| # Include to determine JS engine |
| include(../common.pri) |
| |
| # WebCore - qmake build info |
| CONFIG += building-libs |
| CONFIG += depend_includepath |
| |
| meegotouch { |
| } |
| |
| v8 { |
| # Take v8 location from environment |
| |
| } |
| |
| symbian: { |
| # DRM and Allfiles capabilites need to be audited to be signed on Symbian |
| # For regular users that is not possible, so use the CONFIG(production) flag is added |
| # To use all capabilies add CONFIG+=production |
| # If building from QT source tree, also add CONFIG-=QTDIR_build as qbase.pri defaults capabilities to All -Tcb. |
| CONFIG(production) { |
| } else { |
| TARGET.CAPABILITY = All -Tcb -DRM -AllFiles |
| } |
| isEmpty(QT_LIBINFIX) { |
| TARGET.UID3 = 0x200267C2 |
| } else { |
| TARGET.UID3 = 0xE00267C2 |
| } |
| webkitlibs.sources = QtWebKit$${QT_LIBINFIX}.dll |
| v8 { |
| webkitlibs.sources += v8.dll |
| QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.ARMCC += --fpu softvfp+vfpv2 --fpmode fast |
| LIBS += -llibpthread |
| } |
| |
| CONFIG(QTDIR_build): webkitlibs.sources = $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT/$$webkitlibs.sources |
| webkitlibs.path = /sys/bin |
| vendorinfo = \ |
| "; Localised Vendor name" \ |
| "%{\"Nokia, Qt\"}" \ |
| " " \ |
| "; Unique Vendor name" \ |
| ":\"Nokia, Qt\"" \ |
| " " |
| webkitlibs.pkg_prerules = vendorinfo |
| |
| webkitbackup.sources = ../WebKit/qt/symbian/backup_registration.xml |
| webkitbackup.path = /private/10202D56/import/packages/$$replace(TARGET.UID3, 0x,) |
| |
| contains(QT_CONFIG, declarative) { |
| declarativeImport.sources = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/imports/QtWebKit/qmlwebkitplugin$${QT_LIBINFIX}.dll |
| declarativeImport.sources += ../WebKit/qt/declarative/qmldir |
| declarativeImport.path = c:$$QT_IMPORTS_BASE_DIR/QtWebKit |
| DEPLOYMENT += declarativeImport |
| } |
| |
| DEPLOYMENT += webkitlibs webkitbackup |
| |
| symbian-abld|symbian-sbsv2 { |
| # RO text (code) section in qtwebkit.dll exceeds allocated space for gcce udeb target. |
| # Move RW-section base address to start from 0xE00000 instead of the toolchain default 0x400000. |
| QMAKE_LFLAGS.ARMCC += --rw-base 0xE00000 |
| } else { |
| QMAKE_CFLAGS -= --thumb |
| QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= --thumb |
| } |
| CONFIG(release, debug|release): QMAKE_CXXFLAGS.ARMCC += -OTime -O3 |
| } |
| |
| v8 { |
| win32-* { |
| LIBS += -lWs2_32 |
| LIBS += -lwinmm |
| } |
| LIBS += -lv8 |
| } |
| |
| isEmpty(OUTPUT_DIR): OUTPUT_DIR = .. |
| include($$PWD/../WebKit.pri) |
| |
| TEMPLATE = lib |
| TARGET = QtWebKit |
| |
| contains(QT_CONFIG, embedded):CONFIG += embedded |
| |
| CONFIG(standalone_package) { |
| |
| PRECOMPILED_HEADER = $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebKit_pch.h |
| } else { |
| |
| !CONFIG(release, debug|release) { |
| OBJECTS_DIR = obj/debug |
| } else { # Release |
| OBJECTS_DIR = obj/release |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { |
| include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/qbase.pri) |
| } else { |
| !static: DEFINES += QT_MAKEDLL |
| symbian: TARGET =$$TARGET$${QT_LIBINFIX} |
| } |
| moduleFile=$$PWD/../WebKit/qt/qt_webkit_version.pri |
| include($$moduleFile) |
| |
| unix { |
| } |
| |
| unix:!mac:*-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections |
| unix:!mac:*-g++*:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections |
| |
| CONFIG(release):!CONFIG(standalone_package) { |
| contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols |
| unix:contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_relocations):CONFIG += bsymbolic_functions |
| } |
| |
| |
| # Remove whole program optimizations due to miscompilations |
| win32-msvc2005|win32-msvc2008:{ |
| } |
| |
| # Pick up 3rdparty libraries from INCLUDE/LIB just like with MSVC |
| win32-g++* { |
| TMPPATH = $$quote($$(INCLUDE)) |
| QMAKE_INCDIR_POST += $$split(TMPPATH,";") |
| TMPPATH = $$quote($$(LIB)) |
| QMAKE_LIBDIR_POST += $$split(TMPPATH,";") |
| } |
| |
| symbian { |
| !CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { |
| # Test if symbian OS comes with sqlite |
| exists($${EPOCROOT}epoc32/release/armv5/lib/sqlite3.dso):CONFIG *= system-sqlite |
| } else:!symbian-abld:!symbian-sbsv2 { |
| # When bundled with Qt, all Symbian build systems extract their own sqlite files if |
| # necessary, but on non-mmp based ones we need to specify this ourselves. |
| include($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite_symbian/sqlite_symbian.pri) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| RESOURCES += \ |
| $$PWD/../WebCore/WebCore.qrc |
| |
| include_webinspector: RESOURCES += $$PWD/../WebCore/inspector/front-end/WebKit.qrc $$WC_GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR/InspectorBackendStub.qrc |
| |
| enable_fast_mobile_scrolling: DEFINES += ENABLE_FAST_MOBILE_SCROLLING=1 |
| |
| use_qt_mobile_theme: DEFINES += WTF_USE_QT_MOBILE_THEME=1 |
| |
| } |
| |
| include($$PWD/../JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.pri) |
| !v8: addJavaScriptCoreLib(../JavaScriptCore) |
| |
| webkit2 { |
| include($$PWD/../WebKit2/WebKit2.pri) |
| addWebKit2Lib(../WebKit2) |
| } |
| |
| # Extract sources to build from the generator definitions |
| defineTest(addExtraCompiler) { |
| isEqual($${1}.wkAddOutputToSources, false): return(true) |
| |
| outputRule = $$eval($${1}.output) |
| input = $$eval($${1}.input) |
| input = $$eval($$input) |
| |
| for(file,input) { |
| base = $$basename(file) |
| base ~= s/\\..+// |
| newfile=$$replace(outputRule,\\$\\{QMAKE_FILE_BASE\\},$$base) |
| SOURCES += $$newfile |
| } |
| SOURCES += $$eval($${1}.wkExtraSources) |
| export(SOURCES) |
| |
| return(true) |
| } |
| include(WebCore.pri) |
| |
| v8 { |
| $$V8_INCLUDE_DIR \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/v8 \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/v8/custom \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/v8/specialization \ |
| $$PWD/bridge/qt/v8 |
| |
| } else { |
| $$PWD/bridge/jsc \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/js \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/js/specialization \ |
| $$PWD/bridge/c |
| } |
| |
| |
| $$PWD \ |
| $$PWD/accessibility \ |
| $$PWD/bindings \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/generic \ |
| $$PWD/bridge \ |
| $$PWD/css \ |
| $$PWD/dom \ |
| $$PWD/dom/default \ |
| $$PWD/editing \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi \ |
| $$PWD/history \ |
| $$PWD/html \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas \ |
| $$PWD/html/parser \ |
| $$PWD/inspector \ |
| $$PWD/loader \ |
| $$PWD/loader/appcache \ |
| $$PWD/loader/archive \ |
| $$PWD/loader/icon \ |
| $$PWD/mathml \ |
| $$PWD/notifications \ |
| $$PWD/page \ |
| $$PWD/page/animation \ |
| $$PWD/platform \ |
| $$PWD/platform/animation \ |
| $$PWD/platform/graphics \ |
| $$PWD/platform/graphics/filters \ |
| $$PWD/platform/graphics/transforms \ |
| $$PWD/platform/image-decoders \ |
| $$PWD/platform/mock \ |
| $$PWD/platform/network \ |
| $$PWD/platform/sql \ |
| $$PWD/platform/text \ |
| $$PWD/platform/text/transcoder \ |
| $$PWD/plugins \ |
| $$PWD/rendering \ |
| $$PWD/rendering/style \ |
| $$PWD/rendering/svg \ |
| $$PWD/storage \ |
| $$PWD/svg \ |
| $$PWD/svg/animation \ |
| $$PWD/svg/graphics \ |
| $$PWD/svg/graphics/filters \ |
| $$PWD/websockets \ |
| $$PWD/wml \ |
| $$PWD/workers \ |
| $$PWD/xml \ |
| |
| $$PWD/bridge/qt \ |
| $$PWD/page/qt \ |
| $$PWD/platform/graphics/qt \ |
| $$PWD/platform/network/qt \ |
| $$PWD/platform/qt \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/Api \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport \ |
| |
| symbian { |
| } else { |
| } |
| |
| QT += network |
| |
| |
| DASHBOARDSUPPORTCSSPROPERTIES = $$PWD/css/DashboardSupportCSSPropertyNames.in |
| |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_SVG=1) { |
| EXTRACSSPROPERTIES += $$PWD/css/SVGCSSPropertyNames.in |
| EXTRACSSVALUES += $$PWD/css/SVGCSSValueKeywords.in |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_WCSS=1) { |
| EXTRACSSPROPERTIES += $$PWD/css/WCSSPropertyNames.in |
| EXTRACSSVALUES += $$PWD/css/WCSSValueKeywords.in |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityImageMapLink.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityMediaControls.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityMenuList.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityMenuListOption.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityMenuListPopup.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityObject.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityList.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityListBox.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityListBoxOption.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityProgressIndicator.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityScrollbar.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilitySlider.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityARIAGrid.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityARIAGridCell.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityARIAGridRow.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTable.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableCell.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableColumn.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableHeaderContainer.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableRow.cpp \ |
| accessibility/AXObjectCache.cpp \ |
| bindings/generic/ActiveDOMCallback.cpp |
| |
| v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/generic/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.cpp |
| |
| include($$PWD/../JavaScriptCore/pcre/pcre.pri) |
| include($$PWD/../JavaScriptCore/wtf/wtf.pri) |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/generic/BindingSecurityBase.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/WorldContextHandle.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8IsolatedContext.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HistoryCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8PopStateEventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptGCEvent.cpp |
| |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomXPathNSResolver.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/ChildThreadDOMData.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/DateExtension.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/DOMData.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/DOMDataStore.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/MainThreadDOMData.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/NPV8Object.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScheduledAction.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScopedDOMDataStore.cpp \ |
| # bindings/v8/ScriptArray.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptCachedFrameData.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptCallFrame.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptCallStack.cpp \ |
| bindings/ScriptControllerBase.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptController.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptFunctionCall.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptInstance.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptObject.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptScope.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptState.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptStringImpl.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptValue.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/StaticDOMDataStore.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/SerializedScriptValue.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8AbstractEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Binding.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Collection.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8ConsoleMessage.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DOMMap.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DOMWrapper.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DataGridDataSource.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8EventListenerList.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8GCController.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8GCForContextDispose.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Helpers.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8HiddenPropertyName.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/IsolatedWorld.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8LazyEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8NPObject.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8NPUtils.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8NodeFilterCondition.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Utilities.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8WorkerContextEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/WorkerContextExecutionProxy.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/WorkerScriptController.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DOMWindowShell.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/DOMWrapperWorld.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/npruntime.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CSSRuleCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CSSStyleDeclarationCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CSSStyleSheetCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CSSValueCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CanvasPixelArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8ClipboardCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CoordinatesCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8InjectedScriptHostCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8InspectorFrontendHostCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8DOMStringMapCustom.cpp |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomSQLStatementErrorCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomVoidCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8DOMFormDataCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8DOMWindowCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8DataGridColumnListCustom.cpp \ |
| # bindings/v8/custom/V8DatabaseCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8DedicatedWorkerContextCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8DocumentCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8DocumentLocationCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8ElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8EventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8EventSourceConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLAllCollectionCustom.cpp |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_VIDEO=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLAudioElementConstructor.cpp |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLCanvasElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLCollectionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLDataGridElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLDocumentCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLFormElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLFrameElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLFrameSetElementCustom.cpp \ |
| # bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLIFrameElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLImageElementConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLInputElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLOptionElementConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLOptionsCollectionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLPlugInElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLSelectElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8LocationCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8MessageChannelConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8MessagePortCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8MessageEventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8NamedNodeMapCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8NamedNodesCollection.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8NodeCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8NodeListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SQLResultSetRowListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SQLTransactionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8WebSocketCustom.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SharedWorkerCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8StorageCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8StyleSheetCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8StyleSheetListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8WebKitCSSMatrixConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8WebKitPointConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8WorkerContextCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8WorkerCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8XMLHttpRequestConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8XMLHttpRequestCustom.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SVGDocumentCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SVGElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SVGLengthCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SVGMatrixCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SVGPathSegCustom.cpp \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/specialization/V8BindingState.cpp\ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8NotificationCenterCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8ConsoleCustom.cpp \ |
| # bindings/v8/custom/V8DatabaseSyncCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8SQLTransactionSyncCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/V8WorkerContextErrorHandler.cpp |
