blob: 834e931a9ce880097b49bb07709dcc7f7eb1d834 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "config.h"
#include "AccessibilityRenderObject.h"
#include "AXObjectCache.h"
#include "AccessibilityListBox.h"
#include "AccessibilityImageMapLink.h"
#include "CharacterNames.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "FloatRect.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameLoader.h"
#include "HTMLAreaElement.h"
#include "HTMLFormElement.h"
#include "HTMLFrameElementBase.h"
#include "HTMLImageElement.h"
#include "HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "HTMLLabelElement.h"
#include "HTMLMapElement.h"
#include "HTMLOptGroupElement.h"
#include "HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "HTMLOptionsCollection.h"
#include "HTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "HTMLTextAreaElement.h"
#include "HitTestRequest.h"
#include "HitTestResult.h"
#include "LocalizedStrings.h"
#include "NodeList.h"
#include "RenderButton.h"
#include "RenderFieldset.h"
#include "RenderFileUploadControl.h"
#include "RenderHTMLCanvas.h"
#include "RenderImage.h"
#include "RenderInline.h"
#include "RenderListBox.h"
#include "RenderListMarker.h"
#include "RenderMenuList.h"
#include "RenderText.h"
#include "RenderTextControl.h"
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "RenderWidget.h"
#include "SelectionController.h"
#include "Text.h"
#include "TextIterator.h"
#include "htmlediting.h"
#include "visible_units.h"
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
using namespace std;
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
AccessibilityRenderObject::AccessibilityRenderObject(RenderObject* renderer)
: AccessibilityObject()
, m_renderer(renderer)
, m_ariaRole(UnknownRole)
#ifndef NDEBUG
PassRefPtr<AccessibilityRenderObject> AccessibilityRenderObject::create(RenderObject* renderer)
return adoptRef(new AccessibilityRenderObject(renderer));
void AccessibilityRenderObject::detach()
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (m_renderer)
m_renderer = 0;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::firstChild() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
RenderObject* firstChild = m_renderer->firstChild();
if (!firstChild)
return 0;
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(firstChild);
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::lastChild() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
RenderObject* lastChild = m_renderer->lastChild();
if (!lastChild)
return 0;
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(lastChild);
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::previousSibling() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
RenderObject* previousSibling = m_renderer->previousSibling();
if (!previousSibling)
return 0;
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(previousSibling);
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::nextSibling() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
RenderObject* nextSibling = m_renderer->nextSibling();
if (!nextSibling)
return 0;
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(nextSibling);
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::parentObjectIfExists() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
RenderObject *parent = m_renderer->parent();
if (!parent)
return 0;
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->get(parent);
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::parentObject() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
RenderObject *parent = m_renderer->parent();
if (!parent)
return 0;
if (ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuBarRole)
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(parent);
// menuButton and its corresponding menu are DOM siblings, but Accessibility needs them to be parent/child
if (ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuRole) {
AccessibilityObject* parent = menuButtonForMenu();
if (parent)
return parent;
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(parent);
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isWebArea() const
return roleValue() == WebAreaRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isImageButton() const
return isNativeImage() && roleValue() == ButtonRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isAnchor() const
return !isNativeImage() && isLink();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isNativeTextControl() const
return m_renderer->isTextControl();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isTextControl() const
AccessibilityRole role = roleValue();
return role == TextAreaRole || role == TextFieldRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isNativeImage() const
return m_renderer->isImage();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isImage() const
return roleValue() == ImageRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isAttachment() const
if (!m_renderer)
return false;
// Widgets are the replaced elements that we represent to AX as attachments
bool isWidget = m_renderer && m_renderer->isWidget();
ASSERT(!isWidget || (m_renderer->isReplaced() && !isImage()));
return isWidget && ariaRoleAttribute() == UnknownRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isPasswordField() const
if (!m_renderer->node() || !m_renderer->node()->isHTMLElement())
return false;
if (ariaRoleAttribute() != UnknownRole)
return false;
InputElement* inputElement = toInputElement(static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node()));
if (!inputElement)
return false;
return inputElement->isPasswordField();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isCheckboxOrRadio() const
AccessibilityRole role = roleValue();
return role == RadioButtonRole || role == CheckBoxRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isFileUploadButton() const
if (m_renderer && m_renderer->node() && m_renderer->node()->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_renderer->node());
return input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::FILE;
return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isInputImage() const
if (m_renderer && m_renderer->node() && m_renderer->node()->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_renderer->node());
return input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::IMAGE;
return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isProgressIndicator() const
return roleValue() == ProgressIndicatorRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isSlider() const
return roleValue() == SliderRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMenuRelated() const
AccessibilityRole role = roleValue();
return role == MenuRole ||
role == MenuBarRole ||
role == MenuButtonRole ||
role == MenuItemRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMenu() const
return roleValue() == MenuRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMenuBar() const
return roleValue() == MenuBarRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMenuButton() const
return roleValue() == MenuButtonRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMenuItem() const
return roleValue() == MenuItemRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isPressed() const
if (roleValue() != ButtonRole)
return false;
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return false;
// If this is an ARIA button, check the aria-pressed attribute rather than node()->active()
if (ariaRoleAttribute() == ButtonRole) {
if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_pressedAttr).string(), "true"))
return true;
return false;
return node->active();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isIndeterminate() const
if (!m_renderer->node() || !m_renderer->node()->isElementNode())
return false;
InputElement* inputElement = toInputElement(static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node()));
if (!inputElement)
return false;
return inputElement->isIndeterminate();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isChecked() const
if (!m_renderer->node() || !m_renderer->node()->isElementNode())
return false;
InputElement* inputElement = toInputElement(static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node()));
if (!inputElement)
return false;
return inputElement->isChecked();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isHovered() const
return m_renderer->node() && m_renderer->node()->hovered();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMultiSelect() const
if (!m_renderer->isListBox())
return false;
return m_renderer->node() && static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(m_renderer->node())->multiple();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isReadOnly() const
if (isWebArea()) {
Document* document = m_renderer->document();
if (!document)
return true;
HTMLElement* body = document->body();
if (body && body->isContentEditable())
return false;
Frame* frame = document->frame();
if (!frame)
return true;
return !frame->isContentEditable();
if (m_renderer->isTextField())
return static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_renderer->node())->readOnly();
if (m_renderer->isTextArea())
return static_cast<HTMLTextAreaElement*>(m_renderer->node())->readOnly();
return !m_renderer->node() || !m_renderer->node()->isContentEditable();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isOffScreen() const
IntRect contentRect = m_renderer->absoluteClippedOverflowRect();
FrameView* view = m_renderer->document()->frame()->view();
FloatRect viewRect = view->visibleContentRect();
return viewRect.isEmpty();
int AccessibilityRenderObject::headingLevel() const
// headings can be in block flow and non-block flow
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return 0;
if (ariaRoleAttribute() == HeadingRole) {
if (!node->isElementNode())
return 0;
Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
return element->getAttribute(aria_levelAttr).toInt();
if (node->hasTagName(h1Tag))
return 1;
if (node->hasTagName(h2Tag))
return 2;
if (node->hasTagName(h3Tag))
return 3;
if (node->hasTagName(h4Tag))
return 4;
if (node->hasTagName(h5Tag))
return 5;
if (node->hasTagName(h6Tag))
return 6;
return 0;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isHeading() const
return roleValue() == HeadingRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isLink() const
return roleValue() == WebCoreLinkRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isControl() const
if (!m_renderer)
return false;
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
return node && ((node->isElementNode() && static_cast<Element*>(node)->isFormControlElement())
|| AccessibilityObject::isARIAControl(ariaRoleAttribute()));
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isFieldset() const
if (!m_renderer)
return false;
return m_renderer->isFieldset();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isGroup() const
return roleValue() == GroupRole;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::selectedRadioButton()
if (!isRadioGroup())
return 0;
// Find the child radio button that is selected (ie. the intValue == 1).
