| Test basic creation of an ApplePaySession object. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| Testing supportsVersion |
| |
| PASS ApplePaySession.supportsVersion(0) threw exception InvalidAccessError: The object does not support the operation or argument.. |
| PASS ApplePaySession.supportsVersion(1) is true |
| PASS ApplePaySession.supportsVersion(2) is true |
| PASS ApplePaySession.supportsVersion(3) is true |
| |
| Testing PaymentRequest (v3) |
| |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, { }) threw exception TypeError: Member ApplePayPaymentRequest.countryCode is required and must be an instance of DOMString. |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, validRequest()) did not throw exception. |
| |
| Testing PaymentRequest.supportedCountries |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = ['invalid']; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) threw exception TypeError: "invalid" is not a valid country code.. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = ['US', 'invalid']; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) threw exception TypeError: "invalid" is not a valid country code.. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = ['US', 7]; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) threw exception TypeError: "7" is not a valid country code.. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = ''; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = 7; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = null; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) threw exception TypeError: Value is not a sequence. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); delete request.supportedCountries; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) did not throw exception. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = undefined; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) did not throw exception. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = []; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) did not throw exception. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = ['US']; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) did not throw exception. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.supportedCountries = ['US', 'US']; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) did not throw exception. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredBillingContactFields = ['phoneticName']; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) did not throw exception. |
| |
| SETUP: request = validRequest(); request.requiredShippingContactFields = ['phoneticName']; |
| PASS new ApplePaySession(3, request) did not throw exception. |
| |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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