| Test which event listeners are set up by event handler attributes (the ones with names like onclick). |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| Event names we expect to be able to set on the window object |
| |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "abort") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "animationend") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "animationiteration") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "animationstart") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "beforeunload") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "blur") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "canplay") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "canplaythrough") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "change") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "click") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "contextmenu") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "dblclick") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "drag") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "dragend") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "dragenter") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "dragleave") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "dragover") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "dragstart") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "drop") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "durationchange") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "emptied") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "ended") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "error") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "focus") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "hashchange") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "input") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "invalid") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "keydown") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "keypress") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "keyup") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "load") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "loadeddata") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "loadedmetadata") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "loadstart") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "message") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mousedown") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mouseenter") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mouseleave") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mousemove") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mouseout") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mouseover") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mouseup") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "mousewheel") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "offline") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "online") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "pagehide") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "pageshow") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "pause") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "play") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "playing") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "popstate") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "progress") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "ratechange") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "reset") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "resize") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "scroll") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "search") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "seeked") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "seeking") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "select") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "selectionchange") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "selectstart") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "stalled") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "storage") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "submit") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "suspend") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "timeupdate") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "transitionend") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "unload") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "volumechange") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "waiting") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "webkitanimationend") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "webkitanimationiteration") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "webkitanimationstart") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "webkittransitionend") is "window" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "wheel") is "window" |
| |
| Event names we expect not to be able to set on the window object |
| |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "beforecopy") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "beforecut") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "beforeload") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "beforepaste") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "copy") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "cut") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "focusin") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "focusout") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "paste") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(window, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be able to set on the document |
| |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "abort") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "animationend") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "animationiteration") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "animationstart") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "beforecopy") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "beforecut") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "beforepaste") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "blur") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "canplay") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "canplaythrough") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "change") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "click") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "contextmenu") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "copy") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "cut") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "dblclick") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "drag") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "dragend") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "dragenter") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "dragleave") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "dragover") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "dragstart") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "drop") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "durationchange") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "emptied") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "ended") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "error") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "focus") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "input") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "invalid") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "keydown") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "keypress") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "keyup") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "load") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "loadeddata") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "loadedmetadata") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "loadstart") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mousedown") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mouseenter") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mouseleave") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mousemove") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mouseout") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mouseover") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mouseup") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "mousewheel") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "paste") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "pause") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "play") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "playing") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "progress") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "ratechange") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "readystatechange") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "reset") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "resize") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "scroll") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "search") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "seeked") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "seeking") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "select") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "selectionchange") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "selectstart") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "stalled") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "submit") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "suspend") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "timeupdate") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "transitionend") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "volumechange") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "waiting") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "webkitanimationend") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "webkitanimationiteration") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "webkitanimationstart") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "webkittransitionend") is "document" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "wheel") is "document" |
| |
| Event names we expect not to be able to set on the document |
| |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "beforeload") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "beforeunload") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "focusin") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "focusout") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "hashchange") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "message") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "offline") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "online") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "pagehide") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "pageshow") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "popstate") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "storage") is "none" |
| PASS testScriptAttribute(document, "unload") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be able to set on an element (tested on the <html> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "abort") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "animationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "animationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "animationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "beforecopy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "beforecut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "beforeload") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "beforepaste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "blur") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "canplay") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "canplaythrough") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "change") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "click") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "contextmenu") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "copy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "cut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "dblclick") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "drag") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "dragend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "dragenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "dragleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "dragover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "dragstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "drop") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "durationchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "emptied") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "ended") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "error") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "focus") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "focusin") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "focusout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "input") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "invalid") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "keydown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "keypress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "keyup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "load") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "loadeddata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "loadedmetadata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "loadstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mousedown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mouseenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mouseleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mousemove") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mouseout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mouseover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mouseup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "mousewheel") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "paste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "pause") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "play") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "playing") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "progress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "ratechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "reset") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "resize") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "scroll") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "search") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "seeked") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "seeking") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "select") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "selectionchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "selectstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "stalled") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "submit") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "suspend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "timeupdate") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "transitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "volumechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "waiting") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "webkitanimationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "webkitanimationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "webkitanimationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "webkittransitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "wheel") is "target" |
| |
