blob: 032a8277ab707d5483b4791278acdf22cfc390db [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates the OpenGL bindings and entry point layers for ANGLE.
# NOTE: don't run this script directly. Run scripts/
import sys, os, pprint, json
from datetime import date
import registry_xml
# List of GLES1 extensions for which we don't need to add Context.h decls.
gles1_no_context_decl_extensions = [
# List of GLES1 API calls that have had their semantics changed in later GLES versions, but the
# name was kept the same
gles1_overloaded = [
# This is a list of exceptions for entry points which don't want to have
# the EVENT macro. This is required for some debug marker entry points.
no_event_marker_exceptions_list = sorted([
# Strip these suffixes from Context entry point names. NV is excluded (for now).
strip_suffixes = ["ANGLE", "EXT", "KHR", "OES", "CHROMIUM", "OVR"]
template_entry_point_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// entry_points_gles_{annotation_lower}_autogen.h:
// Defines the GLES {comment} entry points.
#ifndef LIBGLESV2_ENTRY_POINTS_GLES_{annotation_upper}_AUTOGEN_H_
#define LIBGLESV2_ENTRY_POINTS_GLES_{annotation_upper}_AUTOGEN_H_
namespace gl
}} // namespace gl
#endif // LIBGLESV2_ENTRY_POINTS_GLES_{annotation_upper}_AUTOGEN_H_
template_entry_point_source = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// entry_points_gles_{annotation_lower}_autogen.cpp:
// Defines the GLES {comment} entry points.
namespace gl
{entry_points}}} // namespace gl
template_entry_points_enum_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// entry_points_enum_autogen.h:
// Defines the GLES entry points enumeration.
namespace gl
enum class EntryPoint
}} // namespace gl
template_libgles_entry_point_source = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// libGLESv2.cpp: Implements the exported OpenGL ES functions.
extern "C" {{
}} // extern "C"
template_entry_point_decl = """ANGLE_EXPORT {return_type}GL_APIENTRY {name}{explicit_context_suffix}({explicit_context_param}{explicit_context_comma}{params});"""
template_entry_point_def = """{return_type}GL_APIENTRY {name}{explicit_context_suffix}({explicit_context_param}{explicit_context_comma}{params})
Context *context = {context_getter};
if (context)
if (context->skipValidation() || Validate{name}({validate_params}))
context_gles_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Context_gles_{annotation_lower}_autogen.h: Creates a macro for interfaces in Context.
#ifndef ANGLE_CONTEXT_GLES_{annotation_upper}_AUTOGEN_H_
#define ANGLE_CONTEXT_GLES_{annotation_upper}_AUTOGEN_H_
#endif // ANGLE_CONTEXT_API_{annotation_upper}_AUTOGEN_H_
context_gles_decl = """ {return_type} {name_lower_no_suffix}({internal_params}); \\"""
libgles_entry_point_def = """{return_type}GL_APIENTRY gl{name}{explicit_context_suffix}({explicit_context_param}{explicit_context_comma}{params})
return gl::{name}{explicit_context_suffix}({explicit_context_internal_param}{explicit_context_comma}{internal_params});
template_glext_explicit_context_inc = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// gl{version}
// Function declarations for the EGL_ANGLE_explicit_context extension
template_glext_function_pointer = """typedef {return_type}(GL_APIENTRYP PFN{name_upper}{explicit_context_suffix_upper}PROC)({explicit_context_param}{explicit_context_comma}{params});"""
template_glext_function_prototype = """{apicall} {return_type}GL_APIENTRY {name}{explicit_context_suffix}({explicit_context_param}{explicit_context_comma}{params});"""
template_validation_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
// Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// validationES{annotation}_autogen.h:
// Validation functions for the OpenGL ES {comment} entry points.
