| This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL. |
| |
| Test: ../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance/misc/expando-loss.html |
| [ 1: PASS ] getParameter(TEXTURE_BINDING_2D) returns instance that was bound. |
| [ 2: FAIL ] getParameter(TEXTURE_BINDING_2D): Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 3: FAIL ] getParameter(TEXTURE_BINDING_2D): Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 4: PASS ] getParameter(FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING) returns instance that was bound. |
| [ 5: FAIL ] getParameter(FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING): Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 6: FAIL ] getParameter(FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING): Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 7: PASS ] getParameter(RENDERBUFFER_BINDING) returns instance that was bound. |
| [ 8: FAIL ] getParameter(RENDERBUFFER_BINDING): Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 9: FAIL ] getParameter(RENDERBUFFER_BINDING): Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 10: PASS ] getParameter(ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) returns instance that was bound. |
| [ 11: FAIL ] getParameter(ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING): Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 12: FAIL ] getParameter(ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING): Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 13: PASS ] getParameter(ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) returns instance that was bound. |
| [ 14: FAIL ] getParameter(ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING): Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 15: FAIL ] getParameter(ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING): Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 16: PASS ] getParameter(TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP) returns instance that was bound. |
| [ 17: FAIL ] getParameter(TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP): Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 18: FAIL ] getParameter(TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP): Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 19: PASS ] getParameter(gl.CURRENT_PROGRAM) return instance set with useProgram |
| [ 20: PASS ] Vertex shader instance found in getAttachedShaders |
| [ 21: PASS ] Fragment shader instance found in getAttachedShaders |
| [ 22: FAIL ] Current program: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 23: FAIL ] Current program: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 24: PASS ] [object WebGLProgram] is an instance of WebGLProgram |
| [ 25: FAIL ] Shader[0]: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 26: FAIL ] Shader[0]: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 27: PASS ] [object WebGLShader] is an instance of WebGLShader |
| [ 28: FAIL ] Shader[1]: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 29: FAIL ] Shader[1]: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 30: PASS ] [object WebGLShader] is an instance of WebGLShader |
| [ 31: PASS ] getVertexAttrib(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) return instance set with vertexAttribPointer |
| [ 32: FAIL ] Vertex Attribute Buffer: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 33: FAIL ] Vertex Attribute Buffer: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 34: PASS ] [object WebGLBuffer] is an instance of WebGLBuffer |
| [ 35: PASS ] getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(COLOR_ATTACHMENT0) returns instance set with framebufferRenderbuffer |
| [ 36: PASS ] getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(DEPTH_ATTACHMENT) returns instance set with framebufferRenderbuffer |
| [ 37: PASS ] getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) returns instance set with framebufferRenderbuffer |
| [ 38: PASS ] getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) returns instance set with framebufferRenderbuffer |
| [ 39: FAIL ] COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 40: FAIL ] COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 41: PASS ] [object WebGLRenderbuffer] is an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer |
| [ 42: FAIL ] DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 43: FAIL ] DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 44: PASS ] [object WebGLRenderbuffer] is an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer |
| [ 45: FAIL ] STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 46: FAIL ] STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 47: PASS ] [object WebGLRenderbuffer] is an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer |
| [ 48: FAIL ] DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: Expect basic expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 49: FAIL ] DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: Expect subobject expando to survive despite GC. |
| [ 50: PASS ] [object WebGLRenderbuffer] is an instance of WebGLRenderbuffer |
| [ 51: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true |
| [ FAIL ] 28 failures reported |
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