blob: f56508004924b05cd925d75c9678145008f972a9 [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance/extensions/get-extension.html
[ 1: PASS ] able to get EXT_blend_minmax as ExT_bLEnd_mInMAX
[ 2: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 3: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 4: PASS ] getExtension('EXT_blend_minmax') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 5: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_EXT_blend_minmax') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 6: PASS ] getExtension('OP_EXT_blend_minmax') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 7: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_EXT_blend_minmax') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 8: PASS ] able to get OES_texture_float as oEs_tExTURe_FlOAt
[ 9: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 10: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 11: PASS ] getExtension('OES_texture_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 12: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_OES_texture_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 13: PASS ] getExtension('OP_OES_texture_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 14: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_OES_texture_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 15: PASS ] able to get OES_texture_float_linear as oes_tEXTuRe_fLoAT_lINeAR
[ 16: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 17: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 18: PASS ] getExtension('OES_texture_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 19: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_OES_texture_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 20: PASS ] getExtension('OP_OES_texture_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 21: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_OES_texture_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 22: PASS ] able to get OES_texture_half_float as oes_TeXTUrE_haLf_FLoAT
[ 23: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 24: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 25: PASS ] getExtension('OES_texture_half_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 26: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_OES_texture_half_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 27: PASS ] getExtension('OP_OES_texture_half_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 28: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_OES_texture_half_float') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 29: PASS ] able to get OES_texture_half_float_linear as oES_texTuRE_hAlf_FlOAT_LInEAr
[ 30: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 31: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 32: PASS ] getExtension('OES_texture_half_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 33: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_OES_texture_half_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 34: PASS ] getExtension('OP_OES_texture_half_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 35: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_OES_texture_half_float_linear') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 36: PASS ] able to get OES_standard_derivatives as oes_sTANdArd_DeRIVaTIvES
[ 37: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 38: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 39: PASS ] getExtension('OES_standard_derivatives') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 40: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_OES_standard_derivatives') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 41: PASS ] getExtension('OP_OES_standard_derivatives') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 42: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_OES_standard_derivatives') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 43: PASS ] able to get EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic as ext_TeXTUrE_fiLtER_aNIsOTropiC
[ 44: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 45: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 46: PASS ] getExtension('EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 47: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 48: PASS ] getExtension('OP_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 49: FAIL ] getExtension('WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 50: PASS ] able to get OES_vertex_array_object as oES_vErteX_ARRaY_oBJect
[ 51: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 52: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 53: PASS ] getExtension('OES_vertex_array_object') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 54: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_OES_vertex_array_object') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 55: PASS ] getExtension('OP_OES_vertex_array_object') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 56: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_OES_vertex_array_object') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 57: PASS ] able to get OES_element_index_uint as oEs_ELeMent_iNDEx_UiNT
[ 58: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 59: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 60: PASS ] getExtension('OES_element_index_uint') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 61: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_OES_element_index_uint') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 62: PASS ] getExtension('OP_OES_element_index_uint') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 63: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_OES_element_index_uint') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 64: PASS ] able to get WEBGL_lose_context as webgL_LOSe_conTeXT
[ 65: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 66: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 67: PASS ] getExtension('WEBGL_lose_context') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 68: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_WEBGL_lose_context') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 69: PASS ] getExtension('OP_WEBGL_lose_context') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 70: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_WEBGL_lose_context') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 71: PASS ] able to get WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc as WeBGl_ComprEsSED_TextUrE_S3TC
[ 72: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 73: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 74: PASS ] getExtension('WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 75: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 76: PASS ] getExtension('OP_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 77: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 78: PASS ] able to get WEBGL_depth_texture as wEBgl_dEpTH_tExtuRe
[ 79: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 80: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 81: PASS ] getExtension('WEBGL_depth_texture') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 82: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_WEBGL_depth_texture') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 83: PASS ] getExtension('OP_WEBGL_depth_texture') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 84: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_WEBGL_depth_texture') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 85: PASS ] able to get WEBGL_debug_renderer_info as WEBgL_dEBug_rEnDEReR_inFo
[ 86: PASS ] calling getExtension twice for the same extension returns the same object
[ 87: PASS ] object returned by 2nd call to getExtension has same properties
[ 88: PASS ] getExtension('WEBGL_debug_renderer_info') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 89: PASS ] getExtension('MOZ_WEBGL_debug_renderer_info') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 90: PASS ] getExtension('OP_WEBGL_debug_renderer_info') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 91: PASS ] getExtension('WEBKIT_WEBGL_debug_renderer_info') returns an object only if the name is returned by getSupportedExtensions
[ 92: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 1 failures reported