| This tests the heuristic to determine if a 'list' is really a list, or just being used for layout. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| Ordered list is a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| Empty ordered list is not a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is false |
| |
| |
| Empty description list is not a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is false |
| |
| |
| Description list is a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| ARIA role=list is a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| Empty ARIA list is not a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is false |
| |
| |
| ARIA list with one item is a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| Default styled Unordered list is a list, because it shows markers. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| Unordered list with more than 1 item and no style is a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| Unordered list with 1 item and no style is not list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is false |
| |
| |
| List with non list item children is not a list |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is false |
| |
| |
| Unordered list with image for markers is a list - even if image fails to load. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| Unordered list with aria role and at least one aria list items is a list. |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| Inline list elements with an aria role should be a list |
| PASS axElement.role == 'AXRole: AXList' is true |
| |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |