blob: b0fa78dc8445925de301d613be22d32a2f02a48f [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="/js-test-resources/js-test.js"></script>
<script src="resources/util.js"></script>
description("Test for partitioned and unpartitioned cookie deletion.");
jsTestIsAsync = true;
const partitionHost = "";
const thirdPartyOrigin = "http://localhost:8000";
const thirdPartyBaseUrl = thirdPartyOrigin + "/resourceLoadStatistics/resources";
const firstPartyCookieName = "firstPartyCookie";
const subPathToSetFirstPartyCookie = "/set-cookie.php?name=" + firstPartyCookieName + "&value=value";
const subPathToSetFirstPartyCookieRandom = "/set-cookie.php?name=" + firstPartyCookieName + "&value=value&dummyParam=" + Math.random();
const thirdPartyCookieName = "thirdPartyCookie";
const subPathToSetThirdPartyCookie = "/set-cookie.php?name=" + thirdPartyCookieName + "&value=value";
const fragmentWithReturnUrl = "http://" + partitionHost + "/resourceLoadStatistics/cookie-deletion.html";
const subPathToGetCookies = "/get-cookies.php?name1=" + firstPartyCookieName + "&name2=" + thirdPartyCookieName;
function finishTest() {
console.log("in finishTest")
setEnableFeature(false, finishJSTest);
function openIframe(url, onLoadHandler) {
const element = document.createElement("iframe");
element.src = url;
if (onLoadHandler) {
element.onload = onLoadHandler;
function fireDataModificationHandlerAndContinue() {
console.log("In fireDataModificationHandlerAndContinue")
testRunner.installStatisticsDidScanDataRecordsCallback(function() {
console.log("In callback function for installStatisticsDidScanDataRecordsCallback")
setTimeout(runTest, 500);
console.log("Calling statisticsProcessStatisticsAndDataRecords")
function setAsNonPrevalentAndContinue() {
console.log("In setAsNonPrevalentAndContinue")
testRunner.setStatisticsPrevalentResource(thirdPartyOrigin, false, function() {
console.log("In callback function for setStatisticsPrevalentResource")
if (testRunner.isStatisticsPrevalentResource(thirdPartyOrigin))
testFailed("Host still set as prevalent resource.");
function runTest() {
switch (document.location.hash) {
case "#step1":
console.log("step1. About to set a cookie")
// Set first-party cookie for localhost.
document.location.href = thirdPartyBaseUrl + subPathToSetFirstPartyCookieRandom + "#" + fragmentWithReturnUrl + "#step2";
case "#step2":
console.log("step2. About to open an iFrame to test for third party cookie access (should be successful)")
// Check that the third-party has access to its first-party cookies.
document.location.hash = "step3";
openIframe(thirdPartyBaseUrl + subPathToGetCookies + "&message=Should receive first-party cookie.", runTest);
case "#step3":
console.log("step3. About to classify localhost as prevalent")
// Classify localhost as prevalent.
document.location.hash = "step4";
testRunner.setStatisticsPrevalentResource(thirdPartyOrigin, true, function() {
console.log("step3. In the callback for testRunner.setStatisticsPrevalentResource")
if (!testRunner.isStatisticsPrevalentResource(thirdPartyOrigin))
testFailed("Host did not get set as prevalent resource.");
case "#step4":
console.log("step4. About to open an iFrame to test for third party cookie access (should not be successful)")
// Check that the third-party no longer has access to its first-party cookies.
document.location.hash = "step5";
openIframe(thirdPartyBaseUrl + subPathToGetCookies + "&message=Should receive no cookies.", runTest);
case "#step5":
console.log("step5. About to open an iFrame to try to set a cookie as a third party (should fail)")
// Try setting a cookie as third-party.
document.location.hash = "step6";
openIframe(thirdPartyBaseUrl + subPathToSetThirdPartyCookie + "&message=Try to set third party cookie.", runTest);
case "#step6":
console.log("step6. About to open an iFrame and fireDataModificationHandlerAndContinue")
// Check that the third-party still has no access to cookies and then fire data record removal.
document.location.hash = "step7";
openIframe(thirdPartyBaseUrl + subPathToGetCookies + "&message=Should receive no cookies.", fireDataModificationHandlerAndContinue);
case "#step7":
console.log("step7. About to open an iFrame and setAsNonPrevalentAndContinue")
// Check that the third-party still has no access to cookies and then declassify localhost.
document.location.hash = "step8";
openIframe(thirdPartyBaseUrl + subPathToGetCookies + "&message=After removal, should receive no cookies.", setAsNonPrevalentAndContinue);
case "#step8":
console.log("step8. About to open an iFrame and confirm third party has no cookie access")
// Check that the third-party still has no access to cookies.
openIframe(thirdPartyBaseUrl + subPathToGetCookies + "&message=After declassified, should receive no cookies.", finishTest);
if ( === partitionHost && document.location.hash === "" && window.testRunner && window.internals) {
setEnableFeature(true, function() {
console.log("Test is beginning. document.location.hash is empty.")
document.location.hash = "step1";
console.log("About to call runTest() for the first time.")
} else {
console.log("About to call runTest() after cookie was set. document hash is " + document.location.hash)