| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Derived sources for WebCore |
| # |
| # See 'Tools/qmake/README' for an overview of the build system |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # This file is both a top level target, and included from Target.pri, |
| # so that the resulting generated sources can be added to SOURCES. |
| # We only set the template if we're a top level target, so that we |
| # don't override what Target.pri has already set. |
| sanitizedFile = $$toSanitizedPath($$_FILE_) |
| equals(sanitizedFile, $$toSanitizedPath($$_PRO_FILE_)):TEMPLATE = derived |
| |
| mac { |
| # FIXME: This runs the perl script every time. Is there a way we can run it only when deps change? |
| fwheader_generator.commands = perl $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WebKit2/Scripts/generate-forwarding-headers.pl $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WebCore $${ROOT_BUILD_DIR}/Source/include mac |
| fwheader_generator.depends = $${ROOT_WEBKIT_DIR}/Source/WebKit2/Scripts/generate-forwarding-headers.pl |
| GENERATORS += fwheader_generator |
| } |
| |
| MATHML_NAMES = $$PWD/mathml/mathtags.in |
| |
| SVG_NAMES = $$PWD/svg/svgtags.in |
| |
| XLINK_NAMES = $$PWD/svg/xlinkattrs.in |
| |
| CSSBISON = $$PWD/css/CSSGrammar.y.in |
| |
| enable?(XSLT) { |
| XMLVIEWER_CSS = $$PWD/xml/XMLViewer.css |
| XMLVIEWER_JS = $$PWD/xml/XMLViewer.js |
| } |
| |
| FONT_NAMES = $$PWD/css/WebKitFontFamilyNames.in |
| |
| HTML_NAMES = $$PWD/html/HTMLTagNames.in |
| |
| XML_NAMES = $$PWD/xml/xmlattrs.in |
| |
| XMLNS_NAMES = $$PWD/xml/xmlnsattrs.in |
| |
| HTML_ENTITIES = $$PWD/html/parser/HTMLEntityNames.in |
| |
| EVENTS_NAMES = $$PWD/dom/EventNames.in |
| |
| EVENT_TARGET_FACTORY = $$PWD/dom/EventTargetFactory.in |
| |
| DOM_EXCEPTIONS = $$PWD/dom/DOMExceptions.in |
| |
| SETTINGS_MACROS = $$PWD/page/Settings.in |
| |
| COLORDATA_GPERF = $$PWD/platform/ColorData.gperf |
| |
| WALDOCSSPROPS = $$PWD/css/CSSPropertyNames.in |
| |
| WALDOCSSVALUES = $$PWD/css/CSSValueKeywords.in |
| |
| INSPECTOR_JSON = $$PWD/inspector/Inspector.json |
| |
| INSPECTOR_BACKEND_COMMANDS_QRC = $$PWD/inspector/front-end/InspectorBackendCommands.qrc |
| |
| INSPECTOR_OVERLAY_PAGE = $$PWD/inspector/InspectorOverlayPage.html |
| |
| INJECTED_SCRIPT_SOURCE = $$PWD/inspector/InjectedScriptSource.js |
| |
| INJECTED_SCRIPT_CANVAS_MODULE_SOURCE = $$PWD/inspector/InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource.js |
| |
| XPATHBISON = $$PWD/xml/XPathGrammar.y |
| |
| enable?(SVG) { |
| EXTRACSSPROPERTIES += $$PWD/css/SVGCSSPropertyNames.in |
| EXTRACSSVALUES += $$PWD/css/SVGCSSValueKeywords.in |
| } |
| |
| $$PWD/css/html.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/quirks.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/mathml.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/svg.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/view-source.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/fullscreen.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/mediaControls.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/mediaControlsQt.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/mediaControlsQtFullscreen.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/plugIns.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/themeQtNoListboxes.css \ |
| $$PWD/css/mobileThemeQt.css |
| |
| $$PWD/Resources/plugIns.js |
| |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/DOMFileSystem.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/DOMFileSystemSync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/DOMWindowFileSystem.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/DirectoryEntry.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/DirectoryEntrySync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/DirectoryReader.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/DirectoryReaderSync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/EntriesCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/Entry.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/EntryArray.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/EntryArraySync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/EntryCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/EntrySync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/ErrorCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/FileCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/FileEntry.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/FileEntrySync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/FileSystemCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/FileWriter.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/FileWriterCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/Metadata.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/MetadataCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/filesystem/WorkerGlobalScopeFileSystem.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/geolocation/Coordinates.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/geolocation/Geolocation.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/geolocation/Geoposition.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/geolocation/NavigatorGeolocation.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/geolocation/PositionCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/geolocation/PositionError.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/geolocation/PositionErrorCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/DOMWindowIndexedDatabase.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBAny.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBCursor.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBDatabase.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBFactory.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBIndex.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBKeyRange.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBObjectStore.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBRequest.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/IDBTransaction.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/indexeddb/WorkerGlobalScopeIndexedDatabase.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/notifications/DOMWindowNotifications.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/notifications/Notification.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/notifications/NotificationCenter.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/notifications/NotificationPermissionCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/notifications/WorkerGlobalScopeNotifications.