| |
| == Running test suite: NumberUtilities |
| -- Running test case: Number.constrain |
| PASS: constrain of a value between min and max does not change |
| PASS: constrain of a value between min and max does not change |
| PASS: constrain of a value between min and max does not change |
| PASS: constrain of a value between min and max does not change |
| PASS: constrain of a value below min becomes min |
| PASS: constrain of a value below min becomes min |
| PASS: constrain of a value below min becomes min |
| PASS: constrain of a value above max becomes max |
| PASS: constrain of a value above max becomes max |
| PASS: constrain of a value above max becomes max |
| PASS: constrain of NaN becomes min |
| |
| -- Running test case: Number.secondsToString |
| PASS: normal resolution of 0ms should be ms with no decimals |
| PASS: normal resolution of sub 1ms should be ms |
| PASS: normal resolution of sub 10ms should be ms |
| PASS: normal resolution of sub 100ms should be ms |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 100ms but sub 1s should be ms |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 1s but sub 1min should be seconds |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 1s but sub 1min should be seconds |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 1min but sub 1hr should be minutes |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 1min but sub 1hr should be minutes |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 1hr but sub 1 day should be hrs |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 1 day should be days |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 1 day should be days |
| PASS: high resolution of 0ms should be ms with no decimals |
| PASS: high resolution of sub 1ms should be ms with decimals |
| PASS: high resolution of sub 10ms should be ms with decimals |
| PASS: high resolution of sub 100ms should be ms with decimals |
| PASS: high resolution of greater than 100ms but sub 1s should be ms with decimals |
| PASS: high resolution of greater than 1s should be seconds with decimals |
| PASS: high resolution of greater than 1s should be seconds with decimals |
| PASS: high resolution of greater than 1s should be seconds with decimals |
| PASS: high resolution greater than 1s should be seconds with decimals |
| |
| -- Running test case: Number.bytesToString |
| PASS: normal resolution of sub 1k should be bytes |
| PASS: normal resolution of sub 10k should be kilobytes |
| PASS: normal resolution of sub 10k should be kilobytes |
| PASS: normal resolution of sub 10mb should be megabytes |
| PASS: normal resolution of greater than 10mb should be megabytes |
| PASS: high resolution of sub 1k should be bytes |
| PASS: high resolution of sub 10k should be kilobytes |
| PASS: high resolution of sub 10k should be kilobytes |
| PASS: high resolution of sub 10mb should be megabytes |
| PASS: high resolution of greater than 10mb should be megabytes |
| |
| -- Running test case: Number.percentageString |
| PASS: precision should default to 1 if unspecified |
| |
| -- Running test case: Number.zeroPad |
| PASS: padding of 0 should add no zeros |
| PASS: padding of 1 with one digit should add no zeros |
| PASS: padding of 2 with one digit should add one zero |
| PASS: padding of 1 with two digits should add no zeros |
| PASS: padding of 2 with two digits should add no zeros |
| PASS: padding of 3 with two digits should add one zero |
| PASS: padding of 4 with two digits should add two zeros |
| PASS: padding of 2 with one decimal should add no zeros |
| PASS: padding of 3 with one decimal should add no zeros |
| PASS: padding of 4 with one decimal should add one zero |
| |
| -- Running test case: Number.countDigits |
| PASS: 0 should have 1 digit |
| PASS: -0 should have 1 digit |
| PASS: 10 should have 2 digits |
| PASS: -10 should have 2 digits |
| PASS: 100 should have 3 digits |
| PASS: -100 should have 3 digits |
| PASS: 1000 should have 4 digits |
| PASS: -1000 should have 4 digits |
| PASS: 10000 should have 5 digits |
| PASS: -10000 should have 5 digits |
| PASS: 100000 should have 6 digits |
| PASS: -100000 should have 6 digits |
| PASS: 1000000 should have 7 digits |
| PASS: -1000000 should have 7 digits |
| PASS: 10000000 should have 8 digits |
| PASS: -10000000 should have 8 digits |
| PASS: 100000000 should have 9 digits |
| PASS: -100000000 should have 9 digits |
| PASS: 1000000000 should have 10 digits |
| PASS: -1000000000 should have 10 digits |
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