| Event names we expect not to be able to set on an element (tested on the <html> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "beforeunload") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "hashchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "message") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "offline") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "online") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "pagehide") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "pageshow") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "popstate") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "storage") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(element, "unload") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be able to set on an element (tested on the <input> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "abort") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "animationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "animationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "animationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "beforecopy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "beforecut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "beforeload") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "beforepaste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "blur") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "canplay") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "canplaythrough") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "change") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "click") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "contextmenu") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "copy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "cut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "dblclick") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "drag") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "dragend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "dragenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "dragleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "dragover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "dragstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "drop") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "durationchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "emptied") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "ended") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "error") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "focus") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "focusin") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "focusout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "input") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "invalid") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "keydown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "keypress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "keyup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "load") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "loadeddata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "loadedmetadata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "loadstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mousedown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mouseenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mouseleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mousemove") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mouseout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mouseover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mouseup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "mousewheel") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "paste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "pause") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "play") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "playing") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "progress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "ratechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "reset") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "resize") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "scroll") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "search") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "seeked") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "seeking") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "select") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "selectionchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "selectstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "stalled") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "submit") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "suspend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "timeupdate") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "transitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "volumechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "waiting") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "webkitanimationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "webkitanimationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "webkitanimationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "webkittransitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "wheel") is "target" |
| |
| Event names we expect not to be able to set on an element (tested on the <input> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "beforeunload") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "hashchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "message") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "offline") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "online") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "pagehide") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "pageshow") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "popstate") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "storage") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(inputElement, "unload") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be able to set on an element (tested on the <audio> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "abort") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "animationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "animationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "animationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "beforecopy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "beforecut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "beforeload") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "beforepaste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "blur") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "canplay") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "canplaythrough") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "change") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "click") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "contextmenu") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "copy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "cut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "dblclick") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "drag") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "dragend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "dragenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "dragleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "dragover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "dragstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "drop") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "durationchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "emptied") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "ended") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "error") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "focus") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "focusin") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "focusout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "input") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "invalid") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "keydown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "keypress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "keyup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "load") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "loadeddata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "loadedmetadata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "loadstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mousedown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mouseenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mouseleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mousemove") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mouseout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mouseover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mouseup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "mousewheel") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "paste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "pause") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "play") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "playing") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "progress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "ratechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "reset") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "resize") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "scroll") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "search") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "seeked") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "seeking") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "select") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "selectionchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "selectstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "stalled") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "submit") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "suspend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "timeupdate") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "transitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "volumechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "waiting") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "webkitanimationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "webkitanimationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "webkitanimationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "webkittransitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "wheel") is "target" |
| |
| Event names we expect not to be able to set on an element (tested on the <audio> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "beforeunload") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "hashchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "message") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "offline") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "online") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "pagehide") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "pageshow") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "popstate") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "storage") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(audioElement, "unload") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be able to set on an element (tested on the <video> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "abort") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "animationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "animationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "animationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "beforecopy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "beforecut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "beforeload") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "beforepaste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "blur") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "canplay") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "canplaythrough") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "change") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "click") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "contextmenu") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "copy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "cut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "dblclick") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "drag") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "dragend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "dragenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "dragleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "dragover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "dragstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "drop") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "durationchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "emptied") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "ended") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "error") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "focus") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "focusin") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "focusout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "input") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "invalid") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "keydown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "keypress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "keyup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "load") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "loadeddata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "loadedmetadata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "loadstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mousedown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mouseenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mouseleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mousemove") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mouseout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mouseover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mouseup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "mousewheel") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "paste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "pause") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "play") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "playing") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "progress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "ratechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "reset") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "resize") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "scroll") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "search") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "seeked") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "seeking") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "select") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "selectionchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "selectstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "stalled") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "submit") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "suspend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "timeupdate") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "transitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "volumechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "waiting") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "webkitanimationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "webkitanimationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "webkitanimationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "webkittransitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "wheel") is "target" |
| |
| Event names we expect not to be able to set on an element (tested on the <video> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "beforeunload") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "hashchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "message") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "offline") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "online") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "pagehide") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "pageshow") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "popstate") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "storage") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(videoElement, "unload") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be forwarded from <body> element to window object) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "beforeunload") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "blur") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "error") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "focus") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "focusin") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "focusout") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "hashchange") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "load") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "message") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "offline") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "online") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "pagehide") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "pageshow") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "popstate") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "resize") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "storage") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "unload") is "window" |
| |
| Non-forwarded event names on <body> element |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "abort") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "animationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "animationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "animationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "beforecopy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "beforecut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "beforeload") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "beforepaste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "canplay") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "canplaythrough") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "change") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "click") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "contextmenu") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "copy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "cut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "dblclick") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "drag") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "dragend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "dragenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "dragleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "dragover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "dragstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "drop") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "durationchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "emptied") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "ended") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "input") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "invalid") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "keydown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "keypress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "keyup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "loadeddata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "loadedmetadata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "loadstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mousedown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mouseenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mouseleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mousemove") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mouseout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mouseover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mouseup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "mousewheel") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "paste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "pause") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "play") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "playing") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "progress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "ratechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "reset") is "target" |
