| |
| WebCore := $(srcdir)/WebCore |
| |
| |
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| WEBCORE_CSS_VALUE_KEYWORDS := $(WebCore)/css/CSSValueKeywords.in |
| |
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| WebCore/bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementBaseTable.cpp |
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| |
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| |
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| WebCore/platform/gtk/FileChooserGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/FileSystemGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/FontCacheGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/FontGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/KeyEventGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/Language.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/LocalizedStringsGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/LoggingGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/MIMETypeRegistryGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/MouseEventGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/PasteboardGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/PlatformScreenGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/PlatformScrollBarGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/PopupMenuGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/RenderThemeGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/SearchPopupMenuGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/ScrollViewGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/SharedTimerGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/SoundGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/SystemTimeGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/text/gtk/TextBreakIteratorInternalICUGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/WheelEventGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/WidgetGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/gtk/gtk2drawing.c \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/ColorGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/IconGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/ImageGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/IntPointGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/IntRectGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/AffineTransformCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/FontCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/GradientCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/ImageSourceCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/PathCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/image-decoders/gif/GIFImageDecoder.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/image-decoders/gif/GIFImageReader.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/image-decoders/jpeg/JPEGImageDecoder.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/image-decoders/bmp/BMPImageDecoder.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/image-decoders/ico/ICOImageDecoder.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/image-decoders/xbm/XBMImageDecoder.cpp |
| |
| # ---- |
| # curl http backend |
| # ---- |
| if USE_CURL |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += \ |
| -DWTF_USE_CURL=1 \ |
| -I$(srcdir)/WebCore/platform/network/curl |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/platform/network/curl/CookieJarCurl.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/network/curl/FormDataStreamCurl.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/network/curl/ResourceHandleCurl.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/network/curl/ResourceHandleManager.cpp |
| |
| endif # END USE_CURL |
| |
| if USE_SOUP |
| webcore_cppflags += \ |
| -DWTF_USE_SOUP=1 \ |
| -I$(srcdir)/WebCore/platform/network/soup |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/platform/network/soup/CookieJarSoup.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/network/soup/ResourceHandleSoup.cpp |
| endif |
| |
| # --- |
| # Freetype font backend |
| # --- |
| webkitgtk_cppflags += \ |
| |
| webkitgtk_sources += \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/FontPlatformDataGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/GlyphPageTreeNodeGtk.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/SimpleFontDataGtk.cpp |
| endif # END USE_FREETYPE |
| |
| # --- |
| # Pango font backend |
| # --- |
| if USE_PANGO |
| webkitgtk_cppflags += \ |
| |
| webkitgtk_sources += \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/FontCustomPlatformDataPango.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/FontPlatformDataPango.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/GlyphPageTreeNodePango.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/SimpleFontDataPango.cpp |
| endif # END USE_PANGO |
| |
| # ---- |
| # Cross-document messaging support |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += \ |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/dom/MessageEvent.cpp |
| |
| webcore_built_sources += \ |
| DerivedSources/JSMessageEvent.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSMessageEvent.cpp |
| |
| WebCore/dom/MessageEvent.idl |
| |
| # ---- |
| # Offline Web Applications |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += \ |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSDOMApplicationCacheCustom.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/appcache/ApplicationCache.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheGroup.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheResource.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheStorage.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/appcache/DOMApplicationCache.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/appcache/ManifestParser.cpp |
| |
| webcore_built_sources += \ |
| DerivedSources/JSDOMApplicationCache.cpp |
| |
| |
| # ---- |
| # Dashboard Support |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += \ |
| |
| WEBCORE_CSS_PROPERTY_NAMES += $(WebCore)/css/DashboardSupportCSSPropertyNames.in |
| |
| |
| # ---- |
| # Database Support |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_built_sources += \ |
| DerivedSources/JSDatabase.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLError.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLResultSet.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLResultSetRowList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLTransaction.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSDatabase.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLError.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLResultSet.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLResultSetRowList.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSQLTransaction.cpp |
| |
| WebCore/storage/Database.idl \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLError.idl \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLResultSet.idl \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLResultSetRowList.idl \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLTransaction.idl |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += \ |
| -I$(top_srcdir)/WebCore/platform/sql \ |
| -I$(top_srcdir)/WebCore/storage |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteAuthorizer.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteStatement.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteTransaction.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/sql/SQLValue.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/ChangeVersionWrapper.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/DatabaseAuthorizer.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/Database.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/DatabaseTask.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/DatabaseThread.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/DatabaseTracker.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/OriginQuotaManager.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/OriginUsageRecord.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLResultSet.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLResultSetRowList.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLStatement.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/SQLTransaction.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSCustomSQLStatementCallback.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSCustomSQLStatementErrorCallback.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSCustomSQLTransactionCallback.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSCustomSQLTransactionErrorCallback.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSDatabaseCustom.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSSQLResultSetRowListCustom.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSSQLTransactionCustom.cpp |
| |
| |
| # ---- |
| # HTML5 client-side session and persistent storage |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_built_sources += \ |
| DerivedSources/JSStorage.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSStorageEvent.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSStorage.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSStorageEvent.cpp |
| |
| WebCore/storage/Storage.idl \ |
| WebCore/storage/StorageEvent.idl |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += \ |
| -I$(top_srcdir)/WebCore/storage |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/storage/LocalStorage.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/LocalStorageArea.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/LocalStorageTask.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/LocalStorageThread.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/Storage.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/StorageArea.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/StorageEvent.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/StorageMap.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/SessionStorage.cpp \ |
| WebCore/storage/SessionStorageArea.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSStorageCustom.cpp |
| |
| |
| # ---- |
| # Icon Database Support |
| # ---- |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_ICONDATABASE=1 |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/icon/IconRecord.cpp \ |
| WebCore/loader/icon/PageURLRecord.cpp |
| |
| else |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/loader/icon/IconDatabaseNone.cpp |
| |
| |
| # ---- |
| # Video Support |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_VIDEO=1 |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DGST_DISABLE_DEPRECATED |
| endif # END ENABLE_DEBUG |
| |
| webcore_built_sources += \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLSourceElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLAudioElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLMediaElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLVideoElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSMediaError.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSTimeRanges.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSVoidCallback.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLSourceElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLAudioElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLMediaElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSHTMLVideoElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSMediaError.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSTimeRanges.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSVoidCallback.cpp |
| |
| WebCore/html/HTMLAudioElement.idl \ |
| WebCore/html/HTMLMediaElement.idl \ |
| WebCore/html/HTMLSourceElement.idl \ |
| WebCore/html/HTMLVideoElement.idl \ |
| WebCore/html/MediaError.idl \ |
| WebCore/html/TimeRanges.idl \ |
| WebCore/html/VoidCallback.idl |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/html/HTMLAudioElement.cpp \ |
| WebCore/html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp \ |
| WebCore/html/HTMLSourceElement.cpp \ |
| WebCore/html/HTMLVideoElement.cpp \ |
| WebCore/html/TimeRanges.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/MediaPlayer.cpp \ |
| WebCore/rendering/MediaControlElements.cpp \ |
| WebCore/rendering/RenderVideo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSAudioConstructor.cpp |
| |
| webkitgtk_sources += \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp \ |
| WebCore/platform/graphics/gtk/VideoSinkGStreamer.cpp |
| |
| endif # END ENABLE_VIDEO |
| |
| # ---- |
| # XPath Support |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_XPATH=1 |
| |
| webcore_built_sources += \ |
| DerivedSources/XPathGrammar.h \ |
| DerivedSources/XPathGrammar.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathEvaluator.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathException.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathExpression.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathNSResolver.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathResult.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathEvaluator.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathException.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathExpression.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathNSResolver.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSXPathResult.cpp |
| |