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/DOMWindowQuota.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/NavigatorStorageQuota.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/StorageInfo.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/StorageErrorCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/StorageQuota.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/StorageQuotaCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/StorageUsageCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/quota/WorkerNavigatorStorageQuota.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioBuffer.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioBufferCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioBufferSourceNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/ChannelMergerNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/ChannelSplitterNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioDestinationNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/GainNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioListener.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/PannerNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioParam.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AudioProcessingEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/BiquadFilterNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/ConvolverNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/DelayNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/DynamicsCompressorNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/ScriptProcessorNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/MediaElementAudioSourceNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/MediaStreamAudioSourceNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/OfflineAudioContext.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/OfflineAudioCompletionEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/OscillatorNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/AnalyserNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/WaveShaperNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webaudio/PeriodicWave.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/DOMWindowWebDatabase.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/Database.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseSync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLError.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLException.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLResultSet.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLResultSetRowList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLStatementCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLStatementErrorCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLTransaction.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLTransactionCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLTransactionErrorCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLTransactionSync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/SQLTransactionSyncCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/webdatabase/WorkerGlobalScopeWebDatabase.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/websockets/CloseEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/websockets/WebSocket.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/Counter.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSCharsetRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSFontFaceLoadEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSFontFaceRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSHostRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSImportRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSMediaRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSPageRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSPrimitiveValue.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSRuleList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSStyleDeclaration.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSStyleRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSStyleSheet.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSSupportsRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSValue.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/CSSValueList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/DOMWindowCSS.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/FontLoader.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/MediaList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/MediaQueryList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/MediaQueryListListener.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/Rect.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/RGBColor.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/StyleMedia.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/StyleSheet.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/StyleSheetList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSFilterRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSFilterValue.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSKeyframeRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSKeyframesRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSMatrix.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSMixFunctionValue.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSRegionRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSTransformValue.idl \ |
| $$PWD/css/WebKitCSSViewportRule.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Attr.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/BeforeLoadEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/CharacterData.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/ChildNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/ClientRect.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/ClientRectList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Clipboard.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/CDATASection.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Comment.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/CompositionEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/CustomEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DataTransferItem.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DataTransferItemList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DeviceMotionEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DeviceOrientationEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DocumentFragment.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Document.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DocumentType.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DOMCoreException.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DOMError.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DOMImplementation.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DOMStringList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DOMStringMap.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Element.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Entity.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/EntityReference.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/ErrorEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Event.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/EventException.idl \ |