| } else { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/GCController.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/DOMObjectHashTableMap.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/DOMWrapperWorld.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCallbackData.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSAttrCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCDATASectionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContextCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSClipboardCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSConsoleCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCSSRuleCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCSSRuleListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCSSStyleDeclarationCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCSSValueCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCoordinatesCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomPositionCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomPositionErrorCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomVoidCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomXPathNSResolver.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDataGridColumnListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDataGridDataSource.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDebugWrapperSet.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDesktopNotificationsCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDeviceMotionEventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDeviceOrientationEventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDocumentCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMFormDataCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMGlobalObject.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMStringMapCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWindowBase.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWindowCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWindowShell.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWrapper.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSEventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSEventSourceCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSEventTarget.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSExceptionBase.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSGeolocationCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHistoryCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLAppletElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLCanvasElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLAllCollectionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLCollectionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLDataGridElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLDocumentCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLEmbedElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLFormElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLFrameElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLFrameSetElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLObjectElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLOptionsCollectionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLSelectElementCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSImageConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSImageDataCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSInjectedScriptHostCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSInspectorFrontendHostCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSLocationCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSNamedNodeMapCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSNavigatorCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSNodeCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSNodeFilterCondition.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSNodeFilterCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSNodeIteratorCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSNodeListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSOptionConstructor.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSScriptProfileNodeCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSStyleSheetCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSStyleSheetListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSTextCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSTreeWalkerCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSWebKitCSSMatrixCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSWebKitPointCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSXMLHttpRequestCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSXMLHttpRequestUploadCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMPluginCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMPluginArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSMessageChannelCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSMessageEventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSMessagePortCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSMessagePortCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMMimeTypeArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMBinding.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSLazyEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSMainThreadExecState.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSPluginElementFunctions.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSPopStateEventCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSWorkerContextErrorHandler.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptCachedFrameData.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptCallFrame.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptCallStack.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptController.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptDebugServer.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptEventListener.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptFunctionCall.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptGCEvent.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptObject.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptProfile.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptState.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptValue.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScheduledAction.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/SerializedScriptValue.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/specialization/JSBindingState.cpp \ |
| bindings/ScriptControllerBase.cpp \ |
| bridge/IdentifierRep.cpp \ |
| bridge/NP_jsobject.cpp \ |
| bridge/npruntime.cpp \ |
| bridge/runtime_array.cpp \ |
| bridge/runtime_method.cpp \ |
| bridge/runtime_object.cpp \ |
| bridge/runtime_root.cpp \ |
| bridge/c/CRuntimeObject.cpp \ |
| bridge/c/c_class.cpp \ |
| bridge/c/c_instance.cpp \ |
| bridge/c/c_runtime.cpp \ |
| bridge/c/c_utility.cpp \ |
| bridge/jsc/BridgeJSC.cpp |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| css/CSSBorderImageValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSCanvasValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSCharsetRule.cpp \ |
| css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp \ |
| css/CSSCursorImageValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSFontFace.cpp \ |
| css/CSSFontFaceRule.cpp \ |
| css/CSSFontFaceSrcValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSFontSelector.cpp \ |
| css/CSSFontFaceSource.cpp \ |
| css/CSSFunctionValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSGradientValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSHelper.cpp \ |
| css/CSSImageValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSImageGeneratorValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSImportRule.cpp \ |
| css/CSSInheritedValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSInitialValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSMediaRule.cpp \ |
| css/CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.cpp \ |
| css/CSSOMUtils.cpp \ |
| css/CSSPageRule.cpp \ |
| css/CSSParser.cpp \ |
| css/CSSParserValues.cpp \ |
| css/CSSPrimitiveValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSProperty.cpp \ |
| css/CSSPropertyLonghand.cpp \ |
| css/CSSReflectValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSRule.cpp \ |
| css/CSSRuleList.cpp \ |
| css/CSSSelector.cpp \ |
| css/CSSSelectorList.cpp \ |
| css/CSSSegmentedFontFace.cpp \ |
| css/CSSStyleDeclaration.cpp \ |
| css/CSSStyleRule.cpp \ |
| css/CSSStyleSelector.cpp \ |
| css/CSSStyleSheet.cpp \ |
| css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSUnicodeRangeValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSValueList.cpp \ |
| css/CSSVariableDependentValue.cpp \ |
| css/CSSVariablesDeclaration.cpp \ |
| css/CSSVariablesRule.cpp \ |
| css/FontFamilyValue.cpp \ |
| css/FontValue.cpp \ |
| css/MediaFeatureNames.cpp \ |
| css/MediaList.cpp \ |
| css/MediaQuery.cpp \ |
| css/MediaQueryEvaluator.cpp \ |
| css/MediaQueryExp.cpp \ |
| css/RGBColor.cpp \ |
| css/ShadowValue.cpp \ |
| css/StyleBase.cpp \ |
| css/StyleList.cpp \ |
| css/StyleMedia.cpp \ |
| css/StyleSheet.cpp \ |
| css/StyleSheetList.cpp \ |
| css/WebKitCSSKeyframeRule.cpp \ |
| css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.cpp \ |
| css/WebKitCSSMatrix.cpp \ |
| css/WebKitCSSTransformValue.cpp \ |
| dom/ActiveDOMObject.cpp \ |
| dom/AsyncScriptRunner.cpp \ |
| dom/Attr.cpp \ |
| dom/Attribute.cpp \ |
| dom/BeforeProcessEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/BeforeTextInsertedEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/BeforeUnloadEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/CDATASection.cpp \ |
| dom/CharacterData.cpp \ |
| dom/CheckedRadioButtons.cpp \ |
| dom/ChildNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/ClassNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/ClientRect.cpp \ |
| dom/ClientRectList.cpp \ |
| dom/Clipboard.cpp \ |
| dom/ClipboardEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/Comment.cpp \ |
| dom/CompositionEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/ContainerNode.cpp \ |
| dom/CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration.cpp \ |
| dom/CustomEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/DecodedDataDocumentParser.cpp \ |
| dom/DeviceMotionController.cpp \ |
| dom/DeviceMotionData.cpp \ |
| dom/DeviceMotionEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/DeviceOrientation.cpp \ |
| dom/DeviceOrientationController.cpp \ |
| dom/DeviceOrientationEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/Document.cpp \ |
| dom/DocumentFragment.cpp \ |
| dom/DocumentMarkerController.cpp \ |
| dom/DocumentParser.cpp \ |
| dom/DocumentType.cpp \ |
| dom/DOMImplementation.cpp \ |
| dom/DOMStringList.cpp \ |
| dom/DOMStringMap.cpp \ |
| dom/DatasetDOMStringMap.cpp \ |
| dom/DynamicNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/EditingText.cpp \ |
| dom/Element.cpp \ |
| dom/Entity.cpp \ |
| dom/EntityReference.cpp \ |
| dom/ErrorEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/Event.cpp \ |
| dom/EventNames.cpp \ |
| dom/EventTarget.cpp \ |
| dom/ExceptionBase.cpp \ |
| dom/ExceptionCode.cpp \ |
| dom/InputElement.cpp \ |
| dom/KeyboardEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/MessageChannel.cpp \ |
| dom/MessageEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/MessagePort.cpp \ |
| dom/MessagePortChannel.cpp \ |
| dom/MouseEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/MutationEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/NamedNodeMap.cpp \ |
| dom/NameNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/Node.cpp \ |
| dom/NodeFilterCondition.cpp \ |
| dom/NodeFilter.cpp \ |
| dom/NodeIterator.cpp \ |
| dom/Notation.cpp \ |
| dom/OptionGroupElement.cpp \ |
| dom/OptionElement.cpp \ |
| dom/StaticHashSetNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/OverflowEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/PageTransitionEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/PendingScript.cpp \ |
| dom/PopStateEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/Position.cpp \ |
| dom/PositionIterator.cpp \ |
| dom/ProcessingInstruction.cpp \ |
| dom/ProgressEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/QualifiedName.cpp \ |
| dom/Range.cpp \ |
| dom/RawDataDocumentParser.h \ |
| dom/RegisteredEventListener.cpp \ |
| dom/ScriptableDocumentParser.cpp \ |
| dom/ScriptElement.cpp \ |
| dom/ScriptExecutionContext.cpp \ |
| dom/SelectElement.cpp \ |
| dom/SelectorNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/SpaceSplitString.cpp \ |
| dom/StaticNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/StyledElement.cpp \ |
| dom/StyleElement.cpp \ |
| dom/TagNodeList.cpp \ |
| dom/Text.cpp \ |
| dom/TextEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/Touch.cpp \ |
| dom/TouchEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/TouchList.cpp \ |
| dom/Traversal.cpp \ |
| dom/TreeWalker.cpp \ |
| dom/UIEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/UIEventWithKeyState.cpp \ |
| dom/UserGestureIndicator.cpp \ |
| dom/UserTypingGestureIndicator.cpp \ |
| dom/ViewportArguments.cpp \ |
| dom/WebKitAnimationEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/WebKitTransitionEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/WheelEvent.cpp \ |
| dom/XMLDocumentParser.cpp \ |
| dom/XMLDocumentParserQt.cpp \ |
| dom/default/PlatformMessagePortChannel.cpp \ |
| editing/AppendNodeCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/BreakBlockquoteCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/CreateLinkCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/DeleteButtonController.cpp \ |
| editing/DeleteButton.cpp \ |
| editing/DeleteFromTextNodeCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/EditCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/Editor.cpp \ |
| editing/EditorCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/FormatBlockCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/htmlediting.cpp \ |
| editing/HTMLInterchange.cpp \ |
| editing/IndentOutdentCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/InsertIntoTextNodeCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/InsertListCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/InsertNodeBeforeCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/InsertTextCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/JoinTextNodesCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/markup.cpp \ |
| editing/MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/ModifySelectionListLevel.cpp \ |
| editing/MoveSelectionCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/RemoveCSSPropertyCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/RemoveFormatCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/RemoveNodeCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/RemoveNodePreservingChildrenCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/ReplaceNodeWithSpanCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/SelectionController.cpp \ |
| editing/SetNodeAttributeCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/SmartReplaceICU.cpp \ |
| editing/SplitElementCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/SplitTextNodeCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/SplitTextNodeContainingElementCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/TextIterator.cpp \ |
| editing/TypingCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/UnlinkCommand.cpp \ |
| editing/VisiblePosition.cpp \ |
| editing/VisibleSelection.cpp \ |
| editing/visible_units.cpp \ |
| editing/WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand.cpp \ |
| fileapi/Blob.cpp \ |
| fileapi/BlobBuilder.cpp \ |
| fileapi/BlobURL.cpp \ |
| fileapi/File.cpp \ |
| fileapi/FileList.cpp \ |
| fileapi/FileReader.cpp \ |
| fileapi/FileReaderSync.cpp \ |
| fileapi/FileStreamProxy.cpp \ |
| fileapi/FileThread.cpp \ |
| fileapi/ThreadableBlobRegistry.cpp \ |
| history/BackForwardController.cpp \ |
| history/BackForwardListImpl.cpp \ |
| history/CachedFrame.cpp \ |
| history/CachedPage.cpp \ |
| history/HistoryItem.cpp \ |
| history/qt/HistoryItemQt.cpp \ |
| history/PageCache.cpp \ |
| html/AsyncImageResizer.cpp \ |
| html/CollectionCache.cpp \ |
| html/DOMDataGridDataSource.cpp \ |
| html/DOMFormData.cpp \ |
| html/DataGridColumn.cpp \ |
| html/DataGridColumnList.cpp \ |
| html/DateComponents.cpp \ |
| html/FTPDirectoryDocument.cpp \ |
| html/FormDataList.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLAllCollection.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLAppletElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLAreaElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLBRElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLBaseElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLBaseFontElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLBlockquoteElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLBodyElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLCollection.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDListElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridCellElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridColElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridRowElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDataListElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDirectoryElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDivElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLDocument.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFieldSetElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFontElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFormCollection.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFormControlElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFormElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFrameElementBase.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLFrameSetElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLHRElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLHeadElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLHeadingElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLHtmlElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLImageElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLInputElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLIsIndexElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLKeygenElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLLIElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLLabelElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLLegendElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLLinkElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLMapElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLMarqueeElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLMenuElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLMetaElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLMeterElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLModElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLNameCollection.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLOListElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLOptGroupElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLOptionElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLOptionsCollection.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLParagraphElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLParamElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLParserErrorCodes.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLPlugInElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLPlugInImageElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLPreElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLProgressElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLQuoteElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLScriptElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLStyleElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTableCaptionElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTableCellElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTableColElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTableElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTablePartElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTableRowElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTableRowsCollection.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTableSectionElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLTitleElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLUListElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLViewSourceDocument.cpp \ |
| html/ImageData.cpp \ |