#include "common/PackedEnums.h"
namespace gl
class Context;
}} // namespace gl
static_cast_to_dict = {
"GLintptr": "unsigned long long",
"GLsizeiptr": "unsigned long long",
"GLuint64": "unsigned long long",
reinterpret_cast_to_dict = {
"GLsync": "uintptr_t",
"GLDEBUGPROC": "uintptr_t",
"GLDEBUGPROCKHR": "uintptr_t",
"GLeglImageOES": "uintptr_t",
format_dict = {
"GLbitfield": "0x%X",
"GLboolean": "%u",
"GLclampx": "0x%X",
"GLenum": "0x%X",
"GLfixed": "0x%X",
"GLfloat": "%f",
"GLint": "%d",
"GLintptr": "%llu",
"GLshort": "%d",
"GLsizei": "%d",
"GLsizeiptr": "%llu",
"GLsync": "0x%016\" PRIxPTR \"",
"GLubyte": "%d",
"GLuint": "%u",
"GLuint64": "%llu",
"GLDEBUGPROC": "0x%016\" PRIxPTR \"",
"GLDEBUGPROCKHR": "0x%016\" PRIxPTR \"",
"GLeglImageOES": "0x%016\" PRIxPTR \"",
template_header_includes = """#include <GLES{major}/gl{major}{minor}.h>
#include <export.h>"""
template_sources_includes = """#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_{}_autogen.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.inl.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES{}{}.h"
#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_utils.h"
#include "libGLESv2/global_state.h"
template_event_comment = """// Don't run an EVENT() macro on the EXT_debug_marker entry points.
// It can interfere with the debug events being set by the caller.
// """
template_validation_proto = "bool Validate%s(%s);"
template_windows_def_file = """; GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
; Generated by {script_name} using data from {data_source_name}.
; Copyright {year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
; found in the LICENSE file.
def script_relative(path):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), path)
with open(script_relative('entry_point_packed_gl_enums.json')) as f:
cmd_packed_gl_enums = json.loads(
def format_entry_point_decl(cmd_name, proto, params, is_explicit_context):
comma_if_needed = ", " if len(params) > 0 else ""
return template_entry_point_decl.format(
name = cmd_name[2:],
return_type = proto[:-len(cmd_name)],
params = ", ".join(params),
comma_if_needed = comma_if_needed,
explicit_context_suffix = "ContextANGLE" if is_explicit_context else "",
explicit_context_param = "GLeglContext ctx" if is_explicit_context else "",
explicit_context_comma = ", " if is_explicit_context and len(params) > 0 else "")
def type_name_sep_index(param):
space = param.rfind(" ")
pointer = param.rfind("*")
return max(space, pointer)
def just_the_type(param):
if "*" in param:
return param[:type_name_sep_index(param) + 1]
return param[:type_name_sep_index(param)]
def just_the_name(param):
return param[type_name_sep_index(param)+1:]
def make_param(param_type, param_name):
return param_type + " " + param_name
def just_the_type_packed(param, entry):
name = just_the_name(param)
if entry.has_key(name):
return entry[name]
return just_the_type(param)
def just_the_name_packed(param, reserved_set):
name = just_the_name(param)
if name in reserved_set:
return name + 'Packed'
return name
def param_print_argument(param):
name_only = just_the_name(param)
type_only = just_the_type(param)
if "*" in param:
return "(uintptr_t)" + name_only
if type_only in reinterpret_cast_to_dict:
return "(" + reinterpret_cast_to_dict[type_only] + ")" + name_only
if type_only in static_cast_to_dict:
return "static_cast<" + static_cast_to_dict[type_only] + ">(" + name_only + ")"
return name_only
def param_format_string(param):
if "*" in param:
return param + " = 0x%016\" PRIxPTR \""
type_only = just_the_type(param)
if type_only not in format_dict:
raise Exception(type_only + " is not a known type in 'format_dict'")
return param + " = " + format_dict[type_only]
def default_return_value(cmd_name, return_type):
if return_type == "void":
return ""
return "GetDefaultReturnValue<EntryPoint::" + cmd_name[2:] + ", " + return_type + ">()"
def get_context_getter_function(cmd_name, is_explicit_context):
if is_explicit_context:
return "static_cast<gl::Context *>(ctx)"
lost_context_acceptable_cmds = [
for context_lost_entry_pont in lost_context_acceptable_cmds:
if cmd_name.startswith(context_lost_entry_pont):
return "GetGlobalContext()"
return "GetValidGlobalContext()"
def format_entry_point_def(cmd_name, proto, params, is_explicit_context):
packed_gl_enums = cmd_packed_gl_enums.get(cmd_name, {})
internal_params = [just_the_name_packed(param, packed_gl_enums) for param in params]
packed_gl_enum_conversions = []
for param in params:
name = just_the_name(param)
if name in packed_gl_enums:
internal_name = name + "Packed"
internal_type = packed_gl_enums[name]
packed_gl_enum_conversions += ["\n " + internal_type + " " + internal_name +" = FromGLenum<" +
internal_type + ">(" + name + ");"]
pass_params = [param_print_argument(param) for param in params]
format_params = [param_format_string(param) for param in params]
return_type = proto[:-len(cmd_name)]
default_return = default_return_value(cmd_name, return_type.strip())
event_comment = template_event_comment if cmd_name in no_event_marker_exceptions_list else ""
name_lower_no_suffix = cmd_name[2:3].lower() + cmd_name[3:]
for suffix in strip_suffixes:
if name_lower_no_suffix.endswith(suffix):
name_lower_no_suffix = name_lower_no_suffix[0:-len(suffix)]
return template_entry_point_def.format(
name = cmd_name[2:],
name_lower_no_suffix = name_lower_no_suffix,
return_type = return_type,
params = ", ".join(params),
internal_params = ", ".join(internal_params),
packed_gl_enum_conversions = "".join(packed_gl_enum_conversions),
pass_params = ", ".join(pass_params),
comma_if_needed = ", " if len(params) > 0 else "",
validate_params = ", ".join(["context"] + internal_params),
format_params = ", ".join(format_params),
return_if_needed = "" if default_return == "" else "return ",
default_return_if_needed = "" if default_return == "" else "\n return " + default_return + ";\n",
context_getter = get_context_getter_function(cmd_name, is_explicit_context),
event_comment = event_comment,
explicit_context_suffix = "ContextANGLE" if is_explicit_context else "",
explicit_context_param = "GLeglContext ctx" if is_explicit_context else "",
explicit_context_comma = ", " if is_explicit_context and len(params) > 0 else "",
assert_explicit_context = "\nASSERT(context == GetValidGlobalContext());"
if is_explicit_context else "")
def get_internal_params(cmd_name, params):
packed_gl_enums = cmd_packed_gl_enums.get(cmd_name, {})
return ", ".join([make_param(just_the_type_packed(param, packed_gl_enums),
just_the_name_packed(param, packed_gl_enums)) for param in params])
def format_context_gles_decl(cmd_name, proto, params):
internal_params = get_internal_params(cmd_name, params)
return_type = proto[:-len(cmd_name)]
name_lower_no_suffix = cmd_name[2:3].lower() + cmd_name[3:]
for suffix in strip_suffixes:
if name_lower_no_suffix.endswith(suffix):
name_lower_no_suffix = name_lower_no_suffix[0:-len(suffix)]
return context_gles_decl.format(
return_type = return_type,
name_lower_no_suffix = name_lower_no_suffix,
internal_params = internal_params)
def format_libgles_entry_point_def(cmd_name, proto, params, is_explicit_context):
internal_params = [just_the_name(param) for param in params]
return_type = proto[:-len(cmd_name)]
return libgles_entry_point_def.format(
name = cmd_name[2:],
return_type = return_type,
params = ", ".join(params),
internal_params = ", ".join(internal_params),
explicit_context_suffix = "ContextANGLE" if is_explicit_context else "",
explicit_context_param = "GLeglContext ctx" if is_explicit_context else "",
explicit_context_comma = ", " if is_explicit_context and len(params) > 0 else "",
explicit_context_internal_param = "ctx" if is_explicit_context else "")
def format_validation_proto(cmd_name, params):
internal_params = get_internal_params(cmd_name, ["Context *context"] + params)
return template_validation_proto % (cmd_name[2:], internal_params)
def path_to(folder, file):
return os.path.join(script_relative(".."), "src", folder, file)
def get_entry_points(all_commands, gles_commands, is_explicit_context):
decls = []
defs = []
export_defs = []
validation_protos = []
for command in all_commands:
proto = command.find('proto')
cmd_name = proto.find('name').text
if cmd_name not in gles_commands:
param_text = ["".join(param.itertext()) for param in command.findall('param')]
proto_text = "".join(proto.itertext())
decls.append(format_entry_point_decl(cmd_name, proto_text, param_text,
defs.append(format_entry_point_def(cmd_name, proto_text, param_text, is_explicit_context))
export_defs.append(format_libgles_entry_point_def(cmd_name, proto_text, param_text,
validation_protos.append(format_validation_proto(cmd_name, param_text))
return decls, defs, export_defs, validation_protos
def get_gles1_decls(all_commands, gles_commands):
decls = []
for command in all_commands:
proto = command.find('proto')
cmd_name = proto.find('name').text
if cmd_name not in gles_commands:
if cmd_name in gles1_overloaded:
param_text = ["".join(param.itertext()) for param in command.findall('param')]
proto_text = "".join(proto.itertext())
decls.append(format_context_gles_decl(cmd_name, proto_text, param_text))
return decls
def get_glext_decls(all_commands, gles_commands, version, is_explicit_context):
glext_ptrs = []
glext_protos = []
is_gles1 = False
if(version == ""):
is_gles1 = True
for command in all_commands:
proto = command.find('proto')
cmd_name = proto.find('name').text
if cmd_name not in gles_commands:
param_text = ["".join(param.itertext()) for param in command.findall('param')]
proto_text = "".join(proto.itertext())
return_type = proto_text[:-len(cmd_name)]
params = ", ".join(param_text)
format_params = {
"apicall": "GL_API" if is_gles1 else "GL_APICALL",
"name": cmd_name,
"name_upper": cmd_name.upper(),
"return_type": return_type,
"params": params,
"explicit_context_comma": ", " if is_explicit_context and len(params) > 0 else "",
"explicit_context_suffix": "ContextANGLE" if is_explicit_context else "",
"explicit_context_suffix_upper": "CONTEXTANGLE" if is_explicit_context else "",
"explicit_context_param": "GLeglContext ctx" if is_explicit_context else ""}
return glext_ptrs, glext_protos
def write_file(annotation, comment, template, entry_points, suffix, includes, file):
content = template.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = file,
year =,
annotation_lower = annotation.lower(),
annotation_upper = annotation.upper(),
comment = comment,
includes = includes,
entry_points = entry_points)
path = path_to("libGLESv2", "entry_points_gles_{}_autogen.{}".format(
annotation.lower(), suffix))
with open(path, "w") as out:
def write_export_files(entry_points, includes):
content = template_libgles_entry_point_source.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml",
year =,
includes = includes,
entry_points = entry_points)
path = path_to("libGLESv2", "libGLESv2_autogen.cpp")
with open(path, "w") as out:
def write_context_api_decls(annotation, template, decls):
interface_lines = []
for i in decls['core']:
for extname in sorted(decls['exts'].keys()):
interface_lines.append(" /* " + extname + " */ \\")
content = template.format(
annotation_lower = annotation.lower(),
annotation_upper = annotation.upper(),
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml",
year =,
interface = "\n".join(interface_lines))
path = path_to("libANGLE", "Context_gles_%s_autogen.h" % annotation.lower())
with open(path, "w") as out:
def write_glext_explicit_context_inc(version, ptrs, protos):
folder_version = version if version != "31" else "3"
content = template_glext_explicit_context_inc.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml",
year =,
version = version,
function_pointers = ptrs,
function_prototypes = protos)
path = os.path.join(script_relative(".."), "include", "GLES{}".format(folder_version),
with open(path, "w") as out:
def write_validation_header(annotation, comment, protos):
content = template_validation_header.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml",
year =,
annotation = annotation,
comment = comment,
prototypes = "\n".join(protos))
path = path_to("libANGLE", "validationES%s_autogen.h" % annotation)
with open(path, "w") as out:
def write_windows_def_file(data_source_name, lib, exports):
content = template_windows_def_file.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = data_source_name,
exports = "\n".join(exports),
year =,
lib = lib)
path = path_to(lib, "%s_autogen.def" % lib)
with open(path, "w") as out:
def get_exports(commands, fmt = None):
if fmt:
return [" %s" % fmt(cmd) for cmd in sorted(commands)]
return [" %s" % cmd for cmd in sorted(commands)]
# Get EGL exports
def get_egl_exports():
egl = registry_xml.RegistryXML('egl.xml', 'egl_angle_ext.xml')
exports = []
capser = lambda fn: "EGL_" + fn[3:]
for major, minor in [[1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5]]:
annotation = "{}_{}".format(major, minor)
name_prefix = "EGL_VERSION_"
feature_name = "{}{}".format(name_prefix, annotation)
egl.AddCommands(feature_name, annotation)
commands = egl.commands[annotation]
if len(commands) == 0:
exports.append("\n ; EGL %d.%d" % (major, minor))
exports += get_exports(commands, capser)
egl.AddExtensionCommands(registry_xml.supported_egl_extensions, ['egl'])
for extension_name, ext_cmd_names in sorted(egl.ext_data.iteritems()):
if len(ext_cmd_names) == 0:
exports.append("\n ; %s" % extension_name)
exports += get_exports(ext_cmd_names, capser)
return exports
def main():
