blob: bf3b6cad47c3c2aeeeace9d33fd8b9014b754614 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
* (C) 1997 Torben Weis (
* (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderTableSection.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "HitTestResult.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "PaintInfo.h"
#include "RenderTableCell.h"
#include "RenderTableCol.h"
#include "RenderTableRow.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "StyleInheritedData.h"
#include <limits>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/StackStats.h>
using namespace std;
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
// Those 2 variables are used to balance the memory consumption vs the repaint time on big tables.
static unsigned gMinTableSizeToUseFastPaintPathWithOverflowingCell = 75 * 75;
static float gMaxAllowedOverflowingCellRatioForFastPaintPath = 0.1f;
static inline void setRowLogicalHeightToRowStyleLogicalHeightIfNotRelative(RenderTableSection::RowStruct& row)
row.logicalHeight = row.rowRenderer->style()->logicalHeight();
if (row.logicalHeight.isRelative())
row.logicalHeight = Length();
static inline void updateLogicalHeightForCell(RenderTableSection::RowStruct& row, const RenderTableCell* cell)
// We ignore height settings on rowspan cells.
if (cell->rowSpan() != 1)
Length logicalHeight = cell->style()->logicalHeight();
if (logicalHeight.isPositive() || (logicalHeight.isRelative() && logicalHeight.value() >= 0)) {
Length cRowLogicalHeight = row.logicalHeight;
switch (logicalHeight.type()) {
case Percent:
if (!(cRowLogicalHeight.isPercent())
|| (cRowLogicalHeight.isPercent() && cRowLogicalHeight.percent() < logicalHeight.percent()))
row.logicalHeight = logicalHeight;
case Fixed:
if (cRowLogicalHeight.type() < Percent
|| (cRowLogicalHeight.isFixed() && cRowLogicalHeight.value() < logicalHeight.value()))
row.logicalHeight = logicalHeight;
case Relative:
RenderTableSection::RenderTableSection(Element* element)
: RenderBox(element)
, m_cCol(0)
, m_cRow(0)
, m_outerBorderStart(0)
, m_outerBorderEnd(0)
, m_outerBorderBefore(0)
, m_outerBorderAfter(0)
, m_needsCellRecalc(false)
, m_hasMultipleCellLevels(false)
// init RenderObject attributes
setInline(false); // our object is not Inline
void RenderTableSection::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
RenderBox::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
// If border was changed, notify table.
RenderTable* table = this->table();
if (table && !table->selfNeedsLayout() && !table->normalChildNeedsLayout() && oldStyle && oldStyle->border() != style()->border())
void RenderTableSection::willBeRemovedFromTree()
// Preventively invalidate our cells as we may be re-inserted into
// a new table which would require us to rebuild our structure.
void RenderTableSection::addChild(RenderObject* child, RenderObject* beforeChild)
if (!child->isTableRow()) {
RenderObject* last = beforeChild;
if (!last)
last = lastChild();
if (last && last->isAnonymous() && !last->isBeforeOrAfterContent()) {
if (beforeChild == last)
beforeChild = last->firstChild();
last->addChild(child, beforeChild);
if (beforeChild && !beforeChild->isAnonymous() && beforeChild->parent() == this) {
RenderObject* row = beforeChild->previousSibling();
if (row && row->isTableRow() && row->isAnonymous()) {
// If beforeChild is inside an anonymous cell/row, insert into the cell or into
// the anonymous row containing it, if there is one.
RenderObject* lastBox = last;
while (lastBox && lastBox->parent()->isAnonymous() && !lastBox->isTableRow())
lastBox = lastBox->parent();
if (lastBox && lastBox->isAnonymous() && !lastBox->isBeforeOrAfterContent()) {
lastBox->addChild(child, beforeChild);
RenderObject* row = RenderTableRow::createAnonymousWithParentRenderer(this);
addChild(row, beforeChild);
if (beforeChild)
unsigned insertionRow = m_cRow;
m_cCol = 0;
RenderTableRow* row = toRenderTableRow(child);
m_grid[insertionRow].rowRenderer = row;
if (!beforeChild)
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() != this)
beforeChild = splitAnonymousBoxesAroundChild(beforeChild);
ASSERT(!beforeChild || beforeChild->isTableRow());
RenderBox::addChild(child, beforeChild);
void RenderTableSection::ensureRows(unsigned numRows)
if (numRows <= m_grid.size())
unsigned oldSize = m_grid.size();
unsigned effectiveColumnCount = max(1u, table()->numEffCols());
for (unsigned row = oldSize; row < m_grid.size(); ++row)
void RenderTableSection::addCell(RenderTableCell* cell, RenderTableRow* row)
// We don't insert the cell if we need cell recalc as our internal columns' representation
// will have drifted from the table's representation. Also recalcCells will call addCell
// at a later time after sync'ing our columns' with the table's.
if (needsCellRecalc())
unsigned rSpan = cell->rowSpan();
unsigned cSpan = cell->colSpan();
const Vector<RenderTable::ColumnStruct>& columns = table()->columns();
unsigned nCols = columns.size();
unsigned insertionRow = row->rowIndex();
// ### mozilla still seems to do the old HTML way, even for strict DTD
// (see the annotation on table cell layouting in the CSS specs and the testcase below:
// <TABLE border>
// <TR><TD>1 <TD rowspan="2">2 <TD>3 <TD>4
// <TR><TD colspan="2">5
// </TABLE>
while (m_cCol < nCols && (cellAt(insertionRow, m_cCol).hasCells() || cellAt(insertionRow, m_cCol).inColSpan))
updateLogicalHeightForCell(m_grid[insertionRow], cell);
ensureRows(insertionRow + rSpan);
m_grid[insertionRow].rowRenderer = row;
unsigned col = m_cCol;
// tell the cell where it is
bool inColSpan = false;
while (cSpan) {
unsigned currentSpan;
if (m_cCol >= nCols) {
currentSpan = cSpan;
} else {
if (cSpan < columns[m_cCol].span)
table()->splitColumn(m_cCol, cSpan);
currentSpan = columns[m_cCol].span;
for (unsigned r = 0; r < rSpan; r++) {
CellStruct& c = cellAt(insertionRow + r, m_cCol);
// If cells overlap then we take the slow path for painting.
if (c.cells.size() > 1)
m_hasMultipleCellLevels = true;
if (inColSpan)
c.inColSpan = true;
cSpan -= currentSpan;
inColSpan = true;
int RenderTableSection::calcRowLogicalHeight()
#ifndef NDEBUG
SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope layoutForbiddenScope(this);
RenderTableCell* cell;
int spacing = table()->vBorderSpacing();
LayoutStateMaintainer statePusher(&view());
m_rowPos.resize(m_grid.size() + 1);
m_rowPos[0] = spacing;
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
for (unsigned r = 0; r < totalRows; r++) {
m_grid[r].baseline = 0;
LayoutUnit baselineDescent = 0;
// Our base size is the biggest logical height from our cells' styles (excluding row spanning cells).
m_rowPos[r + 1] = max(m_rowPos[r] + minimumValueForLength(m_grid[r].logicalHeight, 0, &view()).round(), 0);
Row& row = m_grid[r].row;
unsigned totalCols = row.size();
for (unsigned c = 0; c < totalCols; c++) {
CellStruct& current = cellAt(r, c);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < current.cells.size(); i++) {
cell = current.cells[i];
if (current.inColSpan && cell->rowSpan() == 1)
// FIXME: We are always adding the height of a rowspan to the last rows which doesn't match
// other browsers. See for example.
if ((cell->rowIndex() + cell->rowSpan() - 1) != r) {
// We will apply the height of the rowspan to the current row if next row is not valid.
if ((r + 1) < totalRows) {
unsigned col = 0;
CellStruct nextRowCell = cellAt(r + 1, col);
// We are trying to find that next row is valid or not.
while (nextRowCell.cells.size() && nextRowCell.cells[0]->rowSpan() > 1 && nextRowCell.cells[0]->rowIndex() < (r + 1)) {
if (col < totalCols)
nextRowCell = cellAt(r + 1, col);
// We are adding the height of the rowspan to the current row if next row is not valid.
if (col < totalCols && nextRowCell.cells.size())
// For row spanning cells, |r| is the last row in the span.
unsigned cellStartRow = cell->rowIndex();
if (cell->hasOverrideHeight()) {
if (!statePusher.didPush()) {
// Technically, we should also push state for the row, but since
// rows don't push a coordinate transform, that's not necessary.
statePusher.push(this, locationOffset());
cell->setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
int cellLogicalHeight = cell->logicalHeightForRowSizing();
m_rowPos[r + 1] = max(m_rowPos[r + 1], m_rowPos[cellStartRow] + cellLogicalHeight);
// Find out the baseline. The baseline is set on the first row in a rowspan.
if (cell->isBaselineAligned()) {
LayoutUnit baselinePosition = cell->cellBaselinePosition();
if (baselinePosition > cell->borderAndPaddingBefore()) {
m_grid[cellStartRow].baseline = max(m_grid[cellStartRow].baseline, baselinePosition);
// The descent of a cell that spans multiple rows does not affect the height of the first row it spans, so don't let it
// become the baseline descent applied to the rest of the row. Also we don't account for the baseline descent of
// non-spanning cells when computing a spanning cell's extent.
int cellStartRowBaselineDescent = 0;
if (cell->rowSpan() == 1) {
baselineDescent = max(baselineDescent, cellLogicalHeight - (baselinePosition - cell->intrinsicPaddingBefore()));
cellStartRowBaselineDescent = baselineDescent;
m_rowPos[cellStartRow + 1] = max<int>(m_rowPos[cellStartRow + 1], m_rowPos[cellStartRow] + m_grid[cellStartRow].baseline + cellStartRowBaselineDescent);
// Add the border-spacing to our final position.
m_rowPos[r + 1] += m_grid[r].rowRenderer ? spacing : 0;
m_rowPos[r + 1] = max(m_rowPos[r + 1], m_rowPos[r]);
return m_rowPos[m_grid.size()];
void RenderTableSection::layout()
StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;
// addChild may over-grow m_grid but we don't want to throw away the memory too early as addChild
// can be called in a loop (e.g during parsing). Doing it now ensures we have a stable-enough structure.
LayoutStateMaintainer statePusher(&view(), this, locationOffset(), hasTransform() || hasReflection() || style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode());
const Vector<int>& columnPos = table()->columnPositions();
for (unsigned r = 0; r < m_grid.size(); ++r) {
Row& row = m_grid[r].row;
unsigned cols = row.size();
// First, propagate our table layout's information to the cells. This will mark the row as needing layout
// if there was a column logical width change.
for (unsigned startColumn = 0; startColumn < cols; ++startColumn) {
CellStruct& current = row[startColumn];
RenderTableCell* cell = current.primaryCell();
if (!cell || current.inColSpan)
unsigned endCol = startColumn;
unsigned cspan = cell->colSpan();
while (cspan && endCol < cols) {
ASSERT(endCol < table()->columns().size());
cspan -= table()->columns()[endCol].span;
int tableLayoutLogicalWidth = columnPos[endCol] - columnPos[startColumn] - table()->hBorderSpacing();
if (RenderTableRow* rowRenderer = m_grid[r].rowRenderer)
void RenderTableSection::distributeExtraLogicalHeightToPercentRows(int& extraLogicalHeight, int totalPercent)
if (!totalPercent)
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
int totalHeight = m_rowPos[totalRows] + extraLogicalHeight;
int totalLogicalHeightAdded = 0;
totalPercent = min(totalPercent, 100);
int rowHeight = m_rowPos[1] - m_rowPos[0];
for (unsigned r = 0; r < totalRows; ++r) {
if (totalPercent > 0 && m_grid[r].logicalHeight.isPercent()) {
int toAdd = min<int>(extraLogicalHeight, (totalHeight * m_grid[r].logicalHeight.percent() / 100) - rowHeight);
// If toAdd is negative, then we don't want to shrink the row (this bug
// affected Outlook Web Access).
