blob: 0f8499e53b0305ad008cea43818f3d71defece56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "SVGPathData.h"
#include "Path.h"
#include "RenderElement.h"
#include "RenderStyle.h"
#include "SVGCircleElement.h"
#include "SVGEllipseElement.h"
#include "SVGLengthContext.h"
#include "SVGLineElement.h"
#include "SVGNames.h"
#include "SVGPathElement.h"
#include "SVGPathUtilities.h"
#include "SVGPoint.h"
#include "SVGPointList.h"
#include "SVGPolygonElement.h"
#include "SVGPolylineElement.h"
#include "SVGRectElement.h"
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
namespace WebCore {
static Path pathFromCircleElement(const SVGElement& element)
RenderElement* renderer = element.renderer();
if (!renderer)
return { };
Path path;
auto& style = renderer->style();
SVGLengthContext lengthContext(&element);
float r = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().r());
if (r > 0) {
float cx = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().cx(), LengthModeWidth);
float cy = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().cy(), LengthModeHeight);
path.addEllipse(FloatRect(cx - r, cy - r, r * 2, r * 2));
return path;
static Path pathFromEllipseElement(const SVGElement& element)
RenderElement* renderer = element.renderer();
if (!renderer)
return { };
auto& style = renderer->style();
SVGLengthContext lengthContext(&element);
float rx = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().rx(), LengthModeWidth);
if (rx <= 0)
return { };
float ry = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().ry(), LengthModeHeight);
if (ry <= 0)
return { };
Path path;
float cx = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().cx(), LengthModeWidth);
float cy = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().cy(), LengthModeHeight);
path.addEllipse(FloatRect(cx - rx, cy - ry, rx * 2, ry * 2));
return path;
static Path pathFromLineElement(const SVGElement& element)
Path path;
const auto& line = downcast<SVGLineElement>(element);
SVGLengthContext lengthContext(&element);
path.moveTo(FloatPoint(line.x1().value(lengthContext), line.y1().value(lengthContext)));
path.addLineTo(FloatPoint(line.x2().value(lengthContext), line.y2().value(lengthContext)));
return path;
static Path pathFromPathElement(const SVGElement& element)
return downcast<SVGPathElement>(element).path();
static Path pathFromPolygonElement(const SVGElement& element)
auto& points = downcast<SVGPolygonElement>(element).points().items();
if (points.isEmpty())
return { };
Path path;
unsigned size = points.size();
for (unsigned i = 1; i < size; ++i)
return path;
static Path pathFromPolylineElement(const SVGElement& element)
auto& points = downcast<SVGPolylineElement>(element).points().items();
if (points.isEmpty())
return { };
Path path;
unsigned size = points.size();
for (unsigned i = 1; i < size; ++i)
return path;
static Path pathFromRectElement(const SVGElement& element)
RenderElement* renderer = element.renderer();
if (!renderer)
return { };
auto& style = renderer->style();
SVGLengthContext lengthContext(&element);
float width = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.width(), LengthModeWidth);
if (width <= 0)
return { };
float height = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.height(), LengthModeHeight);
if (height <= 0)
return { };
Path path;
float x = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().x(), LengthModeWidth);
float y = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().y(), LengthModeHeight);
float rx = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().rx(), LengthModeWidth);
float ry = lengthContext.valueForLength(style.svgStyle().ry(), LengthModeHeight);
bool hasRx = rx > 0;
bool hasRy = ry > 0;
if (hasRx || hasRy) {
if (!hasRx)
rx = ry;
else if (!hasRy)
ry = rx;
// FIXME: We currently enforce using beziers here, as at least on CoreGraphics/Lion, as
// the native method uses a different line dash origin, causing svg/custom/dashOrigin.svg to fail.
// See bug which tracks this issue.
path.addRoundedRect(FloatRect(x, y, width, height), FloatSize(rx, ry), Path::PreferBezierRoundedRect);
return path;
path.addRect(FloatRect(x, y, width, height));
return path;
Path pathFromGraphicsElement(const SVGElement* element)
typedef Path (*PathFromFunction)(const SVGElement&);
static HashMap<AtomStringImpl*, PathFromFunction>* map = 0;
if (!map) {
map = new HashMap<AtomStringImpl*, PathFromFunction>;
map->set(SVGNames::circleTag->localName().impl(), pathFromCircleElement);
map->set(SVGNames::ellipseTag->localName().impl(), pathFromEllipseElement);
map->set(SVGNames::lineTag->localName().impl(), pathFromLineElement);
map->set(SVGNames::pathTag->localName().impl(), pathFromPathElement);
map->set(SVGNames::polygonTag->localName().impl(), pathFromPolygonElement);
map->set(SVGNames::polylineTag->localName().impl(), pathFromPolylineElement);
map->set(SVGNames::rectTag->localName().impl(), pathFromRectElement);
if (PathFromFunction pathFromFunction = map->get(element->localName().impl()))
return (*pathFromFunction)(*element);
return { };
} // namespace WebCore