blob: a6b6d5bd1d2b2464f8c08e75daf94d5ca5bfbe26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// UniformsBenchmark:
// Performance test for setting uniform data.
#include "ANGLEPerfTest.h"
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "shader_utils.h"
using namespace angle;
// Controls when we call glUniform, if the data is the same as last frame.
enum DataMode
// TODO(jmadill): Use an ANGLE enum for this?
enum DataType
// Determines if we state change the program between draws.
// This covers a performance problem in ANGLE where calling UseProgram reuploads uniform data.
enum ProgramMode
struct UniformsParams final : public RenderTestParams
// Common default params
majorVersion = 2;
minorVersion = 0;
windowWidth = 720;
windowHeight = 720;
std::string suffix() const override;
size_t numVertexUniforms = 200;
size_t numFragmentUniforms = 200;
DataType dataType = DataType::VEC4;
DataMode dataMode = DataMode::REPEAT;
ProgramMode programMode = ProgramMode::SINGLE;
// static parameters
size_t iterations = 4;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const UniformsParams &params)
os << params.suffix().substr(1);
return os;
std::string UniformsParams::suffix() const
std::stringstream strstr;
strstr << RenderTestParams::suffix();
if (eglParameters.deviceType == EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_DEVICE_TYPE_NULL_ANGLE)
strstr << "_null";
if (dataType == DataType::VEC4)
strstr << "_" << (numVertexUniforms + numFragmentUniforms) << "_vec4";
ASSERT(dataType == DataType::MAT4);
strstr << "_matrix";
if (programMode == ProgramMode::MULTIPLE)
strstr << "_multiprogram";
if (dataMode == DataMode::REPEAT)
strstr << "_repeating";
return strstr.str();
class UniformsBenchmark : public ANGLERenderTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<UniformsParams>
void initializeBenchmark() override;
void destroyBenchmark() override;
void drawBenchmark() override;
void initShaders();
template <bool MultiProgram, typename SetUniformFunc>
void drawLoop(const SetUniformFunc &setUniformsFunc);
std::array<GLuint, 2> mPrograms;
std::vector<GLuint> mUniformLocations;
using MatrixData = std::array<std::vector<Matrix4>, 2>;
MatrixData mMatrixData;
std::vector<Matrix4> GenMatrixData(size_t count, int parity)
std::vector<Matrix4> data;
// Very simple matrix data allocation scheme.
for (size_t index = 0; index < count; ++index)
Matrix4 mat;
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col)
{[row * 4 + col] = (row * col + parity) % 2 == 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
return data;
UniformsBenchmark::UniformsBenchmark() : ANGLERenderTest("Uniforms", GetParam()), mPrograms({})
void UniformsBenchmark::initializeBenchmark()
const auto &params = GetParam();
ASSERT_GT(params.iterations, 0u);
// Verify the uniform counts are within the limits
GLint maxVertexUniformVectors, maxFragmentUniformVectors;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS, &maxVertexUniformVectors);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS, &maxFragmentUniformVectors);
bool isMatrix = params.dataType == DataType::MAT4;
GLint numVertexUniformVectors =
static_cast<GLint>(params.numVertexUniforms) * (isMatrix ? 4 : 1);
GLint numFragmentUniformVectors =
static_cast<GLint>(params.numFragmentUniforms) * (isMatrix ? 4 : 1);
if (numVertexUniformVectors > maxVertexUniformVectors)
FAIL() << "Vertex uniform vector count (" << numVertexUniformVectors << ")"
<< " exceeds maximum vertex uniform vector count: " << maxVertexUniformVectors
<< std::endl;
if (numFragmentUniformVectors > maxFragmentUniformVectors)
FAIL() << "Fragment uniform vector count (" << numFragmentUniformVectors << ")"
<< " exceeds maximum fragment uniform vector count: " << maxFragmentUniformVectors
<< std::endl;
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glViewport(0, 0, getWindow()->getWidth(), getWindow()->getHeight());
if (isMatrix)
size_t count = params.numVertexUniforms + params.numFragmentUniforms;
mMatrixData[0] = GenMatrixData(count, 0);
if (params.dataMode == DataMode::REPEAT)
mMatrixData[1] = GenMatrixData(count, 0);
mMatrixData[1] = GenMatrixData(count, 1);
GLint attribLocation = glGetAttribLocation(mPrograms[0], "pos");
ASSERT_NE(-1, attribLocation);
ASSERT_EQ(attribLocation, glGetAttribLocation(mPrograms[1], "pos"));
glVertexAttrib4f(attribLocation, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
std::string GetUniformLocationName(size_t idx, bool vertexShader)
std::stringstream strstr;
strstr << (vertexShader ? "vs" : "fs") << "_u_" << idx;
return strstr.str();
void UniformsBenchmark::initShaders()