toAdd = max(0, toAdd);
totalLogicalHeightAdded += toAdd;
extraLogicalHeight -= toAdd;
totalPercent -= m_grid[r].logicalHeight.percent();
ASSERT(totalRows >= 1);
if (r < totalRows - 1)
rowHeight = m_rowPos[r + 2] - m_rowPos[r + 1];
m_rowPos[r + 1] += totalLogicalHeightAdded;
void RenderTableSection::distributeExtraLogicalHeightToAutoRows(int& extraLogicalHeight, unsigned autoRowsCount)
if (!autoRowsCount)
int totalLogicalHeightAdded = 0;
for (unsigned r = 0; r < m_grid.size(); ++r) {
if (autoRowsCount > 0 && m_grid[r].logicalHeight.isAuto()) {
// Recomputing |extraLogicalHeightForRow| guarantees that we properly ditribute round |extraLogicalHeight|.
int extraLogicalHeightForRow = extraLogicalHeight / autoRowsCount;
totalLogicalHeightAdded += extraLogicalHeightForRow;
extraLogicalHeight -= extraLogicalHeightForRow;
m_rowPos[r + 1] += totalLogicalHeightAdded;
void RenderTableSection::distributeRemainingExtraLogicalHeight(int& extraLogicalHeight)
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
if (extraLogicalHeight <= 0 || !m_rowPos[totalRows])
// FIXME: m_rowPos[totalRows] - m_rowPos[0] is the total rows' size.
int totalRowSize = m_rowPos[totalRows];
int totalLogicalHeightAdded = 0;
int previousRowPosition = m_rowPos[0];
for (unsigned r = 0; r < totalRows; r++) {
// weight with the original height
totalLogicalHeightAdded += extraLogicalHeight * (m_rowPos[r + 1] - previousRowPosition) / totalRowSize;
previousRowPosition = m_rowPos[r + 1];
m_rowPos[r + 1] += totalLogicalHeightAdded;
extraLogicalHeight -= totalLogicalHeightAdded;
int RenderTableSection::distributeExtraLogicalHeightToRows(int extraLogicalHeight)
if (!extraLogicalHeight)
return extraLogicalHeight;
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
if (!totalRows)
return extraLogicalHeight;
if (!m_rowPos[totalRows] && nextSibling())
return extraLogicalHeight;
unsigned autoRowsCount = 0;
int totalPercent = 0;
for (unsigned r = 0; r < totalRows; r++) {
if (m_grid[r].logicalHeight.isAuto())
else if (m_grid[r].logicalHeight.isPercent())
totalPercent += m_grid[r].logicalHeight.percent();
int remainingExtraLogicalHeight = extraLogicalHeight;
distributeExtraLogicalHeightToPercentRows(remainingExtraLogicalHeight, totalPercent);
distributeExtraLogicalHeightToAutoRows(remainingExtraLogicalHeight, autoRowsCount);
return extraLogicalHeight - remainingExtraLogicalHeight;
void RenderTableSection::layoutRows()
#ifndef NDEBUG
SetLayoutNeededForbiddenScope layoutForbiddenScope(this);
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
// Set the width of our section now. The rows will also be this width.
m_forceSlowPaintPathWithOverflowingCell = false;
int vspacing = table()->vBorderSpacing();
unsigned nEffCols = table()->numEffCols();
LayoutStateMaintainer statePusher(&view(), this, locationOffset(), hasTransform() || style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode());
for (unsigned r = 0; r < totalRows; r++) {
// Set the row's x/y position and width/height.
if (RenderTableRow* rowRenderer = m_grid[r].rowRenderer) {
// FIXME: the x() position of the row should be table()->hBorderSpacing() so that it can
// report the correct offsetLeft. However, that will require a lot of rebaselining of test results.
rowRenderer->setLocation(LayoutPoint(0, m_rowPos[r]));
rowRenderer->setLogicalHeight(m_rowPos[r + 1] - m_rowPos[r] - vspacing);
int rowHeightIncreaseForPagination = 0;
for (unsigned c = 0; c < nEffCols; c++) {
CellStruct& cs = cellAt(r, c);
RenderTableCell* cell = cs.primaryCell();
if (!cell || cs.inColSpan)
int rowIndex = cell->rowIndex();
int rHeight = m_rowPos[rowIndex + cell->rowSpan()] - m_rowPos[rowIndex] - vspacing;
// Force percent height children to lay themselves out again.
// This will cause these children to grow to fill the cell.
// FIXME: There is still more work to do here to fully match WinIE (should
// it become necessary to do so). In quirks mode, WinIE behaves like we
// do, but it will clip the cells that spill out of the table section. In
// strict mode, Mozilla and WinIE both regrow the table to accommodate the
// new height of the cell (thus letting the percentages cause growth one
// time only). We may also not be handling row-spanning cells correctly.
