blob: 8618d11c04d67d7896c9873b550fc2be4bcb40be [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderFieldset.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#include "WMLNames.h"
using std::min;
using std::max;
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
RenderFieldset::RenderFieldset(Node* element)
: RenderBlock(element)
void RenderFieldset::calcPrefWidths()
if (RenderBox* legend = findLegend()) {
int legendMinWidth = legend->minPrefWidth();
Length legendMarginLeft = legend->style()->marginLeft();
Length legendMarginRight = legend->style()->marginLeft();
if (legendMarginLeft.isFixed())
legendMinWidth += legendMarginLeft.value();
if (legendMarginRight.isFixed())
legendMinWidth += legendMarginRight.value();
m_minPrefWidth = max(m_minPrefWidth, legendMinWidth + paddingLeft() + paddingRight() + borderLeft() + borderRight());
RenderObject* RenderFieldset::layoutLegend(bool relayoutChildren)
RenderBox* legend = findLegend();
if (legend) {
if (relayoutChildren)
int xPos;
if (style()->direction() == RTL) {
switch (legend->style()->textAlign()) {
case LEFT:
xPos = borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
case CENTER:
xPos = (width() - legend->width()) / 2;
xPos = width() - paddingRight() - borderRight() - legend->width() - legend->marginRight();
} else {
switch (legend->style()->textAlign()) {
case RIGHT:
xPos = width() - paddingRight() - borderRight() - legend->width();
case CENTER:
xPos = (width() - legend->width()) / 2;
xPos = borderLeft() + paddingLeft() + legend->marginLeft();
int b = borderTop();
int h = legend->height();
legend->setLocation(xPos, max((b-h)/2, 0));
setHeight(max(b, h) + paddingTop());
return legend;
RenderBox* RenderFieldset::findLegend() const
for (RenderObject* legend = firstChild(); legend; legend = legend->nextSibling()) {
if (!legend->isFloatingOrPositioned() && legend->node() &&
|| legend->node()->hasTagName(WMLNames::insertedLegendTag)
return toRenderBox(legend);
return 0;
void RenderFieldset::paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
int w = width();
int h = height();
RenderBox* legend = findLegend();
if (!legend)
return RenderBlock::paintBoxDecorations(paintInfo, tx, ty);
int yOff = (legend->y() > 0) ? 0 : (legend->height() - borderTop()) / 2;
int legendBottom = ty + legend->y() + legend->height();
h -= yOff;
ty += yOff;
paintBoxShadow(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style(), Normal);
paintFillLayers(paintInfo, style()->backgroundColor(), style()->backgroundLayers(), tx, ty, w, h);
paintBoxShadow(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style(), Inset);
if (!style()->hasBorder())
// Save time by not saving and restoring the GraphicsContext in the straight border case
if (!style()->hasBorderRadius())
return paintBorderMinusLegend(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style(), legend->x(), legend->width(), legendBottom);
// We have rounded borders, create a clipping region
// around the legend and paint the border as normal
GraphicsContext* graphicsContext = paintInfo.context;
int clipTop = ty;
int clipHeight = max(static_cast<int>(style()->borderTopWidth()), legend->height());
graphicsContext->clipOut(IntRect(tx + legend->x(), clipTop,
legend->width(), clipHeight));
paintBorder(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style(), true, true);
void RenderFieldset::paintMask(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask)
int w = width();
int h = height();
RenderBox* legend = findLegend();
if (!legend)
return RenderBlock::paintMask(paintInfo, tx, ty);
int yOff = (legend->y() > 0) ? 0 : (legend->height() - borderTop()) / 2;
h -= yOff;
ty += yOff;
paintMaskImages(paintInfo, tx, ty, w, h);
void RenderFieldset::paintBorderMinusLegend(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, int tx, int ty, int w, int h,
const RenderStyle* style, int lx, int lw, int lb)
const Color& tc = style->borderTopColor();
const Color& bc = style->borderBottomColor();
EBorderStyle ts = style->borderTopStyle();
EBorderStyle bs = style->borderBottomStyle();
EBorderStyle ls = style->borderLeftStyle();
EBorderStyle rs = style->borderRightStyle();
bool render_t = ts > BHIDDEN;
bool render_l = ls > BHIDDEN;
bool render_r = rs > BHIDDEN;
bool render_b = bs > BHIDDEN;
int borderLeftWidth = style->borderLeftWidth();
int borderRightWidth = style->borderRightWidth();
if (render_t) {
if (lx >= borderLeftWidth)
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, tx, ty, tx + min(lx, w), ty + style->borderTopWidth(), BSTop, tc, style->color(), ts,
(render_l && (ls == DOTTED || ls == DASHED || ls == DOUBLE) ? borderLeftWidth : 0),
(lx >= w && render_r && (rs == DOTTED || rs == DASHED || rs == DOUBLE) ? borderRightWidth : 0));
if (lx + lw <= w - borderRightWidth)
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, tx + max(0, lx + lw), ty, tx + w, ty + style->borderTopWidth(), BSTop, tc, style->color(), ts,
(lx + lw <= 0 && render_l && (ls == DOTTED || ls == DASHED || ls == DOUBLE) ? borderLeftWidth : 0),
(render_r && (rs == DOTTED || rs == DASHED || rs == DOUBLE) ? borderRightWidth : 0));
if (render_b)
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, tx, ty + h - style->borderBottomWidth(), tx + w, ty + h, BSBottom, bc, style->color(), bs,
(render_l && (ls == DOTTED || ls == DASHED || ls == DOUBLE) ? style->borderLeftWidth() : 0),
(render_r && (rs == DOTTED || rs == DASHED || rs == DOUBLE) ? style->borderRightWidth() : 0));
if (render_l) {
const Color& lc = style->borderLeftColor();
int startY = ty;
bool ignore_top =
(tc == lc) &&
(ls >= OUTSET) &&
(ts == DOTTED || ts == DASHED || ts == SOLID || ts == OUTSET);
bool ignore_bottom =
(bc == lc) &&
(ls >= OUTSET) &&
(bs == DOTTED || bs == DASHED || bs == SOLID || bs == INSET);
if (lx < borderLeftWidth && lx + lw > 0) {
// The legend intersects the border.
ignore_top = true;
startY = lb;
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, tx, startY, tx + borderLeftWidth, ty + h, BSLeft, lc, style->color(), ls,
ignore_top ? 0 : style->borderTopWidth(), ignore_bottom ? 0 : style->borderBottomWidth());
if (render_r) {
const Color& rc = style->borderRightColor();
int startY = ty;
bool ignore_top =
(tc == rc) &&
(rs >= DOTTED || rs == INSET) &&
(ts == DOTTED || ts == DASHED || ts == SOLID || ts == OUTSET);
bool ignore_bottom =
(bc == rc) &&
(rs >= DOTTED || rs == INSET) &&
(bs == DOTTED || bs == DASHED || bs == SOLID || bs == INSET);
if (lx < w && lx + lw > w - borderRightWidth) {
// The legend intersects the border.
ignore_top = true;
startY = lb;
drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, tx + w - borderRightWidth, startY, tx + w, ty + h, BSRight, rc, style->color(), rs,
ignore_top ? 0 : style->borderTopWidth(), ignore_bottom ? 0 : style->borderBottomWidth());
void RenderFieldset::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
// WinIE renders fieldsets with display:inline like they're inline-blocks. For us,
// an inline-block is just a block element with replaced set to true and inline set
// to true. Ensure that if we ended up being inline that we set our replaced flag
// so that we're treated like an inline-block.
if (isInline())
} // namespace WebCore