blob: 922a27a73c3e8cd46a94fd9f83b3fde75c4a0eb3 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: TypeError: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load https://localhost:9443/media/foo.vtt?url=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: TypeError: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load https://localhost:9443/media/foo.vtt?
PASS initialize global state
PASS same-origin text track should load
FAIL cross-origin text track with no-cors request should not load assert_equals: expected "error event" but got "load event"
PASS cross-origin text track with rejected cors request should not load
FAIL cross-origin text track with approved cors request should not load assert_equals: expected "error event" but got "load event"
PASS same-origin text track that redirects same-origin should load
FAIL same-origin text track that redirects cross-origin should not load assert_equals: expected "error event" but got "load event"
PASS same-origin text track that redirects to a cross-origin text track with rejected cors should not load
FAIL same-origin text track that redirects to a cross-origin text track with approved cors should not load assert_equals: expected "error event" but got "load event"
PASS restore global state