// Note also the oddity where replaced elements always flex, and yet blocks/tables do
// not necessarily flex. WinIE is crazy and inconsistent, and we can't hope to
// match the behavior perfectly, but we'll continue to refine it as we discover new
// bugs. :)
bool cellChildrenFlex = false;
bool flexAllChildren = cell->style()->logicalHeight().isFixed()
|| (!table()->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto() && rHeight != cell->logicalHeight());
for (RenderObject* o = cell->firstChild(); o; o = o->nextSibling()) {
if (!o->isText() && o->style()->logicalHeight().isPercent() && (flexAllChildren || ((o->isReplaced() || (o->isBox() && toRenderBox(o)->scrollsOverflow())) && !o->isTextControl()))) {
// Tables with no sections do not flex.
if (!o->isTable() || toRenderTable(o)->hasSections()) {
o->setNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
cellChildrenFlex = true;
if (TrackedRendererListHashSet* percentHeightDescendants = cell->percentHeightDescendants()) {
TrackedRendererListHashSet::iterator end = percentHeightDescendants->end();
for (TrackedRendererListHashSet::iterator it = percentHeightDescendants->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
RenderBox* box = *it;
if (!box->isReplaced() && !box->scrollsOverflow() && !flexAllChildren)
while (box != cell) {
if (box->normalChildNeedsLayout())
box->setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
box = box->containingBlock();
if (!box)
cellChildrenFlex = true;
if (cellChildrenFlex) {
cell->setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
// Alignment within a cell is based off the calculated
// height, which becomes irrelevant once the cell has
// been resized based off its percentage.
// If the baseline moved, we may have to update the data for our row. Find out the new baseline.
if (cell->isBaselineAligned()) {
LayoutUnit baseline = cell->cellBaselinePosition();
if (baseline > cell->borderAndPaddingBefore())
m_grid[r].baseline = max(m_grid[r].baseline, baseline);
LayoutRect oldCellRect = cell->frameRect();
setLogicalPositionForCell(cell, c);
if (!cell->needsLayout() && view().layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight() && view().layoutState()->pageLogicalOffset(cell, cell->logicalTop()) != cell->pageLogicalOffset())
cell->setChildNeedsLayout(true, MarkOnlyThis);
// FIXME: Make pagination work with vertical tables.
if (view().layoutState()->pageLogicalHeight() && cell->logicalHeight() != rHeight) {
// FIXME: Pagination might have made us change size. For now just shrink or grow the cell to fit without doing a relayout.
// We'll also do a basic increase of the row height to accommodate the cell if it's bigger, but this isn't quite right
// either. It's at least stable though and won't result in an infinite # of relayouts that may never stabilize.
if (cell->logicalHeight() > rHeight)
rowHeightIncreaseForPagination = max<int>(rowHeightIncreaseForPagination, cell->logicalHeight() - rHeight);
LayoutSize childOffset(cell->location() - oldCellRect.location());
if (childOffset.width() || childOffset.height()) {
// If the child moved, we have to repaint it as well as any floating/positioned
// descendants. An exception is if we need a layout. In this case, we know we're going to
// repaint ourselves (and the child) anyway.
if (!table()->selfNeedsLayout() && cell->checkForRepaintDuringLayout())
if (rowHeightIncreaseForPagination) {
for (unsigned rowIndex = r + 1; rowIndex <= totalRows; rowIndex++)
m_rowPos[rowIndex] += rowHeightIncreaseForPagination;
for (unsigned c = 0; c < nEffCols; ++c) {
Vector<RenderTableCell*, 1>& cells = cellAt(r, c).cells;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i)
cells[i]->setLogicalHeight(cells[i]->logicalHeight() + rowHeightIncreaseForPagination);
computeOverflowFromCells(totalRows, nEffCols);
void RenderTableSection::computeOverflowFromCells()
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
unsigned nEffCols = table()->numEffCols();
computeOverflowFromCells(totalRows, nEffCols);
void RenderTableSection::computeOverflowFromCells(unsigned totalRows, unsigned nEffCols)
unsigned totalCellsCount = nEffCols * totalRows;
int maxAllowedOverflowingCellsCount = totalCellsCount < gMinTableSizeToUseFastPaintPathWithOverflowingCell ? 0 : gMaxAllowedOverflowingCellRatioForFastPaintPath * totalCellsCount;
#ifndef NDEBUG
bool hasOverflowingCell = false;
// Now that our height has been determined, add in overflow from cells.
for (unsigned r = 0; r < totalRows; r++) {
for (unsigned c = 0; c < nEffCols; c++) {
CellStruct& cs = cellAt(r, c);
RenderTableCell* cell = cs.primaryCell();
if (!cell || cs.inColSpan)
if (r < totalRows - 1 && cell == primaryCellAt(r + 1, c))
#ifndef NDEBUG
hasOverflowingCell |= cell->hasVisualOverflow();
if (cell->hasVisualOverflow() && !m_forceSlowPaintPathWithOverflowingCell) {
if (m_overflowingCells.size() > maxAllowedOverflowingCellsCount) {
// We need to set m_forcesSlowPaintPath only if there is a least one overflowing cells as the hit testing code rely on this information.
m_forceSlowPaintPathWithOverflowingCell = true;
// The slow path does not make any use of the overflowing cells info, don't hold on to the memory.
ASSERT(hasOverflowingCell == this->hasOverflowingCell());
int RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderBefore() const
unsigned totalCols = table()->numEffCols();
if (!m_grid.size() || !totalCols)
return 0;
unsigned borderWidth = 0;
const BorderValue& sb = style()->borderBefore();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN)
borderWidth = sb.width();
const BorderValue& rb = firstChild()->style()->borderBefore();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN && rb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = rb.width();
bool allHidden = true;
for (unsigned c = 0; c < totalCols; c++) {
const CellStruct& current = cellAt(0, c);
if (current.inColSpan || !current.hasCells())
const BorderValue& cb = current.primaryCell()->style()->borderBefore(); // FIXME: Make this work with perpendicular and flipped cells.