int count = m_children.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
AccessibilityObject* object = m_children[i].get();
if (object->roleValue() == RadioButtonRole && object->intValue() == 1)
return object;
return 0;
const AtomicString& AccessibilityRenderObject::getAttribute(const QualifiedName& attribute) const
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return nullAtom;
if (!node->isElementNode())
return nullAtom;
Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
return element->getAttribute(attribute);
Element* AccessibilityRenderObject::anchorElement() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache();
RenderObject* currRenderer;
// Search up the render tree for a RenderObject with a DOM node. Defer to an earlier continuation, though.
for (currRenderer = m_renderer; currRenderer && !currRenderer->node(); currRenderer = currRenderer->parent()) {
if (currRenderer->isRenderBlock()) {
RenderInline* continuation = toRenderBlock(currRenderer)->inlineContinuation();
if (continuation)
return cache->getOrCreate(continuation)->anchorElement();
// bail if none found
if (!currRenderer)
return 0;
// search up the DOM tree for an anchor element
// NOTE: this assumes that any non-image with an anchor is an HTMLAnchorElement
Node* node = currRenderer->node();
for ( ; node; node = node->parentNode()) {
if (node->hasTagName(aTag) || (node->renderer() && cache->getOrCreate(node->renderer())->isAnchor()))
return static_cast<Element*>(node);
return 0;
Element* AccessibilityRenderObject::actionElement() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (node) {
if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
if (!input->disabled() && (isCheckboxOrRadio() || input->isTextButton()))
return input;
} else if (node->hasTagName(buttonTag))
return static_cast<Element*>(node);
if (isFileUploadButton())
return static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node());
if (AccessibilityObject::isARIAInput(ariaRoleAttribute()))
return static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node());
if (isImageButton())
return static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node());
if (m_renderer->isMenuList())
return static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node());
Element* elt = anchorElement();
if (!elt)
elt = mouseButtonListener();
return elt;
Element* AccessibilityRenderObject::mouseButtonListener() const
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return 0;
// check if our parent is a mouse button listener
while (node && !node->isElementNode())
node = node->parent();
if (!node)
return 0;
// FIXME: Do the continuation search like anchorElement does
for (Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node); element; element = element->parentElement()) {
if (element->getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().clickEvent) || element->getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousedownEvent) || element->getAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseupEvent))
return element;
return 0;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::increment()
if (roleValue() != SliderRole)
void AccessibilityRenderObject::decrement()
if (roleValue() != SliderRole)
static Element* siblingWithAriaRole(String role, Node* node)
Node* sibling = node->parent()->firstChild();
while (sibling) {
if (sibling->isElementNode()) {
String siblingAriaRole = static_cast<Element*>(sibling)->getAttribute(roleAttr).string();
if (equalIgnoringCase(siblingAriaRole, role))
return static_cast<Element*>(sibling);
sibling = sibling->nextSibling();
return 0;
Element* AccessibilityRenderObject::menuElementForMenuButton() const
if (ariaRoleAttribute() != MenuButtonRole)
return 0;
return siblingWithAriaRole("menu", renderer()->node());
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::menuForMenuButton() const
Element* menu = menuElementForMenuButton();
if (menu && menu->renderer())
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(menu->renderer());
return 0;
Element* AccessibilityRenderObject::menuItemElementForMenu() const
if (ariaRoleAttribute() != MenuRole)
return 0;
return siblingWithAriaRole("menuitem", renderer()->node());
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::menuButtonForMenu() const
Element* menuItem = menuItemElementForMenu();
if (menuItem && menuItem->renderer()) {
// ARIA just has generic menu items. AppKit needs to know if this is a top level items like MenuBarButton or MenuBarItem
AccessibilityObject* menuItemAX = m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(menuItem->renderer());
if (menuItemAX->isMenuButton())
return menuItemAX;
return 0;
String AccessibilityRenderObject::helpText() const
if (!m_renderer)
return String();
for (RenderObject* curr = m_renderer; curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
if (curr->node() && curr->node()->isHTMLElement()) {
const AtomicString& summary = static_cast<Element*>(curr->node())->getAttribute(summaryAttr);
if (!summary.isEmpty())
return summary;
const AtomicString& title = static_cast<Element*>(curr->node())->getAttribute(titleAttr);
if (!title.isEmpty())
return title;
return String();
String AccessibilityRenderObject::language() const
if (!m_renderer)
return String();
// Defer to parent if this element doesn't have a language set
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return AccessibilityObject::language();
if (!node->isElementNode())
return AccessibilityObject::language();
String language = static_cast<Element*>(node)->getAttribute(langAttr);
if (language.isEmpty())
return AccessibilityObject::language();
return language;
String AccessibilityRenderObject::textUnderElement() const
if (!m_renderer)
return String();
if (isFileUploadButton())
return toRenderFileUploadControl(m_renderer)->buttonValue();
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (node) {
if (Frame* frame = node->document()->frame()) {
// catch stale WebCoreAXObject (see <rdar://problem/3960196>)
if (frame->document() != node->document())
return String();
return plainText(rangeOfContents(node).get());
// return the null string for anonymous text because it is non-trivial to get
// the actual text and, so far, that is not needed
return String();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasIntValue() const
if (isHeading())
return true;
if (m_renderer->node() && isCheckboxOrRadio())
return true;
return false;
int AccessibilityRenderObject::intValue() const
if (!m_renderer || isPasswordField())
return 0;
if (isHeading())
return headingLevel();
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node || !isCheckboxOrRadio())
return 0;
// If this is an ARIA checkbox or radio, check the aria-checked attribute rather than node()->checked()
AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
if (ariaRole == RadioButtonRole || ariaRole == CheckBoxRole) {
if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_checkedAttr).string(), "true"))
return true;
return false;
return static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node)->checked();
String AccessibilityRenderObject::valueDescription() const
// Only sliders and progress bars support value descriptions currently.
if (!isProgressIndicator() && !isSlider())
return String();
return getAttribute(aria_valuetextAttr).string();
float AccessibilityRenderObject::valueForRange() const
if (!isProgressIndicator() && !isSlider())
return 0.0f;
return getAttribute(aria_valuenowAttr).toFloat();
float AccessibilityRenderObject::maxValueForRange() const
if (!isProgressIndicator() && !isSlider())
return 0.0f;
return getAttribute(aria_valuemaxAttr).toFloat();
float AccessibilityRenderObject::minValueForRange() const
if (!isProgressIndicator() && !isSlider())
return 0.0f;
return getAttribute(aria_valueminAttr).toFloat();
String AccessibilityRenderObject::stringValue() const
if (!m_renderer || isPasswordField())
return String();
if (m_renderer->isText())
return textUnderElement();
if (m_renderer->isMenuList())
return toRenderMenuList(m_renderer)->text();
if (m_renderer->isListMarker())
return toRenderListMarker(m_renderer)->text();
if (m_renderer->isRenderButton())
return toRenderButton(m_renderer)->text();
if (isWebArea()) {
if (m_renderer->document()->frame())
return String();
// FIXME: should use startOfDocument and endOfDocument (or rangeForDocument?) here
VisiblePosition startVisiblePosition = m_renderer->positionForCoordinates(0, 0);
VisiblePosition endVisiblePosition = m_renderer->positionForCoordinates(INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
if (startVisiblePosition.isNull() || endVisiblePosition.isNull())
return String();
return plainText(makeRange(startVisiblePosition, endVisiblePosition).get());
if (isTextControl())
return text();
if (isFileUploadButton())
return toRenderFileUploadControl(m_renderer)->fileTextValue();
// FIXME: We might need to implement a value here for more types
// FIXME: It would be better not to advertise a value at all for the types for which we don't implement one;
// this would require subclassing or making accessibilityAttributeNames do something other than return a
// single static array.
