blob: e891c4412a06b37df4bd98b4484f8a628101861a [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
video { background-color: yellow; width: 320px; height: 240px;}
<script src=../media-file.js></script>
<script src=../video-test.js></script>
var timer = null;
var counter = 0;
function trackLoaded()
// Don't log the track type because the load order is not predictable.
track =;
testExpected("track.readyState", HTMLTrackElement.LOADED);
testExpected("track.kind", "captions", "!=");
// End the test after a brief pause so we allow the third track to load if it will.
if (++counter == 2)
timer = setTimeout(endTest, 200);
function setTextTrackPreferences(type, flag)
if (!window.internals) {
consoleWrite("<b>**This test only works in DRT<" + "/b>");
run("internals.settings.setShouldDisplayTrackKind('" + type + "', " + flag + ")");
testExpected("internals.settings.shouldDisplayTrackKind('" + type + "')", flag);
function createTrackElement(kind, src)
consoleWrite("<i>- creating '" + kind + "' track.<" + "/i>");
var track = document.createElement('track');
track.setAttribute('kind', kind);
track.setAttribute('onload', 'trackLoaded()');
track.setAttribute('src', src);
function createTrackElements()
var tracks = document.querySelectorAll('track');
for (var ndx = 0; ndx < tracks.length; ++ndx)
createTrackElement("subtitles", "captions-webvtt/tc004-webvtt-file.vtt")
createTrackElement("captions", "captions-webvtt/tc004-webvtt-file.vtt")
createTrackElement("descriptions", "captions-webvtt/tc004-webvtt-file.vtt")
function setup()
consoleWrite("<i>**Set preferences so subtitles and descriptions load, but captions do not<" + "/i>");
setTextTrackPreferences("Subtitles", true);
setTextTrackPreferences("Captions", false);
setTextTrackPreferences("TextDescriptions", true);
// Create track elements dynamically so they aren't processed by the media element
// until after we have configured preferences.
consoleWrite("<br><i>**Create track elements dynamically so they aren't processed by the media element until after preferences have been configured.<" + "/i>");
<body onload="setup()">
<p>Tests that the user preferences for track kind are honored.</p>