// FIXME: Don't repeat for the same col group
RenderTableCol* colGroup = table()->colElement(c);
if (colGroup) {
const BorderValue& gb = colGroup->style()->borderBefore();
if ( == BHIDDEN || == BHIDDEN)
allHidden = false;
if ( > BHIDDEN && gb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = gb.width();
if ( > BHIDDEN && cb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = cb.width();
} else {
if ( == BHIDDEN)
allHidden = false;
if ( > BHIDDEN && cb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = cb.width();
if (allHidden)
return -1;
return borderWidth / 2;
int RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderAfter() const
unsigned totalCols = table()->numEffCols();
if (!m_grid.size() || !totalCols)
return 0;
unsigned borderWidth = 0;
const BorderValue& sb = style()->borderAfter();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN)
borderWidth = sb.width();
const BorderValue& rb = lastChild()->style()->borderAfter();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN && rb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = rb.width();
bool allHidden = true;
for (unsigned c = 0; c < totalCols; c++) {
const CellStruct& current = cellAt(m_grid.size() - 1, c);
if (current.inColSpan || !current.hasCells())
const BorderValue& cb = current.primaryCell()->style()->borderAfter(); // FIXME: Make this work with perpendicular and flipped cells.
// FIXME: Don't repeat for the same col group
RenderTableCol* colGroup = table()->colElement(c);
if (colGroup) {
const BorderValue& gb = colGroup->style()->borderAfter();
if ( == BHIDDEN || == BHIDDEN)
allHidden = false;
if ( > BHIDDEN && gb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = gb.width();
if ( > BHIDDEN && cb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = cb.width();
} else {
if ( == BHIDDEN)
allHidden = false;
if ( > BHIDDEN && cb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = cb.width();
if (allHidden)
return -1;
return (borderWidth + 1) / 2;
int RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderStart() const
unsigned totalCols = table()->numEffCols();
if (!m_grid.size() || !totalCols)
return 0;
unsigned borderWidth = 0;
const BorderValue& sb = style()->borderStart();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN)
borderWidth = sb.width();
if (RenderTableCol* colGroup = table()->colElement(0)) {
const BorderValue& gb = colGroup->style()->borderStart();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN && gb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = gb.width();
bool allHidden = true;
for (unsigned r = 0; r < m_grid.size(); r++) {
const CellStruct& current = cellAt(r, 0);
if (!current.hasCells())
// FIXME: Don't repeat for the same cell
const BorderValue& cb = current.primaryCell()->style()->borderStart(); // FIXME: Make this work with perpendicular and flipped cells.
const BorderValue& rb = current.primaryCell()->parent()->style()->borderStart();
if ( == BHIDDEN || == BHIDDEN)
allHidden = false;
if ( > BHIDDEN && cb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = cb.width();
if ( > BHIDDEN && rb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = rb.width();
if (allHidden)
return -1;
return (borderWidth + (table()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? 0 : 1)) / 2;
int RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderEnd() const
unsigned totalCols = table()->numEffCols();
if (!m_grid.size() || !totalCols)
return 0;
unsigned borderWidth = 0;
const BorderValue& sb = style()->borderEnd();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN)
borderWidth = sb.width();
if (RenderTableCol* colGroup = table()->colElement(totalCols - 1)) {
const BorderValue& gb = colGroup->style()->borderEnd();
if ( == BHIDDEN)
return -1;
if ( > BHIDDEN && gb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = gb.width();
bool allHidden = true;
for (unsigned r = 0; r < m_grid.size(); r++) {
const CellStruct& current = cellAt(r, totalCols - 1);
if (!current.hasCells())
// FIXME: Don't repeat for the same cell
const BorderValue& cb = current.primaryCell()->style()->borderEnd(); // FIXME: Make this work with perpendicular and flipped cells.
const BorderValue& rb = current.primaryCell()->parent()->style()->borderEnd();
if ( == BHIDDEN || == BHIDDEN)
allHidden = false;
if ( > BHIDDEN && cb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = cb.width();
if ( > BHIDDEN && rb.width() > borderWidth)
borderWidth = rb.width();
if (allHidden)
return -1;
return (borderWidth + (table()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? 1 : 0)) / 2;
void RenderTableSection::recalcOuterBorder()
m_outerBorderBefore = calcOuterBorderBefore();
m_outerBorderAfter = calcOuterBorderAfter();
m_outerBorderStart = calcOuterBorderStart();
m_outerBorderEnd = calcOuterBorderEnd();
int RenderTableSection::firstLineBoxBaseline() const
if (!m_grid.size())
return -1;
int firstLineBaseline = m_grid[0].baseline;
if (firstLineBaseline)
return firstLineBaseline + m_rowPos[0];
firstLineBaseline = -1;
const Row& firstRow = m_grid[0].row;
for (size_t i = 0; i < firstRow.size(); ++i) {
const CellStruct& cs =;
const RenderTableCell* cell = cs.primaryCell();
// Only cells with content have a baseline
if (cell && cell->contentLogicalHeight())
firstLineBaseline = max<int>(firstLineBaseline, cell->logicalTop() + cell->borderAndPaddingBefore() + cell->contentLogicalHeight());
return firstLineBaseline;
void RenderTableSection::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
// put this back in when all layout tests can handle it
// ASSERT(!needsLayout());
// avoid crashing on bugs that cause us to paint with dirty layout
if (needsLayout())
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
unsigned totalCols = table()->columns().size();
if (!totalRows || !totalCols)
LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();
PaintPhase phase = paintInfo.phase;
bool pushedClip = pushContentsClip(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);
paintObject(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);
if (pushedClip)
popContentsClip(paintInfo, phase, adjustedPaintOffset);
if ((phase == PaintPhaseOutline || phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline) && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)
paintOutline(paintInfo, LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset, size()));
static inline bool compareCellPositions(RenderTableCell* elem1, RenderTableCell* elem2)
return elem1->rowIndex() < elem2->rowIndex();
// This comparison is used only when we have overflowing cells as we have an unsorted array to sort. We thus need
// to sort both on rows and columns to properly repaint.
static inline bool compareCellPositionsWithOverflowingCells(RenderTableCell* elem1, RenderTableCell* elem2)
if (elem1->rowIndex() != elem2->rowIndex())
return elem1->rowIndex() < elem2->rowIndex();
return elem1->col() < elem2->col();
void RenderTableSection::paintCell(RenderTableCell* cell, PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
LayoutPoint cellPoint = flipForWritingModeForChild(cell, paintOffset);
PaintPhase paintPhase = paintInfo.phase;
RenderTableRow* row = toRenderTableRow(cell->parent());
if (paintPhase == PaintPhaseBlockBackground || paintPhase == PaintPhaseChildBlockBackground) {
// We need to handle painting a stack of backgrounds. This stack (from bottom to top) consists of
// the column group, column, row group, row, and then the cell.