const auto &params = GetParam();
bool isMatrix = (params.dataType == DataType::MAT4);
std::stringstream vstrstr;
vstrstr << "precision mediump float;\n";
std::string typeString = isMatrix ? "mat4" : "vec4";
std::string constVector = "const vec4 one = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);\n";
vstrstr << "attribute vec4 pos;\n";
if (isMatrix)
vstrstr << constVector;
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.numVertexUniforms; i++)
vstrstr << "uniform " << typeString << " " << GetUniformLocationName(i, true) << ";\n";
vstrstr << "void main()\n"
" gl_Position = pos;\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.numVertexUniforms; i++)
vstrstr << " gl_Position += " << GetUniformLocationName(i, true);
if (isMatrix)
vstrstr << " * one";
vstrstr << ";\n";
vstrstr << "}";
std::stringstream fstrstr;
fstrstr << "precision mediump float;\n";
if (isMatrix)
fstrstr << constVector;
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.numFragmentUniforms; i++)
fstrstr << "uniform " << typeString << " " << GetUniformLocationName(i, false) << ";\n";
fstrstr << "void main()\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.numFragmentUniforms; i++)
fstrstr << " gl_FragColor += " << GetUniformLocationName(i, false);
if (isMatrix)
fstrstr << " * one";
fstrstr << ";\n";
fstrstr << "}";
mPrograms[0] = CompileProgram(vstrstr.str(), fstrstr.str());
ASSERT_NE(0u, mPrograms[0]);
mPrograms[1] = CompileProgram(vstrstr.str(), fstrstr.str());
ASSERT_NE(0u, mPrograms[1]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.numVertexUniforms; ++i)
std::string name = GetUniformLocationName(i, true);
GLint location = glGetUniformLocation(mPrograms[0], name.c_str());
ASSERT_NE(-1, location);
ASSERT_EQ(location, glGetUniformLocation(mPrograms[1], name.c_str()));
for (size_t i = 0; i < params.numFragmentUniforms; ++i)
std::string name = GetUniformLocationName(i, false);
GLint location = glGetUniformLocation(mPrograms[0], name.c_str());
ASSERT_NE(-1, location);
ASSERT_EQ(location, glGetUniformLocation(mPrograms[1], name.c_str()));
// Use the program object
void UniformsBenchmark::destroyBenchmark()
// Hopefully the compiler is smart enough to inline the lambda setUniformsFunc.
template <bool MultiProgram, typename SetUniformFunc>
void UniformsBenchmark::drawLoop(const SetUniformFunc &setUniformsFunc)
const auto &params = GetParam();
size_t frameIndex = 0;
for (size_t it = 0; it < params.iterations; ++it, frameIndex = (frameIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0))
if (MultiProgram)
if (params.dataMode == DataMode::UPDATE)
for (size_t uniform = 0; uniform < mUniformLocations.size(); ++uniform)
setUniformsFunc(mUniformLocations, mMatrixData, uniform, frameIndex);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
void UniformsBenchmark::drawBenchmark()
const auto &params = GetParam();
if (params.dataType == DataType::MAT4)
auto setFunc = [](const std::vector<GLuint> &locations, const MatrixData &matrixData,
size_t uniform, size_t frameIndex) {
glUniformMatrix4fv(locations[uniform], 1, GL_FALSE,
auto setFunc = [](const std::vector<GLuint> &locations, const MatrixData &matrixData,
size_t uniform, size_t frameIndex) {
float value = static_cast<float>(uniform);
glUniform4f(locations[uniform], value, value, value, value);
if (params.programMode == ProgramMode::MULTIPLE)
using namespace egl_platform;
UniformsParams VectorUniforms(const EGLPlatformParameters &egl,
DataMode dataMode,
ProgramMode programMode = ProgramMode::SINGLE)
UniformsParams params;
params.eglParameters = egl;
params.dataMode = dataMode;
params.programMode = programMode;
return params;
UniformsParams MatrixUniforms(const EGLPlatformParameters &egl, DataMode dataMode)
UniformsParams params;
params.eglParameters = egl;
params.dataType = DataType::MAT4;
params.dataMode = dataMode;
// Reduce the number of uniforms to fit within smaller upper limits on some configs.
params.numVertexUniforms = 64;
params.numFragmentUniforms = 64;
return params;
} // anonymous namespace
TEST_P(UniformsBenchmark, Run)
VectorUniforms(D3D9(), DataMode::UPDATE),
VectorUniforms(D3D11(), DataMode::REPEAT),
VectorUniforms(D3D11(), DataMode::UPDATE),
VectorUniforms(D3D11_NULL(), DataMode::UPDATE),
VectorUniforms(OPENGL_OR_GLES(false), DataMode::UPDATE),
VectorUniforms(OPENGL_OR_GLES(false), DataMode::REPEAT),
VectorUniforms(OPENGL_OR_GLES(true), DataMode::UPDATE),
MatrixUniforms(D3D11(), DataMode::UPDATE),
MatrixUniforms(OPENGL_OR_GLES(false), DataMode::UPDATE),
VectorUniforms(D3D11_NULL(), DataMode::REPEAT, ProgramMode::MULTIPLE));