blob: 607259429f19875712b6a803d9a8f0ec491930e6 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Cache.matchAll
PASS Cache.matchAll with no matching entries
PASS Cache.matchAll with URL
PASS Cache.matchAll with Request
PASS Cache.matchAll with new Request
PASS Cache.matchAll with HEAD
PASS Cache.matchAll with ignoreSearch option (request with no search parameters)
PASS Cache.matchAll with ignoreSearch option (request with search parameters)
PASS Cache.matchAll supports ignoreMethod
PASS Cache.matchAll supports ignoreVary
PASS Cache.matchAll with URL containing fragment
PASS Cache.matchAll with string fragment "http" as query
PASS Cache.matchAll without parameters
PASS Cache.matchAll with responses containing "Vary" header
PASS Cache.matchAll with multiple vary pairs