RenderTableCol* column = table()->colElement(cell->col());
RenderTableCol* columnGroup = column ? column->enclosingColumnGroup() : 0;
// Column groups and columns first.
// FIXME: Columns and column groups do not currently support opacity, and they are being painted "too late" in
// the stack, since we have already opened a transparency layer (potentially) for the table row group.
// Note that we deliberately ignore whether or not the cell has a layer, since these backgrounds paint "behind" the
// cell.
cell->paintBackgroundsBehindCell(paintInfo, cellPoint, columnGroup);
cell->paintBackgroundsBehindCell(paintInfo, cellPoint, column);
// Paint the row group next.
cell->paintBackgroundsBehindCell(paintInfo, cellPoint, this);
// Paint the row next, but only if it doesn't have a layer. If a row has a layer, it will be responsible for
// painting the row background for the cell.
if (!row->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
cell->paintBackgroundsBehindCell(paintInfo, cellPoint, row);
if ((!cell->hasSelfPaintingLayer() && !row->hasSelfPaintingLayer()))
cell->paint(paintInfo, cellPoint);
LayoutRect RenderTableSection::logicalRectForWritingModeAndDirection(const LayoutRect& rect) const
LayoutRect tableAlignedRect(rect);
if (!style()->isHorizontalWritingMode())
tableAlignedRect = tableAlignedRect.transposedRect();
const Vector<int>& columnPos = table()->columnPositions();
// FIXME: The table's direction should determine our row's direction, not the section's (see bug 96691).
if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
tableAlignedRect.setX(columnPos[columnPos.size() - 1] - tableAlignedRect.maxX());
return tableAlignedRect;
CellSpan RenderTableSection::dirtiedRows(const LayoutRect& damageRect) const
if (m_forceSlowPaintPathWithOverflowingCell)
return fullTableRowSpan();
CellSpan coveredRows = spannedRows(damageRect);
// To repaint the border we might need to repaint first or last row even if they are not spanned themselves.
if (coveredRows.start() >= m_rowPos.size() - 1 && m_rowPos[m_rowPos.size() - 1] + table()->outerBorderAfter() >= damageRect.y())
if (!coveredRows.end() && m_rowPos[0] - table()->outerBorderBefore() <= damageRect.maxY())
return coveredRows;
CellSpan RenderTableSection::dirtiedColumns(const LayoutRect& damageRect) const
if (m_forceSlowPaintPathWithOverflowingCell)
return fullTableColumnSpan();
CellSpan coveredColumns = spannedColumns(damageRect);
const Vector<int>& columnPos = table()->columnPositions();
// To repaint the border we might need to repaint first or last column even if they are not spanned themselves.
if (coveredColumns.start() >= columnPos.size() - 1 && columnPos[columnPos.size() - 1] + table()->outerBorderEnd() >= damageRect.x())
if (!coveredColumns.end() && columnPos[0] - table()->outerBorderStart() <= damageRect.maxX())
return coveredColumns;
CellSpan RenderTableSection::spannedRows(const LayoutRect& flippedRect) const
// Find the first row that starts after rect top.
unsigned nextRow = std::upper_bound(m_rowPos.begin(), m_rowPos.end(), flippedRect.y()) - m_rowPos.begin();
if (nextRow == m_rowPos.size())
return CellSpan(m_rowPos.size() - 1, m_rowPos.size() - 1); // After all rows.
unsigned startRow = nextRow > 0 ? nextRow - 1 : 0;
// Find the first row that starts after rect bottom.
unsigned endRow;
if (m_rowPos[nextRow] >= flippedRect.maxY())
endRow = nextRow;
else {
endRow = std::upper_bound(m_rowPos.begin() + nextRow, m_rowPos.end(), flippedRect.maxY()) - m_rowPos.begin();
if (endRow == m_rowPos.size())
endRow = m_rowPos.size() - 1;
return CellSpan(startRow, endRow);
CellSpan RenderTableSection::spannedColumns(const LayoutRect& flippedRect) const
const Vector<int>& columnPos = table()->columnPositions();
// Find the first column that starts after rect left.
// lower_bound doesn't handle the edge between two cells properly as it would wrongly return the
// cell on the logical top/left.
// upper_bound on the other hand properly returns the cell on the logical bottom/right, which also
// matches the behavior of other browsers.
unsigned nextColumn = std::upper_bound(columnPos.begin(), columnPos.end(), flippedRect.x()) - columnPos.begin();
if (nextColumn == columnPos.size())
return CellSpan(columnPos.size() - 1, columnPos.size() - 1); // After all columns.
unsigned startColumn = nextColumn > 0 ? nextColumn - 1 : 0;
// Find the first column that starts after rect right.
unsigned endColumn;
if (columnPos[nextColumn] >= flippedRect.maxX())
endColumn = nextColumn;
else {
endColumn = std::upper_bound(columnPos.begin() + nextColumn, columnPos.end(), flippedRect.maxX()) - columnPos.begin();
if (endColumn == columnPos.size())
endColumn = columnPos.size() - 1;
return CellSpan(startColumn, endColumn);
void RenderTableSection::paintObject(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
PaintPhase paintPhase = paintInfo.phase;
LayoutRect localRepaintRect = paintInfo.rect;
LayoutRect tableAlignedRect = logicalRectForWritingModeAndDirection(localRepaintRect);
CellSpan dirtiedRows = this->dirtiedRows(tableAlignedRect);
CellSpan dirtiedColumns = this->dirtiedColumns(tableAlignedRect);
if (dirtiedColumns.start() < dirtiedColumns.end()) {
if (!m_hasMultipleCellLevels && !m_overflowingCells.size()) {
if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseCollapsedTableBorders) {
// Collapsed borders are painted from the bottom right to the top left so that precedence
// due to cell position is respected. We need to paint one row beyond the topmost dirtied
// row to calculate its collapsed border value.