return String();
// This function implements the ARIA accessible name as described by the Mozilla
// ARIA Implementer's Guide.
static String accessibleNameForNode(Node* node)
if (node->isTextNode())
return static_cast<Text*>(node)->data();
if (node->hasTagName(inputTag))
return static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node)->value();
if (node->isHTMLElement()) {
const AtomicString& alt = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(node)->getAttribute(altAttr);
if (!alt.isEmpty())
return alt;
return String();
String AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaAccessibilityName(const String& s) const
Document* document = m_renderer->document();
if (!document)
return String();
String idList = s;
idList.replace('\n', ' ');
Vector<String> idVector;
idList.split(' ', idVector);
Vector<UChar> ariaLabel;
unsigned size = idVector.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
String idName = idVector[i];
Element* idElement = document->getElementById(idName);
if (idElement) {
String nameFragment = accessibleNameForNode(idElement);
ariaLabel.append(nameFragment.characters(), nameFragment.length());
for (Node* n = idElement->firstChild(); n; n = n->traverseNextNode(idElement)) {
nameFragment = accessibleNameForNode(n);
ariaLabel.append(nameFragment.characters(), nameFragment.length());
if (i != size - 1)
ariaLabel.append(' ');
return String::adopt(ariaLabel);
String AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaLabeledByAttribute() const
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return String();
if (!node->isElementNode())
return String();
// The ARIA spec uses the British spelling: "labelled." It seems prudent to support the American
// spelling ("labeled") as well.
String idList = getAttribute(aria_labeledbyAttr).string();
if (idList.isEmpty()) {
idList = getAttribute(aria_labelledbyAttr).string();
if (idList.isEmpty())
return String();
return ariaAccessibilityName(idList);
static HTMLLabelElement* labelForElement(Element* element)
RefPtr<NodeList> list = element->document()->getElementsByTagName("label");
unsigned len = list->length();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (list->item(i)->hasTagName(labelTag)) {
HTMLLabelElement* label = static_cast<HTMLLabelElement*>(list->item(i));
if (label->correspondingControl() == element)
return label;
return 0;
HTMLLabelElement* AccessibilityRenderObject::labelElementContainer() const
if (!m_renderer)
return false;
// the control element should not be considered part of the label
if (isControl())
return false;
// find if this has a parent that is a label
for (Node* parentNode = m_renderer->node(); parentNode; parentNode = parentNode->parentNode()) {
if (parentNode->hasTagName(labelTag))
return static_cast<HTMLLabelElement*>(parentNode);
return 0;
String AccessibilityRenderObject::title() const
AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
if (!m_renderer)
return String();
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return String();
String ariaLabel = ariaLabeledByAttribute();
if (!ariaLabel.isEmpty())
return ariaLabel;
const AtomicString& title = getAttribute(titleAttr);
if (!title.isEmpty())
return title;
bool isInputTag = node->hasTagName(inputTag);
if (isInputTag) {
HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
if (input->isTextButton())
return input->value();
if (isInputTag || AccessibilityObject::isARIAInput(ariaRole) || isControl()) {
HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(static_cast<Element*>(node));
if (label && !titleUIElement())
return label->innerText();
const AtomicString& placeholder = getAttribute(placeholderAttr);
if (!placeholder.isEmpty())
return placeholder;
if (roleValue() == ButtonRole
|| ariaRole == ListBoxOptionRole
|| ariaRole == MenuItemRole
|| ariaRole == MenuButtonRole
|| ariaRole == RadioButtonRole
|| isHeading())
return textUnderElement();
if (isLink())
return textUnderElement();
return String();
String AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaDescribedByAttribute() const
String idList = getAttribute(aria_describedbyAttr).string();
if (idList.isEmpty())
return String();
return ariaAccessibilityName(idList);
String AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityDescription() const
if (!m_renderer)
return String();
String ariaLabel = getAttribute(aria_labelAttr).string();
if (!ariaLabel.isEmpty())
return ariaLabel;
String ariaDescription = ariaDescribedByAttribute();
if (!ariaDescription.isEmpty())
return ariaDescription;
if (isImage() || isInputImage() || isNativeImage()) {
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (node && node->isHTMLElement()) {
const AtomicString& alt = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(node)->getAttribute(altAttr);
if (alt.isEmpty())
return String();
return alt;
if (isWebArea()) {
Document *document = m_renderer->document();
Node* owner = document->ownerElement();
if (owner) {
if (owner->hasTagName(frameTag) || owner->hasTagName(iframeTag)) {
const AtomicString& title = static_cast<HTMLFrameElementBase*>(owner)->getAttribute(titleAttr);
if (!title.isEmpty())
return title;
return static_cast<HTMLFrameElementBase*>(owner)->getAttribute(nameAttr);
if (owner->isHTMLElement())
return static_cast<HTMLElement*>(owner)->getAttribute(nameAttr);
owner = document->body();
if (owner && owner->isHTMLElement())
return static_cast<HTMLElement*>(owner)->getAttribute(nameAttr);
if (roleValue() == DefinitionListTermRole)
return AXDefinitionListTermText();
if (roleValue() == DefinitionListDefinitionRole)
return AXDefinitionListDefinitionText();
return String();
IntRect AccessibilityRenderObject::boundingBoxRect() const
RenderObject* obj = m_renderer;
if (!obj)
return IntRect();
if (obj->node()) // If we are a continuation, we want to make sure to use the primary renderer.
obj = obj->node()->renderer();
Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
const size_t n = quads.size();
if (!n)
return IntRect();
IntRect result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
IntRect r = quads[i].enclosingBoundingBox();
if (!r.isEmpty()) {
if (obj->style()->hasAppearance())
obj->theme()->adjustRepaintRect(obj, r);
return result;
IntRect AccessibilityRenderObject::checkboxOrRadioRect() const
if (!m_renderer)
return IntRect();
HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(static_cast<Element*>(m_renderer->node()));
if (!label || !label->renderer())
return boundingBoxRect();
IntRect labelRect = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(label->renderer())->elementRect();
return labelRect;
IntRect AccessibilityRenderObject::elementRect() const
// a checkbox or radio button should encompass its label
if (isCheckboxOrRadio())
return checkboxOrRadioRect();
return boundingBoxRect();
IntSize AccessibilityRenderObject::size() const
IntRect rect = elementRect();
return rect.size();
IntPoint AccessibilityRenderObject::clickPoint() const
// use the default position unless this is an editable web area, in which case we use the selection bounds.
if (!isWebArea() || isReadOnly())
return AccessibilityObject::clickPoint();
VisibleSelection visSelection = selection();
VisiblePositionRange range = VisiblePositionRange(visSelection.visibleStart(), visSelection.visibleEnd());
IntRect bounds = boundsForVisiblePositionRange(range);
return IntPoint(bounds.x() + (bounds.width() / 2), bounds.y() - (bounds.height() / 2));
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::internalLinkElement() const
Element* element = anchorElement();
if (!element)
return 0;
// Right now, we do not support ARIA links as internal link elements
if (!element->hasTagName(aTag))
return 0;
HTMLAnchorElement* anchor = static_cast<HTMLAnchorElement*>(element);
KURL linkURL = anchor->href();
String fragmentIdentifier = linkURL.fragmentIdentifier();
if (fragmentIdentifier.isEmpty())
return 0;
// check if URL is the same as current URL
if (m_renderer->document()->url() != linkURL)
return 0;
Node* linkedNode = m_renderer->document()->findAnchor(fragmentIdentifier);
if (!linkedNode)
return 0;
// The element we find may not be accessible, so find the first accessible object.