| html/ImageDocument.cpp \ |
| html/ImageResizerThread.cpp \ |
| html/LabelsNodeList.cpp \ |
| html/MediaDocument.cpp \ |
| html/PluginDocument.cpp \ |
| html/StepRange.cpp \ |
| html/TextDocument.cpp \ |
| html/ValidityState.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasGradient.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasPattern.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasPixelArray.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasStyle.cpp \ |
| html/parser/CSSPreloadScanner.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLConstructionSite.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLDocumentParser.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLElementStack.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLEntityParser.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLEntitySearch.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLFormattingElementList.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLParserScheduler.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLScriptRunner.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLTokenizer.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLTreeBuilder.cpp \ |
| html/parser/HTMLViewSourceParser.cpp \ |
| html/parser/TextDocumentParser.cpp \ |
| html/parser/TextViewSourceParser.cpp \ |
| inspector/ConsoleMessage.cpp \ |
| inspector/InjectedScript.cpp \ |
| inspector/InjectedScriptHost.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorApplicationCacheAgent.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorCSSStore.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorController.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorDatabaseResource.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorDebuggerAgent.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorDOMStorageResource.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorFrontendClientLocal.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorFrontendHost.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorProfilerAgent.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorResource.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorStorageAgent.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.cpp \ |
| inspector/InspectorValues.cpp \ |
| inspector/ScriptBreakpoint.cpp \ |
| inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.cpp \ |
| loader/archive/ArchiveFactory.cpp \ |
| loader/archive/ArchiveResource.cpp \ |
| loader/archive/ArchiveResourceCollection.cpp \ |
| loader/Cache.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedFont.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedImage.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedResourceClientWalker.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedResourceHandle.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedResource.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedScript.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.cpp \ |
| loader/CrossOriginAccessControl.cpp \ |
| loader/CrossOriginPreflightResultCache.cpp \ |
| loader/CachedResourceLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/DocumentLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/DocumentThreadableLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/DocumentWriter.cpp \ |
| loader/FormState.cpp \ |
| loader/FormSubmission.cpp \ |
| loader/FrameLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/FrameLoaderStateMachine.cpp \ |
| loader/HistoryController.cpp \ |
| loader/FTPDirectoryParser.cpp \ |
| loader/icon/IconLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/ImageLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/loader.cpp \ |
| loader/MainResourceLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/NavigationAction.cpp \ |
| loader/NetscapePlugInStreamLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/PingLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/PlaceholderDocument.cpp \ |
| loader/PolicyCallback.cpp \ |
| loader/PolicyChecker.cpp \ |
| loader/ProgressTracker.cpp \ |
| loader/RedirectScheduler.cpp \ |
| loader/Request.cpp \ |
| loader/ResourceLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/ResourceLoadNotifier.cpp \ |
| loader/SinkDocument.cpp \ |
| loader/SubframeLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/SubresourceLoader.cpp \ |
| loader/TextResourceDecoder.cpp \ |
| loader/ThreadableLoader.cpp \ |
| notifications/Notification.cpp \ |
| notifications/NotificationCenter.cpp \ |
| page/animation/AnimationBase.cpp \ |
| page/animation/AnimationController.cpp \ |
| page/animation/CompositeAnimation.cpp \ |
| page/animation/ImplicitAnimation.cpp \ |
| page/animation/KeyframeAnimation.cpp \ |
| page/BarInfo.cpp \ |
| page/Chrome.cpp \ |
| page/Console.cpp \ |
| page/ContextMenuController.cpp \ |
| page/DOMSelection.cpp \ |
| page/DOMTimer.cpp \ |
| page/DOMWindow.cpp \ |
| page/Navigation.cpp \ |
| page/Navigator.cpp \ |
| page/NavigatorBase.cpp \ |
| page/DragController.cpp \ |
| page/EventHandler.cpp \ |
| page/EventSource.cpp \ |
| page/FocusController.cpp \ |
| page/Frame.cpp \ |
| page/FrameTree.cpp \ |
| page/FrameView.cpp \ |
| page/Geolocation.cpp \ |
| page/GeolocationController.cpp \ |
| page/GeolocationPositionCache.cpp \ |
| page/GroupSettings.cpp \ |
| page/History.cpp \ |
| page/Location.cpp \ |
| page/MemoryInfo.cpp \ |
| page/MouseEventWithHitTestResults.cpp \ |
| page/OriginAccessEntry.cpp \ |
| page/Page.cpp \ |
| page/PageGroup.cpp \ |
| page/PageGroupLoadDeferrer.cpp \ |
| page/Performance.cpp \ |
| page/PluginHalter.cpp \ |
| page/PrintContext.cpp \ |
| page/SecurityOrigin.cpp \ |
| page/Screen.cpp \ |
| page/Settings.cpp \ |
| page/SpatialNavigation.cpp \ |
| page/SuspendableTimer.cpp \ |
| page/Timing.cpp \ |
| page/UserContentURLPattern.cpp \ |
| page/WindowFeatures.cpp \ |
| page/XSSAuditor.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginData.cpp \ |
| plugins/DOMPluginArray.cpp \ |
| plugins/DOMPlugin.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginMainThreadScheduler.cpp \ |
| plugins/DOMMimeType.cpp \ |
| plugins/DOMMimeTypeArray.cpp \ |
| platform/animation/Animation.cpp \ |
| platform/animation/AnimationList.cpp \ |
| platform/Arena.cpp \ |
| platform/text/Base64.cpp \ |
| platform/text/BidiContext.cpp \ |
| platform/text/Hyphenation.cpp \ |
| platform/ContentType.cpp \ |
| platform/ContextMenu.cpp \ |
| platform/CrossThreadCopier.cpp \ |
| platform/DeprecatedPtrListImpl.cpp \ |
| platform/DragData.cpp \ |
| platform/DragImage.cpp \ |
| platform/FileChooser.cpp \ |
| platform/FileStream.cpp \ |
| platform/FileSystem.cpp \ |
| platform/GeolocationService.cpp \ |
| platform/image-decoders/qt/RGBA32BufferQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FontFallbackList.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FontFamily.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/BitmapImage.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/Color.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatPoint3D.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatPoint.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatQuad.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatRect.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatSize.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FontData.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/Font.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/FontCache.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/GeneratedImage.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/Gradient.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsLayer.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/Image.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/ImageBuffer.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/ImageSource.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/IntRect.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/Path.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/PathTraversalState.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/Pattern.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/Pen.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/SegmentedFontData.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/SimpleFontData.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/TiledBackingStore.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/AffineTransform.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/TransformationMatrix.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/MatrixTransformOperation.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/Matrix3DTransformOperation.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/PerspectiveTransformOperation.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/RotateTransformOperation.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/ScaleTransformOperation.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/SkewTransformOperation.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/TransformOperations.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/TranslateTransformOperation.cpp \ |
| platform/KillRingNone.cpp \ |
| platform/KURL.cpp \ |
| platform/Length.cpp \ |
| platform/text/LineEnding.cpp \ |
| platform/LinkHash.cpp \ |
| platform/Logging.cpp \ |
| platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp \ |
| platform/mock/DeviceOrientationClientMock.cpp \ |
| platform/mock/GeolocationServiceMock.cpp \ |
| platform/mock/SpeechInputClientMock.cpp \ |
| platform/network/AuthenticationChallengeBase.cpp \ |
| platform/network/BlobData.cpp \ |
| platform/network/BlobRegistryImpl.cpp \ |
| platform/network/BlobResourceHandle.cpp \ |
| platform/network/Credential.cpp \ |
| platform/network/FormData.cpp \ |
| platform/network/FormDataBuilder.cpp \ |
| platform/network/HTTPHeaderMap.cpp \ |
| platform/network/HTTPParsers.cpp \ |
| platform/network/NetworkStateNotifier.cpp \ |
| platform/network/ProtectionSpace.cpp \ |
| platform/network/ResourceErrorBase.cpp \ |
| platform/network/ResourceHandle.cpp \ |
| platform/network/ResourceRequestBase.cpp \ |
| platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.cpp \ |
| platform/text/RegularExpression.cpp \ |
| platform/SchemeRegistry.cpp \ |
| platform/ScrollAnimator.cpp \ |
| platform/Scrollbar.cpp \ |
| platform/ScrollbarClient.cpp \ |
| platform/ScrollbarThemeComposite.cpp \ |
| platform/ScrollView.cpp \ |
| platform/text/SegmentedString.cpp \ |
| platform/SharedBuffer.cpp \ |
| platform/text/String.cpp \ |
| platform/text/StringBuilder.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextCodec.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextCodecLatin1.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextCodecUserDefined.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextCodecUTF16.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextEncoding.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextEncodingDetectorNone.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextEncodingRegistry.cpp \ |
| platform/text/TextStream.cpp \ |
| platform/ThreadGlobalData.cpp \ |
| platform/ThreadTimers.cpp \ |
| platform/Timer.cpp \ |
| platform/text/UnicodeRange.cpp \ |
| platform/text/transcoder/FontTranscoder.cpp \ |
| platform/UUID.cpp \ |
| platform/Widget.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginDatabase.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginDebug.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginPackage.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginStream.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginView.cpp \ |
| rendering/AutoTableLayout.cpp \ |
| rendering/break_lines.cpp \ |
| rendering/BidiRun.cpp \ |
| rendering/CounterNode.cpp \ |
| rendering/EllipsisBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/FixedTableLayout.cpp \ |
| rendering/HitTestResult.cpp \ |
| rendering/InlineBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/LayoutState.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderApplet.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderArena.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderBlock.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderBlockLineLayout.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderBR.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderButton.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderCounter.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderDataGrid.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderEmbeddedObject.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderFieldset.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderFileUploadControl.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderFrame.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderFrameBase.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderHTMLCanvas.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderIFrame.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderImage.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderImageResource.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderImageResourceStyleImage.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderIndicator.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderInline.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderLayer.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderLayerBacking.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderLineBoxList.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderListBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderListItem.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderMarquee.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderMeter.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderObject.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderObjectChildList.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderPart.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderProgress.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderReplaced.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderReplica.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderRuby.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderRubyBase.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderRubyRun.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderRubyText.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderScrollbar.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderScrollbarPart.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderScrollbarTheme.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSlider.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTable.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTableCol.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTableRow.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderText.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTextControlMultiLine.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTextControlSingleLine.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTextFragment.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTheme.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderView.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderWidget.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderWordBreak.cpp \ |
| rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGRenderTreeAsText.cpp \ |
| rendering/ScrollBehavior.cpp \ |
| rendering/ShadowElement.cpp \ |
| rendering/TextControlInnerElements.cpp \ |
| rendering/TransformState.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/ContentData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/CounterDirectives.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/FillLayer.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/KeyframeList.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/NinePieceImage.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/ShadowData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleBackgroundData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleBoxData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleCachedImage.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleFlexibleBoxData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleGeneratedImage.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleInheritedData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleMarqueeData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleMultiColData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleRareNonInheritedData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleSurroundData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleTransformData.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/StyleVisualData.cpp \ |
| xml/DOMParser.cpp \ |
| xml/XMLHttpRequest.cpp \ |
| xml/XMLHttpRequestProgressEventThrottle.cpp \ |
| xml/XMLHttpRequestUpload.cpp \ |
| xml/XMLSerializer.cpp |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityARIAGridCell.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityARIAGrid.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityARIAGridRow.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityImageMapLink.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityListBox.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityListBoxOption.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityList.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityMediaControls.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityObject.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityProgressIndicator.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityScrollbar.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilitySlider.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableCell.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableColumn.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTable.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableHeaderContainer.h \ |
| accessibility/AccessibilityTableRow.h \ |
| accessibility/AXObjectCache.h \ |
| bindings/ScriptControllerBase.h \ |
| bindings/generic/ActiveDOMCallback.h |
| |
| v8 { |
| HEADERS += \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomPositionCallback.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomPositionErrorCallback.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomVoidCallback.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomXPathNSResolver.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLAudioElementConstructor.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLImageElementConstructor.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLOptionElementConstructor.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLSelectElementCustom.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8MessagePortCustom.h \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8NamedNodesCollection.h \ |
| \ |
| bindings/v8/ChildThreadDOMData.h \ |
| bindings/v8/DateExtension.h \ |
| bindings/v8/DOMData.h \ |
| bindings/v8/DOMDataStore.h \ |
| bindings/v8/DOMWrapperWorld.h \ |
| bindings/v8/IsolatedWorld.h \ |
| bindings/v8/MainThreadDOMData.h \ |
| bindings/v8/npruntime_impl.h \ |
| bindings/v8/npruntime_internal.h \ |
| bindings/v8/npruntime_priv.h \ |
| bindings/v8/NPV8Object.h \ |
| bindings/v8/OwnHandle.h \ |
| bindings/generic/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScheduledAction.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScopedDOMDataStore.h \ |
| # bindings/v8/ScriptArray.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptCachedFrameData.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptCallFrame.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptCallStack.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptController.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptFunctionCall.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptInstance.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptObject.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptProfile.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptProfiler.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptScope.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptSourceCode.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptState.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptString.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptStringImpl.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptValue.h \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptWrappable.h \ |
| bindings/v8/SerializedScriptValue.h \ |
| bindings/v8/SharedPersistent.h \ |
| bindings/v8/StaticDOMDataStore.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8AbstractEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Binding.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Collection.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8ConsoleMessage.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DataGridDataSource.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DOMMap.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DOMWindowShell.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8DOMWrapper.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8EventListenerList.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8GCController.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Helpers.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8HiddenPropertyName.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8IsolatedContext.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8LazyEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8NodeFilterCondition.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8NPObject.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8NPUtils.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Proxy.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8SVGPODTypeWrapper.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8Utilities.h \ |
| bindings/v8/V8WorkerContextEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/v8/WorkerContextExecutionProxy.h \ |
| bindings/v8/WorkerScriptController.h \ |
| bindings/v8/WorldContextHandle.h |
| } else { |
| HEADERS += \ |
| bindings/js/CachedScriptSourceProvider.h \ |
| bindings/js/GCController.h \ |
| bindings/js/DOMObjectHashTableMap.h \ |
| bindings/js/DOMWrapperWorld.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSCallbackData.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSAudioConstructor.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSCSSStyleDeclarationCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomPositionCallback.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomPositionErrorCallback.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomVoidCallback.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomXPathNSResolver.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDataGridDataSource.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDebugWrapperSet.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMBinding.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMGlobalObject.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMStringMapCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWindowBase.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWindowCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWindowShell.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMWrapper.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSEventTarget.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSHistoryCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLAppletElementCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLEmbedElementCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLObjectElementCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSHTMLSelectElementCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSImageConstructor.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSLazyEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSLocationCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSNodeCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSNodeFilterCondition.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSOptionConstructor.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSPluginElementFunctions.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSStorageCustom.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSWorkerContextBase.h \ |
| bindings/js/JSWorkerContextErrorHandler.h \ |
| bindings/js/JavaScriptCallFrame.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScheduledAction.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptCachedFrameData.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptCallFrame.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptCallStack.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptController.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptEventListener.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptFunctionCall.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptGCEvent.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptHeapSnapshot.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptObject.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptProfile.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptProfileNode.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptProfiler.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptSourceCode.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptSourceProvider.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptState.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptValue.h \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptWrappable.h \ |
| bindings/js/SerializedScriptValue.h \ |
| bindings/js/StringSourceProvider.h \ |
| bindings/js/WebCoreJSClientData.h \ |
| bindings/js/WorkerScriptController.h \ |
| bridge/Bridge.h \ |
| bridge/c/CRuntimeObject.h \ |
| bridge/c/c_class.h \ |
| bridge/c/c_instance.h \ |
| bridge/c/c_runtime.h \ |
| bridge/c/c_utility.h \ |
| bridge/jsc/BridgeJSC.h \ |
| bridge/IdentifierRep.h \ |
| bridge/NP_jsobject.h \ |
| bridge/npruntime.h \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_class.h \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_instance.h \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_runtime.h \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_pixmapruntime.h \ |
| bridge/runtime_array.h \ |
| bridge/runtime_method.h \ |
| bridge/runtime_object.h \ |
| bridge/runtime_root.h |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| css/CSSBorderImageValue.h \ |
| css/CSSCanvasValue.h \ |
| css/CSSCharsetRule.h \ |
| css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h \ |
| css/CSSCursorImageValue.h \ |
| css/CSSFontFace.h \ |
| css/CSSFontFaceRule.h \ |
| css/CSSFontFaceSource.h \ |
| css/CSSFontFaceSrcValue.h \ |
| css/CSSFontSelector.h \ |
| css/CSSFunctionValue.h \ |
| css/CSSGradientValue.h \ |
| css/CSSHelper.h \ |
| css/CSSImageGeneratorValue.h \ |
| css/CSSImageValue.h \ |
| css/CSSImportRule.h \ |
| css/CSSInheritedValue.h \ |
| css/CSSInitialValue.h \ |
| css/CSSMediaRule.h \ |
| css/CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h \ |
| css/CSSOMUtils.h \ |
| css/CSSPageRule.h \ |
| css/CSSParser.h \ |
| css/CSSParserValues.h \ |
| css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h \ |
| css/CSSProperty.h \ |
| css/CSSPropertyLonghand.h \ |
| css/CSSReflectValue.h \ |
| css/CSSRule.h \ |
| css/CSSRuleList.h \ |
| css/CSSSegmentedFontFace.h \ |
| css/CSSSelector.h \ |
| css/CSSSelectorList.h \ |
| css/CSSStyleDeclaration.h \ |
| css/CSSStyleRule.h \ |
| css/CSSStyleSelector.h \ |
| css/CSSStyleSheet.h \ |
| css/CSSTimingFunctionValue.h \ |
| css/CSSUnicodeRangeValue.h \ |
| css/CSSValueList.h \ |
| css/CSSVariableDependentValue.h \ |
| css/CSSVariablesDeclaration.h \ |
| css/CSSVariablesRule.h \ |
| css/FontFamilyValue.h \ |
| css/FontValue.h \ |
| css/MediaFeatureNames.h \ |
| css/MediaList.h \ |
| css/MediaQueryEvaluator.h \ |
| css/MediaQueryExp.h \ |
| css/MediaQuery.h \ |
| css/RGBColor.h \ |
| css/ShadowValue.h \ |
| css/StyleBase.h \ |
| css/StyleList.h \ |
| css/StyleMedia.h \ |
| css/StyleSheet.h \ |
| css/StyleSheetList.h \ |
| css/WebKitCSSKeyframeRule.h \ |
| css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.h \ |
| css/WebKitCSSMatrix.h \ |
| css/WebKitCSSTransformValue.h \ |
| dom/ActiveDOMObject.h \ |
| dom/Attr.h \ |
| dom/Attribute.h \ |
| dom/BeforeTextInsertedEvent.h \ |
| dom/BeforeUnloadEvent.h \ |
| dom/CDATASection.h \ |
| dom/CharacterData.h \ |
| dom/CheckedRadioButtons.h \ |
| dom/ChildNodeList.h \ |
| dom/ClassNodeList.h \ |
| dom/ClientRect.h \ |
| dom/ClientRectList.h \ |
| dom/ClipboardEvent.h \ |
| dom/Clipboard.h \ |
| dom/Comment.h \ |
| dom/ContainerNode.h \ |
| dom/CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration.h \ |
| dom/CustomEvent.h \ |
| dom/default/PlatformMessagePortChannel.h \ |
| dom/DeviceMotionClient.h \ |
| dom/DeviceMotionController.h \ |
| dom/DeviceMotionData.h \ |
| dom/DeviceMotionEvent.h \ |
| dom/DeviceOrientation.h \ |
| dom/DeviceOrientationClient.h \ |
| dom/DeviceOrientationController.h \ |
| dom/DeviceOrientationEvent.h \ |
| dom/Document.h \ |
| dom/DocumentFragment.h \ |
| dom/DocumentMarker.h \ |
| dom/DocumentMarkerController.h \ |
| dom/DocumentType.h \ |
| dom/DOMImplementation.h \ |
| dom/DOMStringList.h \ |
| dom/DOMStringMap.h \ |
| dom/DatasetDOMStringMap.h \ |
| dom/DynamicNodeList.h \ |
| dom/EditingText.h \ |
| dom/Element.h \ |
| dom/Entity.h \ |
| dom/EntityReference.h \ |
| dom/Event.h \ |
| dom/EventNames.h \ |
| dom/EventTarget.h \ |
| dom/ExceptionBase.h \ |
| dom/ExceptionCode.h \ |
| dom/FragmentScriptingPermission.h \ |
| dom/InputElement.h \ |
| dom/KeyboardEvent.h \ |
| dom/MessageChannel.h \ |
| dom/MessageEvent.h \ |
| dom/MessagePortChannel.h \ |
| dom/MessagePort.h \ |
| dom/MouseEvent.h \ |
| dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h \ |
| dom/MutationEvent.h \ |
| dom/NamedNodeMap.h \ |
| dom/NameNodeList.h \ |
| dom/NodeFilterCondition.h \ |
| dom/NodeFilter.h \ |
| dom/Node.h \ |
| dom/NodeIterator.h \ |
| dom/Notation.h \ |
| dom/OptionElement.h \ |
| dom/OptionGroupElement.h \ |
| dom/StaticHashSetNodeList.h \ |
| dom/OverflowEvent.h \ |
| dom/PageTransitionEvent.h \ |
| dom/Position.h \ |
| dom/PositionIterator.h \ |
| dom/ProcessingInstruction.h \ |
| dom/ProgressEvent.h \ |
| dom/QualifiedName.h \ |
| dom/Range.h \ |
| dom/RegisteredEventListener.h \ |
| dom/ScriptElement.h \ |
| dom/ScriptExecutionContext.h \ |
| dom/SelectElement.h \ |
| dom/SelectorNodeList.h \ |
| dom/SpaceSplitString.h \ |
| dom/StaticNodeList.h \ |
| dom/StyledElement.h \ |
| dom/StyleElement.h \ |
| dom/TagNodeList.h \ |
| dom/TextEvent.h \ |
| dom/Text.h \ |
| dom/Touch.h \ |
| dom/TouchEvent.h \ |
| dom/TouchList.h \ |
| dom/TransformSource.h \ |
| dom/Traversal.h \ |
| dom/TreeDepthLimit.h \ |
| dom/TreeWalker.h \ |
| dom/UIEvent.h \ |
| dom/UIEventWithKeyState.h \ |
| dom/UserGestureIndicator.h \ |
| dom/ViewportArguments.h \ |
| dom/WebKitAnimationEvent.h \ |
| dom/WebKitTransitionEvent.h \ |
| dom/WheelEvent.h \ |
| dom/XMLDocumentParser.h \ |
| editing/AppendNodeCommand.h \ |
| editing/ApplyStyleCommand.h \ |
| editing/BreakBlockquoteCommand.h \ |
| editing/CompositeEditCommand.h \ |
| editing/CreateLinkCommand.h \ |
| editing/DeleteButtonController.h \ |
| editing/DeleteButton.h \ |
| editing/DeleteFromTextNodeCommand.h \ |
| editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.h \ |
| editing/EditCommand.h \ |
| editing/EditingBehavior.h \ |
| editing/Editor.h \ |
| editing/FormatBlockCommand.h \ |
| editing/htmlediting.h \ |
| editing/HTMLInterchange.h \ |
| editing/IndentOutdentCommand.h \ |
| editing/InsertIntoTextNodeCommand.h \ |
| editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.h \ |
| editing/InsertListCommand.h \ |
| editing/InsertNodeBeforeCommand.h \ |
| editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.h \ |
| editing/InsertTextCommand.h \ |
| editing/JoinTextNodesCommand.h \ |
| editing/markup.h \ |
| editing/MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.h \ |
| editing/ModifySelectionListLevel.h \ |
| editing/MoveSelectionCommand.h \ |
| editing/RemoveCSSPropertyCommand.h \ |
| editing/RemoveFormatCommand.h \ |
| editing/RemoveNodeCommand.h \ |
| editing/RemoveNodePreservingChildrenCommand.h \ |
| editing/ReplaceNodeWithSpanCommand.h \ |
| editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h \ |
| editing/SelectionController.h \ |
| editing/SetNodeAttributeCommand.h \ |
| editing/SmartReplace.h \ |
| editing/SplitElementCommand.h \ |
| editing/SplitTextNodeCommand.h \ |
| editing/SplitTextNodeContainingElementCommand.h \ |
| editing/TextIterator.h \ |
| editing/TypingCommand.h \ |
| editing/UnlinkCommand.h \ |
| editing/VisiblePosition.h \ |
| editing/VisibleSelection.h \ |
| editing/visible_units.h \ |
| editing/WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand.h \ |
| fileapi/Blob.h \ |
| fileapi/BlobBuilder.h \ |
| fileapi/BlobURL.h \ |
| fileapi/File.h \ |
| fileapi/FileError.h \ |
| fileapi/FileException.h \ |
| fileapi/FileList.h \ |
| fileapi/FileReader.h \ |
| fileapi/FileReaderSync.h \ |
| fileapi/FileStreamProxy.h \ |
| fileapi/FileThread.h \ |
| fileapi/FileThreadTask.h \ |
| history/BackForwardController.h \ |
| history/BackForwardControllerClient.h \ |
| history/BackForwardListImpl.h \ |
| history/BackForwardList.h \ |
| history/CachedFrame.h \ |
| history/CachedPage.h \ |
| history/HistoryItem.h \ |
| history/PageCache.h \ |
| html/AsyncImageResizer.h \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasGradient.h \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasPattern.h \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasPixelArray.h \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext.h \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasStyle.h \ |
| html/CollectionCache.h \ |
| html/DataGridColumn.h \ |
| html/DataGridColumnList.h \ |
| html/DateComponents.h \ |
| html/DOMDataGridDataSource.h \ |
| html/DOMFormData.h \ |
| html/FormDataList.h \ |
| html/FTPDirectoryDocument.h \ |
| html/HTMLAllCollection.h \ |
| html/HTMLAnchorElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLAppletElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLAreaElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLAudioElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLBaseElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLBaseFontElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLBlockquoteElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLBodyElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLBRElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLButtonElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLCanvasElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLCollection.h \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridCellElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridColElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLDataGridRowElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLDirectoryElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLDivElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLDListElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLDocument.h \ |
| html/HTMLElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLEmbedElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLFieldSetElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLFontElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLFormCollection.h \ |
| html/HTMLFormControlElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLFormElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLFrameElementBase.h \ |
| html/HTMLFrameElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLFrameOwnerElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLFrameSetElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLHeadElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLHeadingElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLHRElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLHtmlElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLIFrameElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLImageElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLImageLoader.h \ |
| html/HTMLInputElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLIsIndexElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLKeygenElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLLabelElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLLegendElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLLIElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLLinkElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLMapElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLMarqueeElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLMediaElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLMenuElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLMetaElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLMeterElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLModElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLNameCollection.h \ |
| html/HTMLNoScriptElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLObjectElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLOListElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLOptGroupElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLOptionElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLOptionsCollection.h \ |
| html/HTMLParagraphElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLParamElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLParserErrorCodes.h \ |
| html/HTMLPlugInElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLPlugInImageElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLPreElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLProgressElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLQuoteElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLScriptElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLSelectElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLSourceElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLStyleElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTableCaptionElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTableCellElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTableColElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTableElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTablePartElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTableRowElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTableRowsCollection.h \ |
| html/HTMLTableSectionElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLTitleElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLUListElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLVideoElement.h \ |
| html/HTMLViewSourceDocument.h \ |
| html/ImageData.h \ |
| html/ImageDocument.h \ |