| # $$PWD/dom/EventListener.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/EventTarget.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/FocusEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/HashChangeEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/KeyboardEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/MouseEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/MessageChannel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/MessageEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/MessagePort.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/MutationEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/MutationObserver.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/MutationRecord.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/NamedNodeMap.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Node.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/NodeFilter.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/NodeIterator.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/NodeList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Notation.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/OverflowEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/PageTransitionEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/PopStateEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/ProcessingInstruction.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/ProgressEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/RangeException.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Range.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/RequestAnimationFrameCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/ShadowRoot.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/StringCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Text.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/TextEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/Touch.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/TouchEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/TouchList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/TransitionEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/TreeWalker.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/UIEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/WebKitAnimationEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/WebKitNamedFlow.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/DOMNamedFlowCollection.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/WebKitTransitionEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/dom/WheelEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi/Blob.idl \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi/File.idl \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi/FileError.idl \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi/FileException.idl \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi/FileList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi/FileReader.idl \ |
| $$PWD/fileapi/FileReaderSync.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/CanvasGradient.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/CanvasPattern.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/CanvasProxy.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/DOMPath.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/EXTDrawBuffers.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/OESStandardDerivatives.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/OESTextureFloat.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/OESTextureHalfFloat.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/OESVertexArrayObject.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/OESElementIndexUint.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLActiveInfo.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLBuffer.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLCompressedTextureATC.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLCompressedTexturePVRTC.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLCompressedTextureS3TC.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLContextAttributes.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLContextEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLDebugRendererInfo.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLDebugShaders.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLDepthTexture.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLFramebuffer.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLLoseContext.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLProgram.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLRenderbuffer.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContext.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLShader.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLTexture.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLUniformLocation.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/canvas/WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/DOMFormData.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/DOMSettableTokenList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/DOMTokenList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/DOMURL.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLAllCollection.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLAudioElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLAnchorElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLAppletElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLAreaElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLBaseElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLBaseFontElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLBodyElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLBRElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLButtonElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLCanvasElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLCollection.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLDataListElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLDetailsElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLDialogElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLDirectoryElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLDivElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLDListElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLDocument.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLEmbedElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLFieldSetElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLFontElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLFormControlsCollection.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLFormElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLFrameElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLFrameSetElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLHeadElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLHeadingElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLHRElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLHtmlElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLIFrameElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLImageElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLInputElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLKeygenElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLLabelElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLLegendElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLLIElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLLinkElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLMapElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLMarqueeElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLMediaElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLMenuElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLMetaElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLMeterElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLModElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLObjectElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLOListElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLOptGroupElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLOptionElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLOptionsCollection.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLOutputElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLParagraphElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLParamElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLPreElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLProgressElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLQuoteElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLScriptElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLSelectElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLSourceElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLSpanElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLStyleElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTableCaptionElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTableCellElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTableColElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTableElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTableRowElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTableSectionElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTextAreaElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTitleElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLTrackElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLUListElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLUnknownElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/HTMLVideoElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/ImageData.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/MediaController.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/MediaError.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/RadioNodeList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/TextMetrics.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/TimeRanges.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/ValidityState.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/VoidCallback.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/shadow/HTMLContentElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/inspector/InjectedScriptHost.idl \ |
| $$PWD/inspector/InspectorFrontendHost.idl \ |
| $$PWD/inspector/JavaScriptCallFrame.idl \ |
| $$PWD/inspector/ScriptProfile.idl \ |
| $$PWD/inspector/ScriptProfileNode.idl \ |
| $$PWD/loader/appcache/DOMApplicationCache.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/BarProp.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/Console.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/Crypto.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/DOMSecurityPolicy.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/DOMSelection.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/DOMWindow.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/EventSource.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/History.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/Location.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/Navigator.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/Performance.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/PerformanceEntry.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/PerformanceEntryList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/PerformanceNavigation.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/PerformanceResourceTiming.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/PerformanceTiming.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/Screen.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/SpeechInputEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/SpeechInputResult.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/SpeechInputResultList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/WebKitPoint.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/WindowBase64.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/WindowTimers.idl \ |
| $$PWD/page/WorkerNavigator.idl \ |
| $$PWD/plugins/DOMPlugin.idl \ |
| $$PWD/plugins/DOMMimeType.idl \ |
| $$PWD/plugins/DOMPluginArray.idl \ |
| $$PWD/plugins/DOMMimeTypeArray.idl \ |
| $$PWD/storage/Storage.idl \ |
| $$PWD/storage/StorageEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/testing/Internals.idl \ |
