| This tests setting and re-serialization of some CSS selectors. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('123') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('-') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('$') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('.') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('#') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[]') is '_foo' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('()') is '_foo' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('*') is '*' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a') is 'a' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('#a') is '#a' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('.a') is '.a' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':active') is ':active' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a]') is '[a]' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a="b"]') is '[a="b"]' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a~="b"]') is '[a~="b"]' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a|="b"]') is '[a|="b"]' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a^="b"]') is '[a^="b"]' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a$="b"]') is '[a$="b"]' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a*="b"]') is '[a*="b"]' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('*|a') is '*|a' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('n|a') is 'n|a' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('*|*') is '*|*' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('n|*') is 'n|*' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[*|a]') is '[*|a]' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[n|a]') is '[n|a]' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a:active') is 'a:active' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a b') is 'a b' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a + b') is 'a + b' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a ~ b') is 'a ~ b' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a > b') is 'a > b' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':active') is ':active' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':checked') is ':checked' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':disabled') is ':disabled' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':empty') is ':empty' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':enabled') is ':enabled' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':first-child') is ':first-child' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':first-of-type') is ':first-of-type' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':focus') is ':focus' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':hover') is ':hover' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':indeterminate') is ':indeterminate' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':link') is ':link' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':root') is ':root' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':target') is ':target' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':visited') is ':visited' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':lang(a)') is ':lang(a)' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':not(a)') is ':not(a)' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any(a,b,p)') is ':-webkit-any(a,b,p)' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::after') is '::after' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::before') is '::before' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::first-letter') is '::first-letter' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::first-line') is '::first-line' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::selection') is '::selection' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any-link') is ':-webkit-any-link' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-autofill') is ':-webkit-autofill' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-drag') is ':-webkit-drag' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::-webkit-file-upload-button') is '*::-webkit-file-upload-button' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::-webkit-search-cancel-button') is '*::-webkit-search-cancel-button' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::-webkit-search-decoration') is '*::-webkit-search-decoration' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::-webkit-search-results-button') is '*::-webkit-search-results-button' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::-webkit-search-results-decoration') is '*::-webkit-search-results-decoration' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '*::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a::-webkit-slider-thumb') is 'a::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a ::-webkit-slider-thumb') is 'a *::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a]::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '[a]::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('[a] ::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '[a] *::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('.a::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '.a::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('.a ::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '.a *::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('#a::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '#a::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('#a ::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '#a *::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('* ::-webkit-slider-thumb') is '* *::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a[b]::-webkit-slider-thumb') is 'a[b]::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a.b::-webkit-slider-thumb') is 'a.b::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a#b::-webkit-slider-thumb') is 'a#b::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a[b].c#d::-webkit-slider-thumb') is 'a[b].c#d::-webkit-slider-thumb' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('input:not([type="file"]):focus') is 'input:not([type="file"]):focus' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any([type="file"])') is ':-webkit-any([type="file"])' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any(:hover)') is ':-webkit-any(:hover)' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('input:-webkit-any([type="file"],:hover,:focus):enabled') is 'input:-webkit-any([type="file"],:hover,:focus):enabled' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any(input[type="file"],a:hover,button:focus)') is ':-webkit-any(input[type="file"],a:hover,button:focus)' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any(.class1.class2.class3)') is ':-webkit-any(.class1.class2.class3)' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any(.class1:hover)') is ':-webkit-any(.class1:hover)' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any(a.class1.class2.class3:hover)') is ':-webkit-any(a.class1.class2.class3:hover)' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('*:active') is ':active' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('|a') is 'a' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('input[type=file]:focus') is 'input[type="file"]:focus' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a+b') is 'a + b' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a~b') is 'a ~ b' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText('a>b') is 'a > b' |
| |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':after') is '::after' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':before') is '::before' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':first-letter') is '::first-letter' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':first-line') is '::first-line' |
| PASS setThenReadSelectorText(':-webkit-any( a.class1 , #id,[attr] )') is ':-webkit-any(a.class1,#id,[attr])' |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
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