return firstAccessibleObjectFromNode(linkedNode);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::addRadioButtonGroupMembers(AccessibilityChildrenVector& linkedUIElements) const
if (!m_renderer || roleValue() != RadioButtonRole)
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node || !node->hasTagName(inputTag))
HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
// if there's a form, then this is easy
if (input->form()) {
Vector<RefPtr<Node> > formElements;
input->form()->getNamedElements(input->name(), formElements);
unsigned len = formElements.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
Node* associateElement = formElements[i].get();
if (AccessibilityObject* object = m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(associateElement->renderer()))
} else {
RefPtr<NodeList> list = node->document()->getElementsByTagName("input");
unsigned len = list->length();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (list->item(i)->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
HTMLInputElement* associateElement = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(list->item(i));
if (associateElement->isRadioButton() && associateElement->name() == input->name()) {
if (AccessibilityObject* object = m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(associateElement->renderer()))
// linked ui elements could be all the related radio buttons in a group
// or an internal anchor connection
void AccessibilityRenderObject::linkedUIElements(AccessibilityChildrenVector& linkedUIElements) const
if (isAnchor()) {
AccessibilityObject* linkedAXElement = internalLinkElement();
if (linkedAXElement)
if (roleValue() == RadioButtonRole)
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::exposesTitleUIElement() const
if (!isControl())
return false;
// checkbox or radio buttons don't expose the title ui element unless it has a title already
if (isCheckboxOrRadio() && getAttribute(titleAttr).isEmpty())
return false;
return true;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::titleUIElement() const
if (!m_renderer)
return 0;
// if isFieldset is true, the renderer is guaranteed to be a RenderFieldset
if (isFieldset())
return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(toRenderFieldset(m_renderer)->findLegend());
if (!exposesTitleUIElement())
return 0;
Node* element = m_renderer->node();
HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(static_cast<Element*>(element));
if (label && label->renderer())
return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(label->renderer());
return 0;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaIsHidden() const
if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_hiddenAttr).string(), "true"))
return true;
// aria-hidden hides this object and any children
AccessibilityObject* object = parentObject();
while (object) {
if (object->isAccessibilityRenderObject() && equalIgnoringCase(static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject*>(object)->getAttribute(aria_hiddenAttr).string(), "true"))
return true;
object = object->parentObject();
return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityIsIgnored() const
// ignore invisible element
if (!m_renderer || m_renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
return true;
if (ariaIsHidden())
return true;
if (isPresentationalChildOfAriaRole())
return true;
// ignore popup menu items because AppKit does
for (RenderObject* parent = m_renderer->parent(); parent; parent = parent->parent()) {
if (parent->isMenuList())
return true;
// find out if this element is inside of a label element.
// if so, it may be ignored because it's the label for a checkbox or radio button
AccessibilityObject* controlObject = correspondingControlForLabelElement();
if (controlObject && !controlObject->exposesTitleUIElement())
return true;
AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
if (ariaRole == TextAreaRole || ariaRole == StaticTextRole) {
String ariaText = text();
return ariaText.isNull() || ariaText.isEmpty();
// NOTE: BRs always have text boxes now, so the text box check here can be removed
if (m_renderer->isText()) {
// static text beneath MenuItems and MenuButtons are just reported along with the menu item, so it's ignored on an individual level
if (parentObjectUnignored()->ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuItemRole ||
parentObjectUnignored()->ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuButtonRole)
return true;
RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(m_renderer);
if (m_renderer->isBR() || !renderText->firstTextBox())
return true;
// text elements that are just empty whitespace should not be returned
return renderText->text()->containsOnlyWhitespace();
if (isHeading())
return false;
if (isLink())
return false;
// all controls are accessible
if (isControl())
return false;
// don't ignore labels, because they serve as TitleUIElements
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (node && node->hasTagName(labelTag))
return false;
if (m_renderer->isBlockFlow() && m_renderer->childrenInline())
return !toRenderBlock(m_renderer)->firstLineBox() && !mouseButtonListener();
// ignore images seemingly used as spacers
if (isImage()) {
if (node && node->isElementNode()) {
Element* elt = static_cast<Element*>(node);
const AtomicString& alt = elt->getAttribute(altAttr);
// don't ignore an image that has an alt tag
if (!alt.isEmpty())
return false;
// informal standard is to ignore images with zero-length alt strings
if (!alt.isNull())
return true;
if (node && node->hasTagName(canvasTag)) {
RenderHTMLCanvas* canvas = toRenderHTMLCanvas(m_renderer);
if (canvas->height() <= 1 || canvas->width() <= 1)
return true;
return false;
if (isNativeImage()) {
// check for one-dimensional image
RenderImage* image = toRenderImage(m_renderer);
if (image->height() <= 1 || image->width() <= 1)
return true;
// check whether rendered image was stretched from one-dimensional file image
if (image->cachedImage()) {
IntSize imageSize = image->cachedImage()->imageSize(image->view()->zoomFactor());
return imageSize.height() <= 1 || imageSize.width() <= 1;
return false;
if (ariaRole != UnknownRole)
return false;
// make a platform-specific decision
if (isAttachment())
return accessibilityIgnoreAttachment();
return !m_renderer->isListMarker() && !isWebArea();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isLoaded() const
return !m_renderer->document()->tokenizer();
int AccessibilityRenderObject::layoutCount() const
if (!m_renderer->isRenderView())
return 0;
return toRenderView(m_renderer)->frameView()->layoutCount();
String AccessibilityRenderObject::text() const
if (!isTextControl() || isPasswordField())
return String();
if (isNativeTextControl())
return toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->text();
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return String();
if (!node->isElementNode())
return String();
return static_cast<Element*>(node)->innerText();
int AccessibilityRenderObject::textLength() const
if (isPasswordField())
return -1; // need to return something distinct from 0
return text().length();
PassRefPtr<Range> AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaSelectedTextDOMRange() const
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return 0;
RefPtr<Range> currentSelectionRange = selection().toNormalizedRange();
if (!currentSelectionRange)
return 0;
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
if (!currentSelectionRange->intersectsNode(node, ec))
return Range::create(currentSelectionRange->ownerDocument());
RefPtr<Range> ariaRange = rangeOfContents(node);
Position startPosition, endPosition;
// Find intersection of currentSelectionRange and ariaRange
if (ariaRange->startOffset() > currentSelectionRange->startOffset())
startPosition = ariaRange->startPosition();
startPosition = currentSelectionRange->startPosition();
if (ariaRange->endOffset() < currentSelectionRange->endOffset())
endPosition = ariaRange->endPosition();
endPosition = currentSelectionRange->endPosition();
return Range::create(ariaRange->ownerDocument(), startPosition, endPosition);
String AccessibilityRenderObject::selectedText() const
if (isPasswordField())
return String(); // need to return something distinct from empty string
if (isNativeTextControl()) {
RenderTextControl* textControl = toRenderTextControl(m_renderer);
return textControl->text().substring(textControl->selectionStart(), textControl->selectionEnd() - textControl->selectionStart());
if (ariaRoleAttribute() == UnknownRole)
return String();
RefPtr<Range> ariaRange = ariaSelectedTextDOMRange();
if (!ariaRange)
return String();
return ariaRange->text();
const AtomicString& AccessibilityRenderObject::accessKey() const
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return nullAtom;
if (!node->isElementNode())
return nullAtom;
return static_cast<Element*>(node)->getAttribute(accesskeyAttr);
VisibleSelection AccessibilityRenderObject::selection() const
return m_renderer->document()->frame()->selection()->selection();
PlainTextRange AccessibilityRenderObject::selectedTextRange() const
if (isPasswordField())
return PlainTextRange();
AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
if (isNativeTextControl() && ariaRole == UnknownRole) {
RenderTextControl* textControl = toRenderTextControl(m_renderer);
return PlainTextRange(textControl->selectionStart(), textControl->selectionEnd() - textControl->selectionStart());
if (ariaRole == UnknownRole)
return PlainTextRange();
RefPtr<Range> ariaRange = ariaSelectedTextDOMRange();
if (!ariaRange)
return PlainTextRange();
return PlainTextRange(ariaRange->startOffset(), ariaRange->endOffset());
void AccessibilityRenderObject::setSelectedTextRange(const PlainTextRange& range)
if (isNativeTextControl()) {
RenderTextControl* textControl = toRenderTextControl(m_renderer);
textControl->setSelectionRange(range.start, range.start + range.length);
Document* document = m_renderer->document();
if (!document)
Frame* frame = document->frame();
if (!frame)
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
frame->selection()->setSelection(VisibleSelection(Position(node, range.start),
Position(node, range.start + range.length), DOWNSTREAM));
KURL AccessibilityRenderObject::url() const
if (isAnchor() && m_renderer->node()->hasTagName(aTag)) {
if (HTMLAnchorElement* anchor = static_cast<HTMLAnchorElement*>(anchorElement()))
return anchor->href();
if (isWebArea())
return m_renderer->document()->url();
if (isImage() && m_renderer->node() && m_renderer->node()->hasTagName(imgTag))
return static_cast<HTMLImageElement*>(m_renderer->node())->src();
if (isInputImage())
return static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_renderer->node())->src();
return KURL();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isVisited() const
return m_renderer->style()->pseudoState() == PseudoVisited;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isRequired() const
if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_requiredAttr).string(), "true"))
return true;
return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isSelected() const
if (!m_renderer)
return false;
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return false;
return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isFocused() const
if (!m_renderer)
return false;
Document* document = m_renderer->document();
if (!document)
return false;
Node* focusedNode = document->focusedNode();
if (!focusedNode)
return false;
// A web area is represented by the Document node in the DOM tree, which isn't focusable.
// Check instead if the frame's selection controller is focused
if (focusedNode == m_renderer->node() ||
(roleValue() == WebAreaRole && document->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive()))
return true;
return false;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::setFocused(bool on)
if (!canSetFocusAttribute())
if (!on)
else {
if (m_renderer->node()->isElementNode())
void AccessibilityRenderObject::changeValueByPercent(float percentChange)
float range = maxValueForRange() - minValueForRange();
float value = valueForRange();
value += range * (percentChange / 100);
axObjectCache()->postNotification(m_renderer, AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::setValue(const String& string)
if (!m_renderer)
// FIXME: Do we want to do anything here for ARIA textboxes?
if (m_renderer->isTextField()) {
HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_renderer->node());
} else if (m_renderer->isTextArea()) {
HTMLTextAreaElement* textArea = static_cast<HTMLTextAreaElement*>(m_renderer->node());
} else if (roleValue() == SliderRole) {
Node* element = m_renderer->node();
if (element && element->isElementNode())
static_cast<Element*>(element)->setAttribute(aria_valuenowAttr, string);
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isEnabled() const
if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_disabledAttr).string(), "true"))
return false;
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
return true;
return static_cast<Element*>(node)->isEnabledFormControl();
RenderView* AccessibilityRenderObject::topRenderer() const
return m_renderer->document()->topDocument()->renderView();
Document* AccessibilityRenderObject::document() const
return m_renderer->document();
FrameView* AccessibilityRenderObject::topDocumentFrameView() const
return topRenderer()->view()->frameView();
Widget* AccessibilityRenderObject::widget() const
if (!m_renderer->isWidget())
return 0;
return toRenderWidget(m_renderer)->widget();
AXObjectCache* AccessibilityRenderObject::axObjectCache() const
return m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache();
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityParentForImageMap(HTMLMapElement* map) const
// find an image that is using this map
if (!m_renderer || !map)
return 0;
String mapName = map->getName().string().lower();
RefPtr<HTMLCollection> coll = m_renderer->document()->images();
for (Node* curr = coll->firstItem(); curr; curr = coll->nextItem()) {
RenderObject* obj = curr->renderer();
if (!obj || !curr->hasTagName(imgTag))
// The HTMLImageElement's useMap() value includes the '#' symbol at the beginning,
// which has to be stripped off
String useMapName = static_cast<HTMLImageElement*>(curr)->getAttribute(usemapAttr).string().substring(1).lower();
if (useMapName == mapName)
return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(obj);
return 0;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::getDocumentLinks(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
Document* document = m_renderer->document();
RefPtr<HTMLCollection> coll = document->links();
Node* curr = coll->firstItem();
while (curr) {
RenderObject* obj = curr->renderer();
if (obj) {
RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> axobj = document->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(obj);
if (!axobj->accessibilityIsIgnored() && axobj->isLink())
} else {
Node* parent = curr->parent();
if (parent && curr->hasTagName(areaTag) && parent->hasTagName(mapTag)) {
AccessibilityImageMapLink* areaObject = static_cast<AccessibilityImageMapLink*>(axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(ImageMapLinkRole));
curr = coll->nextItem();
FrameView* AccessibilityRenderObject::documentFrameView() const
if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->document())
return 0;
// this is the RenderObject's Document's Frame's FrameView
return m_renderer->document()->view();
Widget* AccessibilityRenderObject::widgetForAttachmentView() const
if (!isAttachment())
return 0;
return toRenderWidget(m_renderer)->widget();
FrameView* AccessibilityRenderObject::frameViewIfRenderView() const
if (!m_renderer->isRenderView())
return 0;
// this is the RenderObject's Document's renderer's FrameView
return m_renderer->view()->frameView();
// This function is like a cross-platform version of - (WebCoreTextMarkerRange*)textMarkerRange. It returns
// a Range that we can convert to a WebCoreTextMarkerRange in the Obj-C file
VisiblePositionRange AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionRange() const
if (!m_renderer)
return VisiblePositionRange();
// construct VisiblePositions for start and end
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return VisiblePositionRange();
VisiblePosition startPos = firstDeepEditingPositionForNode(node);
VisiblePosition endPos = lastDeepEditingPositionForNode(node);
// the VisiblePositions are equal for nodes like buttons, so adjust for that
// FIXME: Really? [button, 0] and [button, 1] are distinct (before and after the button)
// I expect this code is only hit for things like empty divs? In which case I don't think
// the behavior is correct here -- eseidel
if (startPos == endPos) {
endPos =;
if (endPos.isNull())
endPos = startPos;
return VisiblePositionRange(startPos, endPos);
VisiblePositionRange AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionRangeForLine(unsigned lineCount) const
if (lineCount == 0 || !m_renderer)
return VisiblePositionRange();
// iterate over the lines
// FIXME: this is wrong when lineNumber is lineCount+1, because nextLinePosition takes you to the
// last offset of the last line
VisiblePosition visiblePos = m_renderer->document()->renderer()->positionForCoordinates(0, 0);
VisiblePosition savedVisiblePos;
while (--lineCount != 0) {
savedVisiblePos = visiblePos;
visiblePos = nextLinePosition(visiblePos, 0);
if (visiblePos.isNull() || visiblePos == savedVisiblePos)
return VisiblePositionRange();
// make a caret selection for the marker position, then extend it to the line
// NOTE: ignores results of sel.modify because it returns false when
// starting at an empty line. The resulting selection in that case
// will be a caret at visiblePos.