| $$PWD/testing/InternalSettings.idl \ |
| $$PWD/testing/MallocStatistics.idl \ |
| $$PWD/testing/MemoryInfo.idl \ |
| $$PWD/testing/TypeConversions.idl \ |
| $$PWD/workers/AbstractWorker.idl \ |
| $$PWD/workers/DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope.idl \ |
| $$PWD/workers/SharedWorker.idl \ |
| $$PWD/workers/SharedWorkerGlobalScope.idl \ |
| $$PWD/workers/Worker.idl \ |
| $$PWD/workers/WorkerGlobalScope.idl \ |
| $$PWD/workers/WorkerLocation.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/DOMParser.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XMLHttpRequest.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XMLHttpRequestException.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XMLHttpRequestUpload.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XMLSerializer.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XPathNSResolver.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XPathException.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XPathExpression.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XPathResult.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XPathEvaluator.idl \ |
| $$PWD/xml/XSLTProcessor.idl |
| |
| enable?(SVG) { |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAltGlyphDefElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAltGlyphElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAltGlyphItemElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAngle.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimateMotionElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedAngle.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedEnumeration.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedInteger.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedRect.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedString.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimateElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGAnimationElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGCircleElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGClipPathElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGColor.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGCursorElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGDefsElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGDescElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGDocument.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGElementInstance.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGElementInstanceList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGEllipseElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGException.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEDistantLightElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEDropShadowElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEImageElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEMorphologyElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFEPointLightElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFESpotLightElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFETileElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFilterElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFitToViewBox.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFontElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFontFaceElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFontFaceFormatElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFontFaceNameElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFontFaceSrcElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGFontFaceUriElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGGElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGGlyphElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGGlyphRefElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGGradientElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGGraphicsElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGHKernElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGImageElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGLength.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGLengthList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGLineElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGMarkerElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGMaskElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGMatrix.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGMetadataElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGMissingGlyphElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGMPathElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGNumber.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGNumberList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPaint.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegArcAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegArcRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSeg.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegMovetoAbs.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPathSegMovetoRel.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPatternElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPoint.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPointList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPolygonElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPolylineElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGRectElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGRect.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGRenderingIntent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGScriptElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGSetElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGStopElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGStringList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGStyleElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGStyledElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGSVGElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGSwitchElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGSymbolElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTests.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTextContentElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTextElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTextPathElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTitleElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTransform.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTransformList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTRefElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGTSpanElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGURIReference.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGUnitTypes.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGUseElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGViewElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGVKernElement.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGViewSpec.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGZoomAndPan.idl \ |
