blob: 613e361443b864b4e698c80982b275b60d4ffb79 [file] [log] [blame] - didFinishLoading
http://localhost:8000/security/XFrameOptions/resources/x-frame-options-deny-meta-tag-subframe-parent-same-origin-deny.html - willSendRequest <NSURLRequest URL http://localhost:8000/security/XFrameOptions/resources/x-frame-options-deny-meta-tag-subframe-parent-same-origin-deny.html, main document URL, http method GET> redirectResponse (null)
http://localhost:8000/security/XFrameOptions/resources/x-frame-options-deny-meta-tag-subframe-parent-same-origin-deny.html - didReceiveResponse <NSURLResponse http://localhost:8000/security/XFrameOptions/resources/x-frame-options-deny-meta-tag-subframe-parent-same-origin-deny.html, http status code 200>
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 3: The X-Frame-Option 'sameorigin' supplied in a <meta> element was ignored. X-Frame-Options may only be provided by an HTTP header sent with the document.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 18: SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame. Protocols, domains, and ports must match.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 19: FAIL: Could not read contentWindow.location.href
There should be content in the iframe below
Frame: '<!--frame1-->'
PASS: This should show up even though the parent is not in the same origin because we should be ignoring the meta tag.