SelectionController selection;
selection.modify(SelectionController::EXTEND, SelectionController::RIGHT, LineBoundary);
return VisiblePositionRange(selection.selection().visibleStart(), selection.selection().visibleEnd());
VisiblePosition AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionForIndex(int index) const
if (!m_renderer)
return VisiblePosition();
if (isNativeTextControl())
return toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->visiblePositionForIndex(index);
if (!isTextControl() && !m_renderer->isText())
return VisiblePosition();
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return VisiblePosition();
if (index <= 0)
return VisiblePosition(node, 0, DOWNSTREAM);
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(m_renderer->document());
range->selectNodeContents(node, ec);
CharacterIterator it(range.get());
it.advance(index - 1);
return VisiblePosition(it.range()->endContainer(ec), it.range()->endOffset(ec), UPSTREAM);
int AccessibilityRenderObject::indexForVisiblePosition(const VisiblePosition& pos) const
if (isNativeTextControl())
return toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->indexForVisiblePosition(pos);
if (!isTextControl())
return 0;
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
if (!node)
return 0;
Position indexPosition = pos.deepEquivalent();
if (!indexPosition.node() || indexPosition.node()->rootEditableElement() != node)
return 0;
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(m_renderer->document());
range->setStart(node, 0, ec);
range->setEnd(indexPosition.node(), indexPosition.deprecatedEditingOffset(), ec);
return TextIterator::rangeLength(range.get());
IntRect AccessibilityRenderObject::boundsForVisiblePositionRange(const VisiblePositionRange& visiblePositionRange) const
if (visiblePositionRange.isNull())
return IntRect();
// Create a mutable VisiblePositionRange.
VisiblePositionRange range(visiblePositionRange);
IntRect rect1 = range.start.absoluteCaretBounds();
IntRect rect2 = range.end.absoluteCaretBounds();
// readjust for position at the edge of a line. This is to exclude line rect that doesn't need to be accounted in the range bounds
if (rect2.y() != rect1.y()) {
VisiblePosition endOfFirstLine = endOfLine(range.start);
if (range.start == endOfFirstLine) {
rect1 = range.start.absoluteCaretBounds();
if (range.end == endOfFirstLine) {
rect2 = range.end.absoluteCaretBounds();
IntRect ourrect = rect1;
// if the rectangle spans lines and contains multiple text chars, use the range's bounding box intead
if (rect1.bottom() != rect2.bottom()) {
RefPtr<Range> dataRange = makeRange(range.start, range.end);
IntRect boundingBox = dataRange->boundingBox();
String rangeString = plainText(dataRange.get());
if (rangeString.length() > 1 && !boundingBox.isEmpty())
ourrect = boundingBox;
return m_renderer->document()->view()->contentsToScreen(ourrect);
return ourrect;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::setSelectedVisiblePositionRange(const VisiblePositionRange& range) const
if (range.start.isNull() || range.end.isNull())
// make selection and tell the document to use it. if it's zero length, then move to that position
if (range.start == range.end) {
m_renderer->document()->frame()->selection()->moveTo(range.start, true);
else {
VisibleSelection newSelection = VisibleSelection(range.start, range.end);
VisiblePosition AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionForPoint(const IntPoint& point) const
// convert absolute point to view coordinates
FrameView* frameView = m_renderer->document()->topDocument()->renderer()->view()->frameView();
RenderView* renderView = topRenderer();
Node* innerNode = 0;
// locate the node containing the point
IntPoint pointResult;
while (1) {
IntPoint ourpoint;
ourpoint = frameView->screenToContents(point);
ourpoint = point;
HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly |
HitTestResult result(ourpoint);
renderView->layer()->hitTest(request, result);
innerNode = result.innerNode();
if (!innerNode || !innerNode->renderer())
return VisiblePosition();
pointResult = result.localPoint();
// done if hit something other than a widget
RenderObject* renderer = innerNode->renderer();
if (!renderer->isWidget())
// descend into widget (FRAME, IFRAME, OBJECT...)
Widget* widget = toRenderWidget(renderer)->widget();
if (!widget || !widget->isFrameView())
Frame* frame = static_cast<FrameView*>(widget)->frame();
if (!frame)
renderView = frame->document()->renderView();
frameView = static_cast<FrameView*>(widget);
return innerNode->renderer()->positionForPoint(pointResult);
// NOTE: Consider providing this utility method as AX API
VisiblePosition AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionForIndex(unsigned indexValue, bool lastIndexOK) const
if (!isTextControl())
return VisiblePosition();
// lastIndexOK specifies whether the position after the last character is acceptable
if (indexValue >= text().length()) {
if (!lastIndexOK || indexValue > text().length())
return VisiblePosition();
VisiblePosition position = visiblePositionForIndex(indexValue);
return position;
// NOTE: Consider providing this utility method as AX API
int AccessibilityRenderObject::index(const VisiblePosition& position) const
if (!isTextControl())
return -1;
Node* node = position.deepEquivalent().node();
if (!node)
return -1;
for (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); renderer && renderer->node(); renderer = renderer->parent()) {
if (renderer == m_renderer)
return indexForVisiblePosition(position);
return -1;
// Given a line number, the range of characters of the text associated with this accessibility
// object that contains the line number.
PlainTextRange AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXRangeForLine(unsigned lineNumber) const
if (!isTextControl())
return PlainTextRange();
// iterate to the specified line
VisiblePosition visiblePos = visiblePositionForIndex(0);
VisiblePosition savedVisiblePos;
for (unsigned lineCount = lineNumber; lineCount != 0; lineCount -= 1) {
savedVisiblePos = visiblePos;
visiblePos = nextLinePosition(visiblePos, 0);
if (visiblePos.isNull() || visiblePos == savedVisiblePos)
return PlainTextRange();
// make a caret selection for the marker position, then extend it to the line
// NOTE: ignores results of selection.modify because it returns false when
// starting at an empty line. The resulting selection in that case
// will be a caret at visiblePos.
SelectionController selection;
selection.modify(SelectionController::EXTEND, SelectionController::LEFT, LineBoundary);
selection.modify(SelectionController::EXTEND, SelectionController::RIGHT, LineBoundary);
// calculate the indices for the selection start and end
VisiblePosition startPosition = selection.selection().visibleStart();
VisiblePosition endPosition = selection.selection().visibleEnd();
int index1 = indexForVisiblePosition(startPosition);
int index2 = indexForVisiblePosition(endPosition);
// add one to the end index for a line break not caused by soft line wrap (to match AppKit)
if (endPosition.affinity() == DOWNSTREAM &&
index2 += 1;
// return nil rather than an zero-length range (to match AppKit)
if (index1 == index2)
return PlainTextRange();
return PlainTextRange(index1, index2 - index1);
// The composed character range in the text associated with this accessibility object that
// is specified by the given index value. This parameterized attribute returns the complete
// range of characters (including surrogate pairs of multi-byte glyphs) at the given index.
PlainTextRange AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXRangeForIndex(unsigned index) const
if (!isTextControl())
return PlainTextRange();
String elementText = text();
if (!elementText.length() || index > elementText.length() - 1)
return PlainTextRange();
return PlainTextRange(index, 1);
// A substring of the text associated with this accessibility object that is
// specified by the given character range.
String AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXStringForRange(const PlainTextRange& range) const
if (isPasswordField())
return String();
if (range.length == 0)
return "";
if (!isTextControl())
return String();
String elementText = text();
if (range.start + range.length > elementText.length())
return String();
return elementText.substring(range.start, range.length);
// The bounding rectangle of the text associated with this accessibility object that is
// specified by the given range. This is the bounding rectangle a sighted user would see
// on the display screen, in pixels.
