| <p>Test the basic styling of <textarea> with the selectors :read-only and :read-write. If the test succeed, the first text area should have red text over a white background. All the following text area should have black text over green background.</p> |
| <textarea style="color: red;">Ouch,</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly>WebKit</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly>seems</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly>to</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly>be</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly>the</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly>only</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" disabled>engine</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" disabled>testing</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" disabled>css</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" disabled>selectors</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" disabled>properly.</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" disabled>That</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly disabled>is</textarea> |
| <textarea style="background-color: lime;" readonly disabled>sad.</textarea> |