| $$PWD/svg/SVGZoomEvent.idl |
| } |
| |
| enable?(GAMEPAD) { |
| $$PWD/Modules/gamepad/Gamepad.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/gamepad/GamepadList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/gamepad/NavigatorGamepad.idl |
| } |
| |
| enable?(VIDEO_TRACK) { |
| $$PWD/html/track/AudioTrack.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/AudioTrackList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/TextTrack.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/TextTrackCue.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/TextTrackCueList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/TextTrackList.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/TrackEvent.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/VideoTrack.idl \ |
| $$PWD/html/track/VideoTrackList.idl |
| } |
| |
| enable?(MEDIA_SOURCE) { |
| $$PWD/Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.idl \ |
| $$PWD/Modules/mediasource/SourceBufferList.idl |
| } |
| |
| qtPrepareTool(QMAKE_MOC, moc) |
| |
| mathmlnames.output = MathMLNames.cpp |
| mathmlnames.input = MATHML_NAMES |
| mathmlnames.depends = $$PWD/mathml/mathattrs.in |
| mathmlnames.script = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl |
| mathmlnames.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$mathmlnames.script --tags $$PWD/mathml/mathtags.in --attrs $$PWD/mathml/mathattrs.in --extraDefines \"$${DEFINES} $$configDefines()\" --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" --factory --wrapperFactory --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| mathmlnames.extra_sources = MathMLElementFactory.cpp |
| GENERATORS += mathmlnames |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-C: |
| svgnames.output = SVGNames.cpp |
| svgnames.input = SVG_NAMES |
| svgnames.depends = $$PWD/svg/svgattrs.in |
| svgnames.script = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl |
| svgnames.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$svgnames.script --tags $$PWD/svg/svgtags.in --attrs $$PWD/svg/svgattrs.in --extraDefines \"$${DEFINES} $$configDefines()\" --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" --factory --wrapperFactory --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| svgnames.extra_sources = SVGElementFactory.cpp |
| svgnames.extra_sources += JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.cpp |
| GENERATORS += svgnames |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-D: |
| xlinknames.output = XLinkNames.cpp |
| xlinknames.script = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl |
| xlinknames.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$xlinknames.script --attrs $$PWD/svg/xlinkattrs.in --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| xlinknames.input = XLINK_NAMES |
| GENERATORS += xlinknames |
| |
| # GENERATOR 6-A: |
| cssprops.script = $$PWD/css/makeprop.pl |
| cssprops.output = CSSPropertyNames.cpp |
| cssprops.input = WALDOCSSPROPS |
| cssprops.commands = perl -ne \"print $1\" ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} $${EXTRACSSPROPERTIES} > ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.in && cd ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} && perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$cssprops.script --defines \"$$javascriptFeatureDefines()\" --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} && $(DEL_FILE) ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.in ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.gperf |
| cssprops.depends = ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} $${EXTRACSSPROPERTIES} $$cssprops.script |
| GENERATORS += cssprops |
| |
| # GENERATOR 6-B: |
| cssvalues.script = $$PWD/css/makevalues.pl |
| cssvalues.output = CSSValueKeywords.cpp |
| cssvalues.input = WALDOCSSVALUES |
| cssvalues.commands = perl -ne \"print $1\" ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} $$EXTRACSSVALUES > ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.in && cd ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} && perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$cssvalues.script --defines \"$$javascriptFeatureDefines()\" --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} && $(DEL_FILE) ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.in ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.gperf |
| cssvalues.depends = ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} $${EXTRACSSVALUES} $$cssvalues.script |
| GENERATORS += cssvalues |
| |
| INTERNAL_SETTINGS_GENERATED_IDL = InternalSettingsGenerated.idl |
| # GENERATOR 6-C: |
| settingsmacros.output = $$INTERNAL_SETTINGS_GENERATED_IDL InternalSettingsGenerated.cpp |
| settingsmacros.input = SETTINGS_MACROS |
| settingsmacros.script = $$PWD/page/make_settings.pl |
| settingsmacros.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$settingsmacros.script --input $$SETTINGS_MACROS --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| settingsmacros.depends = $$PWD/page/make_settings.pl $$SETTINGS_MACROS |
| settingsmacros.add_output_to_sources = false |
| settingsmacros.extra_sources = InternalSettingsGenerated.cpp |
| GENERATORS += settingsmacros |
| |
| # make_settings.pl generates this file. We can't use ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} here since generateBindings.input |
| # doesn't know how to resolve ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}. |
| |
| # GENERATOR 0: Resolve [Supplemental] dependency in IDLs |
| SUPPLEMENTAL_DEPENDENCY_FILE = supplemental_dependency.tmp |
| WINDOW_CONSTRUCTORS_FILE = DOMWindowConstructors.idl |
| WORKERGLOBALSCOPE_CONSTRUCTORS_FILE = WorkerGlobalScopeConstructors.idl |
| PREPROCESS_IDLS_SCRIPT = $$PWD/bindings/scripts/preprocess-idls.pl |
| IDL_ATTRIBUTES_FILE = $$PWD/bindings/scripts/IDLAttributes.txt |
| |
| preprocessIdls.input = IDL_ATTRIBUTES_FILE |
| preprocessIdls.script = $$PREPROCESS_IDLS_SCRIPT |
| # FIXME : We need to use only perl at some point. |
| win_cmd_shell: preprocessIdls.commands = type nul > $$IDL_FILES_TMP $$EOC |
| else: preprocessIdls.commands = cat /dev/null > $$IDL_FILES_TMP $$EOC |
| for(binding, IDL_BINDINGS) { |
| # We need "$$binding" instead of "$$binding ", because Windows' echo writes trailing whitespaces. (http://wkb.ug/88304) |
| # A space is omitted between "$$IDL_FILES_TMP" and "$$EOC" to also avoid writing trailing whitespace. (http://wkb.ug/95730) |
| preprocessIdls.commands += echo $$binding>> $$IDL_FILES_TMP$$EOC |
| } |
| preprocessIdls.commands += perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$preprocessIdls.script \ |
| --defines \"$$javascriptFeatureDefines()\" \ |
| --idlFilesList $$IDL_FILES_TMP \ |
| preprocessIdls.add_output_to_sources = false |
| preprocessIdls.depends = $$IDL_BINDINGS |
| GENERATORS += preprocessIdls |
| |
| # GENERATOR 1: Generate .h and .cpp from IDLs |
| generateBindings.input = IDL_BINDINGS |
| generateBindings.script = $$PWD/bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl |
| generateBindings.commands = $$setEnvironmentVariable(SOURCE_ROOT, $$toSystemPath($$PWD)) && perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$generateBindings.script \ |
| --defines \"$$javascriptFeatureDefines()\" \ |
| --generator JS \ |
| --include Modules/filesystem \ |
| --include Modules/geolocation \ |
| --include Modules/indexeddb \ |
| --include Modules/mediasource \ |
| --include Modules/notifications \ |
| --include Modules/quota \ |
| --include Modules/webaudio \ |
| --include Modules/webdatabase \ |
| --include Modules/websockets \ |
| --include css \ |
| --include dom \ |
| --include editing \ |
| --include fileapi \ |
| --include html \ |
| --include html/canvas \ |
| --include html/shadow \ |
| --include html/track \ |
| --include inspector \ |
| --include loader/appcache \ |
| --include page \ |
| --include plugins \ |
| --include storage \ |
| --include svg \ |
| --include testing \ |
| --include workers \ |
| --include xml \ |
| --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} \ |
| --idlAttributesFile $${IDL_ATTRIBUTES_FILE} \ |
| --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} |
| generateBindings.output = JS${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp |
| $$PWD/bindings/scripts/CodeGenerator.pm \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/scripts/InFilesParser.pm \ |
| $$PWD/bindings/scripts/preprocessor.pm \ |
| GENERATORS += generateBindings |
| |
| # GENERATOR 2: inspector idl compiler |
| inspectorValidate.output = InspectorProtocolVersion.h |
| inspectorValidate.input = INSPECTOR_JSON |
| inspectorValidate.script = $$PWD/inspector/generate-inspector-protocol-version |
| inspectorValidate.commands = python $$inspectorValidate.script -o ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} |
| inspectorValidate.depends = $$PWD/inspector/generate-inspector-protocol-version |
| inspectorValidate.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += inspectorValidate |
| |
| inspectorJSON.output = InspectorFrontend.cpp InspectorBackendDispatcher.cpp InspectorTypeBuilder.cpp |
| inspectorJSON.input = INSPECTOR_JSON |
| inspectorJSON.script = $$PWD/inspector/CodeGeneratorInspector.py |
| inspectorJSON.commands = python $$inspectorJSON.script $$PWD/inspector/Inspector.json --output_h_dir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} --output_cpp_dir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| inspectorJSON.depends = $$inspectorJSON.script |
| GENERATORS += inspectorJSON |
| |
| inspectorBackendCommands.output = InspectorBackendCommands.qrc |
| inspectorBackendCommands.input = INSPECTOR_BACKEND_COMMANDS_QRC |
| inspectorBackendCommands.commands = $$QMAKE_COPY $$toSystemPath($$INSPECTOR_BACKEND_COMMANDS_QRC) ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}$${QMAKE_DIR_SEP}InspectorBackendCommands.qrc |
| inspectorBackendCommands.depends = $$INSPECTOR_JSON |
| inspectorBackendCommands.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += inspectorBackendCommands |
| |
| inspectorOverlayPage.output = InspectorOverlayPage.h |
| inspectorOverlayPage.input = INSPECTOR_OVERLAY_PAGE |
| inspectorOverlayPage.commands = perl $$PWD/inspector/xxd.pl InspectorOverlayPage_html ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| inspectorOverlayPage.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += inspectorOverlayPage |
| |
| # GENERATOR 2: inspector injected script source compiler |
| injectedScriptSource.output = InjectedScriptSource.h |
| injectedScriptSource.input = INJECTED_SCRIPT_SOURCE |
| injectedScriptSource.commands = perl $$PWD/inspector/xxd.pl InjectedScriptSource_js ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| injectedScriptSource.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += injectedScriptSource |
| |
| # GENERATOR 3: inspector canvas injected script source compiler |
| InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource.output = InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource.h |
| InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource.input = INJECTED_SCRIPT_CANVAS_MODULE_SOURCE |
| InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource.commands = perl $$PWD/inspector/xxd.pl InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource_js ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += InjectedScriptCanvasModuleSource |
| |
| # GENERATOR 4: CSS grammar |
| cssbison.output = CSSGrammar.cpp |
| cssbison.input = CSSBISON |
| cssbison.script = $$PWD/css/makegrammar.pl |
| cssbison.commands = perl -I $$PWD/bindings/scripts $$cssbison.script --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} --extraDefines \"$${DEFINES} $$configDefines()\" --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" --symbolsPrefix cssyy ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} |
| cssbison.depends = ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} |
| GENERATORS += cssbison |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-A: |
| htmlnames.output = HTMLNames.cpp |
| htmlnames.input = HTML_NAMES |
| htmlnames.script = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl |
| htmlnames.depends = $$PWD/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in |
| htmlnames.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$htmlnames.script --tags $$PWD/html/HTMLTagNames.in --attrs $$PWD/html/HTMLAttributeNames.in --extraDefines \"$${DEFINES} $$configDefines()\" --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" --factory --wrapperFactory --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| htmlnames.extra_sources = HTMLElementFactory.cpp |
| htmlnames.extra_sources += JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp |
| GENERATORS += htmlnames |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-B: |
| xmlnsnames.output = XMLNSNames.cpp |
| xmlnsnames.input = XMLNS_NAMES |
