blob: 516f304c32f0ea526dd34722260654fb2a051dcb [file] [log] [blame]
Tests for HAR import.
== Running test suite: HAR.Import
-- Running test case: HAR.Import.Empty
PASS: Should be able to import a HAR with no resources.
PASS: Should produce zero LocalResources.
-- Running test case: HAR.Import.Full
PASS: Should be able to import a HAR with many resources.
Resources: 11,v1
-- Running test case: HAR.Import.Basic
PASS: Should be able to import a HAR with fake resources.
PASS: Should produce two LocalResources.
PASS: Bare Resource URL should be ''.
PASS: Bare Resource MIME Type should be 'text/javascript'.
PASS: Bare Resource type should be 'resource-type-script'.
PASS: Bare Resource requestMethod should be 'GET'.
PASS: Bare Resource requestSentWalltime should be '1508723752.694'.
PASS: Bare Resource does not have a statusCode
PASS: Bare Resource does not have statusText.
PASS: Full Resource URL should be ''.
PASS: Full Resource MIME Type should be 'text/javascript'.
PASS: Full Resource type should be 'resource-type-script'.
PASS: Full Resource requestMethod should be 'GET'.
PASS: Full Resource requestSentWalltime should be '1508723752.694'.
PASS: Full Resource statusCode should be '200'.
PASS: Full Resource statusText should be 'OK'.
PASS: Full Resource responseSource should be 'Symbol(network)'.
PASS: Full Resource protocol should be 'http/1.1'.
PASS: Full Resource priority should be 'Symbol(unknown)'.
PASS: Full Resource remoteAddress should be ''.
PASS: Full Resource connectionIdentifier should be '1'.
PASS: Full Resource requestHeadersTransferSize should be '100'.
PASS: Full Resource requestBodyTransferSize should be '0'.
PASS: Full Resource responseHeadersTransferSize should be '200'.
PASS: Full Resource responseBodyTransferSize should be '800'.
PASS: Full Resource timing startTime should be '0.001'.
PASS: Full Resource timing redirectStart should be NaN.
PASS: Full Resource timing redirectEnd should be NaN.
PASS: Full Resource timing fetchStart should be '0.001'.
PASS: Full Resource timing domainLookupStart should be '0.1'.
PASS: Full Resource timing domainLookupEnd should be '0.2'.
PASS: Full Resource timing connectStart should be '0.2'.
PASS: Full Resource timing connectEnd should be '0.3'.
PASS: Full Resource timing secureConnectionStart should be '0.25'.
PASS: Full Resource timing requestStart should be '0.4'.
PASS: Full Resource timing responseStart should be '0.5'.
PASS: Full Resource timing responseEnd should be '0.6'.
Request Headers:
"Test-Request-Header": "Test Request Header Value"
Response Headers:
"Test-Response-Header": "Test Response Header Value"
Test Content
-- Running test case: HAR.Import.BadVersion
ERROR: HAR Import Error: unsupported HAR version
PASS: Should fail to import a HAR with an unsupported version.
-- Running test case: HAR.Import.Invalid
ERROR: HAR Import Error: invalid JSON
PASS: Should fail to import invalid JSON: null.
ERROR: HAR Import Error: invalid JSON
PASS: Should fail to import invalid JSON: 123.
ERROR: HAR Import Error: invalid HAR
PASS: Should fail to import invalid JSON: [].
ERROR: HAR Import Error: invalid HAR
PASS: Should fail to import invalid JSON: {}.
ERROR: HAR Import Error: invalid HAR
PASS: Should fail to import invalid JSON: {"pages":[],"entries":[]}.