# auto_script parameters.
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
inputs = [
outputs = [
if sys.argv[1] == 'inputs':
print ','.join(inputs)
elif sys.argv[1] == 'outputs':
print ','.join(outputs)
print('Invalid script parameters')
return 1
return 0
gles1decls = {}
gles1decls['core'] = []
gles1decls['exts'] = {}
libgles_ep_defs = []
libgles_ep_exports = []
xml = registry_xml.RegistryXML('gl.xml', 'gl_angle_ext.xml')
# First run through the main GLES entry points. Since ES2+ is the primary use
# case, we go through those first and then add ES1-only APIs at the end.
for major_version, minor_version in [[2, 0], [3, 0], [3, 1], [1, 0]]:
annotation = "{}_{}".format(major_version, minor_version)
name_prefix = "GL_ES_VERSION_"
is_gles1 = major_version == 1
if is_gles1:
name_prefix = "GL_VERSION_ES_CM_"
comment = annotation.replace("_", ".")
feature_name = "{}{}".format(name_prefix, annotation)
xml.AddCommands(feature_name, annotation)
gles_commands = xml.commands[annotation]
all_commands = xml.all_commands
decls, defs, libgles_defs, validation_protos = get_entry_points(
all_commands, gles_commands, False)
# Write the version as a comment before the first EP.
libgles_defs.insert(0, "\n// OpenGL ES %s" % comment)
libgles_ep_exports.append("\n ; OpenGL ES %s" % comment)
libgles_ep_defs += libgles_defs
libgles_ep_exports += get_exports(gles_commands)
major_if_not_one = major_version if major_version != 1 else ""
minor_if_not_zero = minor_version if minor_version != 0 else ""
header_includes = template_header_includes.format(
major=major_if_not_one, minor=minor_if_not_zero)
# We include the platform.h header since it undefines the conflicting MemoryBarrier macro.
if major_version == 3 and minor_version == 1:
header_includes += "\n#include \"common/platform.h\"\n"
source_includes = template_sources_includes.format(
annotation.lower(), major_version, minor_if_not_zero)
write_file(annotation, comment, template_entry_point_header,
"\n".join(decls), "h", header_includes, "gl.xml")
write_file(annotation, comment, template_entry_point_source,
"\n".join(defs), "cpp", source_includes, "gl.xml")
if is_gles1:
gles1decls['core'] = get_gles1_decls(all_commands, gles_commands)
validation_annotation = "%s%s" % (major_version, minor_if_not_zero)
write_validation_header(validation_annotation, comment, validation_protos)
# After we finish with the main entry points, we process the extensions.
extension_defs = []
extension_decls = []
# Accumulated validation prototypes.
ext_validation_protos = []
for gles1ext in registry_xml.gles1_extensions:
gles1decls['exts'][gles1ext] = []
xml.AddExtensionCommands(registry_xml.supported_extensions, ['gles2', 'gles1'])
for extension_name, ext_cmd_names in sorted(xml.ext_data.iteritems()):
# Detect and filter duplicate extensions.
decls, defs, libgles_defs, validation_protos = get_entry_points(
xml.all_commands, ext_cmd_names, False)
# Avoid writing out entry points defined by a prior extension.
for dupe in xml.ext_dupes[extension_name]:
msg = "// {} is already defined.\n".format(dupe[2:])