| html/ImageResizerThread.h \ |
| html/LabelsNodeList.h \ |
| html/MediaDocument.h \ |
| html/PluginDocument.h \ |
| html/StepRange.h \ |
| html/TextDocument.h \ |
| html/TimeRanges.h \ |
| html/ValidityState.h \ |
| html/parser/CSSPreloadScanner.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLConstructionSite.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLDocumentParser.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLElementStack.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLEntityParser.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLEntitySearch.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLEntityTable.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLFormattingElementList.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLParserScheduler.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLScriptRunner.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLScriptRunnerHost.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLToken.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLTokenizer.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLTreeBuilder.h \ |
| html/parser/HTMLViewSourceParser.h \ |
| inspector/ConsoleMessage.h \ |
| inspector/InjectedScript.h \ |
| inspector/InjectedScriptHost.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorApplicationCacheAgent.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorBackend.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorController.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorDatabaseResource.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorDebuggerAgent.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorDOMStorageResource.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorFrontendClient.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorFrontendClientLocal.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorFrontendHost.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorProfilerAgent.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorResource.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorStorageAgent.h \ |
| inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.h \ |
| inspector/ScriptGCEventListener.h \ |
| inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.h \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheGroup.h \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheHost.h \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCache.h \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheResource.h \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheStorage.h \ |
| loader/appcache/DOMApplicationCache.h \ |
| loader/appcache/ManifestParser.h \ |
| loader/archive/ArchiveFactory.h \ |
| loader/archive/ArchiveResourceCollection.h \ |
| loader/archive/ArchiveResource.h \ |
| loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.h \ |
| loader/CachedFont.h \ |
| loader/CachedImage.h \ |
| loader/CachedResourceClientWalker.h \ |
| loader/CachedResource.h \ |
| loader/CachedResourceHandle.h \ |
| loader/CachedScript.h \ |
| loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.h \ |
| loader/Cache.h \ |
| loader/CrossOriginAccessControl.h \ |
| loader/CrossOriginPreflightResultCache.h \ |
| loader/CachedResourceLoader.h \ |
| loader/DocumentLoader.h \ |
| loader/DocumentThreadableLoader.h \ |
| loader/FormState.h \ |
| loader/FrameLoader.h \ |
| loader/FrameLoaderStateMachine.h \ |
| loader/FTPDirectoryParser.h \ |
| loader/icon/IconDatabase.h \ |
| loader/icon/IconLoader.h \ |
| loader/icon/IconRecord.h \ |
| loader/icon/PageURLRecord.h \ |
| loader/ImageLoader.h \ |
| loader/loader.h \ |
| loader/MainResourceLoader.h \ |
| loader/NavigationAction.h \ |
| loader/NetscapePlugInStreamLoader.h \ |
| loader/PlaceholderDocument.h \ |
| loader/ProgressTracker.h \ |
| loader/Request.h \ |
| loader/ResourceLoader.h \ |
| loader/SubresourceLoader.h \ |
| loader/TextResourceDecoder.h \ |
| loader/ThreadableLoader.h \ |
| loader/WorkerThreadableLoader.h \ |
| mathml/MathMLElement.h \ |
| mathml/MathMLInlineContainerElement.h \ |
| mathml/MathMLMathElement.h \ |
| mathml/MathMLTextElement.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLBlock.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLFenced.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLFraction.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLMath.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLOperator.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLRoot.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLRow.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLSquareRoot.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLSubSup.h \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.h \ |
| notifications/Notification.h \ |
| notifications/NotificationCenter.h \ |
| notifications/NotificationPresenter.h \ |
| notifications/NotificationContents.h \ |
| page/animation/AnimationBase.h \ |
| page/animation/AnimationController.h \ |
| page/animation/CompositeAnimation.h \ |
| page/animation/ImplicitAnimation.h \ |
| page/animation/KeyframeAnimation.h \ |
| page/BarInfo.h \ |
| page/Chrome.h \ |
| page/Console.h \ |
| page/ContextMenuController.h \ |
| page/ContextMenuProvider.h \ |
| page/Coordinates.h \ |
| page/DOMSelection.h \ |
| page/DOMTimer.h \ |
| page/DOMWindow.h \ |
| page/DragController.h \ |
| page/EventHandler.h \ |
| page/EventSource.h \ |
| page/FocusController.h \ |
| page/Frame.h \ |
| page/FrameTree.h \ |
| page/FrameView.h \ |
| page/Geolocation.h \ |
| page/GeolocationPositionCache.h \ |
| page/Geoposition.h \ |
| page/GroupSettings.h \ |
| page/HaltablePlugin.h \ |
| page/History.h \ |
| page/Location.h \ |
| page/MouseEventWithHitTestResults.h \ |
| page/NavigatorBase.h \ |
| page/Navigator.h \ |
| page/PageGroup.h \ |
| page/PageGroupLoadDeferrer.h \ |
| page/Page.h \ |
| page/PluginHalter.h \ |
| page/PluginHalterClient.h \ |
| page/PrintContext.h \ |
| page/Screen.h \ |
| page/SecurityOrigin.h \ |
| page/Settings.h \ |
| page/SpatialNavigation.h \ |
| page/SpeechInput.h \ |
| page/SpeechInputClient.h \ |
| page/SpeechInputListener.h \ |
| page/WindowFeatures.h \ |
| page/WorkerNavigator.h \ |
| page/XSSAuditor.h \ |
| platform/animation/Animation.h \ |
| platform/animation/AnimationList.h \ |
| platform/Arena.h \ |
| platform/AsyncFileStream.h \ |
| platform/ContentType.h \ |
| platform/ContextMenu.h \ |
| platform/CrossThreadCopier.h \ |
| platform/DeprecatedPtrListImpl.h \ |
| platform/DragData.h \ |
| platform/DragImage.h \ |
| platform/FileChooser.h \ |
| platform/FileStream.h \ |
| platform/FileStreamClient.h \ |
| platform/FileSystem.h \ |
| platform/GeolocationService.h \ |
| platform/image-decoders/ImageDecoder.h \ |
| platform/mock/DeviceOrientationClientMock.h \ |
| platform/mock/GeolocationServiceMock.h \ |
| platform/mock/SpeechInputClientMock.h \ |
| platform/graphics/BitmapImage.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Color.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEBlend.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEColorMatrix.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEComponentTransfer.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEComposite.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/SourceAlpha.h \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/SourceGraphic.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatPoint3D.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatPoint.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatQuad.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatRect.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FloatSize.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FontData.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FontDescription.h \ |
| platform/graphics/FontFamily.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Font.h \ |
| platform/graphics/GeneratedImage.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Gradient.h \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsLayer.h \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsLayerClient.h \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsTypes.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Image.h \ |
| platform/graphics/ImageSource.h \ |
| platform/graphics/IntPoint.h \ |
| platform/graphics/IntPointHash.h \ |
| platform/graphics/IntRect.h \ |
| platform/graphics/MediaPlayer.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Path.h \ |
| platform/graphics/PathTraversalState.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Pattern.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Pen.h \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/ContextShadow.h \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/FontCustomPlatformData.h \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/GraphicsLayerQt.h \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/ImageDecoderQt.h \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/StillImageQt.h \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/TransparencyLayer.h \ |
| platform/graphics/SegmentedFontData.h \ |
| platform/graphics/SimpleFontData.h \ |
| platform/graphics/Tile.h \ |
| platform/graphics/TiledBackingStore.h \ |
| platform/graphics/TiledBackingStoreClient.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/Matrix3DTransformOperation.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/MatrixTransformOperation.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/PerspectiveTransformOperation.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/RotateTransformOperation.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/ScaleTransformOperation.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/SkewTransformOperation.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/TransformationMatrix.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/TransformOperations.h \ |
| platform/graphics/transforms/TranslateTransformOperation.h \ |
| platform/KillRing.h \ |
| platform/KURL.h \ |
| platform/Length.h \ |
| platform/text/LineEnding.h \ |
| platform/LinkHash.h \ |
| platform/Logging.h \ |
| platform/MIMETypeRegistry.h \ |
| platform/network/AuthenticationChallengeBase.h \ |
| platform/network/AuthenticationClient.h \ |
| platform/network/BlobData.h \ |
| platform/network/BlobRegistry.h \ |
| platform/network/BlobRegistryImpl.h \ |
| platform/network/BlobResourceHandle.h \ |
| platform/network/BlobStorageData.h \ |
| platform/network/Credential.h \ |
| platform/network/FormDataBuilder.h \ |
| platform/network/FormData.h \ |
| platform/network/HTTPHeaderMap.h \ |
| platform/network/HTTPParsers.h \ |
| platform/network/NetworkingContext.h \ |
| platform/network/NetworkStateNotifier.h \ |
| platform/network/ProtectionSpace.h \ |
| platform/network/qt/QNetworkReplyHandler.h \ |
| platform/network/ResourceErrorBase.h \ |
| platform/network/ResourceHandle.h \ |
| platform/network/ResourceLoadTiming.h \ |
| platform/network/ResourceRequestBase.h \ |
| platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.h \ |
| platform/PlatformTouchEvent.h \ |
| platform/PlatformTouchPoint.h \ |
| platform/PopupMenu.h \ |
| platform/qt/ClipboardQt.h \ |
| platform/qt/QWebPageClient.h \ |
| platform/qt/QtStyleOptionWebComboBox.h \ |
| platform/qt/RenderThemeQt.h \ |
| platform/qt/ScrollbarThemeQt.h \ |
| platform/ScrollAnimator.h \ |
| platform/Scrollbar.h \ |
| platform/ScrollbarClient.h \ |
| platform/ScrollbarThemeComposite.h \ |
| platform/ScrollView.h \ |
| platform/SearchPopupMenu.h \ |
| platform/SharedBuffer.h \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.h \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteFileSystem.h \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteStatement.h \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteTransaction.h \ |
| platform/sql/SQLValue.h \ |
| platform/text/Base64.h \ |
| platform/text/BidiContext.h \ |
| platform/text/Hyphenation.h \ |
| platform/text/qt/TextCodecQt.h \ |
| platform/text/RegularExpression.h \ |
| platform/text/SegmentedString.h \ |
| platform/text/StringBuilder.h \ |
| platform/text/TextCodec.h \ |
| platform/text/TextCodecLatin1.h \ |
| platform/text/TextCodecUserDefined.h \ |
| platform/text/TextCodecUTF16.h \ |
| platform/text/TextEncoding.h \ |
| platform/text/TextEncodingRegistry.h \ |
| platform/text/TextStream.h \ |
| platform/text/UnicodeRange.h \ |
| platform/text/transcoder/FontTranscoder.h \ |
| platform/ThreadGlobalData.h \ |
| platform/ThreadTimers.h \ |
| platform/Timer.h \ |
| platform/Widget.h \ |
| plugins/DOMMimeTypeArray.h \ |
| plugins/DOMMimeType.h \ |
| plugins/DOMPluginArray.h \ |
| plugins/PluginDatabase.h \ |
| plugins/PluginData.h \ |
| plugins/PluginDebug.h \ |
| plugins/DOMPlugin.h \ |
| plugins/PluginMainThreadScheduler.h \ |
| plugins/PluginPackage.h \ |
| plugins/PluginStream.h \ |
| plugins/PluginView.h \ |
| plugins/win/PluginMessageThrottlerWin.h \ |
| rendering/AutoTableLayout.h \ |
| rendering/break_lines.h \ |
| rendering/CounterNode.h \ |
| rendering/EllipsisBox.h \ |
| rendering/FixedTableLayout.h \ |
| rendering/HitTestResult.h \ |
| rendering/InlineBox.h \ |
| rendering/InlineFlowBox.h \ |
| rendering/InlineTextBox.h \ |
| rendering/LayoutState.h \ |
| rendering/MediaControlElements.h \ |
| rendering/PaintInfo.h \ |
| rendering/PaintPhase.h \ |
| rendering/PointerEventsHitRules.h \ |
| rendering/RenderApplet.h \ |
| rendering/RenderArena.h \ |
| rendering/RenderBlock.h \ |
| rendering/RenderBox.h \ |
| rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.h \ |
| rendering/RenderBR.h \ |
| rendering/RenderButton.h \ |
| rendering/RenderCounter.h \ |
| rendering/RenderDataGrid.h \ |
| rendering/RenderEmbeddedObject.h \ |
| rendering/RenderFieldset.h \ |
| rendering/RenderFileUploadControl.h \ |
| rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.h \ |
| rendering/RenderForeignObject.h \ |
| rendering/RenderFrame.h \ |
| rendering/RenderFrameBase.h \ |
| rendering/RenderFrameSet.h \ |
| rendering/RenderHTMLCanvas.h \ |
| rendering/RenderIFrame.h \ |
| rendering/RenderImageResource.h \ |
| rendering/RenderImageResourceStyleImage.h \ |
| rendering/RenderImage.h \ |
| rendering/RenderIndicator.h \ |
| rendering/RenderInline.h \ |
| rendering/RenderInputSpeech.h \ |
| rendering/RenderLayer.h \ |
| rendering/RenderLayerBacking.h \ |
| rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.h \ |
| rendering/RenderLineBoxList.h \ |
| rendering/RenderListBox.h \ |
| rendering/RenderListItem.h \ |
| rendering/RenderListMarker.h \ |
| rendering/RenderMarquee.h \ |
| rendering/RenderMedia.h \ |
| rendering/RenderMenuList.h \ |
| rendering/RenderMeter.h \ |
| rendering/RenderObjectChildList.h \ |
| rendering/RenderObject.h \ |
| rendering/RenderPart.h \ |
| rendering/RenderPath.h \ |
| rendering/RenderProgress.h \ |
| rendering/RenderReplaced.h \ |
| rendering/RenderReplica.h \ |
| rendering/RenderRuby.h \ |
| rendering/RenderRubyBase.h \ |
| rendering/RenderRubyRun.h \ |
| rendering/RenderRubyText.h \ |
| rendering/RenderScrollbar.h \ |
| rendering/RenderScrollbarPart.h \ |
| rendering/RenderScrollbarTheme.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSlider.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGBlock.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGContainer.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGGradientStop.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGHiddenContainer.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGImage.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGInline.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGInlineText.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGModelObject.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResource.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceClipper.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceContainer.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceFilter.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceFilterPrimitive.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceGradient.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceLinearGradient.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceMarker.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceMasker.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourcePattern.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceRadialGradient.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceSolidColor.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGRoot.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGShadowTreeRootContainer.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGText.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGTextPath.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGTransformableContainer.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGTSpan.h \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGViewportContainer.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTableCell.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTableCol.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTable.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTableRow.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTableSection.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTextControl.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTextControlMultiLine.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTextControlSingleLine.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTextFragment.h \ |
| rendering/RenderText.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTheme.h \ |
| rendering/RenderTreeAsText.h \ |
| rendering/RenderVideo.h \ |
| rendering/RenderView.h \ |
| rendering/RenderWidget.h \ |
| rendering/RenderWordBreak.h \ |
| rendering/RootInlineBox.h \ |
| rendering/ScrollBehavior.h \ |
| rendering/ShadowElement.h \ |
| rendering/style/ContentData.h \ |
| rendering/style/CounterDirectives.h \ |
| rendering/style/CursorData.h \ |
| rendering/style/CursorList.h \ |
| rendering/style/FillLayer.h \ |
| rendering/style/KeyframeList.h \ |
| rendering/style/NinePieceImage.h \ |
| rendering/style/RenderStyle.h \ |
| rendering/style/ShadowData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleBackgroundData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleBoxData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleCachedImage.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleFlexibleBoxData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleGeneratedImage.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleInheritedData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleMarqueeData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleMultiColData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleRareNonInheritedData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleReflection.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleSurroundData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleTransformData.h \ |
| rendering/style/StyleVisualData.h \ |
| rendering/style/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h \ |
| rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h \ |
| rendering/svg/SVGTextLayoutAttributes.h \ |
| rendering/svg/SVGTextLayoutBuilder.h \ |
| rendering/SVGCharacterData.h \ |
| rendering/SVGCharacterLayoutInfo.h \ |
| rendering/SVGImageBufferTools.h \ |
| rendering/SVGInlineFlowBox.h \ |
| rendering/SVGInlineTextBox.h \ |
| rendering/SVGMarkerData.h \ |
| rendering/SVGMarkerLayoutInfo.h \ |
| rendering/SVGRenderSupport.h \ |
