blob: 8574de7778bc831ecab34a15eb87279fef70f39e [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 20: Registration failed with error: TypeError: serviceWorker.register() cannot be called with an empty script URL
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 30: Registration failed with error: TypeError: serviceWorker.register() must be called with a valid relative script URL
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 40: Registration failed with error: TypeError: serviceWorker.register() must be called with a script URL whose protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 50: Registration failed with error: TypeError: serviceWorker.register() must be called with a script URL whose path does not contain '%2f' or '%5c'
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 60: Registration failed with error: TypeError: Scope URL provided to serviceWorker.register() must be either HTTP or HTTPS
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 70: Registration failed with error: TypeError: Scope URL provided to serviceWorker.register() cannot have a path that contains '%2f' or '%5c'
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 80: Registration failed with error: SecurityError: Script origin does not match the registering client's origin
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 91: Registration failed with error: SecurityError: Scope origin does not match the registering client's origin