# Write the extension name as a comment before the first EP.
comment = "\n// {}".format(extension_name)
defs.insert(0, comment)
decls.insert(0, comment)
libgles_defs.insert(0, comment)
libgles_ep_exports.append("\n ; %s" % extension_name)
extension_defs += defs
extension_decls += decls
ext_validation_protos += [comment] + validation_protos
libgles_ep_defs += libgles_defs
libgles_ep_exports += get_exports(ext_cmd_names)
if extension_name in registry_xml.gles1_extensions:
if extension_name not in gles1_no_context_decl_extensions:
gles1decls['exts'][extension_name] = get_gles1_decls(all_commands, ext_cmd_names)
# Special handling for EGL_ANGLE_explicit_context extension
if registry_xml.support_EGL_ANGLE_explicit_context:
comment = "\n// EGL_ANGLE_explicit_context"
cmds = xml.all_cmd_names.get_all_commands()
# Get the explicit context entry points
decls, defs, libgles_defs, validation_protos = get_entry_points(
xml.all_commands, cmds, True)
# Append the explicit context entry points
extension_decls += decls
extension_defs += defs
libgles_ep_defs += libgles_defs
libgles_ep_exports.append("\n ; EGL_ANGLE_explicit_context")
libgles_ep_exports += get_exports(cmds, lambda x: "%sContextANGLE" % x)
# Generate .inc files for extension function pointers and declarations
for major, minor in [[2, 0], [3, 0], [3, 1], [1, 0]]:
annotation = "{}_{}".format(major, minor)
major_if_not_one = major if major != 1 else ""
minor_if_not_zero = minor if minor != 0 else ""
version = "{}{}".format(major_if_not_one, minor_if_not_zero)
glext_ptrs, glext_protos = get_glext_decls(all_commands,
xml.all_cmd_names.get_commands(annotation), version, True)
glext_ext_ptrs = []
glext_ext_protos = []
# Append extensions for 1.0 and 2.0
if(annotation == "1_0"):
glext_ext_ptrs, glext_ext_protos = get_glext_decls(all_commands,
xml.all_cmd_names.get_commands("glext"), version, True)
elif(annotation == "2_0"):
glext_ext_ptrs, glext_ext_protos = get_glext_decls(all_commands,
xml.all_cmd_names.get_commands("gl2ext"), version, True)
glext_ptrs += glext_ext_ptrs
glext_protos += glext_ext_protos
write_glext_explicit_context_inc(version, "\n".join(glext_ptrs), "\n".join(glext_protos))
header_includes = template_header_includes.format(
major="", minor="")
header_includes += """
#include <GLES/glext.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
source_includes = template_sources_includes.format("ext", "EXT", "")
source_includes += """
#include "libANGLE/validationES1.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES2.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES3.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES31.h"
write_file("ext", "extension", template_entry_point_header,
"\n".join([item for item in extension_decls]), "h", header_includes,
"gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml")
write_file("ext", "extension", template_entry_point_source,
"\n".join([item for item in extension_defs]), "cpp", source_includes,
"gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml")
write_validation_header("EXT", "extension", ext_validation_protos)
write_context_api_decls("1_0", context_gles_header, gles1decls)
sorted_cmd_names = ["Invalid"] + [cmd[2:] for cmd in sorted(xml.all_cmd_names.get_all_commands())]
entry_points_enum = template_entry_points_enum_header.format(
script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
data_source_name = "gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml",
year =,
entry_points_list = ",\n".join([" " + cmd for cmd in sorted_cmd_names]))
entry_points_enum_header_path = path_to("libGLESv2", "entry_points_enum_autogen.h")
with open(entry_points_enum_header_path, "w") as out:
source_includes = """
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_1_0_autogen.h"
#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_2_0_autogen.h"
#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_3_0_autogen.h"
#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_3_1_autogen.h"
#include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_ext_autogen.h"
#include "common/event_tracer.h"
write_export_files("\n".join([item for item in libgles_ep_defs]), source_includes)
libgles_ep_exports += get_egl_exports()
everything = "Khronos and ANGLE XML files"
write_windows_def_file(everything, "libGLESv2", libgles_ep_exports)
if __name__ == '__main__':