| rendering/SVGRenderTreeAsText.h \ |
| rendering/SVGResources.h \ |
| rendering/SVGResourcesCache.h \ |
| rendering/SVGResourcesCycleSolver.h \ |
| rendering/SVGRootInlineBox.h \ |
| rendering/SVGShadowTreeElements.h \ |
| rendering/SVGTextChunkLayoutInfo.h \ |
| rendering/SVGTextLayoutUtilities.h \ |
| rendering/SVGTextQuery.h \ |
| rendering/TextControlInnerElements.h \ |
| rendering/TransformState.h \ |
| svg/animation/SMILTimeContainer.h \ |
| svg/animation/SMILTime.h \ |
| svg/animation/SVGSMILElement.h \ |
| svg/ColorDistance.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEConvolveMatrix.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEDiffuseLighting.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEDisplacementMap.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEFlood.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEImage.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFELighting.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEMerge.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEMorphology.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEOffset.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFESpecularLighting.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFETile.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFETurbulence.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFilterBuilder.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFilter.h \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGLightSource.h \ |
| svg/graphics/SVGImage.h \ |
| svg/SVGAElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGAltGlyphElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGAngle.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedProperty.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedPropertySynchronizer.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedPropertyTraits.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedTemplate.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateMotionElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGAnimationElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGCircleElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGClipPathElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGColor.h \ |
| svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGCursorElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGDefsElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGDescElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGDocumentExtensions.h \ |
| svg/SVGDocument.h \ |
| svg/SVGElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGElementInstance.h \ |
| svg/SVGElementInstanceList.h \ |
| svg/SVGElementRareData.h \ |
| svg/SVGEllipseElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEBlendElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFECompositeElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEDistantLightElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEFloodElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEImageElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFELightElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEMergeElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEMorphologyElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFEPointLightElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFESpotLightElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFETileElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFilterElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.h \ |
| svg/SVGFitToViewBox.h \ |
| svg/SVGFontData.h \ |
| svg/SVGFontElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceFormatElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceNameElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceSrcElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceUriElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGGElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGGlyphElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGGradientElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGHKernElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGImageElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGImageLoader.h \ |
| svg/SVGLangSpace.h \ |
| svg/SVGLength.h \ |
| svg/SVGLengthList.h \ |
| svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGLineElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGLocatable.h \ |
| svg/SVGMarkerElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGMaskElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGMetadataElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGMissingGlyphElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGMPathElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGNumberList.h \ |
| svg/SVGPaint.h \ |
| svg/SVGParserUtilities.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathBuilder.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathConsumer.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathParser.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegArc.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegLineto.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegList.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegListBuilder.h \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.h \ |
| svg/SVGPatternElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGPointList.h \ |
| svg/SVGPolyElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGPolygonElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGPolylineElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.h \ |
| svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGRectElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGScriptElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGSetElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGStopElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGStringList.h \ |
| svg/SVGStylable.h \ |
| svg/SVGStyledElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGStyleElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGSVGElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGSwitchElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGSymbolElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGTests.h \ |
| svg/SVGTextContentElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGTextElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGTextPathElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGTitleElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGTransformable.h \ |
| svg/SVGTransformDistance.h \ |
| svg/SVGTransform.h \ |
| svg/SVGTransformList.h \ |
| svg/SVGTRefElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGTSpanElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGURIReference.h \ |
| svg/SVGUseElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGViewElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGViewSpec.h \ |
| svg/SVGVKernElement.h \ |
| svg/SVGZoomAndPan.h \ |
| svg/SVGZoomEvent.h \ |
| wml/WMLAccessElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLAElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLAnchorElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLBRElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLCardElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLDocument.h \ |
| wml/WMLDoElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLErrorHandling.h \ |
| wml/WMLEventHandlingElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLFieldSetElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLFormControlElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLGoElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLImageElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLImageLoader.h \ |
| wml/WMLInputElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLInsertedLegendElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLIntrinsicEvent.h \ |
| wml/WMLIntrinsicEventHandler.h \ |
| wml/WMLMetaElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLNoopElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLOnEventElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLOptGroupElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLOptionElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLPageState.h \ |
| wml/WMLPElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLPostfieldElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLPrevElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLRefreshElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLSelectElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLSetvarElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLTableElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLTaskElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLTemplateElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLTimerElement.h \ |
| wml/WMLVariables.h \ |
| workers/AbstractWorker.h \ |
| workers/DedicatedWorkerContext.h \ |
| workers/DedicatedWorkerThread.h \ |
| workers/SharedWorker.h \ |
| workers/WorkerContext.h \ |
| workers/Worker.h \ |
| workers/WorkerLocation.h \ |
| workers/WorkerMessagingProxy.h \ |
| workers/WorkerRunLoop.h \ |
| workers/WorkerScriptLoader.h \ |
| workers/WorkerThread.h \ |
| xml/DOMParser.h \ |
| xml/NativeXPathNSResolver.h \ |
| xml/XMLHttpRequest.h \ |
| xml/XMLHttpRequestUpload.h \ |
| xml/XMLSerializer.h \ |
| xml/XPathEvaluator.h \ |
| xml/XPathExpression.h \ |
| xml/XPathExpressionNode.h \ |
| xml/XPathFunctions.h \ |
| xml/XPathNamespace.h \ |
| xml/XPathNodeSet.h \ |
| xml/XPathNSResolver.h \ |
| xml/XPathParser.h \ |
| xml/XPathPath.h \ |
| xml/XPathPredicate.h \ |
| xml/XPathResult.h \ |
| xml/XPathStep.h \ |
| xml/XPathUtil.h \ |
| xml/XPathValue.h \ |
| xml/XPathVariableReference.h \ |
| xml/XSLImportRule.h \ |
| xml/XSLStyleSheet.h \ |
| xml/XSLTExtensions.h \ |
| xml/XSLTProcessor.h \ |
| xml/XSLTUnicodeSort.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebplugindatabase_p.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/QtFallbackWebPopup.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/FrameNetworkingContextQt.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/GeolocationPermissionClientQt.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/NotificationPresenterClientQt.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/PageClientQt.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/QtPlatformPlugin.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/PopupMenuQt.h \ |
| $$PWD/../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/SearchPopupMenuQt.h \ |
| $$PWD/platform/network/qt/DnsPrefetchHelper.h |
| |
| v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| platform/qt/PlatformBridge.cpp \ |
| bridge/qt/v8/qt_instancev8.cpp \ |
| bridge/qt/v8/qt_pixmapruntimev8.cpp \ |
| bridge/qt/v8/qt_runtimev8.cpp |
| } else { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptControllerQt.cpp \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_class.cpp \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_instance.cpp \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_pixmapruntime.cpp \ |
| bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| accessibility/qt/AccessibilityObjectQt.cpp \ |
| page/qt/DragControllerQt.cpp \ |
| page/qt/EventHandlerQt.cpp \ |
| page/qt/FrameQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/TransformationMatrixQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/ColorQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/ContextShadow.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/FontQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/FontPlatformDataQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/FloatPointQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/FloatRectQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/GradientQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/GraphicsContextQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/GraphicsLayerQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/IconQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/ImageBufferQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/ImageDecoderQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/ImageQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/IntPointQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/IntRectQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/IntSizeQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/PathQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/PatternQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/StillImageQt.cpp \ |
| platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleQt.cpp \ |
| platform/network/qt/ResourceRequestQt.cpp \ |
| platform/network/qt/DnsPrefetchHelper.cpp \ |
| platform/network/qt/QNetworkReplyHandler.cpp \ |
| editing/qt/EditorQt.cpp \ |
| editing/qt/SmartReplaceQt.cpp \ |
| platform/Cursor.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/ClipboardQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/ContextMenuItemQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/ContextMenuQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/CookieJarQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/CursorQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/DragDataQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/DragImageQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/EventLoopQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/FileChooserQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/FileSystemQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/SharedBufferQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/FontCacheQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/FontCustomPlatformDataQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/GlyphPageTreeNodeQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/SimpleFontDataQt.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/TileQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/KURLQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/Localizations.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/MIMETypeRegistryQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/PasteboardQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/PlatformKeyboardEventQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/PlatformMouseEventQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/PlatformScreenQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/PlatformTouchEventQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/PlatformTouchPointQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/RenderThemeQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/ScrollbarQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/ScrollbarThemeQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/SharedTimerQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/SoundQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/LoggingQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/TemporaryLinkStubsQt.cpp \ |
| platform/text/qt/TextBoundariesQt.cpp \ |
| platform/text/qt/TextBreakIteratorQt.cpp \ |
| platform/text/qt/TextCodecQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/WheelEventQt.cpp \ |
| platform/qt/WidgetQt.cpp \ |
| plugins/qt/PluginDataQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/QtFallbackWebPopup.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/ContextMenuClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/DragClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/DumpRenderTreeSupportQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/EditorClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/EditCommandQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/FrameNetworkingContextQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/GeolocationPermissionClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/InspectorClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/NotificationPresenterClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/PageClientQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/PopupMenuQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/QtPlatformPlugin.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/SearchPopupMenuQt.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebframe.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebpage.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebview.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebelement.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebhistory.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebsettings.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebhistoryinterface.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebplugindatabase.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebpluginfactory.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebsecurityorigin.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebscriptworld.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebdatabase.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebinspector.cpp \ |
| ../WebKit/qt/Api/qwebkitversion.cpp |
| |
| |
| HEADERS += platform/qt/Maemo5Webstyle.h |
| SOURCES += platform/qt/Maemo5Webstyle.cpp |
| } |
| |
| maemo5 { |
| HEADERS += ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/QtMaemoWebPopup.h |
| SOURCES += ../WebKit/qt/WebCoreSupport/QtMaemoWebPopup.cpp |
| } |
| |
| |
| win32-*|wince* { |
| HEADERS += platform/ScrollAnimatorWin.h |
| SOURCES += platform/ScrollAnimatorWin.cpp \ |
| platform/win/SystemTimeWin.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/win/TransformationMatrixWin.cpp |
| } |
| |
| mac { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| platform/text/cf/StringCF.cpp \ |
| platform/text/cf/StringImplCF.cpp |
| LIBS_PRIVATE += -framework Carbon -framework AppKit |
| } |
| |
| win32-* { |
| LIBS += -lgdi32 |
| LIBS += -lole32 |
| LIBS += -luser32 |
| } |
| wince* { |
| LIBS += -lmmtimer |
| LIBS += -lole32 |
| } |
| |
| |
| SOURCES += plugins/npapi.cpp |
| |
| symbian { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| plugins/symbian/PluginPackageSymbian.cpp \ |
| plugins/symbian/PluginDatabaseSymbian.cpp \ |
| plugins/symbian/PluginViewSymbian.cpp \ |
| plugins/symbian/PluginContainerSymbian.cpp |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| plugins/symbian/PluginContainerSymbian.h \ |
| plugins/symbian/npinterface.h |
| |
| LIBS += -lefsrv |
| |
| } else { |
| |
| unix { |
| |
| mac { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| plugins/mac/PluginPackageMac.cpp \ |
| plugins/mac/PluginViewMac.mm |
| platform/text/mac/StringImplMac.mm \ |
| platform/mac/WebCoreNSStringExtras.mm |
| INCLUDEPATH += platform/mac |
| # Note: XP_MACOSX is defined in npapi.h |
| } else { |
| !embedded { |
| CONFIG += x11 |
| LIBS += -lXrender |
| } |
| maemo5 { |
| } |
| SOURCES += \ |
| plugins/qt/PluginContainerQt.cpp \ |
| plugins/qt/PluginPackageQt.cpp \ |
| plugins/qt/PluginViewQt.cpp |
| HEADERS += \ |
| plugins/qt/PluginContainerQt.h |
| } |
| } |
| |
| win32-* { |
| INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/plugins/win \ |
| $$PWD/platform/win \ |
| $$PWD/platform/graphics/win |
| |
| SOURCES += plugins/win/PluginDatabaseWin.cpp \ |
| plugins/win/PluginPackageWin.cpp \ |
| plugins/win/PluginMessageThrottlerWin.cpp \ |
| plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp \ |
| platform/win/BitmapInfo.cpp \ |
| platform/win/WebCoreInstanceHandle.cpp |
| |
| LIBS += \ |
| -ladvapi32 \ |
