blob: ed7e20769840f60213fdedf4ece93e355d3b70d4 [file] [log] [blame]
This tests that if aria-labelledby is pointing to nodes with descendants, it returns all text.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
test 1: aria-labelledby description: AXDescription: hello link use world test1 test2 test3
test 1: expected description: hello link use world test1 test2 test3
test 2: aria-labelledby description: AXDescription: foo bar
test 2: expected description: foo bar
test 3: aria-labelledby description: AXDescription: foo bar
test 3: expected description: foo bar
test 4: aria-labelledby description: AXDescription: foo
test 4: expected description: foo
test 5: aria-labelledby description: AXDescription: Delete
test 5: expected description: Delete
test 6: aria-labelledby description: AXDescription: Delete product name
test 6: expected description: Delete product name
test 7: aria-labelledby description: AXDescription: foo bar baz bop bap boom
test 7: expected description: foo bar baz bop bap boom
PASS successfullyParsed is true