| // |
| // Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // RendererVk.h: |
| // Defines the class interface for RendererVk. |
| // |
| |
| |
| #include <vulkan/vulkan.h> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <mutex> |
| |
| #include "common/PoolAlloc.h" |
| #include "common/angleutils.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/BlobCache.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/Caps.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/CommandGraph.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/QueryVk.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/UtilsVk.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_format_utils.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h" |
| #include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_internal_shaders_autogen.h" |
| |
| namespace egl |
| { |
| class Display; |
| class BlobCache; |
| } // namespace egl |
| |
| namespace rx |
| { |
| class DisplayVk; |
| class FramebufferVk; |
| |
| namespace vk |
| { |
| struct Format; |
| } // namespace vk |
| |
| // Supports one semaphore from current surface, and one semaphore passed to |
| // glSignalSemaphoreEXT. |
| using SignalSemaphoreVector = angle::FixedVector<VkSemaphore, 2>; |
| |
| inline void CollectGarbage(std::vector<vk::GarbageObject> *garbageOut) {} |
| |
| template <typename ArgT, typename... ArgsT> |
| void CollectGarbage(std::vector<vk::GarbageObject> *garbageOut, ArgT object, ArgsT... objectsIn) |
| { |
| if (object->valid()) |
| { |
| garbageOut->emplace_back(vk::GarbageObject::Get(object)); |
| } |
| CollectGarbage(garbageOut, objectsIn...); |
| } |
| |
| class RendererVk : angle::NonCopyable |
| { |
| public: |
| RendererVk(); |
| ~RendererVk(); |
| |
| angle::Result initialize(DisplayVk *displayVk, |
| egl::Display *display, |
| const char *wsiExtension, |
| const char *wsiLayer); |
| void onDestroy(vk::Context *context); |
| |
| void notifyDeviceLost(); |
| bool isDeviceLost() const; |
| |
| std::string getVendorString() const; |
| std::string getRendererDescription() const; |
| |
| gl::Version getMaxSupportedESVersion() const; |
| gl::Version getMaxConformantESVersion() const; |
| |
| VkInstance getInstance() const { return mInstance; } |
| VkPhysicalDevice getPhysicalDevice() const { return mPhysicalDevice; } |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceProperties &getPhysicalDeviceProperties() const |
| { |
| return mPhysicalDeviceProperties; |
| } |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties &getPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties() const |
| { |
| return mPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties; |
| } |
| const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures &getPhysicalDeviceFeatures() const |
| { |
| return mPhysicalDeviceFeatures; |
| } |
| VkDevice getDevice() const { return mDevice; } |
| |
| angle::Result selectPresentQueueForSurface(DisplayVk *displayVk, |
| VkSurfaceKHR surface, |
| uint32_t *presentQueueOut); |
| |
| const gl::Caps &getNativeCaps() const; |
| const gl::TextureCapsMap &getNativeTextureCaps() const; |
| const gl::Extensions &getNativeExtensions() const; |
| const gl::Limitations &getNativeLimitations() const; |
| |
| uint32_t getQueueFamilyIndex() const { return mCurrentQueueFamilyIndex; } |
| |
| const vk::MemoryProperties &getMemoryProperties() const { return mMemoryProperties; } |
| |
| // TODO(jmadill): We could pass angle::FormatID here. |
| const vk::Format &getFormat(GLenum internalFormat) const |
| { |
| return mFormatTable[internalFormat]; |
| } |
| |
