blob: 36f8e668de43590288226bb7a85b94424d919918 [file] [log] [blame]
Button 1 Button 4
Button 5
FAIL Disabling the active element (making it expressly inert) assert_not_equals: After disabling, the button must no longer be focused got disallowed value Element node <button id="button1" disabled="">Button 1</button>
FAIL Hiding the active element assert_not_equals: After hiding, the button must no longer be focused got disallowed value Element node <button id="button2" hidden="">Button 2</button>
PASS Removing the active element from the DOM
FAIL Disabling <fieldset> affects its descendants assert_not_equals: After disabling ancestor fieldset, the button must no longer be focused got disallowed value Element node <button id="button4">Button 4</button>
FAIL Changing the first legend element in disabled <fieldset> assert_not_equals: After changing a legend element, the button must no longer be focused got disallowed value Element node <button id="button5">Button 5</button>
FAIL Removing the tabindex attribute from a div assert_not_equals: After removing tabindex, the div must no longer be focused got disallowed value Element node <div id="div">Div</div>
FAIL Disabling contenteditable assert_not_equals: After disabling contentEditable, the div must no longer be focused got disallowed value Element node <div id="editable" contenteditable="false">editor</div>