IntRect AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXBoundsForRange(const PlainTextRange& range) const
if (isTextControl())
return boundsForVisiblePositionRange(visiblePositionRangeForRange(range));
return IntRect();
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityImageMapHitTest(HTMLAreaElement* area, const IntPoint& point) const
if (!area)
return 0;
HTMLMapElement *map = static_cast<HTMLMapElement*>(area->parent());
AccessibilityObject* parent = accessibilityParentForImageMap(map);
if (!parent)
return 0;
AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = parent->children();
unsigned count = children.size();
for (unsigned k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
if (children[k]->elementRect().contains(point))
return children[k].get();
return 0;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::doAccessibilityHitTest(const IntPoint& point) const
if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->hasLayer())
return 0;
RenderLayer* layer = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->layer();
HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly |
HitTestResult hitTestResult = HitTestResult(point);
layer->hitTest(request, hitTestResult);
if (!hitTestResult.innerNode())
return 0;
Node* node = hitTestResult.innerNode()->shadowAncestorNode();
if (node->hasTagName(areaTag))
return accessibilityImageMapHitTest(static_cast<HTMLAreaElement*>(node), point);
RenderObject* obj = node->renderer();
if (!obj)
return 0;
AccessibilityObject* result = obj->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(obj);
if (obj->isListBox())
return static_cast<AccessibilityListBox*>(result)->doAccessibilityHitTest(point);
if (result->accessibilityIsIgnored()) {
// If this element is the label of a control, a hit test should return the control.
AccessibilityObject* controlObject = result->correspondingControlForLabelElement();
if (controlObject && !controlObject->exposesTitleUIElement())
return controlObject;
result = result->parentObjectUnignored();
return result;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::focusedUIElement() const
Page* page = m_renderer->document()->page();
if (!page)
return 0;
return AXObjectCache::focusedUIElementForPage(page);
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::shouldFocusActiveDescendant() const
switch (ariaRoleAttribute()) {
case GroupRole:
case ComboBoxRole:
case ListBoxRole:
case MenuRole:
case MenuBarRole:
case RadioGroupRole:
case RowRole:
case PopUpButtonRole:
case ProgressIndicatorRole:
case ToolbarRole:
case OutlineRole:
/* FIXME: replace these with actual roles when they are added to AccessibilityRole
return true;
return false;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::activeDescendant() const
if (renderer()->node() && !renderer()->node()->isElementNode())
return 0;
Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(renderer()->node());
String activeDescendantAttrStr = element->getAttribute(aria_activedescendantAttr).string();
if (activeDescendantAttrStr.isNull() || activeDescendantAttrStr.isEmpty())
return 0;
Element* target = renderer()->document()->getElementById(activeDescendantAttrStr);
if (!target)
return 0;
AccessibilityObject* obj = renderer()->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(target->renderer());
if (obj && obj->isAccessibilityRenderObject())
// an activedescendant is only useful if it has a renderer, because that's what's needed to post the notification
return obj;
return 0;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::handleActiveDescendantChanged()
Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(renderer()->node());
if (!element)
Document* doc = renderer()->document();
if (!doc->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() || doc->focusedNode() != element)
AccessibilityRenderObject* activedescendant = static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject*>(activeDescendant());
if (activedescendant && shouldFocusActiveDescendant())
doc->axObjectCache()->postNotification(activedescendant->renderer(), AXObjectCache::AXFocusedUIElementChanged, true);
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::correspondingControlForLabelElement() const
HTMLLabelElement* labelElement = labelElementContainer();
if (!labelElement)
return 0;
HTMLElement* correspondingControl = labelElement->correspondingControl();
if (!correspondingControl)
return 0;
return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(correspondingControl->renderer());
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::observableObject() const
for (RenderObject* renderer = m_renderer; renderer && renderer->node(); renderer = renderer->parent()) {
if (renderer->isTextControl())
return renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(renderer);
return 0;
typedef HashMap<String, AccessibilityRole, CaseFoldingHash> ARIARoleMap;
static const ARIARoleMap& createARIARoleMap()
struct RoleEntry {
String ariaRole;
AccessibilityRole webcoreRole;
const RoleEntry roles[] = {
{ "application", LandmarkApplicationRole },
{ "article", DocumentArticleRole },
{ "banner", LandmarkBannerRole },
{ "button", ButtonRole },
{ "checkbox", CheckBoxRole },
{ "complementary", LandmarkComplementaryRole },
{ "contentinfo", LandmarkContentInfoRole },
{ "grid", TableRole },
{ "gridcell", CellRole },
{ "columnheader", ColumnHeaderRole },
{ "definition", DefinitionListDefinitionRole },
{ "document", DocumentRole },
{ "rowheader", RowHeaderRole },
{ "group", GroupRole },
{ "heading", HeadingRole },
{ "img", ImageRole },
{ "link", WebCoreLinkRole },
{ "list", ListRole },
{ "listitem", GroupRole },
{ "listbox", ListBoxRole },
{ "log", ApplicationLogRole },
// "option" isn't here because it may map to different roles depending on the parent element's role
{ "main", LandmarkMainRole },
{ "marquee", ApplicationMarqueeRole },
{ "menu", MenuRole },
{ "menubar", GroupRole },
// "menuitem" isn't here because it may map to different roles depending on the parent element's role
{ "menuitemcheckbox", MenuItemRole },
{ "menuitemradio", MenuItemRole },
{ "note", DocumentNoteRole },
{ "navigation", LandmarkNavigationRole },
{ "progressbar", ProgressIndicatorRole },
{ "radio", RadioButtonRole },
{ "radiogroup", RadioGroupRole },
{ "region", DocumentRegionRole },
{ "row", RowRole },
{ "range", SliderRole },
{ "search", LandmarkSearchRole },
{ "separator", SplitterRole },
{ "slider", SliderRole },
{ "spinbutton", ProgressIndicatorRole },
{ "status", ApplicationStatusRole },
{ "textbox", TextAreaRole },
{ "timer", ApplicationTimerRole },
{ "toolbar", ToolbarRole },
{ "tooltip", UserInterfaceTooltipRole }
ARIARoleMap& roleMap = *new ARIARoleMap;
const unsigned numRoles = sizeof(roles) / sizeof(roles[0]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numRoles; ++i)
roleMap.set(roles[i].ariaRole, roles[i].webcoreRole);
return roleMap;
static AccessibilityRole ariaRoleToWebCoreRole(String value)
ASSERT(!value.isEmpty() && !value.isNull());
static const ARIARoleMap& roleMap = createARIARoleMap();
return roleMap.get(value);
AccessibilityRole AccessibilityRenderObject::determineAriaRoleAttribute() const
String ariaRole = getAttribute(roleAttr).string();
if (ariaRole.isNull() || ariaRole.isEmpty())
return UnknownRole;
AccessibilityRole role = ariaRoleToWebCoreRole(ariaRole);
if (role)
return role;
// selects and listboxes both have options as child roles, but they map to different roles within WebCore
if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaRole,"option")) {
if (parentObjectUnignored()->ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuRole)
return MenuItemRole;
if (parentObjectUnignored()->ariaRoleAttribute() == ListBoxRole)
return ListBoxOptionRole;
// an aria "menuitem" may map to MenuButton or MenuItem depending on its parent
if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaRole,"menuitem")) {
if (parentObjectUnignored()->ariaRoleAttribute() == GroupRole)
return MenuButtonRole;
if (parentObjectUnignored()->ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuRole)
return MenuItemRole;
return UnknownRole;
AccessibilityRole AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaRoleAttribute() const
return m_ariaRole;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::updateAccessibilityRole()
m_role = determineAccessibilityRole();
AccessibilityRole AccessibilityRenderObject::determineAccessibilityRole()
if (!m_renderer)
return UnknownRole;
m_ariaRole = determineAriaRoleAttribute();
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
if (ariaRole != UnknownRole)
return ariaRole;
if (node && node->isLink()) {
if (m_renderer->isImage())
return ImageMapRole;
return WebCoreLinkRole;
if (m_renderer->isListMarker())
return ListMarkerRole;
if (node && node->hasTagName(buttonTag))
return ButtonRole;
if (m_renderer->isText())
return StaticTextRole;
if (m_renderer->isImage()) {
if (node && node->hasTagName(inputTag))
return ButtonRole;
return ImageRole;
if (node && node->hasTagName(canvasTag))
return ImageRole;
if (m_renderer->isRenderView())
return WebAreaRole;
if (m_renderer->isTextField())
return TextFieldRole;
if (m_renderer->isTextArea())
return TextAreaRole;
if (node && node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::CHECKBOX)
return CheckBoxRole;
if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::RADIO)
return RadioButtonRole;
if (input->isTextButton())
return ButtonRole;
if (node && node->hasTagName(buttonTag))
return ButtonRole;
if (isFileUploadButton())
return ButtonRole;
if (m_renderer->isMenuList())
return PopUpButtonRole;
if (headingLevel() != 0)
return HeadingRole;
if (node && node->hasTagName(ddTag))
return DefinitionListDefinitionRole;
if (node && node->hasTagName(dtTag))
return DefinitionListTermRole;
if (node && (node->hasTagName(rpTag) || node->hasTagName(rtTag)))
return AnnotationRole;
if (m_renderer->isBlockFlow() || (node && node->hasTagName(labelTag)))
return GroupRole;
return UnknownRole;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isPresentationalChildOfAriaRole() const
// Walk the parent chain looking for a parent that has presentational children
AccessibilityObject* parent;
for (parent = parentObject(); parent && !parent->ariaRoleHasPresentationalChildren(); parent = parent->parentObject())
return parent;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaRoleHasPresentationalChildren() const
switch (m_ariaRole) {
case ButtonRole:
case SliderRole:
case ImageRole:
case ProgressIndicatorRole:
//case SeparatorRole:
return true;
return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canSetFocusAttribute() const
Node* node = m_renderer->node();
// NOTE: It would be more accurate to ask the document whether setFocusedNode() would
// do anything. For example, setFocusedNode() will do nothing if the current focused
// node will not relinquish the focus.
