PASS Must not throw INVALID_STATE_ERR for a detached node. | |
PASS Must throw TypeError when calling without arguments | |
PASS Simple test with paragraphs | |
PASS Don't auto-create <body> when applied to <html> | |
PASS <script>s should be run when appended to the document (but not before) | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <area> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <base> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <basefont> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <bgsound> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <br> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <col> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <embed> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <frame> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <hr> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <img> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <input> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <keygen> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <link> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <meta> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <param> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <source> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <track> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <wbr> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <menuitem> | |
PASS createContextualFragment should work even when the context is <image> | |
PASS <html> and <body> must work the same, 1 | |
PASS <html> and <body> must work the same, 2 | |
PASS Implicit <body> creation | |
PASS Namespace generally shouldn't matter | |
PASS <html> in a different namespace shouldn't be special | |
PASS SVG namespace shouldn't be special | |
PASS null should be stringified | |
PASS undefined should be stringified | |
PASS Text nodes shouldn't be special | |
PASS Non-Element parent should not be special | |