| <input id="input" contenteditable></input> |
| <select id="select"><option></option></select> |
| <script type="text/javascript"> |
| let write = s => output.innerHTML += `${s}<br>`; |
| textInputController.setMarkedText("a", 1, 0); |
| textInputController.setMarkedText("ab", 2, 0); |
| textInputController.setMarkedText("abc", 3, 0); |
| textInputController.insertText(null); |
| write(`The text field's value is: "${input.value}"`); |
| write(`Is there marked text? ${!!textInputController.markedRange()}`); |
| write(`To manually test, insert some marked text in the left text field without committing it, then focus |
| the right select menu. The composition text should be committed, and the composition should no longer |