blob: 558b0ed4f648f41e7888d33b04c97bce720ca5da [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import mock
import os
from ..lint import check_path
from .base import check_errors
import pytest
def test_allowed_path_length():
basename = 29 * "test/"
for idx in range(5):
filename = basename + idx * "a"
errors = check_path("/foo/", filename)
assert errors == []
def test_forbidden_path_length():
basename = 29 * "test/"
for idx in range(5, 10):
filename = basename + idx * "a"
message = "/%s longer than maximum path length (%s > 150)" % (filename, 146 + idx)
errors = check_path("/foo/", filename)
assert errors == [("PATH LENGTH", message, filename, None)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path_ending,generated", [(".worker.html", ".worker.js"),
(".any.worker.html", ".any.js"),
(".any.html", ".any.js")])
def test_forbidden_path_endings(path_ending, generated):
path = "test/test" + path_ending
message = ("path ends with %s which collides with generated tests from %s files" %
(path_ending, generated))
errors = check_path("/foo/", path)
assert errors == [("WORKER COLLISION", message, path, None)]
def test_file_type():
path = "test/test"
message = "/%s is an unsupported file type (symlink)" % (path,)
with mock.patch("os.path.islink", returnvalue=True):
errors = check_path("/foo/", path)
assert errors == [("FILE TYPE", message, path, None)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", ["ahem.ttf",
def test_ahem_copy(path):
expected_error = ("AHEM COPY",
"Don't add extra copies of Ahem, use /fonts/Ahem.ttf",
errors = check_path("/foo/", path)
assert errors == [expected_error]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", ["ahem.woff",
def test_ahem_copy_negative(path):
errors = check_path("/foo/", path)
assert errors == []
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", ["elsewhere/.gitignore",
def test_gitignore_file(path):
path = os.path.join(*path.split("/"))
expected_error = ("GITIGNORE",
".gitignore found outside the root",
errors = check_path("/foo/", path)
assert errors == [expected_error]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", [".gitignore",
def test_gitignore_negative(path):
path = os.path.join(*path.split("/"))
errors = check_path("/foo/", path)
assert errors == []