blob: 69f96bb4f39a0e13d4c8efbda552c06194540b2e [file] [log] [blame]
PASS idl_test setup
PASS idl_test validation
PASS Partial interface HTMLMediaElement: original interface defined
PASS Partial interface HTMLMediaElement: member names are unique
PASS HTMLElement includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique
PASS HTMLElement includes DocumentAndElementEventHandlers: member names are unique
PASS HTMLElement includes ElementContentEditable: member names are unique
PASS HTMLElement includes HTMLOrSVGElement: member names are unique
PASS Element includes ParentNode: member names are unique
PASS Element includes NonDocumentTypeChildNode: member names are unique
PASS Element includes ChildNode: member names are unique
PASS Element includes Slottable: member names are unique
PASS RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS RemotePlayback interface object length
PASS RemotePlayback interface object name
PASS RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS RemotePlayback interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS RemotePlayback interface: operation watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback)
PASS RemotePlayback interface: operation cancelWatchAvailability(optional long)
PASS RemotePlayback interface: attribute state
PASS RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnecting
PASS RemotePlayback interface: attribute onconnect
PASS RemotePlayback interface: attribute ondisconnect
PASS RemotePlayback interface: operation prompt()
PASS RemotePlayback must be primary interface of media.remote
PASS Stringification of media.remote
PASS RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback)" with the proper type
PASS RemotePlayback interface: calling watchAvailability(RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "cancelWatchAvailability(optional long)" with the proper type
PASS RemotePlayback interface: calling cancelWatchAvailability(optional long) on media.remote with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "state" with the proper type
PASS RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnecting" with the proper type
PASS RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "onconnect" with the proper type
PASS RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "ondisconnect" with the proper type
PASS RemotePlayback interface: media.remote must inherit property "prompt()" with the proper type
PASS HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute remote
PASS HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute disableRemotePlayback