blob: fec030df5bccc9a1fc2e28cd4a901e0467a5573f [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL domain assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (string) "localhost"
PASS documentURI
PASS referrer
PASS title
PASS contentType
FAIL readyState assert_equals: expected "complete" but got "interactive"
PASS location
PASS defaultView
FAIL body assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (object) null
FAIL images assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (object) object "[object HTMLCollection]"
PASS doctype
FAIL forms assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (object) object "[object HTMLCollection]"
FAIL all assert_equals: expected undefined but got [object HTMLAllCollection]
FAIL links assert_equals: expected (undefined) undefined but got (object) object "[object HTMLCollection]"
PASS cookie
FAIL Test document URL properties after redirect assert_equals: expected "http://localhost:8800/XMLHttpRequest/resources/well-formed.xml" but got "http://localhost:8800/XMLHttpRequest/resources/"
FAIL Test document URL properties of document with <base> after redirect assert_equals: expected "http://localhost:8800/XMLHttpRequest/resources/base.xml" but got "http://localhost:8800/XMLHttpRequest/resources/"
PASS lastModified set to time of response if no HTTP header provided
FAIL lastModified set to related HTTP header if provided assert_equals: expected 1505770096000 but got 1505744052000
PASS cookie (after setting it)
PASS styleSheets
PASS implementation