| FAIL testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "scroll") should be target. Was window. |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "search") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "seeked") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "seeking") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "select") is "target" |
| FAIL testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "selectionchange") should be target. Was script: target; content: document. |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "selectstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "stalled") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "submit") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "suspend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "timeupdate") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "transitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "volumechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "waiting") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "webkitanimationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "webkitanimationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "webkitanimationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "webkittransitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "wheel") is "target" |
| |
| Event names we expect to not be able to set on <body> element |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(bodyElement, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be forwarded from <frameset> element to window object) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "beforeunload") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "blur") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "error") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "focus") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "focusin") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "focusout") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "hashchange") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "load") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "message") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "offline") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "online") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "pagehide") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "pageshow") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "popstate") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "resize") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "storage") is "window" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "unload") is "window" |
| |
| Non-forwarded event names on <frameset> element |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "abort") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "animationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "animationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "animationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "beforecopy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "beforecut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "beforeload") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "beforepaste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "canplay") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "canplaythrough") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "change") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "click") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "contextmenu") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "copy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "cut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "dblclick") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "drag") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "dragend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "dragenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "dragleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "dragover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "dragstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "drop") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "durationchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "emptied") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "ended") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "input") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "invalid") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "keydown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "keypress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "keyup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "loadeddata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "loadedmetadata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "loadstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mousedown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mouseenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mouseleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mousemove") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mouseout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mouseover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mouseup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "mousewheel") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "paste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "pause") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "play") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "playing") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "progress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "ratechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "reset") is "target" |
| FAIL testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "scroll") should be target. Was window. |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "search") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "seeked") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "seeking") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "select") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "selectionchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "selectstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "stalled") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "submit") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "suspend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "timeupdate") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "transitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "volumechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "waiting") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "webkitanimationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "webkitanimationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "webkitanimationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "webkittransitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "wheel") is "target" |
| |
| Event names we expect to not be able to set on <frameset> element |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(framesetElement, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| |
| Event names we expect to be able to set on an element (tested on the SVG <rect> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "abort") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "animationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "animationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "animationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "beforecopy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "beforecut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "beforeload") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "beforepaste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "blur") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "canplay") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "canplaythrough") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "change") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "click") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "contextmenu") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "copy") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "cut") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "dblclick") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "drag") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "dragend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "dragenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "dragleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "dragover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "dragstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "drop") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "durationchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "emptied") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "ended") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "error") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "focus") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "focusin") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "focusout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "input") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "invalid") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "keydown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "keypress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "keyup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "load") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "loadeddata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "loadedmetadata") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "loadstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mousedown") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mouseenter") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mouseleave") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mousemove") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mouseout") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mouseover") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mouseup") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "mousewheel") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "paste") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "pause") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "play") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "playing") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "progress") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "ratechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "reset") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "resize") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "scroll") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "search") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "seeked") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "seeking") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "select") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "selectionchange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "selectstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "stalled") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "submit") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "suspend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "timeupdate") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "transitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "volumechange") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "waiting") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "webkitanimationend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "webkitanimationiteration") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "webkitanimationstart") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "webkittransitionend") is "target" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "wheel") is "target" |
| |
| Event names we expect not to be able to set on an element (tested on the SVG <rect> element) |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "beforeunload") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "hashchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "message") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "offline") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "online") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "pagehide") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "pageshow") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "popstate") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "storage") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(rectElement, "unload") is "none" |
| |
| Event names on a non-HTML element |
| |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "abort") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "animationend") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "animationiteration") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "animationstart") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "beforecopy") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "beforecut") is "none" |
| FAIL testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "beforeload") should be none. Was script: target; content: none. |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "beforepaste") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "beforeunload") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "blur") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "canplay") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "canplaythrough") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "change") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "click") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "contextmenu") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "copy") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "cut") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "dblclick") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "drag") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "dragend") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "dragenter") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "dragleave") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "dragover") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "dragstart") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "drop") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "durationchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "emptied") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "ended") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "error") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "focus") is "none" |
| FAIL testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "focusin") should be none. Was script: target; content: none. |
| FAIL testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "focusout") should be none. Was script: target; content: none. |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "hashchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "input") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "invalid") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "keydown") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "keypress") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "keyup") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "load") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "loadeddata") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "loadedmetadata") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "loadstart") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "message") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mousedown") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mouseenter") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mouseleave") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mousemove") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mouseout") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mouseover") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mouseup") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "mousewheel") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "noneventname") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "offline") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "online") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "pagehide") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "pageshow") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "paste") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "pause") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "play") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "playing") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "popstate") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "progress") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "ratechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "readystatechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "reset") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "resize") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "scroll") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "search") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "seeked") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "seeking") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "select") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "selectionchange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "selectstart") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "stalled") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "storage") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "submit") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "suspend") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "timeupdate") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "transitionend") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "unload") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "volumechange") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "waiting") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "webkitanimationend") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "webkitanimationiteration") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "webkitanimationstart") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "webkittransitionend") is "none" |
| PASS testElementAttribute(nonHTMLElement, "wheel") is "none" |
| |
| onselectionchange IDL attribute doesn't forward event listeners from <body> element to document |
| |
| PASS document.onselectionchange is null |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |