blob: 8ca0ff1222500d9862a81c473ea648d485365c99 [file] [log] [blame]
[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
# token: random string used to authenticate the transaction.
# expiration_ts: expiration date of the token.
# email: email address of the new account.
From: [% Param('mailfrom') %]
To: [% email %]
Subject: [% terms.Bugzilla %]: confirm account creation
X-Bugzilla-Type: admin
[%+ terms.Bugzilla %] has received a request to create a user account
using your email address ([% email %]).
To continue creating an account using this email address, visit the
following link by [% expiration_ts FILTER time("%B %e, %Y at %H:%M %Z") %]:
[%+ urlbase %]token.cgi?t=[% token FILTER uri %]&a=request_new_account
If you did not receive this email before [% expiration_ts FILTER time("%B %e, %Y at %H:%M %Z") %] or
you wish to create an account using a different email address you can begin
again by going to:
[%+ urlbase %]createaccount.cgi
[% IF Param('createemailregexp') == '.*' && Param('emailsuffix') == '' %]
PRIVACY NOTICE: [% terms.Bugzilla %] is an open [% terms.bug %] tracking system. Activity on most
[%+ terms.bugs %], including email addresses, will be visible to the public. We recommend
using a secondary account or free web email service (such as Gmail, Yahoo,
Hotmail, or similar) to avoid receiving spam at your primary email address.
[% END %]
If you do not wish to create an account, or if this request was made in
error you can do nothing or visit the following link:
[%+ urlbase %]token.cgi?t=[% token FILTER uri %]&a=cancel_new_account
If the above links do not work, or you have any other issues regarding
your account, please contact administration at [% Param('maintainer') %].