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| PASS Can get the ReadableStreamReader constructor indirectly |
| PASS ReadableStreamReader constructor should get a ReadableStream object as argument |
| FAIL ReadableStream instances should have the correct list of properties assert_array_equals: lengths differ, expected 5 got 4 |
| PASS ReadableStreamReader closed should always return the same promise object |
| PASS Constructing a ReadableStreamReader directly should fail if the stream is already locked (via direct construction) |
| PASS Getting a ReadableStreamReader via getReader should fail if the stream is already locked (via direct construction) |
| PASS Constructing a ReadableStreamReader directly should fail if the stream is already locked (via getReader) |
| PASS Getting a ReadableStreamReader via getReader should fail if the stream is already locked (via direct getReader) |
| PASS Constructing a ReadableStreamReader directly should be OK if the stream is closed |
| PASS Constructing a ReadableStreamReader directly should be OK if the stream is errored |
| FAIL Reading from a reader for an empty stream will wait until a chunk is available read is not implemented |
| FAIL cancel() on a reader releases the reader before calling through cancel is not implemented |
| TIMEOUT closed should be fulfilled after stream is closed (.closed access before acquiring) Test timed out |
| FAIL closed should be fulfilled after reader releases its lock (multiple stream locks) releaseLock is not implemented |
| FAIL Multiple readers can access the stream in sequence read is not implemented |
| FAIL Cannot use an already-released reader to unlock a stream again releaseLock is not implemented |
| FAIL cancel() on a released reader is a no-op and does not pass through releaseLock is not implemented |
| FAIL Getting a second reader after erroring the stream should succeed read is not implemented |
| PASS Collecting a ReadableStreamReader should not unlock its stream |
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