| -lgdi32 \ |
| -lshell32 \ |
| -lshlwapi \ |
| -luser32 \ |
| -lversion |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } else { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| plugins/PluginPackageNone.cpp \ |
| plugins/PluginViewNone.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_SQLITE=1) { |
| !system-sqlite:exists( $${SQLITE3SRCDIR}/sqlite3.c ) { |
| # Build sqlite3 into WebCore from source |
| # somewhat copied from $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/plugins/sqldrivers/sqlite/sqlite.pro |
| SOURCES += $${SQLITE3SRCDIR}/sqlite3.c |
| CONFIG(release, debug|release): DEFINES *= NDEBUG |
| } else { |
| # Use sqlite3 from the underlying OS |
| CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { |
| } else { |
| LIBS += -lsqlite3 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteAuthorizer.cpp \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteFileSystem.cpp \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteStatement.cpp \ |
| platform/sql/SQLiteTransaction.cpp \ |
| platform/sql/SQLValue.cpp \ |
| storage/AbstractDatabase.cpp \ |
| storage/Database.cpp \ |
| storage/DatabaseAuthorizer.cpp \ |
| storage/DatabaseSync.cpp |
| } |
| |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_DATABASE=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| storage/ChangeVersionWrapper.cpp \ |
| storage/DatabaseTask.cpp \ |
| storage/DatabaseThread.cpp \ |
| storage/DatabaseTracker.cpp \ |
| storage/OriginQuotaManager.cpp \ |
| storage/OriginUsageRecord.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLResultSet.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLResultSetRowList.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLStatement.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLStatementSync.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLTransaction.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLTransactionClient.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLTransactionCoordinator.cpp \ |
| storage/SQLTransactionSync.cpp |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSCustomSQLStatementErrorCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSQLResultSetRowListCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSQLTransactionCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSQLTransactionSyncCustom.cpp |
| } |
| } |
| |
| !v8 { |
| HEADERS += \ |
| bindings/js/IDBBindingUtilities.h \ |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| storage/IDBAny.h \ |
| storage/IDBCallbacks.h \ |
| storage/IDBCursor.h \ |
| storage/IDBCursorBackendImpl.h \ |
| storage/IDBCursorBackendInterface.h \ |
| storage/IDBDatabase.h \ |
| storage/IDBDatabaseBackendImpl.h \ |
| storage/IDBDatabaseBackendInterface.h \ |
| storage/IDBDatabaseError.h \ |
| storage/IDBDatabaseException.h \ |
| storage/IDBErrorEvent.h \ |
| storage/IDBEvent.h \ |
| storage/IDBFactory.h \ |
| storage/IDBFactoryBackendInterface.h \ |
| storage/IDBFactoryBackendImpl.h \ |
| storage/IDBIndex.h \ |
| storage/IDBIndexBackendInterface.h \ |
| storage/IDBIndexBackendImpl.h \ |
| storage/IDBKey.h \ |
| storage/IDBKeyRange.h \ |
| storage/IDBObjectStore.h \ |
| storage/IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl.h \ |
| storage/IDBObjectStoreBackendInterface.h \ |
| storage/IDBRequest.h \ |
| storage/IDBSuccessEvent.h \ |
| storage/IDBTransaction.h \ |
| storage/IDBTransactionBackendInterface.h |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/IDBBindingUtilities.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSIDBAnyCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSIDBKeyCustom.cpp |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| storage/IDBAny.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBCursor.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBCursorBackendImpl.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBDatabase.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBDatabaseBackendImpl.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBErrorEvent.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBEvent.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBFactory.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBFactoryBackendInterface.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBFactoryBackendImpl.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBIndex.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBIndexBackendImpl.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBKey.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBKeyRange.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBObjectStore.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBObjectStoreBackendImpl.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBRequest.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBSuccessEvent.cpp \ |
| storage/IDBTransaction.cpp |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| storage/AbstractDatabase.h \ |
| storage/ChangeVersionWrapper.h \ |
| storage/DatabaseAuthorizer.h \ |
| storage/Database.h \ |
| storage/DatabaseCallback.h \ |
| storage/DatabaseSync.h \ |
| storage/DatabaseTask.h \ |
| storage/DatabaseThread.h \ |
| storage/DatabaseTracker.h \ |
| storage/LocalStorageTask.h \ |
| storage/LocalStorageThread.h \ |
| storage/OriginQuotaManager.h \ |
| storage/OriginUsageRecord.h \ |
| storage/SQLResultSet.h \ |
| storage/SQLResultSetRowList.h \ |
| storage/SQLStatement.h \ |
| storage/SQLStatementSync.h \ |
| storage/SQLTransaction.h \ |
| storage/SQLTransactionClient.h \ |
| storage/SQLTransactionCoordinator.h \ |
| storage/SQLTransactionSync.h \ |
| storage/SQLTransactionSyncCallback.h \ |
| storage/StorageArea.h \ |
| storage/StorageAreaImpl.h \ |
| storage/StorageAreaSync.h \ |
| storage/StorageEvent.h \ |
| storage/StorageEventDispatcher.h \ |
| storage/Storage.h \ |
| storage/StorageMap.h \ |
| storage/StorageNamespace.h \ |
| storage/StorageNamespaceImpl.h \ |
| storage/StorageSyncManager.h |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSStorageCustom.cpp |
| } |
| SOURCES += \ |
| storage/LocalStorageTask.cpp \ |
| storage/LocalStorageThread.cpp \ |
| storage/Storage.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageAreaImpl.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageAreaSync.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageEvent.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageEventDispatcher.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageMap.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageNamespace.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageNamespaceImpl.cpp \ |
| storage/StorageSyncManager.cpp |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| fileapi/DirectoryEntry.h \ |
| fileapi/DirectoryReader.h \ |
| fileapi/DOMFilePath.h \ |
| fileapi/DOMFileSystem.h \ |
| fileapi/EntriesCallback.h \ |
| fileapi/Entry.h \ |
| fileapi/EntryArray.h \ |
| fileapi/EntryCallback.h \ |
| fileapi/ErrorCallback.h \ |
| fileapi/FileCallback.h \ |
| fileapi/FileEntry.h \ |
| fileapi/FileSystemCallback.h \ |
| fileapi/FileSystemCallbacks.h \ |
| fileapi/Flags.h \ |
| fileapi/LocalFileSystem.h \ |
| fileapi/Metadata.h \ |
| fileapi/MetadataCallback.h \ |
| platform/AsyncFileSystem.h \ |
| platform/AsyncFileSystemCallbacks.h |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| fileapi/DirectoryEntry.cpp \ |
| fileapi/DirectoryReader.cpp \ |
| fileapi/DOMFilePath.cpp \ |
| fileapi/DOMFileSystem.cpp \ |
| fileapi/Entry.cpp \ |
| fileapi/EntryArray.cpp \ |
| fileapi/FileEntry.cpp \ |
| fileapi/FileSystemCallbacks.cpp \ |
| fileapi/LocalFileSystem.cpp \ |
| platform/AsyncFileSystem.cpp |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| fileapi/AsyncFileWriter.h \ |
| fileapi/FileWriter.h \ |
| fileapi/FileWriterCallback.h \ |
| fileapi/FileWriterClient.h |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| fileapi/FileWriter.cpp |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp \ |
| loader/icon/IconRecord.cpp \ |
| loader/icon/PageURLRecord.cpp |
| } else { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| loader/icon/IconDatabaseNone.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_WORKERS=1) { |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSDedicatedWorkerContextCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSWorkerContextBase.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSWorkerContextCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSWorkerCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/WorkerScriptController.cpp |
| } |
| SOURCES += \ |
| loader/WorkerThreadableLoader.cpp \ |
| page/WorkerNavigator.cpp \ |
| workers/AbstractWorker.cpp \ |
| workers/DedicatedWorkerContext.cpp \ |
| workers/DedicatedWorkerThread.cpp \ |
| workers/Worker.cpp \ |
| workers/WorkerContext.cpp \ |
| workers/WorkerLocation.cpp \ |
| workers/WorkerMessagingProxy.cpp \ |
| workers/WorkerRunLoop.cpp \ |
| workers/WorkerThread.cpp \ |
| workers/WorkerScriptLoader.cpp |
| } |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSSharedWorkerCustom.cpp |
| } |
| SOURCES += \ |
| workers/DefaultSharedWorkerRepository.cpp \ |
| workers/SharedWorker.cpp \ |
| workers/SharedWorkerContext.cpp \ |
| workers/SharedWorkerThread.cpp |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| page/SpeechInput.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderInputSpeech.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_VIDEO=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| html/HTMLAudioElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLSourceElement.cpp \ |
| html/HTMLVideoElement.cpp \ |
| html/TimeRanges.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/MediaPlayer.cpp \ |
| rendering/MediaControlElements.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderVideo.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderMedia.cpp |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSAudioConstructor.cpp |
| } |
| |
| !lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 6):contains(MOBILITY_CONFIG, multimedia) { |
| HEADERS += platform/graphics/qt/MediaPlayerPrivateQt.h |
| SOURCES += platform/graphics/qt/MediaPlayerPrivateQt.cpp |
| |
| CONFIG *= mobility |
| MOBILITY += multimedia |
| } else:contains(QT_CONFIG, phonon) { |
| HEADERS += \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon.h |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/MediaPlayerPrivatePhonon.cpp |
| |
| # Add phonon manually to prevent it from coming first in |
| # the include paths, as Phonon's path.h conflicts with |
| # WebCore's Path.h on case-insensitive filesystems. |
| qtAddLibrary(phonon) |
| mac { |
| INCLUDEPATH -= $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT/phonon.framework/Headers |
| INCLUDEPATH += $$QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT/phonon.framework/Headers |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_XPATH=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| xml/NativeXPathNSResolver.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathEvaluator.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathExpression.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathExpressionNode.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathFunctions.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathNamespace.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathNodeSet.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathNSResolver.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathParser.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathPath.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathPredicate.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathResult.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathStep.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathUtil.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathValue.cpp \ |
| xml/XPathVariableReference.cpp |
| } |
| |
| unix:!mac:CONFIG += link_pkgconfig |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_XSLT=1) { |
| tobe|!tobe: QT += xmlpatterns |
| |
| v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8XSLTProcessorCustom.cpp |
| } else { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSXSLTProcessorCustom.cpp |
| } |
| SOURCES += \ |
| dom/TransformSourceQt.cpp \ |
| xml/XSLStyleSheetQt.cpp \ |
| xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp \ |
| xml/XSLTProcessorQt.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_FILTERS=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEBlend.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEColorMatrix.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEComponentTransfer.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEComposite.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/SourceAlpha.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/filters/SourceGraphic.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_MATHML=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| mathml/MathMLElement.cpp \ |
| mathml/MathMLInlineContainerElement.cpp \ |
| mathml/MathMLMathElement.cpp \ |
| mathml/MathMLTextElement.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLBlock.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLFenced.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLFraction.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLMath.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLOperator.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLRoot.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLRow.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLSquareRoot.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLSubSup.cpp \ |
| mathml/RenderMathMLUnderOver.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_WML=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| wml/WMLAElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLAccessElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLAnchorElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLBRElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLCardElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLDoElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLDocument.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLErrorHandling.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLEventHandlingElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLFormControlElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLFieldSetElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLGoElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLImageElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLImageLoader.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLInputElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLInsertedLegendElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLIntrinsicEvent.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLIntrinsicEventHandler.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLMetaElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLNoopElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLOnEventElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLPElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLOptGroupElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLOptionElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLPageState.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLPostfieldElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLPrevElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLRefreshElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLSelectElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLSetvarElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLTableElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLTaskElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLTemplateElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLTimerElement.cpp \ |
| wml/WMLVariables.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_XHTMLMP=1) { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| html/HTMLNoScriptElement.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_QT_BEARER=1) { |
| HEADERS += \ |
| platform/network/qt/NetworkStateNotifierPrivate.h |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| platform/network/qt/NetworkStateNotifierQt.cpp |
| |
| # Bearer management is part of Qt 4.7, so don't accidentially |
| # pull in Qt Mobility when building against >= 4.7 |
| !greaterThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 6) { |
| CONFIG += mobility |
| MOBILITY += bearer |
| } |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| platform/qt/GeolocationServiceQt.h |
| SOURCES += \ |
| platform/qt/GeolocationServiceQt.cpp |
| |
| CONFIG += mobility |
| MOBILITY += location |
| |
| v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomPositionCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomPositionErrorCallback.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8GeolocationCustom.cpp |
| } |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_SVG=1) { |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| # TODO: this-one-is-not-auto-added! FIXME! tmp/SVGElementFactory.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSVGElementInstanceCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSVGLengthCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSVGMatrixCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSVGPathSegCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSSVGPathSegListCustom.cpp |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| css/SVGCSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp \ |
| css/SVGCSSParser.cpp \ |
| css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.cpp \ |
| rendering/style/SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp \ |
| rendering/svg/SVGTextLayoutAttributes.cpp \ |
| rendering/svg/SVGTextLayoutBuilder.cpp \ |
| rendering/PointerEventsHitRules.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGDocumentExtensions.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGImageLoader.cpp \ |
