blob: 69811f5157d6821b82b90071ea5123330c2338f7 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
use HTTP::Date;
my $query = new CGI;
@names = $query->param;
my $expiresInFutureIn304 = $query->param('expires-in-future-in-304') || 0;
my $delay = $query->param('delay') || 0;
my $body = $query->param('body') || 0;
my $status = $query->param('Status') || 0;
my $range = $query->param('Range') || '';
my $location = $query->param('Location') || '';
if ($body eq "unique") {
$body = sprintf "%08X\n", rand(0xffffffff)
my $hasStatusCode = 0;
my $hasLocation = 0;
if ($status == 301 || $status == 302 || $status == 303 || $status == 307) {
if ($location eq "unique-cacheable") {
my $redirectBody = sprintf "%08X", rand(0xffffffff);
print "Status: ". $status . "\n";
my $uniqueId = $query->param('uniqueId');
print "Location: generate-response.cgi?body=" . $redirectBody . "&Cache-control=max-age%3D1000&uniqueId=" . $uniqueId . "\n";
$hasLocation = 1;
$hasStatusCode = 1;
my $hasExpiresHeader = 0;
my $ifNoneMatchHeader = $query->http("If-None-Match");
if (defined $ifNoneMatchHeader and $ifNoneMatchHeader eq "match") {
print "Status: 304\n";
$hasStatusCode = 1;
if ($expiresInFutureIn304) {
print "Expires: " . HTTP::Date::time2str(time() + 100) . "\n";
$hasExpiresHeader = 1;
if ($range =~ /bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)/) {
if ($1 < 6 && $2 < 6) {
print "Status: 206\n";
} else {
print "Status: 416\n";
$hasStatusCode = 1;
foreach (@names) {
next if ($_ eq "uniqueId");
next if ($_ eq "delay");
next if ($_ eq "body");
next if ($_ eq "Location" and $hasLocation);
next if ($_ eq "Status" and $hasStatusCode);
next if ($_ eq "Expires" and $hasExpiresHeader);
print $_ . ": " . $query->param($_) . "\n";
print "\n";
if ($delay) {
# Include some padding so headers and full body are sent separately.
for (my $i=0; $i < 1024; $i++) {
print " ";
sleep $delay;
print $body if $body;