blob: bf83697838192e32b45956e1006b29b719648758 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>overflow on non-HTML body not should propagate to the viewport</title>
html { overflow:visible; }
body { display:block; overflow:scroll; width:10em; height:10em; border:thin solid; color:navy; }
.filler { color:gray; }
<body xmlns="urn:foo:bogus">
<p xmlns="">There should be scrollbars for this box -- not for the viewport.</p>
<p xmlns="" class="filler">This is filler text.</p>
<p xmlns="" class="filler">This is filler text.</p>
<p xmlns="" class="filler">This is filler text.</p>
<p xmlns="" class="filler">This is filler text.</p>