| svg/ColorDistance.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAltGlyphElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAngle.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateMotionElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGCircleElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGClipPathElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGColor.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGCursorElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGDefsElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGDescElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGDocument.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGElementInstance.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGElementInstanceList.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGEllipseElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEBlendElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFECompositeElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEDistantLightElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEFloodElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEImageElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFELightElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEMergeElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEMorphologyElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFEPointLightElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFESpotLightElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFETileElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFilterElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFitToViewBox.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFont.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFontData.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFontElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceFormatElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceNameElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceSrcElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGFontFaceUriElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGGElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGGlyphElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGGradientElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGHKernElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGImageElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGLangSpace.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGLength.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGLengthList.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGLineElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGLocatable.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGMarkerElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGMetadataElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGMissingGlyphElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGMPathElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGNumberList.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPaint.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGParserUtilities.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathBlender.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathBuilder.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathByteStreamBuilder.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathByteStreamSource.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathParser.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathParserFactory.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSeg.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegArc.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegLineto.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegList.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegListBuilder.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegListSource.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathStringBuilder.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathStringSource.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPathTraversalStateBuilder.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPointList.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPolyElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPolygonElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPolylineElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGRectElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGScriptElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGSetElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGStopElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGStringList.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGStylable.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGStyleElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGSwitchElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGSymbolElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTests.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTextContentElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTextElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTextPathElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTitleElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTransformable.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTransform.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTransformDistance.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTransformList.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTRefElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGTSpanElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGURIReference.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGUseElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGViewElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGViewSpec.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGVKernElement.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGZoomAndPan.cpp \ |
| svg/SVGZoomEvent.cpp \ |
| svg/animation/SMILTime.cpp \ |
| svg/animation/SMILTimeContainer.cpp \ |
| svg/animation/SVGSMILElement.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEConvolveMatrix.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEDiffuseLighting.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEDisplacementMap.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEFlood.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEImage.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFELighting.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEMerge.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEMorphology.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEOffset.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFESpecularLighting.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFETile.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFETurbulence.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFilter.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGFilterBuilder.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/filters/SVGLightSource.cpp \ |
| svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderForeignObject.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderPath.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGBlock.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGContainer.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGGradientStop.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGHiddenContainer.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGImage.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGInline.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGInlineText.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGModelObject.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResource.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceClipper.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceContainer.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceFilter.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceFilterPrimitive.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceGradient.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceLinearGradient.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceMarker.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceMasker.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourcePattern.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceRadialGradient.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGResourceSolidColor.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGRoot.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGShadowTreeRootContainer.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGText.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGTextPath.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGTransformableContainer.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGTSpan.cpp \ |
| rendering/RenderSVGViewportContainer.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGCharacterData.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGCharacterLayoutInfo.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGImageBufferTools.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGInlineFlowBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGInlineTextBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGMarkerLayoutInfo.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGRenderSupport.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGResources.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGResourcesCache.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGResourcesCycleSolver.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGRootInlineBox.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGShadowTreeElements.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGTextChunkLayoutInfo.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGTextLayoutUtilities.cpp \ |
| rendering/SVGTextQuery.cpp |
| } |
| |
| v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptDebugServer.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptProfiler.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptHeapSnapshot.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/JavaScriptCallFrame.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8ScriptProfileCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8JavaScriptCallFrameCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/custom/V8ScriptProfileNodeCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptProfileNode.cpp \ |
| bindings/v8/ScriptProfile.cpp |
| } else { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSJavaScriptCallFrameCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/ScriptProfiler.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JavaScriptCallFrame.cpp |
| } |
| } |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCache.cpp \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheGroup.cpp \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheHost.cpp \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheStorage.cpp \ |
| loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheResource.cpp \ |
| loader/appcache/DOMApplicationCache.cpp \ |
| loader/appcache/ManifestParser.cpp |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSDOMApplicationCacheCustom.cpp |
| } |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| websockets/ThreadableWebSocketChannel.h \ |
| websockets/ThreadableWebSocketChannelClientWrapper.h \ |
| websockets/WebSocket.h \ |
| websockets/WebSocketChannel.h \ |
| websockets/WebSocketChannelClient.h \ |
| websockets/WebSocketHandshake.h \ |
| websockets/WebSocketHandshakeRequest.h \ |
| websockets/WebSocketHandshakeResponse.h \ |
| platform/network/qt/SocketStreamHandlePrivate.h |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| websockets/WebSocket.cpp \ |
| websockets/WebSocketChannel.cpp \ |
| websockets/WebSocketHandshake.cpp \ |
| websockets/WebSocketHandshakeRequest.cpp \ |
| websockets/WebSocketHandshakeResponse.cpp \ |
| websockets/ThreadableWebSocketChannel.cpp \ |
| platform/network/SocketStreamErrorBase.cpp \ |
| platform/network/SocketStreamHandleBase.cpp \ |
| platform/network/qt/SocketStreamHandleQt.cpp |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSWebSocketCustom.cpp |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_WORKERS=1) { |
| HEADERS += \ |
| websockets/WorkerThreadableWebSocketChannel.h |
| |
| SOURCES += \ |
| websockets/WorkerThreadableWebSocketChannel.cpp |
| } |
| } |
| |
| contains(DEFINES, ENABLE_3D_CANVAS=1) { |
| tobe|!tobe: QT += opengl |
| !v8 { |
| HEADERS += \ |
| bindings/js/JSArrayBufferViewHelper.h |
| } |
| |
| HEADERS += \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasContextAttributes.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLObject.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLActiveInfo.h \ |
| html/canvas/ArrayBuffer.h \ |
| html/canvas/ArrayBufferView.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLBuffer.h \ |
| html/canvas/Int8Array.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLContextAttributes.h \ |
| html/canvas/Float32Array.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLFramebuffer.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLGetInfo.h \ |
| html/canvas/Int32Array.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLProgram.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLRenderbuffer.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContext.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLShader.h \ |
| html/canvas/Int16Array.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLTexture.h \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLUniformLocation.h \ |
| html/canvas/Uint8Array.h \ |
| html/canvas/Uint32Array.h \ |
| html/canvas/Uint16Array.h \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsContext3D.h |
| |
| !v8 { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| bindings/js/JSArrayBufferCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSArrayBufferViewCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSInt8ArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSFloat32ArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSInt32ArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSWebGLRenderingContextCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSInt16ArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSUint8ArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSUint32ArrayCustom.cpp \ |
| bindings/js/JSUint16ArrayCustom.cpp |
| } |
| SOURCES += \ |
| html/canvas/CanvasContextAttributes.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLObject.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/ArrayBuffer.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/ArrayBufferView.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLBuffer.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/Int8Array.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLContextAttributes.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/Float32Array.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLFramebuffer.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLGetInfo.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/Int32Array.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLProgram.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLRenderbuffer.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContext.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLShader.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/Int16Array.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLTexture.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/WebGLUniformLocation.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/Uint8Array.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/Uint32Array.cpp \ |
| html/canvas/Uint16Array.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/GraphicsContext3D.cpp \ |
| platform/graphics/qt/GraphicsContext3DQt.cpp |
| |
| } |
| |
| # this feature requires the S60 platform private BrowserDialogsProvider.h header file |
| # and is therefore not enabled by default but only meant for platform builds. |
| symbian { |
| LIBS += -lbrowserdialogsprovider |
| } |
| } |
| |
| include($$PWD/../WebKit/qt/Api/headers.pri) |
| |
| |
| !CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { |
| exists($$OUTPUT_DIR/include/QtWebKit/classheaders.pri): include($$OUTPUT_DIR/include/QtWebKit/classheaders.pri) |
| |
| !symbian-abld:!symbian-sbsv2 { |
| headers.files = $$WEBKIT_INSTALL_HEADERS |
| |
| !isEmpty(INSTALL_HEADERS): headers.path = $$INSTALL_HEADERS/QtWebKit |
| else: headers.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtWebKit |
| |
| !isEmpty(INSTALL_LIBS): target.path = $$INSTALL_LIBS |
| else: target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] |
| |
| modfile.files = $$moduleFile |
| modfile.path = $$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/modules |
| |
| INSTALLS += target headers modfile |
| } else { |
| # INSTALLS is not implemented in qmake's mmp generators, copy headers manually |
| inst_headers.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| inst_headers.input = WEBKIT_INSTALL_HEADERS |
| inst_headers.CONFIG = no_clean |
| |
| !isEmpty(INSTALL_HEADERS): inst_headers.output = $$INSTALL_HEADERS/QtWebKit/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}${QMAKE_FILE_EXT} |
| else: inst_headers.output = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtWebKit/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}${QMAKE_FILE_EXT} |
| |
| QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += inst_headers |
| |
| inst_modfile.commands = $$inst_headers.commands |
| inst_modfile.input = moduleFile |
| inst_modfile.output = $$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/modules |
| inst_modfile.CONFIG = no_clean |
| |
| QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += inst_modfile |
| |
| install.depends += compiler_inst_headers_make_all compiler_inst_modfile_make_all |
| QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += install |
| } |
| |
| win32-*|wince* { |
| build_pass: TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET) |
| |
| dlltarget.commands = $(COPY_FILE) $(DESTDIR_TARGET) $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS] |
| dlltarget.CONFIG = no_path |
| INSTALLS += dlltarget |
| } |
| |
| unix { |
| CONFIG += create_pc create_prl |
| QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_LIBDIR = $$target.path |
| QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_INCDIR = $$headers.path |
| lib_replace.match = $$re_escape($$DESTDIR) |
| lib_replace.replace = $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS] |
| } |
| |
| mac { |
| !static:contains(QT_CONFIG, qt_framework):!CONFIG(webkit_no_framework) { |
| !build_pass { |
| message("Building QtWebKit as a framework, as that's how Qt was built. You can") |
| message("override this by passing CONFIG+=webkit_no_framework to build-webkit.") |
| |
| CONFIG += build_all |
| } else { |
| debug_and_release:TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET) |
| } |
| |
| CONFIG += lib_bundle qt_no_framework_direct_includes qt_framework |
| FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.version = Versions |
| FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.files = $${headers.files} |
| FRAMEWORK_HEADERS.path = Headers |
| } |
| |
| LIBS += -framework Carbon -framework AppKit |
| } |
| } |
| |
| CONFIG(QTDIR_build) { |
| # Remove the following 2 lines if you want debug information in WebCore |
| CONFIG -= separate_debug_info |
| CONFIG += no_debug_info |
| } |
| |
| win32:!win32-g++*:contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):{ |
| asm_compiler.commands = ml64 /c |
| asm_compiler.commands += /Fo ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} |
| asm_compiler.output = ${QMAKE_VAR_OBJECTS_DIR}${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}$${first(QMAKE_EXT_OBJ)} |
| asm_compiler.input = ASM_SOURCES |
| asm_compiler.variable_out = OBJECTS |
| asm_compiler.name = compiling[asm] ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} |
| silent:asm_compiler.commands = @echo compiling[asm] ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} && $$asm_compiler.commands |
| QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += asm_compiler |
| |
| ASM_SOURCES += \ |
| plugins/win/PaintHooks.asm |
| if(win32-msvc2005|win32-msvc2008):equals(TEMPLATE_PREFIX, "vc") { |
| SOURCES += \ |
| plugins/win/PaintHooks.asm |
| } |
| } |
| |
| symbian { |
| shared { |
| contains(CONFIG, def_files) { |
| DEF_FILE=../WebKit/qt/symbian |
| # defFilePath is for Qt4.6 compatibility |
| defFilePath=../WebKit/qt/symbian |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Disable C++0x mode in WebCore for those who enabled it in their Qt's mkspec |
| *-g++*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -std=c++0x -std=gnu++0x |