if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
return false;
if (!static_cast<Element*>(node)->isEnabledFormControl())
return false;
switch (roleValue()) {
case WebCoreLinkRole:
case ImageMapLinkRole:
case TextFieldRole:
case TextAreaRole:
case ButtonRole:
case PopUpButtonRole:
case CheckBoxRole:
case RadioButtonRole:
case SliderRole:
return true;
return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canSetValueAttribute() const
if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_readonlyAttr).string(), "true"))
return false;
if (isWebArea() || isTextControl())
return !isReadOnly();
return isProgressIndicator() || isSlider();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canSetTextRangeAttributes() const
return isTextControl();
void AccessibilityRenderObject::childrenChanged()
// this method is meant as a quick way of marking dirty
// a portion of the accessibility tree
if (!m_renderer)
// Go up the render parent chain, marking children as dirty.
// We can't rely on the accessibilityParent() because it may not exist and we must not create an AX object here either
for (RenderObject* renderParent = m_renderer->parent(); renderParent; renderParent = renderParent->parent()) {
AccessibilityObject* parent = m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->get(renderParent);
if (parent && parent->isAccessibilityRenderObject())
static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject *>(parent)->markChildrenDirty();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canHaveChildren() const
if (!m_renderer)
return false;
// Elements that should not have children
switch (roleValue()) {
case ImageRole:
case ButtonRole:
case PopUpButtonRole:
case CheckBoxRole:
case RadioButtonRole:
return false;
return true;
const AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector& AccessibilityRenderObject::children()
if (m_childrenDirty) {
m_childrenDirty = false;
if (!m_haveChildren)
return m_children;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::addChildren()
// If the need to add more children in addition to existing children arises,
// childrenChanged should have been called, leaving the object with no children.
// nothing to add if there is no RenderObject
if (!m_renderer)
m_haveChildren = true;
if (!canHaveChildren())
// add all unignored acc children
for (RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> obj = firstChild(); obj; obj = obj->nextSibling()) {
if (obj->accessibilityIsIgnored()) {
if (!obj->hasChildren())
AccessibilityChildrenVector children = obj->children();
unsigned length = children.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
} else
// for a RenderImage, add the <area> elements as individual accessibility objects
if (m_renderer->isRenderImage()) {
HTMLMapElement* map = toRenderImage(m_renderer)->imageMap();
if (map) {
for (Node* current = map->firstChild(); current; current = current->traverseNextNode(map)) {
// add an <area> element for this child if it has a link
if (current->isLink()) {
AccessibilityImageMapLink* areaObject = static_cast<AccessibilityImageMapLink*>(m_renderer->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(ImageMapLinkRole));
void AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaListboxSelectedChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
AccessibilityObject* child = firstChild();
bool isMultiselectable = false;
Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(renderer()->node());
if (!element || !element->isElementNode()) // do this check to ensure safety of static_cast above
String multiselectablePropertyStr = element->getAttribute("aria-multiselectable").string();
isMultiselectable = equalIgnoringCase(multiselectablePropertyStr, "true");
while (child) {
// every child should have aria-role option, and if so, check for selected attribute/state
AccessibilityRole ariaRole = child->ariaRoleAttribute();
RenderObject* childRenderer = 0;
if (child->isAccessibilityRenderObject())
childRenderer = static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject*>(child)->renderer();
if (childRenderer && ariaRole == ListBoxOptionRole) {
Element* childElement = static_cast<Element*>(childRenderer->node());
if (childElement && childElement->isElementNode()) { // do this check to ensure safety of static_cast above
String selectedAttrString = childElement->getAttribute("aria-selected").string();
if (equalIgnoringCase(selectedAttrString, "true")) {
if (isMultiselectable)
child = child->nextSibling();
void AccessibilityRenderObject::selectedChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
// only listboxes should be asked for their selected children.
if (ariaRoleAttribute() != ListBoxRole) { // native list boxes would be AccessibilityListBoxes, so only check for aria list boxes
return ariaListboxSelectedChildren(result);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaListboxVisibleChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
if (!hasChildren())
unsigned length = m_children.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!m_children[i]->isOffScreen())
void AccessibilityRenderObject::visibleChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
// only listboxes are asked for their visible children.
if (ariaRoleAttribute() != ListBoxRole) { // native list boxes would be AccessibilityListBoxes, so only check for aria list boxes
return ariaListboxVisibleChildren(result);
const String& AccessibilityRenderObject::actionVerb() const
// FIXME: Need to add verbs for select elements.
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, buttonAction, (AXButtonActionVerb()));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, textFieldAction, (AXTextFieldActionVerb()));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, radioButtonAction, (AXRadioButtonActionVerb()));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, checkedCheckBoxAction, (AXCheckedCheckBoxActionVerb()));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, uncheckedCheckBoxAction, (AXUncheckedCheckBoxActionVerb()));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, linkAction, (AXLinkActionVerb()));
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, noAction, ());
switch (roleValue()) {
case ButtonRole:
return buttonAction;
case TextFieldRole:
case TextAreaRole:
return textFieldAction;
case RadioButtonRole:
return radioButtonAction;
case CheckBoxRole:
return isChecked() ? checkedCheckBoxAction : uncheckedCheckBoxAction;
case LinkRole:
case WebCoreLinkRole:
return linkAction;
return noAction;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::updateBackingStore()
if (!m_renderer)
// Updating layout may delete m_renderer and this object.
} // namespace WebCore