| Test to make sure background-position is parsed correctly. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| background-position with one value |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '70% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '70% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '84px 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '84px 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| background-position with two values |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '54px 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '54px 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '5% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '5% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '30pt -20px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '40px -20px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 0px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 0px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '-20% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '-20% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| background-position invalid with one or two values, no change expected |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '1px 1px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '1px 1px' |
| background-position with CSS3 comma separator, one or two values |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%, 100% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%, 100% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 0%, 50% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 0%, 50% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%, 5px 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '100% 50%, 5px 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| background-position with CSS3 comma separator, with invalid one or two values, no change expected |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%, 100% 100%' |
| background-position with CSS3 four values |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 10px top 15px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 10px top 15px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 10% top 30%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 10% top 30%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 30% top 10%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 30% top 10%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 10px top 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 10px top 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 50% top 20px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 50% top 20px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 50% top 20px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 50% top 20px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 30px top 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 30px top 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '0% 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| background-position with CSS3 invalid four values, no change expected |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 20% top 0%' |
| background-position with CSS3 four values and comma |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%, left 0% bottom 20px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is '50% 50%, left 0% bottom 20px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'right 20px bottom 20px, 0% 50%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'right 20px bottom 20px, 0% 50%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 10px top 15px, right 20% bottom 20px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 10px top 15px, right 20% bottom 20px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'left 10% top 0%, right 0% top 0px' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'left 10% top 0%, right 0% top 0px' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| background-position with invalid CSS3 four values and comma, no change expected |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| PASS style.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| PASS computedStyle.backgroundPosition is 'right 0% top 15px, right 20px bottom 0%' |
| background-position inside the background shorthand |
| PASS style.background is 'left 30% top 10% / 10em round fixed border-box border-box gray' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgb(128, 128, 128) none round fixed left 30% top 10% / 160px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'right 0% top 15px / 10em round fixed border-box border-box gray' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgb(128, 128, 128) none round fixed right 0% top 15px / 160px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 10px top 50% / 10em round fixed border-box border-box gray' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgb(128, 128, 128) none round fixed left 10px top 50% / 160px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 10px top 50% round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 10px top 50% / auto border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 50% top 20px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 50% top 20px / auto border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 50% top 20px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 50% top 20px / auto border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '50% 0% round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed 50% 0% / auto border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '50px 60px / 50px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed 50px 60px / 50px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '50px 50% / 50px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed 50px 50% / 50px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 0% top 60px / 50px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 0% top 60px / 50px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left -20px top 60px / 50px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left -20px top 60px / 50px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 20px top 0% / 50px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 20px top 0% / 50px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 20px top 0% / 50px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 20px top 0% / 50px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 20px top 40px / 50px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 20px top 40px / 50px border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 20px top 40px round fixed border-box border-box' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none round fixed left 20px top 40px / auto border-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is 'left 30% top 10% round fixed border-box border-box gray' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgb(128, 128, 128) none round fixed left 30% top 10% / auto border-box border-box' |
| background-position inside the background shorthand, some invalid cases, no changes expected |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS style.background is '' |
| PASS computedStyle.background is 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0% / auto padding-box border-box' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |