blob: 6a608a697ed6e7955c69d85f9490f8dc0a0de9d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// SizedMRUCache.h: A hashing map that stores blobs of sized, untyped data.
#include <anglebase/containers/mru_cache.h>
#include "common/third_party/smhasher/src/PMurHash.h"
namespace angle
template <typename Key, typename Value>
class SizedMRUCache final : angle::NonCopyable
SizedMRUCache(size_t maximumTotalSize)
: mMaximumTotalSize(maximumTotalSize),
// Returns nullptr on failure.
const Value *put(const Key &key, Value &&value, size_t size)
if (size > mMaximumTotalSize)
return nullptr;
// Check for existing key.
auto retVal = mStore.Put(key, ValueAndSize(std::move(value), size));
mCurrentSize += size;
return &retVal->second.value;
bool get(const Key &key, const Value **valueOut)
const auto &iter = mStore.Get(key);
if (iter == mStore.end())
return false;
*valueOut = &iter->second.value;
return true;
bool getAt(size_t index, Key *keyOut, const Value **valueOut)
if (index < mStore.size())
auto it = mStore.begin();
std::advance(it, index);
*keyOut = it->first;
*valueOut = &it->second.value;
return true;
*valueOut = nullptr;
return false;
bool empty() const { return mStore.empty(); }
void clear()
mCurrentSize = 0;
bool eraseByKey(const Key &key)
// Check for existing key.
auto existing = mStore.Peek(key);
if (existing != mStore.end())
mCurrentSize -= existing->second.size;
return true;
return false;
size_t entryCount() const { return mStore.size(); }
size_t size() const { return mCurrentSize; }
// Also discards the cache contents.
void resize(size_t maximumTotalSize)
mMaximumTotalSize = maximumTotalSize;
// Reduce current memory usage.
size_t shrinkToSize(size_t limit)
size_t initialSize = mCurrentSize;
while (mCurrentSize > limit)
auto iter = mStore.rbegin();
mCurrentSize -= iter->second.size;
return (initialSize - mCurrentSize);
size_t maxSize() const { return mMaximumTotalSize; }
struct ValueAndSize
ValueAndSize() : value(), size(0) {}
ValueAndSize(Value &&value, size_t size) : value(std::move(value)), size(size) {}
ValueAndSize(ValueAndSize &&other) : ValueAndSize() { *this = std::move(other); }
ValueAndSize &operator=(ValueAndSize &&other)
std::swap(value, other.value);
std::swap(size, other.size);
return *this;
Value value;
size_t size;
using SizedMRUCacheStore = base::HashingMRUCache<Key, ValueAndSize>;
size_t mMaximumTotalSize;
size_t mCurrentSize;
SizedMRUCacheStore mStore;
// Helper function used in a few places.
template <typename T>
void TrimCache(size_t maxStates, size_t gcLimit, const char *name, T *cache)
const size_t kGarbageCollectionLimit = maxStates / 2 + gcLimit;
if (cache->size() >= kGarbageCollectionLimit)
WARN() << "Overflowed the " << name << " cache limit of " << (maxStates / 2)
<< " elements, removing the least recently used to make room.";
cache->ShrinkToSize(maxStates / 2);
// Computes a hash of struct "key". Any structs passed to this function must be multiples of
// 4 bytes, since the PMurhHas32 method can only operate increments of 4-byte words.
template <typename T>
std::size_t ComputeGenericHash(const T &key)
static const unsigned int seed = 0xABCDEF98;
// We can't support "odd" alignments.
static_assert(sizeof(key) % 4 == 0, "ComputeGenericHash requires aligned types");
return PMurHash32(seed, &key, sizeof(T));
} // namespace angle