| xmlnsnames.script = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl |
| xmlnsnames.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$xmlnsnames.script --attrs $$PWD/xml/xmlnsattrs.in --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| GENERATORS += xmlnsnames |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-C: |
| xmlnames.output = XMLNames.cpp |
| xmlnames.input = XML_NAMES |
| xmlnames.script = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl |
| xmlnames.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$xmlnames.script --attrs $$PWD/xml/xmlattrs.in --preprocessor \"$${QMAKE_MOC} -E\" --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| GENERATORS += xmlnames |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-D: |
| fontnames.output = WebKitFontFamilyNames.cpp |
| fontnames.input = FONT_NAMES |
| fontnames.script = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl |
| fontnames.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$fontnames.script --fonts $$FONT_NAMES --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| entities.depends = $$PWD/dom/make_names.pl $$FONT_NAMES |
| GENERATORS += fontnames |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-E: |
| eventfactory.output = EventFactory.cpp |
| eventfactory.input = EVENTS_NAMES |
| eventfactory.script = $$PWD/dom/make_event_factory.pl |
| eventfactory.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$eventfactory.script --input $$EVENTS_NAMES --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| eventfactory.depends = $$PWD/dom/make_event_factory.pl $$EVENTS_NAMES |
| GENERATORS += eventfactory |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-F: |
| eventtargetfactory.output = EventTargetInterfaces.h |
| eventtargetfactory.add_output_to_sources = false |
| eventtargetfactory.input = EVENT_TARGET_FACTORY |
| eventtargetfactory.script = $$PWD/dom/make_event_factory.pl |
| eventtargetfactory.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$eventfactory.script --input $$EVENT_TARGET_FACTORY --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| eventtargetfactory.depends = $$PWD/dom/make_event_factory.pl $$EVENT_TARGET_FACTORY |
| GENERATORS += eventtargetfactory |
| |
| # GENERATOR 5-G: |
| exceptioncodedescription.output = ExceptionCodeDescription.cpp |
| exceptioncodedescription.input = DOM_EXCEPTIONS |
| exceptioncodedescription.script = $$PWD/dom/make_dom_exceptions.pl |
| exceptioncodedescription.commands = perl -I$$PWD/bindings/scripts $$exceptioncodedescription.script --input $$DOM_EXCEPTIONS --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} |
| exceptioncodedescription.depends = $$PWD/dom/make_dom_exceptions.pl $$DOM_EXCEPTIONS |
| GENERATORS += exceptioncodedescription |
| |
| # GENERATOR 8-A: |
| entities.output = HTMLEntityTable.cpp |
| entities.input = HTML_ENTITIES |
| entities.script = $$PWD/html/parser/create-html-entity-table |
| entities.commands = python $$entities.script -o ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} $$HTML_ENTITIES |
| entities.clean = ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| entities.depends = $$PWD/html/parser/create-html-entity-table |
| GENERATORS += entities |
| |
| # GENERATOR 8-B: |
| colordata.output = ColorData.cpp |
| colordata.input = COLORDATA_GPERF |
| colordata.script = $$PWD/make-hash-tools.pl |
| colordata.commands = perl $$colordata.script ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH} $$COLORDATA_GPERF |
| colordata.clean = ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| colordata.depends = $$PWD/make-hash-tools.pl |
| GENERATORS += colordata |
| |
| enable?(XSLT) { |
| # GENERATOR 8-C: |
| xmlviewercss.output = XMLViewerCSS.h |
| xmlviewercss.input = XMLVIEWER_CSS |
| xmlviewercss.script = $$PWD/inspector/xxd.pl |
| xmlviewercss.commands = perl $$xmlviewercss.script XMLViewer_css $$XMLVIEWER_CSS ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| xmlviewercss.clean = ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| xmlviewercss.depends = $$PWD/inspector/xxd.pl |
| xmlviewercss.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += xmlviewercss |
| |
| # GENERATOR 8-D: |
| xmlviewerjs.output = XMLViewerJS.h |
| xmlviewerjs.input = XMLVIEWER_JS |
| xmlviewerjs.script = $$PWD/inspector/xxd.pl |
| xmlviewerjs.commands = perl $$xmlviewerjs.script XMLViewer_js $$XMLVIEWER_JS ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| xmlviewerjs.clean = ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} |
| xmlviewerjs.depends = $$PWD/inspector/xxd.pl |
| xmlviewerjs.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += xmlviewerjs |
| } |
| |
| # GENERATOR 9: |
| stylesheets.script = $$PWD/css/make-css-file-arrays.pl |
| stylesheets.output = UserAgentStyleSheetsData.cpp |
| stylesheets.input = stylesheets.script |
| stylesheets.commands = perl $$stylesheets.script ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/UserAgentStyleSheets.h ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} $$STYLESHEETS_EMBED |
| stylesheets.depends = $$STYLESHEETS_EMBED |
| stylesheets.clean = ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/UserAgentStyleSheets.h |
| GENERATORS += stylesheets |
| |
| # GENERATOR 10: |
| pluginsresources.script = $$PWD/css/make-css-file-arrays.pl |
| pluginsresources.output = PlugInsResourcesData.cpp |
| pluginsresources.input = pluginsresources.script |
| pluginsresources.commands = perl $$pluginsresources.script ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/PlugInsResources.h ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} $$PLUGINS_EMBED |
| pluginsresources.depends = $$PLUGINS_EMBED |
| pluginsresources.clean = ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/PlugInsResources.h |
| GENERATORS += pluginsresources |
| |
| # GENERATOR 11: XPATH grammar |
| xpathbison.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp |
| xpathbison.input = XPATHBISON |
| xpathbison.depends = ${QMAKE_FILE_NAME} |
| GENERATORS += xpathbison |
| |
| # GENERATOR 12: WebKit Version |
| # The appropriate Apple-maintained Version.xcconfig file for WebKit version information is in Source/WebKit/mac/Configurations/. |
| webkitversion.script = $$PWD/../WebKit/scripts/generate-webkitversion.pl |
| webkitversion.output = WebKitVersion.h |
| webkitversion.input = webkitversion.script |
| webkitversion.commands = perl $$webkitversion.script --config $$PWD/../WebKit/mac/Configurations/Version.xcconfig --outputDir ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/ |
| webkitversion.clean = ${QMAKE_FUNC_FILE_OUT_PATH}/WebKitVersion.h |
| webkitversion.add_output_to_sources = false |
| GENERATORS += webkitversion |