blob: 22de55603ac45966e999c0baf01fc91ab65e4676 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS idl_test setup
PASS idl_test validation
PASS Partial interface Document: member names are unique
PASS Partial interface Document[2]: member names are unique
PASS Document includes NonElementParentNode: member names are unique
PASS Document includes ParentNode: member names are unique
PASS Document includes XPathEvaluatorBase: member names are unique
PASS Document includes GlobalEventHandlers: member names are unique
PASS Document includes DocumentAndElementEventHandlers: member names are unique
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface object length
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface object name
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onloadstart
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onprogress
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onabort
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onerror
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onload
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute ontimeout
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: attribute onloadend
PASS XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequestUpload interface object length
PASS XMLHttpRequestUpload interface object name
PASS XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS XMLHttpRequestUpload interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS XMLHttpRequestUpload must be primary interface of (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload
PASS Stringification of (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onloadstart" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onprogress" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onabort" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onload" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "ontimeout" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: (new XMLHttpRequest()).upload must inherit property "onloadend" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface object length
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface object name
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute onreadystatechange
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant UNSENT on interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant UNSENT on interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant OPENED on interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant OPENED on interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant HEADERS_RECEIVED on interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant HEADERS_RECEIVED on interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant LOADING on interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant LOADING on interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant DONE on interface object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: constant DONE on interface prototype object
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute readyState
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation open(ByteString, USVString)
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation open(ByteString, USVString, boolean, USVString, USVString)
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation setRequestHeader(ByteString, ByteString)
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute timeout
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute withCredentials
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute upload
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation send([object Object],[object Object])
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation abort()
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseURL
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute status
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute statusText
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation getResponseHeader(ByteString)
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation getAllResponseHeaders()
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: operation overrideMimeType(DOMString)
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseType
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute response
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseText
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: attribute responseXML
PASS XMLHttpRequest must be primary interface of new XMLHttpRequest()
PASS Stringification of new XMLHttpRequest()
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onreadystatechange" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "UNSENT" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "OPENED" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "HEADERS_RECEIVED" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "LOADING" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "DONE" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "readyState" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "open(ByteString, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: calling open(ByteString, USVString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "open(ByteString, USVString, boolean, USVString, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: calling open(ByteString, USVString, boolean, USVString, USVString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "setRequestHeader(ByteString, ByteString)" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: calling setRequestHeader(ByteString, ByteString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "timeout" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "withCredentials" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "upload" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "send([object Object],[object Object])" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: calling send([object Object],[object Object]) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "abort()" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseURL" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "status" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "statusText" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "getResponseHeader(ByteString)" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: calling getResponseHeader(ByteString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "getAllResponseHeaders()" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "overrideMimeType(DOMString)" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: calling overrideMimeType(DOMString) on new XMLHttpRequest() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseType" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "response" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseText" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequest interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "responseXML" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onloadstart" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onprogress" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onabort" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onload" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "ontimeout" with the proper type
PASS XMLHttpRequestEventTarget interface: new XMLHttpRequest() must inherit property "onloadend" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS FormData interface object length
PASS FormData interface object name
PASS FormData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS FormData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS FormData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS FormData interface: operation append(USVString, USVString)
PASS FormData interface: operation append(USVString, Blob, USVString)
PASS FormData interface: operation delete(USVString)
PASS FormData interface: operation get(USVString)
PASS FormData interface: operation getAll(USVString)
PASS FormData interface: operation has(USVString)
PASS FormData interface: operation set(USVString, USVString)
PASS FormData interface: operation set(USVString, Blob, USVString)
PASS FormData interface: iterable<USVString, FormDataEntryValue>
PASS FormData must be primary interface of new FormData()
PASS Stringification of new FormData()
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "append(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling append(USVString, USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "append(USVString, Blob, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling append(USVString, Blob, USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "delete(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling delete(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "get(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling get(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "getAll(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling getAll(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "has(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling has(USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "set(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling set(USVString, USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData() must inherit property "set(USVString, Blob, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling set(USVString, Blob, USVString) on new FormData() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData must be primary interface of new FormData(form)
PASS Stringification of new FormData(form)
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "append(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling append(USVString, USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "append(USVString, Blob, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling append(USVString, Blob, USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "delete(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling delete(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "get(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling get(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "getAll(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling getAll(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "has(USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling has(USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "set(USVString, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling set(USVString, USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS FormData interface: new FormData(form) must inherit property "set(USVString, Blob, USVString)" with the proper type
PASS FormData interface: calling set(USVString, Blob, USVString) on new FormData(form) with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS ProgressEvent interface object length
PASS ProgressEvent interface object name
PASS ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS ProgressEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS ProgressEvent interface: attribute lengthComputable
PASS ProgressEvent interface: attribute loaded
PASS ProgressEvent interface: attribute total
PASS ProgressEvent must be primary interface of new ProgressEvent("type")
PASS Stringification of new ProgressEvent("type")
PASS ProgressEvent interface: new ProgressEvent("type") must inherit property "lengthComputable" with the proper type
PASS ProgressEvent interface: new ProgressEvent("type") must inherit property "loaded" with the proper type
PASS ProgressEvent interface: new ProgressEvent("type") must inherit property "total" with the proper type