blob: feafee2de481c77992fba708e0265c84568afc5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef RuleSet_h
#define RuleSet_h
#include "RuleFeature.h"
#include "StyleRule.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomicString.h>
namespace WebCore {
enum AddRuleFlags {
RuleHasNoSpecialState = 0,
RuleHasDocumentSecurityOrigin = 1,
RuleCanUseFastCheckSelector = 1 << 1,
RuleIsInRegionRule = 1 << 2,
enum PropertyWhitelistType {
PropertyWhitelistNone = 0,
class CSSSelector;
class ContainerNode;
class MediaQueryEvaluator;
class StyleResolver;
class StyleRuleRegion;
class StyleSheetContents;
class RuleData {
static const unsigned maximumSelectorComponentCount = 8192;
RuleData(StyleRule*, unsigned selectorIndex, unsigned position, AddRuleFlags);
unsigned position() const { return m_position; }
StyleRule* rule() const { return m_rule; }
const CSSSelector* selector() const { return m_rule->selectorList().selectorAt(m_selectorIndex); }
unsigned selectorIndex() const { return m_selectorIndex; }
bool hasFastCheckableSelector() const { return m_hasFastCheckableSelector; }
bool hasMultipartSelector() const { return m_hasMultipartSelector; }
bool hasRightmostSelectorMatchingHTMLBasedOnRuleHash() const { return m_hasRightmostSelectorMatchingHTMLBasedOnRuleHash; }
bool containsUncommonAttributeSelector() const { return m_containsUncommonAttributeSelector; }
unsigned specificity() const { return m_specificity; }
unsigned linkMatchType() const { return m_linkMatchType; }
bool hasDocumentSecurityOrigin() const { return m_hasDocumentSecurityOrigin; }
PropertyWhitelistType propertyWhitelistType(bool isMatchingUARules = false) const { return isMatchingUARules ? PropertyWhitelistNone : static_cast<PropertyWhitelistType>(m_propertyWhitelistType); }
// Try to balance between memory usage (there can be lots of RuleData objects) and good filtering performance.
static const unsigned maximumIdentifierCount = 4;
const unsigned* descendantSelectorIdentifierHashes() const { return m_descendantSelectorIdentifierHashes; }
StyleRule* m_rule;
unsigned m_selectorIndex : 13;
// This number was picked fairly arbitrarily. We can probably lower it if we need to.
// Some simple testing showed <100,000 RuleData's on large sites.
unsigned m_position : 18;
unsigned m_hasFastCheckableSelector : 1;
unsigned m_specificity : 24;
unsigned m_hasMultipartSelector : 1;
unsigned m_hasRightmostSelectorMatchingHTMLBasedOnRuleHash : 1;
unsigned m_containsUncommonAttributeSelector : 1;
unsigned m_linkMatchType : 2; // SelectorChecker::LinkMatchMask
unsigned m_hasDocumentSecurityOrigin : 1;
unsigned m_propertyWhitelistType : 2;
// Use plain array instead of a Vector to minimize memory overhead.
unsigned m_descendantSelectorIdentifierHashes[maximumIdentifierCount];
struct SameSizeAsRuleData {
void* a;
unsigned b;
unsigned c;
unsigned d[4];
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(RuleData) == sizeof(SameSizeAsRuleData), RuleData_should_stay_small);
class RuleSet {
static PassOwnPtr<RuleSet> create() { return adoptPtr(new RuleSet); }
typedef HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, OwnPtr<Vector<RuleData> > > AtomRuleMap;
void addRulesFromSheet(StyleSheetContents*, const MediaQueryEvaluator&, StyleResolver* = 0, const ContainerNode* = 0);
void addStyleRule(StyleRule*, AddRuleFlags);
void addRule(StyleRule*, unsigned selectorIndex, AddRuleFlags);
void addPageRule(StyleRulePage*);
void addToRuleSet(AtomicStringImpl* key, AtomRuleMap&, const RuleData&);
void addRegionRule(StyleRuleRegion*, bool hasDocumentSecurityOrigin);
void shrinkToFit();
void disableAutoShrinkToFit() { m_autoShrinkToFitEnabled = false; }
const RuleFeatureSet& features() const { return m_features; }
const Vector<RuleData>* idRules(AtomicStringImpl* key) const { return m_idRules.get(key); }
const Vector<RuleData>* classRules(AtomicStringImpl* key) const { return m_classRules.get(key); }
const Vector<RuleData>* tagRules(AtomicStringImpl* key) const { return m_tagRules.get(key); }
const Vector<RuleData>* shadowPseudoElementRules(AtomicStringImpl* key) const { return m_shadowPseudoElementRules.get(key); }
const Vector<RuleData>* linkPseudoClassRules() const { return &m_linkPseudoClassRules; }
const Vector<RuleData>* cuePseudoRules() const { return &m_cuePseudoRules; }
const Vector<RuleData>* focusPseudoClassRules() const { return &m_focusPseudoClassRules; }
const Vector<RuleData>* universalRules() const { return &m_universalRules; }
const Vector<StyleRulePage*>& pageRules() const { return m_pageRules; }
void addChildRules(const Vector<RefPtr<StyleRuleBase> >&, const MediaQueryEvaluator& medium, StyleResolver*, const ContainerNode* scope, bool hasDocumentSecurityOrigin, AddRuleFlags);
bool findBestRuleSetAndAdd(const CSSSelector*, RuleData&);
AtomRuleMap m_idRules;
AtomRuleMap m_classRules;
AtomRuleMap m_tagRules;
AtomRuleMap m_shadowPseudoElementRules;
Vector<RuleData> m_linkPseudoClassRules;
Vector<RuleData> m_cuePseudoRules;
Vector<RuleData> m_focusPseudoClassRules;
Vector<RuleData> m_universalRules;
Vector<StyleRulePage*> m_pageRules;
unsigned m_ruleCount;
bool m_autoShrinkToFitEnabled;
RuleFeatureSet m_features;
struct RuleSetSelectorPair {
RuleSetSelectorPair(const CSSSelector* selector, PassOwnPtr<RuleSet> ruleSet) : selector(selector), ruleSet(ruleSet) { }
RuleSetSelectorPair(const RuleSetSelectorPair& rs) : selector(rs.selector), ruleSet(const_cast<RuleSetSelectorPair*>(&rs)->ruleSet.release()) { }
const CSSSelector* selector;
OwnPtr<RuleSet> ruleSet;
Vector<RuleSetSelectorPair> m_regionSelectorsAndRuleSets;
inline RuleSet::RuleSet()
: m_ruleCount(0)
, m_autoShrinkToFitEnabled(true)
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // RuleSet_h