| const vk::Format &getFormat(angle::FormatID formatID) const { return mFormatTable[formatID]; } |
| |
| // Queries the descriptor set layout cache. Creates the layout if not present. |
| angle::Result getDescriptorSetLayout( |
| vk::Context *context, |
| const vk::DescriptorSetLayoutDesc &desc, |
| vk::BindingPointer<vk::DescriptorSetLayout> *descriptorSetLayoutOut); |
| |
| // Queries the pipeline layout cache. Creates the layout if not present. |
| angle::Result getPipelineLayout(vk::Context *context, |
| const vk::PipelineLayoutDesc &desc, |
| const vk::DescriptorSetLayoutPointerArray &descriptorSetLayouts, |
| vk::BindingPointer<vk::PipelineLayout> *pipelineLayoutOut); |
| |
| angle::Result syncPipelineCacheVk(DisplayVk *displayVk); |
| |
| // Issues a new serial for linked shader modules. Used in the pipeline cache. |
| Serial issueShaderSerial(); |
| |
| const angle::FeaturesVk &getFeatures() const |
| { |
| ASSERT(mFeaturesInitialized); |
| return mFeatures; |
| } |
| uint32_t getMaxVertexAttribDivisor() const { return mMaxVertexAttribDivisor; } |
| |
| bool isMockICDEnabled() const { return mEnabledICD == vk::ICD::Mock; } |
| |
| // Query the format properties for select bits (linearTilingFeatures, optimalTilingFeatures and |
| // bufferFeatures). Looks through mandatory features first, and falls back to querying the |
| // device (first time only). |
| bool hasLinearImageFormatFeatureBits(VkFormat format, const VkFormatFeatureFlags featureBits); |
| VkFormatFeatureFlags getImageFormatFeatureBits(VkFormat format, |
| const VkFormatFeatureFlags featureBits); |
| bool hasImageFormatFeatureBits(VkFormat format, const VkFormatFeatureFlags featureBits); |
| bool hasBufferFormatFeatureBits(VkFormat format, const VkFormatFeatureFlags featureBits); |
| |
| angle::Result queueSubmit(vk::Context *context, |
| const VkSubmitInfo &submitInfo, |
| const vk::Fence &fence, |
| Serial *serialOut); |
| angle::Result queueWaitIdle(vk::Context *context); |
| VkResult queuePresent(const VkPresentInfoKHR &presentInfo); |
| |
| angle::Result newSharedFence(vk::Context *context, vk::Shared<vk::Fence> *sharedFenceOut); |
| inline void resetSharedFence(vk::Shared<vk::Fence> *sharedFenceIn) |
| { |
| sharedFenceIn->resetAndRecycle(&mFenceRecycler); |
| } |
| |
| template <typename... ArgsT> |
| void collectGarbageAndReinit(vk::SharedResourceUse *use, ArgsT... garbageIn) |
| { |
| std::vector<vk::GarbageObject> sharedGarbage; |
| CollectGarbage(&sharedGarbage, garbageIn...); |
| if (!sharedGarbage.empty()) |
| { |
| mSharedGarbage.emplace_back(std::move(*use), std::move(sharedGarbage)); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| // Force releasing "use" even if no garbage was created. |
| use->release(); |
| } |
| // Keep "use" valid. |
| use->init(); |
| } |
| |
| static constexpr size_t kMaxExtensionNames = 200; |
| using ExtensionNameList = angle::FixedVector<const char *, kMaxExtensionNames>; |
| |
| angle::Result getPipelineCache(vk::PipelineCache **pipelineCache); |
| void onNewGraphicsPipeline() { mPipelineCacheDirty = true; } |
| |
| void onNewValidationMessage(const std::string &message); |
| std::string getAndClearLastValidationMessage(uint32_t *countSinceLastClear); |
| |
| uint64_t getMaxFenceWaitTimeNs() const; |
| Serial getCurrentQueueSerial() const { return mCurrentQueueSerial; } |
| Serial getLastSubmittedQueueSerial() const { return mLastSubmittedQueueSerial; } |
| Serial getLastCompletedQueueSerial() const { return mLastCompletedQueueSerial; } |
| |
| void onCompletedSerial(Serial serial); |
| |
| bool shouldCleanupGarbage() |
| { |
| return (mSharedGarbage.size() > mGarbageCollectionFlushThreshold); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| angle::Result initializeDevice(DisplayVk *displayVk, uint32_t queueFamilyIndex); |
| void ensureCapsInitialized() const; |
| |
| void initFeatures(const ExtensionNameList &extensions); |
| void initPipelineCacheVkKey(); |
| angle::Result initPipelineCache(DisplayVk *display, |
| vk::PipelineCache *pipelineCache, |
| bool *success); |
| |
| template <VkFormatFeatureFlags VkFormatProperties::*features> |
| VkFormatFeatureFlags getFormatFeatureBits(VkFormat format, |
| const VkFormatFeatureFlags featureBits); |
| |
| template <VkFormatFeatureFlags VkFormatProperties::*features> |
| bool hasFormatFeatureBits(VkFormat format, const VkFormatFeatureFlags featureBits); |
| |
| angle::Result cleanupGarbage(vk::Context *context, bool block); |
| |
| egl::Display *mDisplay; |
| |
| mutable bool mCapsInitialized; |
| mutable gl::Caps mNativeCaps; |
| mutable gl::TextureCapsMap mNativeTextureCaps; |
| mutable gl::Extensions mNativeExtensions; |
| mutable gl::Limitations mNativeLimitations; |
| mutable bool mFeaturesInitialized; |
| mutable angle::FeaturesVk mFeatures; |
| |
| VkInstance mInstance; |
| bool mEnableValidationLayers; |
| vk::ICD mEnabledICD; |
| VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT mDebugUtilsMessenger; |
| VkDebugReportCallbackEXT mDebugReportCallback; |
| VkPhysicalDevice mPhysicalDevice; |
| VkPhysicalDeviceProperties mPhysicalDeviceProperties; |
| VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties mPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties; |
| VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures mPhysicalDeviceFeatures; |
| std::vector<VkQueueFamilyProperties> mQueueFamilyProperties; |
| std::mutex mQueueMutex; |
| VkQueue mQueue; |
| uint32_t mCurrentQueueFamilyIndex; |
| uint32_t mMaxVertexAttribDivisor; |
| VkDevice mDevice; |
| AtomicSerialFactory mQueueSerialFactory; |
| AtomicSerialFactory mShaderSerialFactory; |
| |
| Serial mLastCompletedQueueSerial; |
| Serial mLastSubmittedQueueSerial; |
| Serial mCurrentQueueSerial; |
| |
| bool mDeviceLost; |
| |
| vk::Recycler<vk::Fence> mFenceRecycler; |
| |
| std::mutex mGarbageMutex; |
| vk::SharedGarbageList mSharedGarbage; |
| |
| vk::MemoryProperties mMemoryProperties; |
| vk::FormatTable mFormatTable; |
| |
| // All access to the pipeline cache is done through EGL objects so it is thread safe to not use |
| // a lock. |
| vk::PipelineCache mPipelineCache; |
| egl::BlobCache::Key mPipelineCacheVkBlobKey; |
| uint32_t mPipelineCacheVkUpdateTimeout; |
| bool mPipelineCacheDirty; |
| bool mPipelineCacheInitialized; |
| |
| // A cache of VkFormatProperties as queried from the device over time. |
| std::array<VkFormatProperties, vk::kNumVkFormats> mFormatProperties; |
| |
| // ANGLE uses a PipelineLayout cache to store compatible pipeline layouts. |
| std::mutex mPipelineLayoutCacheMutex; |
| PipelineLayoutCache mPipelineLayoutCache; |
| |
| // DescriptorSetLayouts are also managed in a cache. |
| std::mutex mDescriptorSetLayoutCacheMutex; |
| DescriptorSetLayoutCache mDescriptorSetLayoutCache; |
| |
| // Latest validation data for debug overlay. |
| std::string mLastValidationMessage; |
| uint32_t mValidationMessageCount; |
| |
| // How close to VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxMemoryAllocationCount we allow ourselves to get |
| static constexpr double kPercentMaxMemoryAllocationCount = 0.3; |
| // How many objects to garbage collect before issuing a flush() |
| uint32_t mGarbageCollectionFlushThreshold; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace rx |
| |