uint8_t *pixels);
Error setSubImage(const Context *context,
const PixelUnpackState &unpackState,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
const Box &area,
GLenum format,
GLenum type,
const uint8_t *pixels);
Error setCompressedImage(const Context *context,
const PixelUnpackState &unpackState,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
GLenum internalFormat,
const Extents &size,
size_t imageSize,
const uint8_t *pixels);
Error setCompressedSubImage(const Context *context,
const PixelUnpackState &unpackState,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
const Box &area,
GLenum format,
size_t imageSize,
const uint8_t *pixels);
Error copyImage(const Context *context,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
const Rectangle &sourceArea,
GLenum internalFormat,
Framebuffer *source);
Error copySubImage(const Context *context,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
const Offset &destOffset,
const Rectangle &sourceArea,
Framebuffer *source);
Error copyTexture(const Context *context,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
GLenum internalFormat,
GLenum type,
size_t sourceLevel,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha,
Texture *source);
Error copySubTexture(const Context *context,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
const Offset &destOffset,
size_t sourceLevel,
const Rectangle &sourceArea,
bool unpackFlipY,
bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha,
Texture *source);
Error copyCompressedTexture(const Context *context, const Texture *source);
Error setStorage(const Context *context,
GLenum target,
GLsizei levels,
GLenum internalFormat,
const Extents &size);
Error setStorageMultisample(const Context *context,
GLenum target,
GLsizei samples,
GLint internalformat,
const Extents &size,
bool fixedSampleLocations);
Error setEGLImageTarget(const Context *context, GLenum target, egl::Image *imageTarget);
Error generateMipmap(const Context *context);
egl::Surface *getBoundSurface() const;
egl::Stream *getBoundStream() const;
void signalDirty(InitState initState) const;
bool isSamplerComplete(const Context *context, const Sampler *optionalSampler);
rx::TextureImpl *getImplementation() const { return mTexture; }
// FramebufferAttachmentObject implementation
Extents getAttachmentSize(const ImageIndex &imageIndex) const override;
const Format &getAttachmentFormat(GLenum binding, const ImageIndex &imageIndex) const override;
GLsizei getAttachmentSamples(const ImageIndex &imageIndex) const override;
void onAttach(const Context *context) override;
void onDetach(const Context *context) override;
GLuint getId() const override;
// Needed for robust resource init.
Error ensureInitialized(const Context *context);
InitState initState(const ImageIndex &imageIndex) const override;
InitState initState() const;
void setInitState(const ImageIndex &imageIndex, InitState initState) override;
enum DirtyBitType
// Sampler state
// Texture state
// Misc
using DirtyBits = angle::BitSet<DIRTY_BIT_COUNT>;
void syncState();
bool hasAnyDirtyBit() const { return mDirtyBits.any(); }
rx::FramebufferAttachmentObjectImpl *getAttachmentImpl() const override;
// ANGLE-only method, used internally
friend class egl::Surface;
Error bindTexImageFromSurface(const Context *context, egl::Surface *surface);
Error releaseTexImageFromSurface(const Context *context);
// ANGLE-only methods, used internally
friend class egl::Stream;
void bindStream(egl::Stream *stream);
void releaseStream();
Error acquireImageFromStream(const Context *context,
const egl::Stream::GLTextureDescription &desc);
Error releaseImageFromStream(const Context *context);
void invalidateCompletenessCache() const;
Error releaseTexImageInternal(const Context *context);
Error ensureSubImageInitialized(const Context *context,
GLenum target,
size_t level,
const gl::Box &area);
TextureState mState;
DirtyBits mDirtyBits;
rx::TextureImpl *mTexture;
std::string mLabel;
egl::Surface *mBoundSurface;
egl::Stream *mBoundStream;
struct SamplerCompletenessCache
// Context used to generate this cache entry
ContextID context;
// All values that affect sampler completeness that are not stored within
// the texture itself
SamplerState samplerState;
// Result of the sampler completeness with the above parameters
bool samplerComplete;
mutable SamplerCompletenessCache mCompletenessCache;
inline bool operator==(const TextureState &a, const TextureState &b)
return a.mSwizzleState == b.mSwizzleState && a.mSamplerState == b.mSamplerState &&
a.mBaseLevel == b.mBaseLevel && a.mMaxLevel == b.mMaxLevel &&
a.mImmutableFormat == b.mImmutableFormat && a.mImmutableLevels == b.mImmutableLevels &&
a.mUsage == b.mUsage;
inline bool operator!=(const TextureState &a, const TextureState &b)
return !(a == b);
} // namespace gl