| WebCore/xml/XPathNSResolver.idl \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathException.idl \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathExpression.idl \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathResult.idl \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathEvaluator.idl |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/xml/NativeXPathNSResolver.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathEvaluator.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathExpression.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathExpressionNode.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathFunctions.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathNamespace.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathNodeSet.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathNSResolver.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathParser.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathPath.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathPredicate.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathResult.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathStep.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathUtil.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathValue.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XPathVariableReference.cpp |
| |
| # XPath grammar |
| |
| $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.h: $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.cpp; |
| |
| # NOTE: older versions of bison do not inject an inclusion guard, so we do it |
| $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.cpp: $(WebCore)/xml/XPathGrammar.y |
| rm -f $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.hpp |
| $(BISON) -d -p xpathyy $< -o $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.cpp |
| touch $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.hpp |
| echo '#ifndef XPathGrammar_h' > $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.h |
| echo '#define XPathGrammar_h' >> $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.h |
| cat $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.hpp >> $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.h |
| echo '#endif' >> $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.h |
| rm -f $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/XPathGrammar.hpp |
| |
| endif # END ENABLE_XPATH |
| |
| # ---- |
| # XSLT Support |
| # ---- |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_XSLT=1 |
| |
| webcore_sources += \ |
| WebCore/xml/XSLImportRule.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XSLStyleSheet.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XSLTExtensions.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XSLTUnicodeSort.cpp \ |
| WebCore/xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp |
| endif # END ENABLE_XSLT |
| |
| # ---- |
| # SVG Support |
| # |
| # FIXME: allow a more fine-grained inclusion/generation of sources per SVG feature |
| # ---- |
| |
| WEBCORE_CSS_PROPERTY_NAMES += $(WebCore)/css/SVGCSSPropertyNames.in |
| WEBCORE_CSS_VALUE_KEYWORDS += $(WebCore)/css/SVGCSSValueKeywords.in |
| |
| webkitgtk_cppflags += \ |
| -I$(srcdir)/WebCore/svg/graphics/cairo |
| |
| webcore_built_sources += \ |
| DerivedSources/XLinkNames.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/SVGElementFactory.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/SVGNames.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAltGlyphElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAngle.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedAngle.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimateColorElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimateElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimateTransformElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedBoolean.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedEnumeration.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedInteger.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedLength.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedLengthList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedNumber.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedNumberList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedRect.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedString.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedTransformList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimationElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGColor.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGCircleElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGClipPathElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGCursorElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDefsElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDefinitionSrcElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDescElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDocument.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGException.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGLength.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGMatrix.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGMetadataElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSeg.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegArcAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegArcRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegClosePath.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegLinetoAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegLinetoRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegMovetoAbs.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegMovetoRel.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGNumber.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGNumberList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPaint.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPathSegList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPatternElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPoint.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPointList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPolygonElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPolylineElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGRadialGradientElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGRect.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGRectElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGRenderingIntent.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGSetElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGScriptElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGStyleElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGSwitchElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGStopElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGStringList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGSymbolElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTRefElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTSpanElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTextElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTextContentElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTextPathElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTextPositioningElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTitleElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTransform.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGTransformList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGUnitTypes.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGUseElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGViewElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGPreserveAspectRatio.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGElementInstance.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGElementInstanceList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGSVGElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGEllipseElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEBlendElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEColorMatrixElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEComponentTransferElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFECompositeElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEDisplacementMapElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEDistantLightElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEFloodElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEFuncAElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEFuncBElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEFuncGElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEFuncRElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEImageElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEMergeElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEMergeNodeElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEOffsetElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFEPointLightElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFESpecularLightingElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFESpotLightElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFETileElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFETurbulenceElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFilterElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFontElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFontFaceElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFontFaceFormatElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFontFaceNameElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFontFaceSrcElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGFontFaceUriElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGForeignObjectElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGGElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGGlyphElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGGradientElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGImageElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGLengthList.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGLineElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGLinearGradientElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGMaskElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGMarkerElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGMissingGlyphElement.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGZoomEvent.h \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAltGlyphElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAngle.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedAngle.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimateColorElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimateElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedBoolean.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedEnumeration.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedInteger.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedLength.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedLengthList.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedNumber.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedNumberList.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedRect.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedString.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimatedTransformList.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGAnimationElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGColor.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGCircleElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGClipPathElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGCursorElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDefsElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDefinitionSrcElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDescElement.cpp \ |
| DerivedSources/JSSVGDocument.cpp \ |
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| WebCore/svg/graphics/cairo/SVGPaintServerPatternCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/svg/graphics/cairo/SVGPaintServerSolidCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/svg/graphics/cairo/SVGResourceClipperCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/svg/graphics/cairo/SVGResourceFilterCairo.cpp \ |
| WebCore/svg/graphics/cairo/SVGResourceMaskerCairo.cpp |
| |
| |
| # SVG Features |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_SVG_USE=1 |
| endif |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_SVG_FOREIGN_OBJECT=1 |
| endif |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_SVG_FONTS=1 |
| endif |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_SVG_FILTERS=1 |
| endif |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_SVG_AS_IMAGE=1 |
| endif |
| |
| webcore_cppflags += -DENABLE_SVG_ANIMATION=1 |
| endif |
| |
| # SVG tag and attribute names (need to pass an extra flag if svg experimental features are enabled) |
| DerivedSources/SVGNames.cpp: DerivedSources/SVGElementFactory.cpp; |
| |
| if SVG_FLAGS |
| DerivedSources/SVGElementFactory.cpp: $(WebCore)/dom/make_names.pl $(WebCore)/svg/svgtags.in $(WebCore)/svg/svgattrs.in |
| $(PERL) $< --tags $(WebCore)/svg/svgtags.in --attrs $(WebCore)/svg/svgattrs.in --extraDefines "$(SVG_FEATURES)" \ |
| --namespace SVG --guardFactoryWith "ENABLE(SVG)" --cppNamespace WebCore --namespaceURI "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" --factory --attrsNullNamespace --output $(GENSOURCES) |
| else |
| DerivedSources/SVGElementFactory.cpp: $(WebCore)/dom/make_names.pl $(WebCore)/svg/svgtags.in $(WebCore)/svg/svgattrs.in |
| $(PERL) $< --tags $(WebCore)/svg/svgtags.in --attrs $(WebCore)/svg/svgattrs.in --namespace SVG --guardFactoryWith "ENABLE(SVG)" --cppNamespace WebCore --namespaceURI "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" --factory --attrsNullNamespace --output $(GENSOURCES) |
| |
| endif # SVG_FLAGS |
| |
| # end SVG Features |
| |
| DerivedSources/XLinkNames.h: DerivedSources/XLinkNames.cpp; |
| |
| DerivedSources/XLinkNames.cpp : $(WebCore)/dom/make_names.pl $(WebCore)/svg/xlinkattrs.in |
| $(PERL) $< --attrs $(WebCore)/svg/xlinkattrs.in --namespace XLink --cppNamespace WebCore --namespaceURI "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" --output $(GENSOURCES) |
| |
| endif # END ENABLE_SVG |
| |
| DerivedSources/CSSPropertyNames.h: $(WEBCORE_CSS_PROPERTY_NAMES) $(WebCore)/css/makeprop.pl |
| if sort $(WEBCORE_CSS_PROPERTY_NAMES) | uniq -d | grep -E '^[^#]'; then echo 'Duplicate value!'; exit 1; fi |
| cat $(WEBCORE_CSS_PROPERTY_NAMES) > CSSPropertyNames.in |
| $(PERL) "$(WebCore)/css/makeprop.pl" |
| mv CSSPropertyNames.* $(GENSOURCES) |
| |
| # Lower case all the values, as CSS values are case-insensitive |
| DerivedSources/CSSValueKeywords.h : $(WEBCORE_CSS_VALUE_KEYWORDS) $(WebCore)/css/makevalues.pl |
| $(PERL) -ne 'print lc' $(WEBCORE_CSS_VALUE_KEYWORDS) > CSSValueKeywords.in |
| if sort CSSValueKeywords.in | uniq -d | grep -E '^[^#]'; then echo 'Duplicate value!'; exit 1; fi |
| $(PERL) "$(WebCore)/css/makevalues.pl" |
| mv CSSValueKeywords.* $(GENSOURCES) |
| |
| # DOCTYPE strings |
| DerivedSources/DocTypeStrings.cpp : $(WebCore)/html/DocTypeStrings.gperf |
| $(GPERF) -CEot -L ANSI-C -k "*" -N findDoctypeEntry -F ,PubIDInfo::eAlmostStandards,PubIDInfo::eAlmostStandards $(WebCore)/html/DocTypeStrings.gperf > $@ |
| |
| # HTML entity names |
| DerivedSources/HTMLEntityNames.c : $(WebCore)/html/HTMLEntityNames.gperf |
| $(GPERF) -a -L ANSI-C -C -G -c -o -t -k '*' -N findEntity -D -s 2 \ |
| $(WebCore)/html/HTMLEntityNames.gperf > $@ |
| |
| # color names |
| DerivedSources/ColorData.c: $(WebCore)/platform/ColorData.gperf |
| $(GPERF) -CDEot -L ANSI-C -k '*' -N findColor -D -s 2 $< > $@ |
| |
| # CSS tokenizer |
| DerivedSources/tokenizer.cpp : $(WebCore)/css/tokenizer.flex $(WebCore)/css/maketokenizer |
| $(FLEX) -t $< | $(PERL) $(WebCore)/css/maketokenizer > $@ |
| |
| # CSS grammar |
| |
| DerivedSources/CSSGrammar.h: $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.cpp; |
| |
| # NOTE: older versions of bison do not inject an inclusion guard, so we do it |
| DerivedSources/CSSGrammar.cpp: $(WebCore)/css/CSSGrammar.y |
| rm -f $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.hpp |
| $(BISON) -d -p cssyy $< -o $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.cpp |
| touch $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.hpp |
| echo '#ifndef CSSGrammar_h' > $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.h |
| echo '#define CSSGrammar_h' >> $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.h |
| cat $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.hpp >> $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.h |
| echo '#endif' >> $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.h |
| rm -f $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.cpp.h $(GENSOURCES)/CSSGrammar.hpp |
| |
| # user agent style sheets |
| $(WebCore)/css/html4.css \ |
| $(WebCore)/css/quirks.css \ |
| $(WebCore)/css/view-source.css \ |
| $(WebCore)/css/svg.css |
| |
| # new-style JavaScript bindings |
| $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/CodeGenerator.pm \ |
| $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm \ |
| $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/IDLStructure.pm \ |
| $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl |
| |
| DerivedSources/UserAgentStyleSheetsData.cpp: DerivedSources/UserAgentStyleSheets.h; |
| |
| DerivedSources/UserAgentStyleSheets.h: $(WebCore)/css/make-css-file-arrays.pl $(USER_AGENT_STYLE_SHEETS) |
| $(PERL) $< $@ DerivedSources/UserAgentStyleSheetsData.cpp $(USER_AGENT_STYLE_SHEETS) |
| |
| # lookup tables for old-style JavaScript bindings |
| %.lut.h: %.cpp $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) |
| $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) $< > $@ |
| |
| WebCore/bindings/js/%Table.cpp: $(srcdir)/WebCore/bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementBase.cpp $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) |
| $(CREATE_HASH_TABLE) $< > $@ |
| |
| # HTML tag and attribute names |
| DerivedSources/HTMLNames.h: DerivedSources/HTMLNames.cpp; |
| |
| DerivedSources/HTMLNames.cpp: $(WebCore)/dom/make_names.pl $(WebCore)/html/HTMLTagNames.in $(WebCore)/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in |
| $(PERL) $< --tags $(WebCore)/html/HTMLTagNames.in --attrs $(WebCore)/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in --namespace HTML --namespacePrefix xhtml --cppNamespace WebCore --namespaceURI "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" --attrsNullNamespace --output $(GENSOURCES) |
| |
| DerivedSources/XMLNames.h: DerivedSources/XMLNames.cpp; |
| |
| DerivedSources/XMLNames.cpp: $(WebCore)/dom/make_names.pl $(WebCore)/xml/xmlattrs.in |
| $(PERL) $< --attrs $(WebCore)/xml/xmlattrs.in --namespace XML --cppNamespace WebCore --namespaceURI "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" --output $(GENSOURCES) |
| |
| vpath %.idl = \ |
| $(WebCore) \ |
| $(WebCore)/bindings/js \ |
| $(WebCore)/bindings/objc \ |
| $(WebCore)/css \ |
| $(WebCore)/dom \ |
| $(WebCore)/html \ |
| $(WebCore)/loader/appcache \ |
| $(WebCore)/page \ |
| $(WebCore)/storage \ |
| $(WebCore)/svg \ |
| $(WebCore)/xml \ |
| $(WebCore)/plugins |
| |
| DerivedSources/JS%.h: DerivedSources/JS%.cpp; |
| |
| DerivedSources/JS%.cpp: %.idl $(SCRIPTS_BINDINGS) $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm |
| $(PERL) -I$(WebCore)/bindings/scripts $(WebCore)/bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl --include $(WebCore)/dom --include $(WebCore)/html --include $(WebCore)/css --include $(WebCore)/page --include $(WebCore)/xml --include $(WebCore)/svg --outputdir $(GENSOURCES) --defines "$(FEATURE_DEFINES_JAVASCRIPT)" --generator JS $< |
| |
| # Clean rules for WebCore |
| |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSEventTargetBase.lut.h \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementBaseTable.cpp \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSDOMWindowBase.lut.h \ |
| WebCore/bindings/js/JSRGBColor.lut.h |
| |