unsigned startRow = dirtiedRows.start() ? dirtiedRows.start() - 1 : 0;
for (unsigned r = dirtiedRows.end(); r > startRow; r--) {
unsigned row = r - 1;
for (unsigned c = dirtiedColumns.end(); c > dirtiedColumns.start(); c--) {
unsigned col = c - 1;
CellStruct& current = cellAt(row, col);
RenderTableCell* cell = current.primaryCell();
if (!cell || (row > dirtiedRows.start() && primaryCellAt(row - 1, col) == cell) || (col > dirtiedColumns.start() && primaryCellAt(row, col - 1) == cell))
LayoutPoint cellPoint = flipForWritingModeForChild(cell, paintOffset);
cell->paintCollapsedBorders(paintInfo, cellPoint);
} else {
// Draw the dirty cells in the order that they appear.
for (unsigned r = dirtiedRows.start(); r < dirtiedRows.end(); r++) {
RenderTableRow* row = m_grid[r].rowRenderer;
if (row && !row->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
row->paintOutlineForRowIfNeeded(paintInfo, paintOffset);
for (unsigned c = dirtiedColumns.start(); c < dirtiedColumns.end(); c++) {
CellStruct& current = cellAt(r, c);
RenderTableCell* cell = current.primaryCell();
if (!cell || (r > dirtiedRows.start() && primaryCellAt(r - 1, c) == cell) || (c > dirtiedColumns.start() && primaryCellAt(r, c - 1) == cell))
paintCell(cell, paintInfo, paintOffset);
} else {
// The overflowing cells should be scarce to avoid adding a lot of cells to the HashSet.
#ifndef NDEBUG
unsigned totalRows = m_grid.size();
unsigned totalCols = table()->columns().size();
ASSERT(m_overflowingCells.size() < totalRows * totalCols * gMaxAllowedOverflowingCellRatioForFastPaintPath);
// To make sure we properly repaint the section, we repaint all the overflowing cells that we collected.
Vector<RenderTableCell*> cells;
copyToVector(m_overflowingCells, cells);
HashSet<RenderTableCell*> spanningCells;
for (unsigned r = dirtiedRows.start(); r < dirtiedRows.end(); r++) {
RenderTableRow* row = m_grid[r].rowRenderer;
if (row && !row->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
row->paintOutlineForRowIfNeeded(paintInfo, paintOffset);
for (unsigned c = dirtiedColumns.start(); c < dirtiedColumns.end(); c++) {
CellStruct& current = cellAt(r, c);
if (!current.hasCells())
for (unsigned i = 0; i < current.cells.size(); ++i) {
if (m_overflowingCells.contains(current.cells[i]))
if (current.cells[i]->rowSpan() > 1 || current.cells[i]->colSpan() > 1) {
if (!spanningCells.add(current.cells[i]).isNewEntry)
// Sort the dirty cells by paint order.
if (!m_overflowingCells.size())
std::stable_sort(cells.begin(), cells.end(), compareCellPositions);
std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end(), compareCellPositionsWithOverflowingCells);
if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseCollapsedTableBorders) {
for (unsigned i = cells.size(); i > 0; --i) {
LayoutPoint cellPoint = flipForWritingModeForChild(cells[i - 1], paintOffset);
cells[i - 1]->paintCollapsedBorders(paintInfo, cellPoint);
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i)
paintCell(cells[i], paintInfo, paintOffset);
void RenderTableSection::imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect*)
// FIXME: Examine cells and repaint only the rect the image paints in.
void RenderTableSection::recalcCells()
// We reset the flag here to ensure that |addCell| works. This is safe to do as
// fillRowsWithDefaultStartingAtPosition makes sure we match the table's columns
// representation.
m_needsCellRecalc = false;
m_cCol = 0;
m_cRow = 0;
for (RenderObject* row = firstChild(); row; row = row->nextSibling()) {
if (row->isTableRow()) {
unsigned insertionRow = m_cRow;
m_cCol = 0;
RenderTableRow* tableRow = toRenderTableRow(row);
m_grid[insertionRow].rowRenderer = tableRow;
for (RenderObject* cell = row->firstChild(); cell; cell = cell->nextSibling()) {
if (!cell->isTableCell())
RenderTableCell* tableCell = toRenderTableCell(cell);
addCell(tableCell, tableRow);
// FIXME: This function could be made O(1) in certain cases (like for the non-most-constrainive cells' case).
void RenderTableSection::rowLogicalHeightChanged(unsigned rowIndex)
if (needsCellRecalc())
for (RenderObject* cell = m_grid[rowIndex].rowRenderer->firstChild(); cell; cell = cell->nextSibling()) {
if (!cell->isTableCell())
updateLogicalHeightForCell(m_grid[rowIndex], toRenderTableCell(cell));
void RenderTableSection::setNeedsCellRecalc()
m_needsCellRecalc = true;
if (RenderTable* t = table())
unsigned RenderTableSection::numColumns() const
unsigned result = 0;
for (unsigned r = 0; r < m_grid.size(); ++r) {
for (unsigned c = result; c < table()->numEffCols(); ++c) {
const CellStruct& cell = cellAt(r, c);
if (cell.hasCells() || cell.inColSpan)
result = c;
return result + 1;
const BorderValue& RenderTableSection::borderAdjoiningStartCell(const RenderTableCell* cell) const
return hasSameDirectionAs(cell) ? style()->borderStart() : style()->borderEnd();
const BorderValue& RenderTableSection::borderAdjoiningEndCell(const RenderTableCell* cell) const
return hasSameDirectionAs(cell) ? style()->borderEnd() : style()->borderStart();
const RenderTableCell* RenderTableSection::firstRowCellAdjoiningTableStart() const
unsigned adjoiningStartCellColumnIndex = hasSameDirectionAs(table()) ? 0 : table()->lastColumnIndex();
return cellAt(0, adjoiningStartCellColumnIndex).primaryCell();
const RenderTableCell* RenderTableSection::firstRowCellAdjoiningTableEnd() const
unsigned adjoiningEndCellColumnIndex = hasSameDirectionAs(table()) ? table()->lastColumnIndex() : 0;
return cellAt(0, adjoiningEndCellColumnIndex).primaryCell();
void RenderTableSection::appendColumn(unsigned pos)
for (unsigned row = 0; row < m_grid.size(); ++row)
m_grid[row].row.resize(pos + 1);
void RenderTableSection::splitColumn(unsigned pos, unsigned first)
if (m_cCol > pos)
for (unsigned row = 0; row < m_grid.size(); ++row) {
Row& r = m_grid[row].row;
r.insert(pos + 1, CellStruct());
if (r[pos].hasCells()) {
r[pos + 1].cells.appendVector(r[pos].cells);
RenderTableCell* cell = r[pos].primaryCell();
ASSERT(cell->colSpan() >= (r[pos].inColSpan ? 1u : 0));
unsigned colleft = cell->colSpan() - r[pos].inColSpan;
if (first > colleft)
r[pos + 1].inColSpan = 0;
r[pos + 1].inColSpan = first + r[pos].inColSpan;
} else {
r[pos + 1].inColSpan = 0;
// Hit Testing
bool RenderTableSection::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, HitTestAction action)
// If we have no children then we have nothing to do.
if (!firstChild())
return false;
// Table sections cannot ever be hit tested. Effectively they do not exist.
// Just forward to our children always.
LayoutPoint adjustedLocation = accumulatedOffset + location();
if (hasOverflowClip() && !locationInContainer.intersects(overflowClipRect(adjustedLocation, locationInContainer.region())))
return false;
if (hasOverflowingCell()) {
for (RenderObject* child = lastChild(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) {
// FIXME: We have to skip over inline flows, since they can show up inside table rows
// at the moment (a demoted inline <form> for example). If we ever implement a
// table-specific hit-test method (which we should do for performance reasons anyway),
// then we can remove this check.
if (child->isBox() && !toRenderBox(child)->hasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
LayoutPoint childPoint = flipForWritingModeForChild(toRenderBox(child), adjustedLocation);
if (child->nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, childPoint, action)) {
updateHitTestResult(result, toLayoutPoint(locationInContainer.point() - childPoint));
return true;
return false;
LayoutRect hitTestRect = locationInContainer.boundingBox();
LayoutRect tableAlignedRect = logicalRectForWritingModeAndDirection(hitTestRect);
CellSpan rowSpan = spannedRows(tableAlignedRect);
CellSpan columnSpan = spannedColumns(tableAlignedRect);
// Now iterate over the spanned rows and columns.
for (unsigned hitRow = rowSpan.start(); hitRow < rowSpan.end(); ++hitRow) {
for (unsigned hitColumn = columnSpan.start(); hitColumn < columnSpan.end(); ++hitColumn) {
CellStruct& current = cellAt(hitRow, hitColumn);
// If the cell is empty, there's nothing to do
if (!current.hasCells())
for (unsigned i = current.cells.size() ; i; ) {
RenderTableCell* cell = current.cells[i];
LayoutPoint cellPoint = flipForWritingModeForChild(cell, adjustedLocation);
if (static_cast<RenderObject*>(cell)->nodeAtPoint(request, result, locationInContainer, cellPoint, action)) {
updateHitTestResult(result, locationInContainer.point() - toLayoutSize(cellPoint));
return true;
if (!result.isRectBasedTest())
if (!result.isRectBasedTest())
return false;
void RenderTableSection::removeCachedCollapsedBorders(const RenderTableCell* cell)
if (!table()->collapseBorders())
for (int side = CBSBefore; side <= CBSEnd; ++side)
m_cellsCollapsedBorders.remove(make_pair(cell, side));
void RenderTableSection::setCachedCollapsedBorder(const RenderTableCell* cell, CollapsedBorderSide side, CollapsedBorderValue border)
m_cellsCollapsedBorders.set(make_pair(cell, side), border);
CollapsedBorderValue& RenderTableSection::cachedCollapsedBorder(const RenderTableCell* cell, CollapsedBorderSide side)
HashMap<pair<const RenderTableCell*, int>, CollapsedBorderValue>::iterator it = m_cellsCollapsedBorders.find(make_pair(cell, side));
ASSERT(it != m_cellsCollapsedBorders.end());
return it->value;
RenderTableSection* RenderTableSection::createAnonymousWithParentRenderer(const RenderObject* parent)
RefPtr<RenderStyle> newStyle = RenderStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(parent->style(), TABLE_ROW_GROUP);
RenderTableSection* newSection = new (parent->renderArena()) RenderTableSection(0);
return newSection;
void RenderTableSection::setLogicalPositionForCell(RenderTableCell* cell, unsigned effectiveColumn) const
LayoutPoint oldCellLocation = cell->location();
LayoutPoint cellLocation(0, m_rowPos[cell->rowIndex()]);
int horizontalBorderSpacing = table()->hBorderSpacing();
// FIXME: The table's direction should determine our row's direction, not the section's (see bug 96691).
if (!style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
cellLocation.setX(table()->columnPositions()[table()->numEffCols()] - table()->columnPositions()[table()->colToEffCol(cell->col() + cell->colSpan())] + horizontalBorderSpacing);
cellLocation.setX(table()->columnPositions()[effectiveColumn] + horizontalBorderSpacing);
view().addLayoutDelta(oldCellLocation - cell->location());
} // namespace WebCore