blob: c41a712d6df7356cf5bae46cc7c80650a95a1b75 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Computed display and visibility of table
PASS Computed display and visibility of caption
FAIL Computed display and visibility of colgroup assert_equals: expected "table-column-group" but got "none"
FAIL Computed display and visibility of col assert_equals: expected "table-column" but got "none"
FAIL Computed display and visibility of thead assert_equals: expected "table-header-group" but got "none"
FAIL Computed display and visibility of tbody assert_equals: expected "table-row-group" but got "none"
FAIL Computed display and visibility of tfoot assert_equals: expected "table-footer-group" but got "none"
FAIL Computed display and visibility of tr assert_equals: expected "table-row" but got "none"
PASS Computed display and visibility of td
PASS Computed display and visibility of th