blob: 2a7e93033e2091d2610e190710d4cc1243cf0331 [file] [log] [blame]
// Note that port "1" is tested by the initial load.
var blockedPorts = [7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 25, 37, 42, 43, 53, 77, 79, 87, 95, 101, 102,
103, 104, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 123, 135, 139,
143, 179, 389, 465, 512, 513, 514, 515, 526, 530, 531, 532,
540, 556, 563, 587, 601, 636, 993, 995, 2049, 3659, 4045,
6000, 6665, 6666, 6667, 6668, 6669,
// Port numbers that we consider to be invalid due to being out of range.
Math.pow(2, 16) - 1, Math.pow(2, 16), Math.pow(2, 32) - 1, Math.pow(2, 32)];
var allowedPorts = [0, 80, ""];
var baseURL = "";
var currentPort = 0;
if (window.testRunner) {
function nextBlockedPortTest() {
if (!(currentPort in blockedPorts)) {
currentPort = 0;
var newURL = "http://" + baseURL + ":" + blockedPorts[currentPort] + "/test.jpg";
testIMG.src = newURL;
function nextAllowedPortTest() {
if (!(currentPort in allowedPorts)) {
var newURL = "http://" + baseURL + ":" + allowedPorts[currentPort] + "/test.jpg";
testIMG.setAttribute("onError", "nextAllowedPortTest();");
testIMG.src = newURL;
function ftpTest() {
testIMG.setAttribute("onError", "ftp21Test();");
var newURL = "ftp://" + baseURL + "/test.jpg";
testIMG.src = newURL;
function ftp21Test() {
testIMG.setAttribute("onError", "ftp22Test();");
var newURL = "ftp://" + baseURL + ":21/test.jpg";
testIMG.src = newURL;
function ftp22Test() {
testIMG.setAttribute("onError", "finishTesting();");
var newURL = "ftp://" + baseURL + ":22/test.jpg";
testIMG.src = newURL;
function finishTesting() {
if (window.testRunner) {
setTimeout("testRunner.notifyDone()", 0);
<p>This test attempts to change the src of an IMG tag to all black listed ports to confirm that WebKit returns the
correct error for them - blocked instead of cannot find. It also tries the FTP ports for exemptions. Due to the
nature of this test, the results can only be processed automatically via DumpRenderTree
<img id="testIMG" src="" onError="nextBlockedPortTest();"></img>